'fITtT XIII-~ • • 1 I ... m. P, i I 1fI~'N Slmef.'l. ~, 1 ~~ q'atsrnr (1981 C61sus Publications, Series 11 In All India Serie! will be publlshed in tM following part.> GOVERNMENT OF INDIA PUBLICATIONS Part I-A Administratipn Report-Ellumeration Part I-B Administration Report-Tabulation Part II-A General Population Tables Part II-B Primary Census Abstract Part IIJ General Economic Tables Part IV Social and Cultural Tables Part V Migration Tables Part VI Fertility Tables Part VII Tables on Houses and Disabled Population Part VlII Household Tables Part IX Special Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Part X-A Town Directory Part X-B Survey Reports on selected Towns Part X-C Survey Reports on sclec ted Villag~ Part XI Ethnographic Notes and special studies on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Part XII. Census Atlas Paper I of 1982 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Paper 1 of 1984 Household Population by Religion of Head of Household STATE GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS Part XIII-AkB District Census Hanel book for each of the 45 districts in the State. (Village and Town Directory and Primary Census Abstract) f~~;u CONTENTS 1 ,,~;w Foreword i-iv 2 Jmrl<lIn Preface v-vi 3 f::ri! ~T tm\'1 District Map 4 lf~.,j IIriri, Important Statistics vii 5 R~~Tclflli fa'tq1Jft Analytical Note i lC-xniii ilj~ re''f'Jrl, q'i~;f""(f mfir ~T~ q'~~f"(f Notes & Explana1ions; List of Scheduled ;;r.r~fu IliT ~1 (~~irfl''f), Nilf'1i 1976, Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order fiiJ'ffi iiT'fllllTifT ~ff(f1fiT llir ~f(f~m q'1'l: i~ I (Amendment) Act, 1976. History and ~lI(;rlfVTrc~1fi f2't!fUIT Scope of District Census Handbook, Analytical Note (f~r~T if. if.ro Tahsil Maps 6 n 11>- en" mf~ Section I-VILLAGE DIRECTORY 1-196 (l) IJ'lilfil1l'i~'T~ a;mrT lfil ~"''l Alphabetical Jist of Villages (i) ~ ~f<;r 3-6 ( ii) 1i~:r: (j~~ 6-10 ( iii) ~'UifT ~~~ 10-]4 (iv) ~~'f Q~ 14-19 ( v ) ~"''T': o~~ft~ 19-22 (i) Kbacharod Tahsil 23-26 (ii\ Mabidpur Tah~il 2'6-30 ( ii i) Tarana T absil 30-33 (iv) Ujjain Tabsil 33-38 (iv) Badnagar Tahsil 38-41 (2) iTll' f.rifW'iiT if ~ f1fi7.t ;rit "i1~!1 if; Notes Explaining the "Code" used 43-45 ~<ta-if ~ in tbe Village Directory. ( 3) 9l1lfdfu~ V mage DiTectory 46-163 (i) liT"fU:f q~«Ti;f Khar.harod Tahsil 46-61} (ii) 1I~~'l: q~~Ti;f Mahidpur Tahsil 70-93 (jj i) q"UifT ~~~T~ Tarana Tahsil 94-115 (iv) ~if ~ijr~ Ujjain Tahsil 116-143 (v) q'0~ oi!