VOLUME 2 Monographs: Tropical and subtropical fruit, edible peel List of monographs: 1. Açaí, Euterpe oleracea Mart., (Arecaceae (alt. Palmae)) 2. Acerola, Malpighia emarginata DC., (Malpighiaceae) 3. African plum, Vitex doniana Sweet, (Lamiaceae (alt. Labiatae) (also placed in Verbenaceae)) 4. Agritos, Berberis trifoliolata Moric., (Berberidaceae) 5. Almondette, Buchanania lanzan Spreng., (Anacardiaceae) 6. Ambarella, Spondias dulcis Sol. ex Parkinson, (Anacardiaceae) 7. Apak palm, Brahea dulcis (Kunth) Mart., (Arecaceae (alt. Palmae)) 8. Appleberry, Billardiera scandens Sm., (Pittosporaceae) 9. Arazá, Eugenia stipitata McVaugh, (Myrtaceae) 10. Arbutus Berry, Arbutus unedo L., (Ericaceae) 11. Babaco, Vasconcellea x heilbornii (V. M. Badillo) V. M. Badillo, (Caricaceae) 12. Bacaba palm, Oenocarpus bacaba Mart., (Arecaceae (alt. Palmae)) 13. Bacaba-de-leque, Oenocarpus distichus Mart., (Arecaceae (alt. Palmae)) 14. Bayberry, Red, Morella rubra Lour., (Myricaceae) 15. Bignay, Antidesma bunius (L.) Spreng., (Phyllanthaceae (also placed in Euphorbiaceae, Stilaginaceae)) 16. Bilimbi, Averrhoa bilimbi L., (Oxalidaceae (also placed in Averrhoaceae)) 17. Breadnut, Brosimum alicastrum Sw., (Moraceae) 18. Cabeluda, Plinia glomerata (O. Berg) Amshoff, (Myrtaceae) 19. Cajou (pseudofruit), Anacardium giganteum Hance ex Engl., (Anacardiaceae) 20. Cambucá, Marlierea edulis Nied., (Myrtaceae) 21. Carandas-plum, Carissa edulis Vahl, (Apocynaceae) 22. Carob, Ceratonia siliqua L., (Fabaceae (alt. Leguminosae) (also placed in Caesalpiniaceae)) 23. Cashew (pseudofruit), Anacardium occidentale L., (Anacardiaceae) 24. Ceylon iron wood, Manilkara hexandra (Roxb.) Dubard, (Sapotaceae) 25. Ceylon olive, Elaeocarpus serratus L., (Elaeocarpaceae) 26. Cherry-of-the-Rio-Grande, Eugenia aggregata (Vell.) Kiaersk., (Myrtaceae) 27. Chinese olive, black, Canarium tramdenum C. D. Dai& Yakovlev, (Burseraceae) 28. Chinese olive, white, Canarium album (Lour.) Raeusch., (Burseraceae) 29. Chirauli-nut, Buchanania latifolia Roxb., (Anacardiaceae) 30. Ciruela verde, Bunchosia armeniaca (Cav.) DC., (Malpighiaceae) 31. Cocoplum, Chrysobalanus icaco L., (Chrysobalanaceae) 32. Date, Phoenix dactylifera L., (Arecaceae (alt. Palmae)) 33. Davidson's plum, Davidsonia pruriens F. Muell., (Cunoniaceae (also placed in Davidsoniaceae)) 34. Desert-date, Balanites aegyptiacus (L.) Delile, (Zygophyllaceae (also placed in Balanitaceae)) 35. Doum palm coconut, Hyphaene thebaica (L.) Mart., (Arecaceae (alt. Palmae)) 36. False sandalwood, Ximenia americana L., (Olacaceae) 37. Feijoa, Acca sellowiana (O. Berg) Burret, (Myrtaceae) 38. Fig, Ficus carica L., (Moraceae) 39. Fragrant Manjack, Cordia dichotoma G. Forst., (Boraginaceae) 40. Gooseberry, Abyssinian, Dovyalis abyssinica (A. Rich.) Warb., (Salicaceae (also placed in Flacourtiaceae)) 41. Gooseberry, Ceylon, Dovyalis hebecarpa (Gardner) Warb., (Salicaceae (also placed in Flacourtiaceae)) 42. Gooseberry, Indian, Phyllanthus emblica L., (Phyllanthaceae (also placed in Euphorbiaceae)) 43. Gooseberry, Otaheite, Phyllanthus acidus (L.) Skeels, (Phyllanthaceae (also placed in Euphorbiaceae)) Page 1 44. Governor's plum, Flacourtia indica (Burm. F.) Merr., (Salicaceae (also placed in Flacourtiaceae)). Also