CITY OF GLOUCESTER PLANNING COMMITTEE Meeting: Tuesday, 6th October 2009 at 18:00 Committee Room 1, North Warehouse, The Docks, Gloucester, GL1 2EP Membership: Cllrs. P. McLellan (Chair), Hilton, Durrant, Smith, Gillespie (Vice-Chair), Ravenhill, Hanman, Lewis, Heath, Bhaimia, Dee, Porter and Taylor AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive from Members, declarations as to personal and/or prejudicial interests and the nature of those interests in relation to any agenda item. Please see Notes 1 and 2 overleaf. 3. MINUTES (Pages 1 - 4) The minutes of the meeting held on 1 September 2009 are attached. APPLICATIONS FOR DETERMINATION Person to contact : Development Control Manager Tel. 01452 396783 4. APPLICATION 09/00631/REM - AREA A4 FRAMEWORK PLAN 2/3, KINGSWAY, FORMER RAF QUEDGELEY (Pages 5 - 14) 5. APPLICATION 09/00976/CPA - ALLSTONE HOUSE, MYERS ROAD (Pages 15 - 32) 6. APPLICATION 09/00750/FUL - 136 CHELTENHAM ROAD (Pages 33 - 40) 7. APPLICATION 09/00891/FUL - 17 WINDMILL FIELD (Pages 41 - 46) OTHER ITEMS OF BUSINESS 8. MATTER FOR REPORTS (Pages 47 - 50) Planning Committee Tuesday, 6 October 2009 • Appeals Lodged • Appeal Update Report Person to contact : Development Control Manager Tel. 01452 396783 9. DELEGATED DECISIONS (Pages 51 - 62) Person to contact : Development Control Manager Tel. 01452 396783 10. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Tuesday 3 November 2009 at 18.00 hours ................................................... Amanda Wadsley Corporate Director of Strategy and Development Notes 1. A personal interest exists where a decision on a matter would affect to a greater extent than other people in the District:- (a) the well being, financial position, employment or business of the Councillor, their family or any person with whom they had a close association; (b) a body employing those persons, any firm in which they are a partner and any company of which they are directors; (c) any corporate body in which those persons have a beneficial interest in a class of securities exceeding the nominal value of £25,000; or (d) the Councillor’s registrable financial and other interests. 2. A personal interest becomes a prejudicial interest where a member of the public (who has knowledge of the circumstances) would reasonably regard the Member’s personal interest as being so significant that it is likely to prejudice the Councillor’s judgement of the public interest. Please contact Adam Chalmers, Democratic and Electoral Services Manager, Tel. No. 01452 396125/e-mail: [email protected] if you have a general query on any agenda item, wish to tender your apologies for absence from the meeting, or would like information on any decision taken by the Council. 2 Planning Committee Tuesday, 6 October 2009 Agenda and enclosures can be viewed on the District Council’s Website - www.gloucester.gov.uk If you would like a translation of agenda/minutes/reports or would like a large text version or an audio version please contact the Democratic Services Manager and we will try to accommodate your needs. 3 This page is intentionally left blank Page 1 Agenda Item 3 PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING : Tuesday, 1st September 2009 PRESENT : Cllrs. P. McLellan (Chair), Hilton, Durrant, Smith, Gillespie (Vice- Chair), Hanman, Ravenhill, Lewis, Heath, Dee, Porter and Taylor Officers in Attendance Rob Eaton, Group Manager, Development Services Mike Gethin, Principal Planning Officer Helen Woodward, Solicitor, Legal Services Neil Troughton, Principal Area Manager, Highways Department, Gloucestershire County Council Tony Moseley, Licensing Enforcement Manager Anthony Hughes, Democratic Services Officer APOLOGIES : Cllr. Bhaimia 45. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillors Hilton, P. McLellan, Porter and Taylor declared personal interests in Application No. 09/00747/COU - New County Hotel, Southgate Street having knowledge of a number of objectors. Councillor Smith also declared a personal interest in the same planning application, being a member of the board of Gloucester Heritage Urban Regeneration Company Limited, the company having submitted observations on the application. 46. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on 4 August 2009 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. Arising from Minute No. 38 (Application No. 07/00571/REM – Land at Bodiam Avenue, Tuffley), it was reported that the applicant had indicated their intention to appeal against the Committee’s decision. 