http://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf3v19n6cs No online items Register of the Rusztem Vambéry papers Finding aid prepared by Hoover Institution Library and Archives Hoover Institution Library and Archives © 1999 434 Galvez Mall Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-6003 [email protected] URL: http://www.hoover.org/library-and-archives Register of the Rusztem Vambéry 75089 1 papers Title: Rusztem Vambéry papers Date (inclusive): 1887-1948 Collection Number: 75089 Contributing Institution: Hoover Institution Library and Archives Language of Material: In Hungarian and English Physical Description: 9 manuscript boxes, 1 oversize box(5.75 Linear Feet) Abstract: Correspondence, speeches and writings, reports, and printed matter, relating to criminology, Hungarian domestic and foreign affairs, Hungarian- American relations, and Hungarian emigres in the U.S. Creator: Vámbéry, Rusztem, 1872- Access The collection is open for research; materials must be requested at least two business days in advance of intended use. Publication Rights For copyright status, please contact the Hoover Institution Library & Archives. Acquisition Information Acquired by the Hoover Institution Library & Archives in 1975. Preferred Citation [Identification of item], Rusztem Vambéry Papers, [Box no., Folder no. or title], Hoover Institution Library & Archives. 1872 Born, Budapest, Hungary 1897 Admitted to the Bar of Budapest 1899-1913 Judge to the Court of Appeals and attached to the Department of Bill Drafting at the Ministry of Justice 1902 Reader in criminal law, Law School at the University of Budapest 1905 Secretary of Juridical Society 1908-1921 Professor of Law, Law School at the University of Budapest 1913-1939 Editor, Jogtudományi Koezloeny (Law Gazette) 1914 Vice Chairman of the liberal Kossuth Party 1918 Member of the National Council during th October Revolution 1922-1938 Practiced law (defended Mátyás Rákosi and other political prisoners of the left, lectured in Hungary, Czechoslovakia and England) 1924-1939 Founder and editor in chief of Századunk ( Our Century, a journal of sociology) 1938 Immigrated to the United States of America 1939-? Professor at the New School of Social Research, in New York 1939- President of Committee for New Democratic Hungary 1941?-1945 Special Advisor to the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and the British Information Service on Hungarian matters 1946-1948 Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the United States (appointed September 6, 1946 and resigned May 19, 1948) Subjects and Indexing Terms Hungarians -- United States Hungary -- Politics and government Diplomats -- Hungary Hungary -- Foreign relations -- United States United States -- Foreign relations -- Hungary Crime Biographical File 1896-1948. box 1 Personal documents, personal data sheets, recommendations and newspaper clippings box 10 Juris doctor diploma 1896 May 16 Register of the Rusztem Vambéry 75089 2 papers Correspondence 1890-1948 Correspondence 1890-1948 Arrangement Arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent. box 1 Unidentified 1938-1948 Alexander, Abraham (Princeton, New Jersey) 1938 Abraham, Dezsoe (Budapest, Hungary) 1948 Alth, (first name not given) (Connecticut) 1948 American Guild for German Cultural Freedom, Inc. (New York) 1941 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Inc. (New York) 1943 Auer, Pál (Budapest, Hungary) 1945 Aufbau/Reconstruction (New York) 1947 Bán, Antal (Zuerich) 1947 Benn, Captain (first name not given) (n.p.) 1922 Boehm, Paul (Solna, Sweden) 1948 British Embassy (Washington, D. C.) 1947 British Information Service (New York) 1941-1946 British Liaison Office with the United Nations (New York) 1943-1945 British Political Representative (Bucharest, Romania) 1946 Carp, Betty (New York) 1942 Carr, E. H. (London) 1947 Chicago Daily News (Chicago) 1939 Clark, Tom C., Attorney General (Washington, D. C.) 1948 Columbia Broadcasting System (New York) 1943 Columbia University (New York) 1940 Commentary, a Jewish Review (New York) 1946 Coudenhove-Kalergi, Count Richard N. (New York) 1942 Crosby, Helen (New York) 1943 Csornoky, Viktor (Budapest, Hungary) 1946 Czechoslovak Consul General (New York) 1945 Czechoslovak Legation (Washington, D. C.) 1939 Czechoslovak Minister (Washington, D. C.) n.d. Desmond, Thomas C. (Albany, N. Y.) 1946 Faludi, Gyoergy (n.p.) n.d. Finzi, Marcello (New York) 1941 Flexner, Abraham (Princeton, New Jersey) 1939 Foreign Economic Administration (Washington, D. C.) 1944 Fry, Varian (New York) 1940 Fueloep-Miller, Rene (Croton-on-Hudson, New York) 1941 Gavrilovic, Stojan (New York) 1944 Graustein and Kormendi (New York) 1946 Greenbaum, Wolf and Ernst (New York) 1948 Haász, Istvánné and Sváb, Miklósné (Budapest, Hungary) 1945 Halasi, Bela (Chicago) 1948 Hall, Donald (New York) 1941-1943 