includes Plum of Martinique, Flacourtia inermis, (Salicaceae (also placed in Flacourtiaceae)); Rukam, Flacourtia rukam, (Salicaceae (also placed in Flacourtiaceae)) and Indian Plum, Flacourtia jangomas, (Salicaceae (also placed in Flacourtiaceae)) 45. Grumichama, Eugenia brasiliensis Lam, (Myrtaceae) 46. Guabiroba, Campomanesia xanthocarpa O. Berg, (Myrtaceae) 47. Guava, Psidium guajava L., (Myrtaceae) [Includes by crop definition: 48. Guava berry, Myrciaria floribunda (H. West ex Willd.) O. Berg, (Myrtaceae) 49. Guava, Brazilian, Psidium guineense Sw. 50. Guava, Cattley, Psidium cattleianum Sabine, (Myrtaceae). Also includes Guava, purple strawberry, Psidium cattleianum Sabine var. cattleianum, (Myrtaceae); Guava, yellow strawberry, Psidium cattleianum Sabine var. cattleianum forma lucidum O. Deg., (Myrtaceae) and Guava, strawberry, Psidium cattleianum Sabine var. littorale (Raddi) Fosberg, (Myrtaceae) 51. Guava, Costa Rican, (Psidium friedrichsthalianum (O. Berg) Nied.) 52. Guava, Para, Psidium acutangulum DC., (Myrtaceae) 53. Guayabillo, (Psidium sartorianum (O. Berg) Nied.) 54. Illawarra plum, Podocarpus elatus R. Br. Ex Endl., (Podocarpaceae) 55. Imbé, Garcinia livingstonei T. Anderson, (Clusiaceae (alt. Guttiferae)) 56. Imbu, Spondias tuberosa Arruda ex Kost., (Anacardiaceae) 57. Jaboticaba, Myrciaria cauliflora (Mart.) O. Berg, (Myrtaceae) 58. Jamaica-cherry, Muntingia calabura L., (Muntingiaceae, ((also placed in Elaeocarpaceae, Tiliaceae)) 59. Jambolan, Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels, (Myrtaceae) 60. Jelly palm, Butia capitata (Mart.) Becc., (Arecaceae (alt. Palmae)) 61. Jujube, Chinese, Ziziphus jujuba Mill., (Rhamnaceae) 62. Jujube, Indian, Ziziphus mauritiana Lam., (Rhamnaceae) 63. Kaffir-plum, Harpephyllum caffrum Bernh. Ex C. Krauss, (Anacardiaceae) 64. Kakadu plum, Terminalia latipes Benth. Subsp. psilocarpa Pedley, (Combretaceae) 65. Kapundung, Baccaurea racemosa (Reinw.) Mull. Arg., (Phyllanthaceae (also placed in Euphorbiaceae)) 66. Karanda, Carissa carandas L. 67. Kwai muk, Artocarpus hypargyreus Hance ex Benth., (Moraceae) 68. Lemon aspen, Acronychia acidula, (Rutaceae) 69. Mangaba, Hancornia speciosa Gomes, (Apocynaceae) 70. Marian plum, Bouea macrophylla Griff., (Anacardiaceae) 71. Mombin, Malayan, Spondias pinnata (J. Koenig ex L. f.) Kurz, (Anacardiaceae) 72. Mombin, purple, Spondias purpurea L., (Anacardiaceae) 73. Mombin, yellow, Spondias mombin L., (Anacardiaceae) 74. Monkeyfruit, Artocarpus lacucha Buch.-Ham., (Moraceae) 75. Monos plum, Pseudanamomis umbellulifera (Kunth) Kausel, (Myrtaceae) 76. Mountain cherry, Bunchosia cornifolia Kunth, (Malpighiaceae) 77. Nance, Byrsonima crassifolia (L.) Kunth, (Malpighiaceae) 78. Natal plum, Carissa macrocarpa (Eckl.) A.DC, (Apocynaceae) 79. Noni , Morinda citrifolia L., (Rubiaceae) 80. Olive, Olea europaea L. subsp. europaea, (Oleaceae) 81. Papaya, Mountain, Vasconcellea pubescens A. DC., (Caricaceae) 82. Patauá, Oenocarpus bataua Mart., (Arecaceae (alt. Palmae)) 83. Peach Palm, Bactris gasipaes Kunth var. gasipaes, (Arecaceae (alt. Palmae)) 84. Persimmon, black, Diospyros texana Scheele, (Ebenaceae) 85. Persimmon, Japanese, Diospyros kaki Thunb., (Ebenaceae) 86. Pitomba, Eugenia luschnathiana