[ABSEM3BLY.1 (2) If funds were available, how long LCrg4uautur Arnwmbly would it take to complete the respective tasks mentioned in No. (1) (a), (b) and Wednesday. 16th October, 1957. (c) ? CONTENTS. (3) If the respective tasks set out in No. Page (1) (a), (b) and (c) were completed, what Questions : Education, (a) overtaking class- would be the effect on- room shortage, etc. ... 28.0M (b) Moors State school, accommoda- (a) teacher requirements under each tion, etc. 2281 heading; Traffic, drunken driving charges 2281 (b) annual education costs under Road reserves, statutory authority to each heading? destroy trees _ ... .. -2281 The MINISTER replied;, Main Roads Department, work on assisted roads .... 2281 (1) if the hon. member means the pro- First aid, inclusion in teachers' course,. 2282 vision of proper classrooms to replace Area adjacent to Parliament House, temporary accommodation in use at the details, ownership and future use ...2282 present moment such as hired halls, cloak 'State rental homes, effect of pension rooms, staff rooms, etc., and for which Increases on pensioners' rents ...2282 replacement no financial allocation has Railways, (a) closure of Bridge-t. book- been made in the current financial year, ing office ........ ......... 2282 the answers would be-- (b) inspection of sleepers at mill ...2282 (a) Prlmary-ElO.250. North-West grazing, survey of potenti- (b) Secondary-Nil. alities .... .. .. .. .. 2282 Weights and measures, alternative This does not take into account the ad- arrangements re scales for countr ditional rooms necessary to accommodate traders .. .. 2283.. the increased enrolment expected in Feb- Native welfare, departmental visits to ruary, 1958-4,150 in primary schools and Warburton mission ... .. 2283 1,160 in secondary schools. Nor does it Katanaing snack bar, alternative site .2283 include the replacement of some very old Uniform building by-laws, completion of and out-moded rooms considered unsuit- committee's deliberations .. .. 2284 able. If these needs are included, the Papers : State Housing Commission, appoint- funds necessary, over and above the ment of senior officers, tabling flies .. 12284 amount already allocated in the financial Bills : Government Railways Act Amend- year would be- ment, ir........ .... .. 2284 (a) Primary-461,140. Roman Catholic Vicariate of the Kim- berleys Property, Xr.............. 2284 (b) Secondary-3.7,500. Interpretation Act Amendment (No. 2), This does not take into account any Council's amendments ... .2304 possible reforms such as reducing the size Juries, Council's amendments .... 2304 of classes or raising the permissible leav- Metropolitan (Perth) Passenger Trans- ing age. Nor does it include septic tank port Trust, to inquire by joint select installations, playground improvements, committee, Council's message ...2304 teachers' quarters and other ancillaries. Hire-Puchase Agreements, Corn. 2305 ,Constitution Acts Amendment, 2r- 2310 (c) It is not possible to consider this Electoral Districts Act Amendment, 2r. 2316 division in terms of classrooms, but it is anticipated that the expansion of technical education facilities and the conversion of The SPEAKER took the Chair at 4.30 former high schools for technical education purposes will Involve p.m., and read prayers. an expenditure of £1,750,000. QUESTIONS. (2) (a) A few months. EDUCATION. (b) A few months. (a) Overtaking Classroom Shtortage, etc. (c) Two to three years. (3) (a) There are sufficient teachers Mr. COURT asked the Minister for Edu- available to staff the schools cation: under present rules for staffing, (1) If funds were available, how much and there will be in 1958 and would be required- 1959. Beyond that, it is not (a) to overtake the whole primary possible to estimate; but it is classroom shortage including ap- expected that the rate of re- propriate equipment; cruitment will keep pace with (b) to overtake high school classroom - the increased enrolments. shortage including appropriate The anticipated annual in- equipment; creases from 19511 onward re- (Ce) to overtake technical education quire approximately- deficiencies in buildings and -110 extra teachers for prim- equipment? ary schools; [16 October, 1957.) 228128 90 extra, teachers for second- The MINISTER replied: ary schools;, and (1) There is no charge of drunken 20 extra teachers for techni- driving; but with respect to driving under cal schools. the influence of liquor or drugs, there has (b) Primary- been an increase. £108,000 approximately. (2) The records do not separate adults and persons under the age of 21 years. Secondary- Persons convicted in the metropolitan area £105,550 approximately. were 129. Figures for the country are not Technical- available. £26,000 approximately. (3) Persons convicted numbered 228. (b) Moora State School, Accommodation, (4) No. etc. (5) Answered by No. (4). Mr. ACKLAND asked the Minister for Education: ROAD RESERVES. (1) Is it the intention to make the Statutory