~~ 8adnaglU' Tahsil 144-163 ( 4) ,,~ 1- w~furiii, f"f'fiHH ~ct ~i'lf Appendix 1- Tahsilwise Abstract 164-167 ~Rm~1 'fir crl?:~r<'l'cm: ~r\ of Educational, Medical and other amenities (5) ~ 2- ~Z-'f'f\qlfuiiiT ;rrr<:'l (;;r;:rrrurrrT Appendix 11- Land utilisation data 168 Off[ <:.) Ji ~fli \l'illlll ~;feft ~j'fil in respect of Non- Municipal Towns (Census Towns) (6) qflfu£c 3- lJTli'T q,1' ~1ifIfTr ~'fl ~f Appendix JIl- Tahsilwise list of 169-170 !!TlllfUT1ti, f'<if'f.(~T , ~T'fi if on:, Villages where no OfT'1fP:/ ~T".: if Rrr IlT f?,''fT it; Educational, Med ieal, ;:rTll' , ~'lrr aiff fif;;r~l 'fiT Post & Telegraph. Day lRT~fa <til" 'J;f<! a-r<j'" \lcr~i;r rrQ_T ~ or Days ofMarket/Hat, Communications and Power supply facilities are available (7) qfdtll!! 4- '§1if :;r;rtf~lfT if ~l~f'f<J i;frfoliT Appendix IV- List of Villages 171-196 q'l' !It~~f'iffi i;f<i i;fTfijlft iii according to the ~llTT<rT<:. !It:!'fra it; !lti~f{ milT proportion of Sche- ;fiT ~ilT duled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the Total 'Population by ranges 7 lli~ 11- ,,~ f~if~T Section II-TOWN DIRECTORY 197-120 ( )) 'flfr f.:rifw'tir if ~qlf);r f'lilt lTlt ''li~' f;­ Notes explainil\,g the "Codes" used ~la- if fGC'TarT in the Town Directory 198-201 (2) Rtn:UT-l srfttTfij ~ ct '{f;a l!if~m Statement 1- Status and Growth History 202- 203 (3) f.rcn:ar-2 srf'!ifiJ'li tq~'f qifr ;;I'n:) iii) Statement Il- PhYsical Aspects srf~qfij, 1979 and Location of Towns, 1979. 204-205 Statement llI- Municipal Finance, 1978-79. 206-207 (5) fq'frur-4 .mrfVfi lItT"{, ~;:<r ~fq.rr<T , Statement IV- Civic and other 1978-79 Amenities, 1978-79. 20 S-209 (6) f.rcrrGJ'-4 'Ii'-Jlf~filcr tj";:<f'r ilf~cr<rT i:i ;rTlft~ Statement IV-A~Civil and other amenities lith q;=lf '!f<nJrif, 1979 in Notified Slums 1979 210-2 IS f<riHUT-5 f'iff'liHrT, Wflff'ii, ll'fl~"R 11'1' Statement V- Medical, Educational, ~tt~faiii '];ferl:TTll. I 979 Recreational ilnd CUl- tural Facilities, 1979 2111-217 (8) fqlf~UT -6 olff'Tn: , qTfar,!'f I ;rotlf ~'h Stat~ment VI- Trade, Commerce, «<'!ill, 1979 {ndustly and Banki!lg, 1979 218-219 8 qflf~~-i{lRl ij crrW'!f;g e1~ ~ Appendix-Towns showing their mq ::;ri'JU1ii'fT OutgT(1wth5 with population 220 i5A'f1II'lfI' ~lfo.r mr 'UG'lI' ~ <tt qh: ~ g'lfifom aT f;;rq '1T fif'fietfl:r llTq if 'ffir ~f<l ur ~q<lI';~ ~, oT ,,~Cfi) f~ GA'IIIf'fT $mt 6j'i{1f'ITl'fT q;) 'tiii ifQ~i(tf J~iQ' ~ , i\:l '11 iffi1l.l;' I ~n:r frrifWlliT it; q;r1fT 1f.T f'l": ({lI'~ ifi~a ~r 'Jfiflf'rifT ~f~q;r iii"t Q'T'JfiIT f<rJfffimr, sfWHr'lil, ij"lfll' lHlfTIIf elllf it "q\"l'iU ij"q~ !!Im\lfi ~fq~TiII"r. f,,~· fq;AT 'TR ql~!JA i'fimm 'liT 'f'..iff' m'f!!l:T~T QTij) 'Ii\ ');f'lQ'I~t ~1', ~f'l' ~q<!'Tl't iii) fif.t'l'T it; orrr it 11;[1'1: ~ I ill"rll" iJTol it; ~r'HH'l' ..~ ~fufl!