1921-1922 Annual Catalogue Item Type Book Authors University of Arizona Publisher University of Arizona Rights Public Domain: This material has been identified as being free of known restrictions under U.S. copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights. Download date 24/09/2021 05:22:26 Item License http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/10150/580382 rIjt 010=50) of tríona aecorb tnnua{ Catalogue 1921 =1922 ERRATA Page 86.Advanced Degrees.By action of the faculty taken after the issuance of the catalogue,it will be necessary for candidates for Master's degrees to offer at least 15 units of acceptable credit, earned while in residence on the campus of the University of Arizona, at Tucson, for at least one semester.This regulationmateriallymodifiesthe statementinthe catalogue regarding completion of residence require- ments at summer schools. Page 76.The course leading to the degree of B. S. in Chemistry is a 144 -unit course, and the degree is conferred by the College of Mines and Engineering. Page 74.In the course for students preparing to teach Vocational Agriculture under the Smith Hughes Act, leading to the degree of B. S. in Education, Soil Chemistry (Agricultural Chemistry 2)will be given in the first semester of the third year. Page 83.In the course leading to the degree of B.S.inElectricalEngineering, Third Year,First semester,Mech. Arts 5should beMech. Eng. 5. To be filled out by the Superintendent or Principal of the School and mailed by himdirect totheRegistrar, UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA TUCSON, ARIZONA This certifies that M attended. High School for weeks and graduated ,19 The length of the course from which he graduated is years of weeks each. The number of credits required for graduation is Each credit represents a subject carried successfully for weeks with recitations, or equivalent exercises of minutes each per week. Below is given a detailed statement of the record of this student.Credits marked with a star were accepted from wishes to enter the College of Address of the Student : Signature Oncial Position Address Date of this Certificate (Street and Number) (OVER) DETAILED STATEMENT OF WORK m d d ,'11 .cdF r d ° SUBJECTS +°. .4 ...,:,4! W á ..U ° d F y ti-t-13. 4.2 4° 4 7 E- ,a 4 4 English, 1st yr 1 1 English, 2nd yr 1 1 English, 3rd yr 1 1 English, 4th yr 1 Algebra (E 1 1/2) 1 13fi Plane Geometry 1 1 Solid Geometry E % Trigonometry y2 Language (A & E) 2 4 Latin 4 German 2 French 2 Spanish 2 Greek 2 History 31/2 U. S. History & Civics 1 y2 Science 1 4 Physics (E) 1 1 Chemistry 1 Botany 1 Zoology 1 Geology 1 Physical Geography. 1 Physiology 1 Agriculture 1+ Industrial Training . 2 Dommercial Subjects.. 2 Domestic Science 1 Music i Drawing 1 Other Subjects Required subjects in black face type. A- College of Arts and Science. E- College of Mines and Engineering. THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA Thirty- First Annual Catalogue 1921 -1922 ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR 1922-1923 This Record constitutes part II of the Annual Report of the Board of 2egents of the University of Arizona made in conformity with Article 448.3, Title 42, Revised Statutes of Arizona, 1913. The University of Arizona Record is published four times a year by the University, at Tucson, Arizona.Entered as Second -Class Matter at the Post - office at Tucson, Arizona, under the Act of July 16, 1894. THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA RECORD Volume XV, Number 4 April, 1922 TUCSON, ARIZONA TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE CALENDAR FOR 1922 -1923 6 UNIVERSITY CALENDAR._.... 7 CAMPUS MAP 8 LEGEND FOR CAMPUS MAP 9 CART SHOWING GROWTH OF UNIVERSÌTY 10 ORGANIZATION OF UNIVERSITY 11 OFFICERS OF UNIVERSITY 12 Board of Regents. 12 Administrative Officers. 13 Officers of Instruction and Investigation 14 Executive Staff 20 Faculty Committees 21 GENERAL INFORMATION .............. 23 Purpose and Government 23 Maintenance and Endowment 24 History 25 Location and Climate._....._ 26 Grounds and Buildings 27 General Equipment_......_._ 29 Library._... -. 29 Museum . 30 Steward Observatory 32 Equipment of the College of Agriculture . 33 Equipment of the College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences 37 Equipment of the College of Mines and Engineering 41 Student Responsibilities and Accommodations 48 Expenses and Fees 49 Assistance to Students 51 Students' Loan Funds 51 Scholarships 52 Bureau of Mines Fellowships 53 Bureau of Recommendations_ 53 Honor and Learned Societies...... 53 Doctors' Academy 53 Sigma Xi Club ................ 54 isblc of Contents PAGE ADMISSION .. 54 General Requirements.._....._.._._..___ .___..54 Freshman Entrance Requirements 54 Scope of Admission Requirements ...... 55 Methods and Conditions of Admission_ .. 58 To Freshman Rank, on Certificate 58 By Examination 58 To Advanced Standing .59 From Arizona Normal Schools _....__....__ - 59 Special Students 60 UnclassifiedStudents. 