1937 CONGRESSIONAL RECbRD-HOUSE- - 3587. Nathaniel Lancaster, Jr., to be Forei.gri Sei-vice officer of HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES class 8 and' consul. Cecil B. Lyon to be Foreign Service officer of class 8 and MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1937· consul. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. John J. Macdonald to be Foreign Service officer of class 8 The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., and consul. offered the following prayer: Walter P. McConaughy to be Foreign Service officer of class 8 and consul. Heavenly Father, spirit of grace, incline our hearts to keep Robert Newbegin, 2d, to be Foreign Service officer of class Thy law. We open our needs to Thee; forgive us our sins. 8 and consul. So often our energies surge in uneasy conflict; we pray that Calvin Hawley Oakes to be Foreign Service officer of class they may be made subservient to a vigorous will and serv­ - 8 and consul. ants of a tender conscience. Almighty God, Thy hand was John B. Ocheltree to be Foreign Service officer of class 8 in the founding of the fortunes of our Republic; we bow at and consul. its altar and do homage to its ideals, its glorious company Edward Page, Jr., to be Foreign Service officer of class 8 of apostles and martyrs of human liberty. May we ever and consul. cherish it as our home, and may it remain the shrine of our James K. Penfield to be Foreign Service officer of class 8 hearts. The blessings of a merciful Father rest with the no­ and consul. table organization which is the present guest of our city. Arthur R. Ringwalt to be Foreign Service officer of class 8 Bless our whole land with enduring God-fearing men and and consul. women. 0 send a flush of gratitude through all breasts and Gerald Warner to be Foreign Service officer of class 8 and let Columbia become the crown of our unfulfilled lives and consul. hopes. We pray that this new week may be a rich oppor­ Kenneth J. Yearns to be Foreign Service officer of class 8 tunity ~or our Speaker and Congress for serving, sharing, and consul. and learning. Through Christ. Amen. Eric C. Wendelin to be Foreign Service officer of class 8 and The Journal of the proceedings of Thursday, April 15, consul 1937, was read and approved. POSTMASTERS MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE ALABAMA A message from the Senate, by Mr. Frazier, its legislative Mrs. Alba M. King, Newton. clerk, announced that the Senate had passed a bill of the Annie M. McCane, Repton. · following title, in which the concurrence of the House is Thomas 0. Smith, Jr., Wilsonville. requested: · CALIFORNIA S.l131. An act to amend the part of the act entitled "An act making appropriations for the naval service for the· Jack W. Lands, Diamond Spring. fiscal year ending June 30, 1921, and for other purposes", FLORIDA approved June 4, 1920, relating to the conservation, care, Walter Edward Clark, Fruitland Park. custody, protection, and operation of the naval petroleum Horace J. Charles, Oxford. and oil-shale reserves. Matilda R. Pasteur, Silver Springs. The message also announced that the Senate had passed with amendments, in which the concurrence of the HouSe GEORGIA is requested, a bill of the House of the following title: Judge T. D. Conley, College Park. H. R. 5966. An act making appropriations for the legisla- · Mrs. Hubert H. Berry, Sparta. tive branch of the Government for the fiscal year ending MASSSACHUSET'lS June 30, 1938, and for other purpose$. John Eugene Madigan, Warren. The message also announced that the Senate insists upon MINNESOTA its amendments to the foregoing bill, requests a conference with the House thereon, and appoints Mr. TYDINGS, Mr. Howard 0. Haggberg, Isle. Ole E. Nelson, Marietta. BYRNES, Mr. ADAMS, Mr. McCARRAN, and Mr. liALB to be the George Neumann, Osseo. conferees on the part of the Senate. EXTENSION OF REMARKS MISSOURI Mr. MILLER asked and was given permission to extend hJs James A. Parrett, Elmer. own remarks in the RECORD. Jesse H. Parsons, Otterville. James D. Evans, Stoutland. PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSB Frank E. Lafferty, Trenton. Mr. SPENCE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that Ethel L. Lauderdale, Wellington. on next Wednesday after the reading of the Journal and the NEW JERSEY disposition of business on the Speaker's table I may be per­ mitted to address the House for 15 minutes. AnnaT. Hues, Demarest. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the Paul N. Hindenach, Riegelsville. gent~man from Kentucky? Mary F. Brophy, Skillman. There was no objection. John P. Ryan, Warren Point. NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR, 1939 NEW MEXICO Mr. O'CONNOR of New York, from the Committee on Charles E. Gibbs, Madrid. Rules, submitted the following report <No. 619) for printing OKLAHOMA in the RECORD: Edna M. Smith, Deer Creek. House Resolution 189 Katharine L. Hickman, Jet. Resolved, That upon the adoption of this resolution 1t shall be Enid Clark Stout, Marland. 