\'T 'liT ~qll)lT f'l'C!l"l'f il~'Tqlfj' ~ mnflifll2: 'Ii"\if ij' ~ qmf q;r ;;rmr t fill 'Ii~ij' !lim if; qfur"rJf'f, ~r<r"ttr ~\1 if; f.nrh:"ur 'Th ~'lITIi qr~'liTfi'ltTlf lfT;;ri'l"f ;F! qT'fl1lfififfT ;q-l't ';I:\:T ~T ij"it;if1 I {~~ IIT~ iJ;:rf.t it \lI' f.i;lJr 'JfIOT ~ I tfi{ if~q;r fOf\"l'I snrrij'l'f rr 1f;q"l f'lTifl<!' &ferT it lfT;;rrrT ~!fT\ m it ij'~TlI"m f1:r~lTr ~T;r it wfl ~il11fq; ilTcr) ~ I f'Jf\"l'T ~lfur.,r ~f~'liT ~r l1:i'fi II;[fq-~ qT~ ~), ~~Tq' ;r;T 'If f"f.:tlfflffi rn ~1', f<rq;r~ lfl"'f ~~T !illi'T1!A' ~ f~~ ~1f\1Jr ~'5[11f; ~T1r ~o\ ilq; it; srf'lillT it ~llfTlJ i;fij'~~i'I" '!il <t;if 'Hi;- it '11 1Jii,I!fflT fll~ITT I ~ srtitif. 'fIJ"\Ttr ~~ If; "Ii 'm srT~flf'li 'JffTifllf.,T ~m if; ~mfuQ rllPfClll' qT~q;6"T ifiTtT'!f.l1 1li1 J~ qT~"lflli'QuiT ~~ ~q;;riQ' ~)ij ~ I ~if l1l'l11 qh 'fITtT i;nfG it ~ia ifiT ~fu if; ~11t ij'otfuCf ;;n;:J'!iI\T ifiT ~=ii! ~ Jf~' Gf~ if't qtaf,q; ~mlill") it; inr it 'I'T 'il1'fq;nT flf\"l'cll ~ I ~ I it 'If Jf~' ~ : !i~ flllm 1f;;if, ~Tqfllifi P-Hftlf-;a-If 1f;;!l' VTIl'T it qT~iHf<!'1fi pn~¥lf ifiT1i'fifff~l ij'<r'fl'.f1f llGT ~ ,,'iiI f::iFIT ;;riitT1Ififr ~~(f'iir 'Ii) "lllfflmT 'liT !>fn:nr 1951 ~<{~Q<!, 'fi') ~1.TTrr ij ~~il ~tl; l;I Tl1 f<l'{f!!T'fiT it ii[')~T lTlJI ~ 1 ;t\' ~ifllf.,T it f'filJl trlfT 'IT I ~it f:if~ iIi !i~itij; ~ ~)\ f'firu Ifrq it ~fif -GfTit ~ mai'l"T it; orT~ it OfT i'I"!l'r llG ;;rT9T lfITr 'fiT srNm'li ;;r<t'ifUJ'fT ~l\ q)\ :if'f1l1lf;:rl q;f I'f~C~~uT IT!lT ~ ~1J'fiT ~f'1sr1<T f:ifi'f it;:a''f I.fTll"T q;) :ifT't'fiT {r l!;i'fif'lfCl ~l\fU]lft 'l11 1961 it; G)~l'f f;;rnT -'Ff'lVf;n' ~fi:oifiT m:.,l ~ fJl''llf m"fT GfFlT <4gCf 'fifo'f ~ !!I~hr OIT 'liTH!, ~ I it; fCll!{lf &T'5f q;r ferf(ln: f<fillr '1ITT I ~~it f;;r"r q;r forfC!ij l!;iii "fliT 'fir;:;rlf "~\1 ;;pr\'i1,SJ;fT ;q-r\ qf,<m:1 'lir 1J,g!l'i' , 'fiT ;;tfTU. srm.a-f<ri'fi {ftf,gl:fifi'f, GfifllUf;:rr ~lHfUf<rt ,,1<: srTtrf+r'li <!'~ ifTil' 'Ii~~ if: f~i} ;;rhT ~lfT ~ fifi ~'fif; lltif ;;r;T ;jmi~ll'T iFfljVFH ~n: q;) f+r"fli'fir llTll 'T", fTif, fif~f!!T'H '11' 'TTPl<'l Ilh qR<lH ;j~!I'T f'fi(f;fr ~ !!In: ;arrif; q~ij'T\ f'l-.-ijrr1lff<I!:rr~ iti'l'lf{ I 1971 'Ii) fOfffi" Gf;:rIJUFH ~fto'IiT 1fT ~;;fq1 'lil ('I'lfT ~1f;;J'itr ~ I ~)"fit qf\fw6e 'ilh OI)~ llQ; ~ f:ifi'fit ij' lJ,ifi 'Ififl it ;rte-f if<!'T '1'1 , lfi-'111T it ~P:r qh iflT~ f<ri:fl1f~ T, ~., l;ffln if; <fl~ if ~ :if~t 'fi)f l!f<Wf "q~~U' ~r ~ CIerI 1iJ-'111f it 1ITll" q1'{ .,if, 'fiT srT~f1:r<l; GfilllOfifT ~F 9;1"), i:~nt, ~~ ;:;r'l\'i~1'1r 1f; ~?;ql(f it ;q-~~ha ;;rff(f ~T1: ~'1' If-'I'Tll it flif"Q~UfW:rifi f,q~, srwrnf.r~ ~rfl1:lfif,T, f:if<'lT ~f'qi'T i;f<l'O'Irfij !fir 'Jf"fq'~lIT ~ fiil'fu'd' ~ I ijf"fITVIlfI' ij"nf'Qrqt, "SI"Nflli1li ilIifllUf"fT m If, !!IraTf.
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