Authority to Destroy Trees. Moora, State school a junior high school Mr. W. A. MLANNING asked the Minister as from the commencement of the 1958 for Works: school year? (1) What authorities or departments (2) If so- have the right to destroy trees within road (a) Is It the intention of the depart- reserves beside either main roads or those ment to provide the extra school under the control of road boards, and what rooms so urgently needed before statute or regulation autiborises such de- the 1958 school year? struction? (b) If not, when will the additional (2) Who has power to Prevent unneces- classrooms be provided? sary destruction by such authorities or (3) As the Moora, school is in two parts, departments? situated more than a quarter-of-a-mile The MINISTER replied: apart, each with its separate grounds, is it considered that the head master has any (1) Most State Government instru- chance of efficiently supervising the work mentalities and local authorities are em- and conduct of his school? Powered under their respective statutes to remove trees growing on road reserves-. The MINISTER replied: where such trees obstruct the Installatfoni (1) It is the intention of the department or construction of their respective works., to make Moora State school a junior high Commonwealth Government departments; have similar powers under Commonwealth school as from the beginning of 1958. statute. (2) (a) No: finances will rnot permit. (2) With State Government Instru- (b) It is hoped during the financial mentalities, the Minister in charge of each year 1958-59. department has authority to prevent un- (3) Yes. necessary destruction of trees. Local authorities can, at their discretion, remove TRAFFIC. trees from road reserves, except in areas which are State forests, when the permis- Drunken Driving Charges. sion of the Conservator of Forests must Mr. CROMMEIJN asked the Minister first he obtained. for Transport: (1) Is the incidence of drunken driving MAIN ROADS DEPARTMENT. increasing? Work on Assisted Roads. (2) How many charges of drunken Mr. W. A. MANNING asked the Mints'2 driving were laid from the 1st July, 1956, for Works: to the 31st December, 1956, against- (1) Is it a fact that road work on (a) adults: assisted roads Previously done by country (b) persons under 21 years of age? road boards is now being undertaken by (3) How many charges were laid for the Main Roads Department in somee the same offence for the period from the cases? 1st January, 1957, to the 30th June, 1957, (2) If so, what would be the reasonV against- The MINISTER replied: (a) adults; (b) persons under 21 years Of age? (1) There has been no variation in the Policy of the Main Roads Department of (4) Is it the intention of the Govern- carrying out works with departmental ment to make blood tests compulsory for organisations assisted by local authorities charges of drunken driving? as and when required. (5) If so, when? (2) Answered by No. (1), [ASSEMBLY.] FIRST AID. The MINISTER replied: Inclusion in Teachers' Course. (1) Yes; rents will be affected as the Mr. EVANS asked the Minister for commission is bound by the requirements Education: of the formula in the Commonwealth-State Housing Agreement, 1946, which sets out (1) Does he not consider that the train- how ing in first aid and ambulance work should the economic rent and rebates are 'be a compulsory part of the training course determined. of school teachers? (2) (a) Aged couple with no other oc- cupants in home, £1 increased (2) Will he give consideration to the to £1 3s. per week. 'above inclusion and the establishment of iSt. John Ambulance competitions for (b) Aged pensioner, sole occupant. -teachers, similar to those enjoyed by rail- 8s. per week increased to 'way workers? 8s. 6d. per week. The MINISTER replied: RAILWAYS. (1) Training in first aid is already a (aw closure of Brid ge-St. Booking Office. fcompulsory part of the course at teachers' colleges, Mr. JAMIESON asked the Minister rep- (2) It is not considered that training to resenting the Minister for Railways: ,enter for -competition work should be part (1) What necessitated the closing of tof the first aid course for teachers. the Bridge-st. booking office at the Perth railway station? AREA ADJACENT TO PARLIAMENT (2) What Provision has been made for 'HOUSE. the convenience of passengers normally Details, Ownership and Future Use. securing tickets at this office? Hon. D. BRAND asked the Minister re- (3) (a) Has there been a recent f all- presenting the Minister for Local Govern- off in ticket sales at this office? ment: (b) If so, will he supply relevant (1) what are the future plans for the figures? area bounded by Hay-st., Harvest Terrafie. The MINISTER FOR TRANSFORT Havelock-st. and Parliament Place? replied: .12) How many properties In this area (1) As an economy measure the book- -now -belong to the State or State instru- ing office is closed during portion of the day.
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