Klotzsch ex O. Berg, (Myrtaceae) Page 2 87. Pomerac, Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr. & L.M. Perry, (Myrtaceae) 88. Rambai, Baccaurea motleyana (Mull. Arg.) Mull. Arg., (Phyllanthaceae) 89. Rose apple, Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston, (Myrtaceae) 90. Rumberry, Myrciaria dubia (Kunth) Mc Vaugh, (Myrtaceae) 91. Sea grape, Coccoloba uvifera (L.) L., (Polygonaceae) 92. Sentul, Sandoricum koetjape (Burm. F.) Merr., (Meliaceae) 93. Sete-capotes, Campomanesia guazumifolia (Cambess.) O. Berg, (Myrtaceae) 94. Silver aspen, Acronychia wilcoxiana, (Rutaceae) 95. Starfruit, Averrhoa carambola L., (Oxalidaceae (also placed in Averrhoaceae)) 96. Surinam cherry, Eugenia uniflora L., (Myrtaceae) 97. Tamarind, Tamarindus indica L., (Fabaceae (alt. Leguminosae) (also placed in Caesalpiniaceae)) 98. Uvalha, Eugenia pyriformis, (Myrtaceae) 99. Water apple, Syzygium aqueum (Burm. F.) Alston, (Myrtaceae) 100.Water pear, Syzygium guineense, (Myrtaceae) 101.Water berry, Syzygium cordatum, (Myrtaceae) 102.Wax jambu, Syzygium samarangense (Blume) Merr. & L.M. Perry, (Myrtaceae) Page 3 1. Açaí [(assai palm, cabbage palm, pinot, Kohlpalme, açaí-do-Pará, açaizeiro, palmiteiro, palmito-açaí, uaçaí, assaí, asaí, euterpe (GRIN))] Arecaceae (alt. Palmae) Euterpe oleracea Mart. [(syn: Euterpe badiocarpa Barb. Rodr. (GRIN)] 2. A tall, slow-growing, slender palm tree that reaches a height of 15 to 25 meters (49 to 82 feet). The tree suckers at the base, resulting in large clusters of trunks (25 or more per tree). Trunks are 7 to 20 centimeters (3 to 8 inches) in diameter. Aerial roots are found on trees growing in swampy areas. Açaí is indigenous to the Amazon rainforest. The crown contains 8 to 14 leaves that are long pinnate and 2 to 4 meters (7 to 13 feet) long. Leaf bases are tightly sheathing and form a crown shaft that is green, yellow, red or purple in color. Each leaf contains 50 to 62 widely spaced leaflets that are pendulous on the rachis and reach 1 meter (3 feet) in length. The inflorescence emerges from below the crown shaft, contains a central rachis and approximately 54 lateral branches and reaches 1 meter (3 feet) long. Branches are covered with light brownish-white hairs. Each branch bears clusters of two male flowers and one female flower. Terminal branches contain male flowers. Male flowers are purplish and 0.45 by 0.27 centimeters (0.2 by 0.1 inch) in size. Female flowers are purple to light brown and 0.32 by 0.26 centimeters (0.2 by 0.1 inch) in size. Both male and female flowers are unstalked. Pollination is by small bees, flies and beetles. The small, round, 1 to 2 cm (0.4 to 0.8 inch) in diameter fruit is a drupe that contains a single large seed surrounded by stringy fibrous sheaths and a thin oily coating. Immature fruit are green and ripens to dark purple when mature. Some fruit are green at maturity and are known as white açaí. Four to eight bunches of fruit are produced each year per trunk. The fruit skin is smooth and shiny. The fruit pulp is creamy to oily and sweet. The flavor resembles raspberries, blackberries, or nuts with a metallic aftertaste. This fruit is a major food resource in
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