47. APPLICATION NUMBER 09/00747/COU - NEW COUNTY HOTEL, SOUTHGATE STREET The Principal Planning Officer (MG) outlined the report setting out a proposal for the use of the former New County Hotel as a daytime public bar and restaurant at its front on the ground floor with private members’ club facilities at the rear ground floor, the first and second floors with ancillary staff accommodation on the third floor. In presenting the report, the Principal Planning Officer referred to a further 42 communications which had been received from interested parties since the publication of the report and a letter from the Gloucester Heritage Urban Regeneration Company, copies of which were circulated to the Committee. 1 Page 2 PLANNING COMMITTEE 01.09.09 The Committee received the following representations from members of the public:- Mr Andrew Harley commented that he had been a citizen of Gloucester for more than 50 years and was fully supportive of the city. He expressed concerns with regard to attitudes, which had been openly expressed in representations relating to the application, and suggested that they encouraged homophobia. Sue Johnson commented that she recognised the planning application could not be opposed on moral grounds and suggested a number of reasons why the application should be refused, including: (a) the proposals were contrary to the Local Plan and may prejudice the emerging Blackfriars redevelopment plans; (b) there was no provision for car parking especially disabled parking, and no provision had been made for the installation of a lift - both these omissions excluded persons with disabilities; (c) the inappropriateness of location in proximity to residential accommodation to be provided on the former Brunswick Campus, and the location near to churches, shops and memorials in the vicinity of Southgate Street. Members proceeded to discuss the application during which the following principal points were made: • concerns were expressed in relation to the nature of some of the representations made which did not relate to planning issues; • the difference between planning issues and licensing issues was clarified and the committee was informed of the current licensing position regarding the premises; • the Committee considered the proposal in the light of the Blackfriars Master Plan currently under consultation and the likely impact of the proposals on requirements for land take as part of the Blackfriars scheme. Councillor Lewis suggested that the proposed use was contrary to Local Plan Policy ST.10 (Development in the Central Area) as outlined in paragraph 3.2 of the report and on the motion of Councillor Lewis, seconded by Councillor Taylor, six Members voting in favour, five Members against and one Member abstaining, it was - RESOLVED That planning permission be refused on the grounds that:- This site would be an inappropriate location for the development proposed as the proposal would not support the existing attractions in the central area and would not reinforce Gloucester’s special character and sense of place contrary to policy ST.10 of the Second Deposit Gloucester Local Plan (2002). 48. APPLICATION NUMBER 07/00472/OUT - SITE A FORMER ST. GOBAIN & WELLMAN GRAHAM FACTORIES, BRISTOL ROAD/TUFFLEY CRESCENT 2 Page 3 PLANNING COMMITTEE 01.09.09 AND APPLICATION NUMBER 07/00474/OUT – SITE B FORMER CONTRACT CHEMICALS, BRISTOL ROAD The Group Manager, Development Services outlined the report and proposal for a mixed use development comprising residential (231 units), employment (B1 showroom) and D1 (community building) uses together with 1.1 hectare of public open space, new vehicular access onto Bristol Road and Tuffley Crescent and remediation of the land in accordance with accompanying illustrative master plan. The attention of the Committee was drawn to additional representation from the applicant. The Committee received a representation from Mr Tyrrell of Alder King, agent for the applicant GMV3 Limited who made reference to the additional representations as set out in the document circulated to Members. RESOLVED That both planning applications (07/00472/OUT and 07/00474/OUT) be approved, subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure the necessary financial contributions to ensure that both permissions are implemented at the same time, with conditions to be delegated to officers as set out in the report and to the following amendment: The deletion of the requirement to provide a community facility from the Section 106 Agreement relating to 07/00472/OUT and the addition of a requirement to stop-up the existing access to Bristol Road from the Contract Chemicals site and the existing access to Tuffley Crescent within one month of the new access being formed from the adjoining site. 49. APPLICATION NUMBER 09/00773/FUL - 1 LAVENDER VIEW The Principal Planning Officer (MG) outlined the application as set out in the report. RESOLVED That planning permission be granted, subject to the conditions set out in the report. 50. MATTER FOR REPORTS The Committee considered a report updating Members on appeals lodged and decisions. RESOLVED
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