Halmos, Irene (Chicago) 1939 Haraszti, (first name not given) (n.p.) 1948 Harriman, J. Borden, Mrs. (New York) 1945 Henry, Charles (New York) 1948 Howard, Harry N. (Arlington, Virginia) 1946 Hungarian Social-democratic Party, secretariat (Budapest, Hungary) 1939 Hungary, Legation (Washington, D. C.) 1946-1948 Hungary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Budapest, Hungary) 1947 International Committee for Political Prisoners (New York) 1938-1941 Irwing, (first name not given) (n.p.) 1890 Jelinek, Vl. (Lake Succes, N. Y.) 1947 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (Evanston, Illinois) 1940 Károlyi, Count Mihaly (Paris) 1948 Register of the Rusztem Vambéry 75089 3 papers Correspondence 1890-1948 Kepecs, Milton (New York) 1948 Kéthly, Anna (New York) 1946 Kobb, Marian (New York) n.d. Kormendi, Ladislas (New York) 1946 Kosanovic, Sava N. (New York) 1946 Krutch, Joseph Wood (New York) 1943 box 2 Labour Party (London) 1939 La Follette, Philip F. (Madison, Wisconsin) 1940 London School of Economics and Political Science (London) 1947 Ludwig, Emil (Pacific Palisades, California) 1942 Marley, Lord (New Court, Middle Temple, E.C.4.) 1938 Masaryk, Jan (London) 1941 Massachusetts League of Women Voters (Boston) 1940 Miller, Herbert A. (Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania) 1938 Minkoff, J. M. (New York) n.d. Molnár, Erik (Budapest, Hungary) 1948 Montogmery, John Flournoy (Princeton, New Jersey) 1942 National Conference of Christians and Jews, Inc. (Louisville, Kentucky) 1948 New School for Social Research (New York) 1939-1940 New York Public Library (New York) 1940-1941 News (New York) 1941 Nógrádi, Béla (Cleveland, Ohio) n.d. PM Daily (New York) 1948 Phillips, Natalie K. (Washington, D. C.) 1948 Reményik, Zs. (New York) 1939 Rockefeller Foundation (New York) 1940-1947 Royal Institute of International Affairs (London) 1947 Ryan, Phillis (Washington, D. C.) 1948 Salvemini, Gaetano (Cambridge, Massachusetts) 1942 Schapiro, J. Salwyn (New York) 1938 Segrave, J. C. (Budapest, Hungary) 1938 Sforza, (first name not given) (Cleveland, Ohio, New York) 1941 Steinmetz, Charles (n.p.) 1940 Stern, J. David (Philadelphia, Ohio) 1941 Stumer, Alfred M. (Copenhagen) 1938 Szent-Iványi, Alexander (Boston, Massachusetts) 1947 Trahan, Marcel (Montreal, Canada) 1944 United Nations (Lake Success, N. Y.) 1947 U.S. Courts, Administrative Officer of (Washington, D. C.) 1942 U.S. Department of State (Washington, D. C.) 1941-1947 U.S. Office of Strategic Services (New York) 1940-1941 U.S. Office of War Information (New York) 1941-1944 U.S. Treasury Department (Washington, D. C.) 1942-1943 University of California, Department of History (Berkeley) 1939 University of California, International House (Berkeley) 1939 University of California (Los Angeles) 1940 University of Illinois (Urbana, Illinois) 1942 University of Wisconsin (Madison, Wisconsin) 1942 Vince, Alexander (Chicago) 1941 Wrong, George M. (Toronto, Canada) 1940 Speeches and Writings 1890-1948 Scope and Contents Handwritten and typewritten writings, lectures, speeches, book reviews, and letters to editors, arranged by type of document and thereunder alphabetically by either subject or title. box 2 Bibliography Untitled writings Register of the Rusztem Vambéry 75089 4 papers Speeches and Writings 1890-1948 Balkans Good and evil Danube Valley, Politics and government Del Vayo Democracy Europe, Politics Fascism Hungary, History Hungary, History, Uprising 1848-1849 Hungary, History 20th century Hungary, Politics and government Hungary, Politics and government 1918-1945 Intellect Jews, Hungary Juvenile delinquency Law Minorities Minorities, Central Europe Philosophy, miscellanea Race awarness Social history Truthfulness and falsehood box 3 Titled writings Agrarian problem in Southeastern Europe, extracts from a lecture given at the Philadelphia Ethical Society, typewritten 1944. Akiket nem érdekel sem Ady sem Ignotus (Those, who are not interested either in Ady, or Ingnotus), draft, in Hungarian, typewritten n.d. And after Horthy what? a draft of an article for the newspaper Harc ( Fight), n.d. Angol boertoen reform ( British prison reform), published article, Az Est ( Evening), in Hungarian. July 11, 1923, Angol buentetoejog ( British criminal law), draft, in Hungarian, handwritten. Angol koezvélemény és a halálbuentetés (British public opinion and the capital punishment), published article, Világ (World), in Hungarian. January 20, 1923, General Physical Description note: Clipping. Vambéry Rusztem az angol választások mérlegéroel (Rusztem Vambéry, about the election results of England), published article, Világ (World), in Hungarian. November 15, 1924, General Physical Description note: Clipping. Apai oeroekségem; Deák Ferenc ( Paternal heritage; Francis Deák), published
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