Coho-ho to you* too Here's a (true!) fishing tale to top all fishing tales Up Frankfort way they're known as "The Lake Michigan. The Big Lake was sporting afternoon in the quiet of the channel. against my leg?" Britten said. "It was the who owned the gas station that sent the wrecker. Submarine Boys from St, Johns." 10-foot waves, and with small craft warnings "We had just the one day to fish," Britten station wagon pushing me in," The Peacocks provided the*1 two men with a It all happened . and happened, and in effect, the Frankfort dock area was con­ said. "It was either go out in those waves or The brakes had let go on the station wagon, and change of clothes,socks and shoes, gave them happened the weekend, of Sept, 9 when Don gested with about 530 other boats and trailers, come on home without any fish. We stuck Ryan's car rolled down the ramp and into supper and sleeping quarters Saturday night. Britten of 501 N. Clinton Avenue and Roy around until about 4:30 in the afternoon before Betsy River's 20 feet of water. The boat Ryan of 2719 W. Steel Road drove up to RYAN'S BOAT WAS NOT classed as a small we got up enough nerve to go out. popped off and floated away. It was retrieved. SUNDAY DAWNED BUSY at the station. Frankfort to do their first fishing for the craft, so he and Brittan decided to try their . "A lot of other boats our size were going out, The car floated for awhile, Britten said, with Britten and Ryan volunteered their assistance, mighty cblio salmon. luck. They had to wait several hours for a but they were experienced. We talked to a few the top visible, but the movement of the big hoping this would give Peacock more of a What they intended to be a day of fishing marina to open so they could get gas for their of them and learned how to ride the waves, car ferry boats at Frankfort slowly sucked chance to work on their car, but the pace wound up to be three 'days of wild experience empty reserve cans, then an hour in line at the and so put we went." the car and trailer farther away from shore was so hectic the work amounted to only five and only a few hours of actual fishing. No more unloading ramp before they could launch the The three hours out on the lake were probably and into deeper water. minutes or so each hour all day. wild a tale have fisherman told than Britten boat. Once in the water one of the two 28- the quietest of the three days as far as ex­ A'wrecker was called to pull the car out, and Britten helped out- on wrecker calls, making and Ryan when they were towed into St. Johns horsepower motors wouldn't work. periences go. Britten hooked two coho—15 and Ryan, diving to attach the tow chain, lost his 10 during the day to tow away cars and trailers last Monday afternoon. Would you believe .,. But they headed out the channel anyway. Lake 13 pounds and full of fight. shoes. that had been parked helter-skelter by fisher­ At 4:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 9, Britten and Michigan was sending waves high over the eight- At 7:30 p.m. they returned to shore and more Any thoughts of a one-day fishing trip were men anxious to get out on the water. They did Ryan arrived at Frankfort pulling Ryan's 18- foot breakwater, so Britten and Ryan were trouble. They began to load the boat. now "washed out," Britten and Ryan accepted get some fishing in Sunday afternoon, and Ryan foot boat and ready for a day of fishing on forced to wait all morning and most of the "I WAS RUNNING the winch and felt something the hospitality of Mr and Mrs Ralph Peacock (See FISH TALE, Page 9-A) * •• • • • • Ovid ordinance sets 412,000 sewers loan OVID — The Ovid Village Coun­ Full details of the sewer pro­ cil passed a lengthy ordinance ject haven't been released by the Monday night providing for the engineers for the project. borrowing of $412,000 from the THE OVID COUNCIL passed Farmers Home Administration to another ordinance Monday night aid in the construction of a sewer­ authorizing a $5 turn-on charge age system for the village. and a $15 deposit on new water 112th Year, No. 22 ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN —THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 21, 1967 2 SECTIONS - 40 PAGES 15 Cents Passage came at a special services. The new ordinance is an meeting of the council Monday amendment to the village'swater night so that the ordinance could ordinance. be published in full within seven At last week's village council days of its passage. The ordi­ meeting, new work rules were Jaycees