.«...,.«. ,. ,„.,„■■ ^*aESl VOL. 78, NO. 30 M M S)AN tt 200^ ■ : DOWJONIS B R E Z E **8?etoMI 10.SI7.M u N MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 2001 Thomas, Nader set to speak Lectures to honor James Madison's birthday BY DAVID CLEMENTSON Cindy Mooy, assistant direc- ited senior David Sessa, UPB contributing writer tor of media relations. "For director of issues and cultural an expected overflow, satel- awareness, for bringing In celebration of James lite locations on campus also Nader to campus. Madison's 250th birthday in will carry a live broadcast of "Ralph Nader embodies a March, Supreme Court Jus- both speeches." great deal of Madison's prin- tice Clarence Thomas and Andy Perrine, from the ciples and his role in our Ralph Nader, consumer- office of university relations, democracy is shared by all of rights activist and former said the Madison Colloqui- us in the Constitution and the Green Party presidential Bill of Rights, both of which candidate, will be the were mainly authored by keynote speakers during u Madison," Sessa said. Madison Week, which will Ralph Nader embodies a Sessa said that although MATT BARKER/slaff photographer be held March 11-19. the American Program More than 50 JMU students joined protesters at George W. Bush's Also, a nationwide com- great deal of Madison's Bureau, the agency that rep- inauguration Saturday in Washington, D.C. memorative poster was dis- principles... resents Nader, usually asks played for the first time for $15,000 for his appear- publicly at the Convocation — David Sessa ance, Nader is coming to Center on Thursday. The UPB dir. of issues and cultural awareness JMU for $10,000 since he Students am-Bush poster commemorates lives close by in Washington, James Madison's 250th -9% D.C. As a justice, Thomas birthday. isn't allowed to be paid. Thomas will give the um, sponsored by the Col- Perrine said, "We've been D.C. inauguration Madison Lecture on March lege of Arts and Letters, working with a lot of student 15 at 9:30 a.m. in Wilson Hall. helped with "[bringing] groups to make this happen BY KC GARDNER Bush presidency and his positions Nader, invited by the Univer- together an array of speakers ... so this comes from the stu- staff writer on a variety of issues marked the sity Program Board, will and scholars on Madison that dent body. It really elevates largest inaugural protest since speak March 17 at 7 p.m. in rivals Princeton (University), the event to a whole new More than 50 JMU students Richard Nixon took his second Wilson Hall. rivals the Cato Institute and level," he said. "One of your joined thousands of protesters at the oath of office in 1973 during the "Distribution of free tick- (rivals) a lot of other places own made this happen." inauguration of George W. Bush in Vietnam War. ets for both speeches will be that are celebrating Madi- Washington, D.C. on Saturday. see MADISON, page 7 announced shortly," said son's birthday." He also cred- The demonstrations against the see PROTESTERS, page 7 Old college try: Alums support threatened teams BY ANNA CULBRETH & a crowd that hoped a strong turnout at the meet today," former swim- TOM STEINFELDT would help save men's swimming. mer Justin Pudloski ('99) said. "The contributing writer & news ed. "I think it really shows where big turnout shows the team's con- the backing is," sophomore swim- nection to the student body and the Despite the weather's unwilling- mer Mike Nicholas said. "It really community outside of campus." ness to cooperate, an exceptionally shows the administration where the Many of the alumni are mem- large crowd attended Saturday's students' loyalties are." bers of Save Our Sports Alumni home swim meet to rally support Parents clad in JMU apparel (SOSA), a group patterned after the for the men's team, one of eight filled the front three rows of the sta- student group Save Our Sports programs that may be cut. dium, and the rest of the seats were (SOS). SOSA has played an active The 800-seat Savage Natatorium filled with alumni, students and role in voicing support for the was at near-full capacity for the student athletes. teams facing elimination to the men's and women's second-to-last About 20 men's swimming administration through letters, e- home meet of the season. Facing alumni attended the meet to show mails and phone calls. ROBERT NATTIsenior photographer rival Old Dominion University, the their support. Dukes received wild cheering from see ALUMNI, page 7 Karln Hudglng Blay ('84), k, Steve Smith ('71) and Fran "It's great to see so many people Gustafson ("75) at Saturday's »wlm meet. Keydets Can't Do It Let the Games Begin li:uvfci: Grub Galore Practical Innovation The wrestling team