1n order to move that the House resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for the considera­ C. Estelle Douthat, Quapaw. tion of House Joint Resolution 304, a joint resolution authorizing Riley T. Holbert, Sperry. Federal participation in the New York World's Fair, 1939. That Loyd Barclay, Tryon. after general debate, which shall be confined to the joint resolu­ tion and continue not to exceed 1 hour, to be equally divided SOUTH CAROLINA and controlled by the chairman and ranking -minority member of Fred Mishoe, Greelyville. the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the joint resolution shall be read for amendment under the 5-minute rule. At the conclusion James V. Askew, Jr., Lockhart. of the reading of the joint resolution for amendment, the Com­ John B. Harmon, Jr., McCormick. mittee shall rise a.nd report the same to the House with such 3588 ·coNGRESS"IONAt RECO-RD-HOUSE APRIL 19 amendments a.s may ha.ve been adopted, and the previous question said after he had been notified that interruptions were not shall be considered as ordered on the joint resolution and amend­ desired. But it takes all of that. to get it out. ments t~ereto to,final passage without intervening motion, except one motion to recommit, with or without instructions. In this particular instance the Speaker did not authorize PROCEDURE IN REPORTING PROCEEDINGS OF THE HOUSE the reporter to strike out the interjection of the gentleman Ncr.CURLEYrore. from New York [Mr. CURLEY] now occupying the floor, be­ The SPEAKER. For what purpose does the gentleman cause the Chairman of the Committee of the Whole was at from New York rise? that time presiding. The Chair may say that in conformity with this prece­ Mr. CURLEY. I rise to propound a parliamentary in­ quiry, Mr. Speaker. dent, and what the Chair conceives to be sound procedure rule should be reiterated that when a Member is The SPEAKER. '11le gentleman will state his parlia­ ~he occupy~ mentary inquiry. mg the floor and a Member after addressing the Chair and asking the Member then occupying the floor if he will yield Mr. CURLEY. Last Thursday, April 15, during the dis­ for a ques~ion or for an interruption, and the gentleman I cussion of the antilynching bill, submitted two questions then speaking declines to yield, it is not proper for a Mem­ to the gentleman from New York [Mr. WADSWORTH]. Upon ber nevertheless to interject into the RECORD some remark reading the CoNGRESSIONAL RECORD the following day I which he desires to make. found they were omitted. In the courre of the extension of my own address on the following page in the RECORD that Under the particular circumstances now raised by the fact is mentioned in my own address; so that on a cheek­ gentleman from New York [Mr. CURLEY], and in view of the back it will be found that these two questions have been · f_act. the question has not heretofore been presented at this omitted, and we find that they were omitted inadvertently session of the Congress, the Chair is of the opinion it may by the reporter. The reporter has informed me of the fact not be an injustice to instruct the reporter to incorporate in the permanent RECORD in this instance the statement made that that is the truth. by the gentleman from New York [Mr. CURLEY]. What I wish to know, Mr. Speaker, is whether ar not I can have the permanent RECORD corrected so as to include .The C:hair may say, however, that hereafter in conformity the two questions and the offside remark that went with With this ·rule and what he regards as sound practice the .them? Chair instructs the reporters of debates where a Me:nber The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman from New York allow ~eclines to yield and notwithstanding another Member seek­ the Chair to ask him a question before ruling on the gen­ mg to interrupt him ~rsists in talking, that those remarks tleman's inquiry? . shall not be incorporated in the REcoRD. Mr. Mr. CURLEY. Certainly. CURLEY. I thank the Speaker. ~r. SNELL. Mr. Speaker, a further parliamentary in­ The SPEAKER. Did the gentleman from New York ad­ qwry. dress the Chair and ask whether or not the gentleman from . New York [Mr. WADSWORTH], then occupying the floor. The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. , would yield? . Mr. SNELL. Provided the gentleman from New York [Mr. Mr. CURLEY. I did, Mr. Speaker. I think the gentle­ W ADswoRTHl did not want to yield and does not want these man from New York [Mr.
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