nance Is printed elsewhere in adopted,, stipulating that village i n this issue of the Clinton County employees work a 44-hour week, News. except for police officers who Ovid proposes to use the money work a 56-hour week. The work plan new plus $270,000 from a federal rules also provide for vacation grant to build a lagoon-type sew­ schedules, paid holidays and sick age treatment facility, including leave. sewer n :\Jns. Civil Defense Director Jerry VILLAGE PRESIDENT Harvey Ross is being asked to work out tot lot Darling told the council last week arrangements with the Create St. Johns Jaycees have voted the ordinance had been approved Club for providing citizen band to develop a tot-lot playground by the Farmers Home Adminis­ radio service In times of emer­ for youngsters in the north part tration. Darling earlier had sign­ gency. The club made the offer to of town, and indications are It ed papers at the FHA office In the village. could be in use early next sum­ Ithaca earmarking the $412 as a Names of residents who do not mer. direct government loan at 4 per comply with alastnoticefromthe village police concerning viola­ The proposed playground will cent interest and $270,000 federal be located on the southeast cor­ grant. tions of the blight ordinance will be turned over to the village ner of the Gibbs-Ottawa inter­ The ordinance passed Monday section—on the site of the old night pertains to the borrowing of attorney for action. The council voted last week to give the of­ water plant and water tower. funds and not to thefederal grant. It .will ,be designed - primarUy . -The lagoon for Avid's sewage fenders one_last opportunity to comply without penalty; ' -• -> - - JAYCEES' - PRO POSED-T0T -LO-T-PLAYGRQU-N 0.*6OU LD LOOK- SOMETHING -LIKE-T.HIS- for children up'to about 10 years treatment will be constructed of age, • ' ' * • •' primarily on land now owned by we** John Vahiman : Jrf.tsouth and a - .The St. Johns.City Commission little east of the vuufoT.prJ1 has already'given approval for lage is in the process ofpurcha's- • the, use of the land for a play­ ing the land now. Ovid officials Band gets ground, and the Jaycees have have been assured of no odor be­ proposed to"buy the playground yond 500 feet of the lagoon as a equipment and fencing and to result of strict state control over install everything. Total cost for behavior could run as high as $3,000. the sewage processing. St. Johns bandsmen who attended the six-day summer band camp at Michigan State University got more out of The proposed project was in­ Postmaster shows it than they might have thought. troduced to the Jaycee board The something more was a good reputation for their of directors last month by John ZIP film to Exchange behavior on campus. Furryt a long-time Jaycee mem­ St. Johns Postmaster J. D. MSU professor of music W. H. Hodgson sent letters if auto strike persists ber and now a city commissioner. Robinson showed a movie film of appreciation for the display of citizenship to high school The board gave its approval, and concerning the use of. the postal Principal B. Stanley Pocius and Supt. of Schools Earl The two - week - old strike Johns industries. going to affect us too much; if it down all over the area . .. This later the city commission gave ZIP code last Thursday at the bi­ Lancaster. against the Ford Motor Co. could "We're continuing our opera­ goes into next month we'll prob­ area is pretty heavily dependent its-blessing to the project. Last weekly noon meeting of the St. Professor Hodgson complimented the school for what force layoffs at St, Johns' two tions to the end of the month," ably have to do something—rec­ on the auto plants lnLansing,and week the Jaycee membership ap­ ftTbhns Exchange Club. Program he called "an unusually fine impression the marching band major industries next month un­ F-M Plant Manager Edward Idz- ognize it and curtail our opera­ those people are not buying be­ proved' the project. | chairman was Leon Brewbaker. made" during the stay on the MSU campus. less a settlement is reached by kowski said Tuesday. 'Ford has tions." cause they know they might be : .James Moore was a guest at the "The assessment of the musical and marching skills then. requested that we finish off all Bruce Fowler of Egan Ford next." FURRY WAS NAMED chairman £ meeting. you may wish to examine in another place," he said. The strike has already affected" our September requirements Sales in St.
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