geared up for the Virginia The contest begins next Sunday as companies vie for the best, most orig- College Center East will have two Seven interior design classes State Championships with a 34-6 win over more dining options with a latonight VMI Thursday. inal and memorable commercial for sketch, etch and compile plans deli and a smoothie bar. Page 3 for household design. Page 17 Page 27 Super Bowl XXXV. Pages 20-21 Monday, January 22, 2001 TABLE OF CONTENTS DUKE DAYS EVENTS CALENDAR NEWS new menu options at The Festival 3 Health students lobby delegates 3 12:20 to 1:10 p.m., Hillcrest House MONDAY, JAN. 22 SGA lobbies in Richmond • Campus Assault ResponsE (CARE) meeting, 6:15 • SIGGRAPH (Special Interest Group p.m., Taylor 311, contact Andrea at 437-6636 or miloal Graphics) meeting, 7 p.m., Modular OPINION building room 250 TUESDAY, JAN. 23 House Editorial: TO SUBMIT A DUKE Seniors need more say • Pi Sigma Epsilon business fraternity on speaker 12 informational meeting, 6:30 p.m., DAY EVENT: Godwin 344, contact Amelia at 432- E-mail Richard at The Breeze at saksharh with Spotlight: What entertainer do you 3366 or layae the information (event, date, location, contact think has the sexiest voice? 12 info, etc.) Please submit by Friday for a Mon- Darts and Pats 13 WEDNESDAY, JAN. 24 day issue and Tuesday for a Thursday issue. Organizations who had a weekly item running in Speaking out about what guys • Brown Bag Lecture Series, the calendar last semester, please re-send your really want "Redeeming the Framers: Ameri- By Jeffrey Cretz 13 can Democracy and the Electoral information to Richard for this semester. College" by Dr. Howard Lubert, STYLE Zirkle House 17 POLICE LOG WEATHER "Oleanna" review 17 ASEY BONDS CD review 19 \police rqjorter r Movie reviews 19 Today Partly cloudy "Temptation Island' 23 A warrant was put out for the bookbag somewhere between High 40 Low 19 Style Weekly arrest of Arjuna J. Cuddeback, 18, Dingledine Hall and Carrier Library 25 of East Lansing, Mich., on Jan. 18 on Jan. 13 at 2 p.m. at 11:20 a.m.on charges of an • A license plate was reportedly FOCUS High Low alleged assault and battery which stolen off of a vehicle parked in R1 occurred on Jan. 13. lot between Jan. 11 at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday Showers 50 30 Super Bowl advertising 20-21 The subject reportedly assaulted and Jan. 17 at 11 a.m. a campus cadet when he was • A fire extinguisher was reportedly Wednesday Cloudy 51 26 arrested on charges of an alcohol stolen from Poplar House on Greek SPORTS violation. Row between Dec. 15 at 5 p.m. and Thursday Partly cloudy 41 21 Jan. 13 at 5 p.m. Wrestling beats VMI 27 In other matters, campus police Friday Partly cloudy 46 27 report the following: Shoplifting Swimming defeats ODU 27 • Lucrettia R. Pantophlet, 21, of Underaged Consumption of Harrisonburg, was arrested on Women's basketball over American 29 Alcohol charges of an alleged shoplifting MARKET WATCH Fnday. Jan. 19.2001 • Two JMU students were judicially incident that occurred off campus on Men's basketball falls to UNC-Willmington referred for underaged consumption Jan. 18 at 2:22 p.m. DOW JONES 31 of alcohol on Jan. 13 at 1:45 a.m. at AMEX High school basketball 32 the railroad crossing at Bluestone Destruction of Public Property 90.69 6.62 Drive. • Unknown person(s) reportedly close: 10,587.59 t close: 893.26 ♦ Blitz Over Easy 32 broke a window at Gibbons Hall Petty Larceny between Jan. 12 at 6 p.m. and Jan. NASDAQ S&P 500 LIFESTYLES • A cell phone was reportedly 15 at 8 p.m. 1.89 A removed from the front pocket of a 5.43 ♦ close: 2,770.38 ■ close: 1,342.54 f see POLICE LOO page 7 Horoscopes 37 Crossword puzzle 37 INFORMATION The Breeze is published Monday and Thursday mornings and distributed throughout James Madison University and ADVERTISING STAFF CORRECTION the local Harrisonburg community. Comments and com- plaints should be addressed to Gina Montefusco. editor. Advertising Executives: Brandi Duncan The Breeze incorrectly report- BREEZEu Mailing address: - i « ' . , , Melissa Forrest The Breeze ed that the Board of Visitors voted G1 Anthony-Seeger Hall Melissa Reynolds MSC 6805 Tim Ritz to cancel the summer graduation "To the press alone, chequered as it is with James Madison University Jennifer Titlow Harrisonburg, Virginia 22807 Anne Whitley ceremony in the Jan. 18 issue. Phone:(540)568-6127 Fax:(540)568-6736 abuses, the world is indebted for all the tri- Advertising Designers: E-Mail address: the_ [email protected] Administration members canceled Breeze Net: http://www.thebreeze.org Kelly Estes umphs which lave been gained by reason Abby Greenawalt the ceremony.
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