60 REIS7RAY'ION 61 12ZGUI,ATIONS APE+ÉCTING RtGISTratD S11.7DÈNTS 62 DECSZEs 64 The Bachelor's Degree_..._ 64 Requirements for A.B. and B.S 65 Pre -MedicalCourse....__ 67 Pre -DentalCourse....__._. __ 67 Requirements for Degree School of Law 67 Courses in College of Agriculture 68 Courses in College of Education leading to B.A. and B.S. Degrees in Education 72 Teacher's Course in Academic Subjects 72 Teacher's Course in Home Economics 73 Teacher's Course in Vocational Agriculture .__._ 74 Teacher's Course in Trades and Industries 75 Courses in College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences..__. 76 Course leading to B.S. in Chemistry 76 Course leading to B.S. in Commerce 77 Courses leading to B.S. in Home Economics _.__. 78 Course leading to Degree in Law 81 Courses in College of Mines and Engineering 82 Course leading to B.S. in Civil Engineering 82 Course leading to B.S. in Electrical Engineering 83 Course leading to B.S. in Mechanical Engineering 84 Course leading to B.S. in Mining Engineering 85 Advanced Degrees 86 Masters' Degrees 86 Engineer of Mines .._.._ 86 MetallurgicalEngineer._.._ 86 Mining Geologist 86 Doctor of Philosophy 87 Table of Contents PAGE DESCRIPTION OF COURSES OF INSTRUCTION 88 Agricultural Chemistry 88 Agriculture _.. 89 Agronomy 90 Animal Husbandry 91 Archaeology 94 Art 95 Astronomy 96 Biology 97 Bacteriology 97 Botany 98 Zoology 100 Chemistry 101 Civil Engineering 103 Dairy Husbandry 106 Education 108 Electrical Engineering 114 English Composition and Rhetoric 116 English Literature 117 Entomology 119 French 119 Geology 122 German 125 Greek 126 History 127 Home Economics 130 Horticulture 134 Italian 136 Latin 137 Law 138 Mathematics 144 Mechanic Arts 146 Mechanical Engineering 149 Metallurgy and Ore Dressing 151 Military Science and Tactics 152 Mineralogy and Petrology 155 Mining Engineering 155 Music 157 Musical Organizations 159 Table of Contents PAGE Optical Mineralogy and Petrography 160 Philosophy 160 Physical Training for Men 161 Physical Training for Women 162 Physics 164 Plant Breeding 166 Plant Pathology 167 Poultry Husbandry .... 167 Psychology 169 Public Speaking 171 Social Science_. 172 Spanish 178 Zoology (See Biology) SUMMER SESSIONS 182 UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION 184 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 187 AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION SERVICE 190 ARIZONA BUREAU OF MINES 192 U. S. BUREAU OC MINES EXPERIMENT STATION 194 ARIZONA STATE LABORATORY 196 STATE SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF 197 DEGREES CONFERRED IN 1921 198 HONORS AND PRIZES 2012 MILITARY ORGANIZATION 205 REGISTER OP STUDENTS 208 INDEX 246 ....":ÿ. ..r,+a.+.>ti, ::?< . .........:,.. .`., .. .':,r'--¡;' ,r.{:... %o.f:yg.':;x:.r:.:, ...°'::"..<::. 1 11192211 1 JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH I APRIL S I M I T I WT F8 S I M I TWTFS SIMITIWI TIF IsI S1MITWT1FS 1234567 11 23I 4 1 891011121314 1234 56781910112345678 15161718192021567891011121314 1511617189101112131415 222324252627281213141516171819202112212324251617ls19202122 293031 192021222324252627281293031 23242526272829 262728 30 1 I MAY JUNE JULY I AUGUST SIM1TWITIF SSIMITIWITIF I SS IMITIWITIFISI S IMITIWTIT'S 7819101111121345161718191102131415.161 7I 8617 1819 011112 1441511617118119201112131141516117 9 11011111213114115413141511617118119 21221232412526271819120121222312416117118119201211222021221232425'26 282913031I 252612712829301 2312412512612712812927282913031 1 301311 I I I I 1 1 1 1 I SEPTEMBER I OCTOBER 1 NOVEMBER I DECEMBER S I MI TI F I S 1S I M1 TI WI TI F I S !S 1 MI TI WI TI F S IS I MI TI WI TI F I S 617 4 111213 I ! 1 1 1 1 1112 345 1 6 7 1 81911319110111112113114151617181911011113141516171819 I { 12113141s 10111112113114115116! 1511611711131192012111211311411511611718110111112113114115116 17118119120121(221231 2212312412512612712811912012112212312425117118119120121122123 24125126(271281291301 291301311 124125126127128129130 1 1 1261271281291301 I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I 1311 1 1 1 1 I 11 192311 1 JANUARY FEBRUARY I MARCH APRIL S I MI TI WTIF S S I MI TWTIFS IS I MI TI W T I F I S S IAlTI WI TI F I S 123456 1 23 1 1 23 14s4z, b I 7 891011121345678910145678 1 910 S91011121314 141516171819201112131415'16171112131415 161715161718192021 21222324252627181920212223241819202122123 2422232425262728 2829301131 25262728 2526272829130312930 1 f MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST 1 S I MI TI W TI F I S I S I MI TW TIFS S I MI T1 WTI F I S S I M I T IW I T I F I S 12345 12 1234567 1234 6 78910111234567 S 9 891011121314567891011 13141516171819101112131415161516171819202112131415161718 20212223242526171819202122232223242526272819202122232425 29 24252627282930293031 262728293031 SEPTEMBER lI OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER 3 1TIWTIFS SIMITIWITIFISSI MITI WTIFISS MITI W1T1F1S 1 2345678 7 8191101111121134lI56781911023456 78 910111213141514151161711S19I2011112113141511611791011
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