r-T-! T T l--r i" t*i i- COIVI UNICATOR I r' i I I t 1 t I b ,''IIl',),L..f. THE MAGAZINE OF THE ROYTIL NAVY'S COMMUNICATIONS BRANCII .END THE ROYAL NAVg,t AM.IITEUR RADIO SOCIETY Ihgmo'fu $"-.*^.,1'copying rnachines prorLuce copies fi'onr an origi'al the perfectiS'clrv u'a-v.No messv fluicls. No mcss\'fingcrs. Onlr-elcctlic one-step cop;'ing will cleiiver a good clean copy of :r long, tabulateci signal in foul seconds flat. In stone frigates and at sea, tlie Thermo-Fax "Secle{alr-" is just the job fbr the hard-plesserl Cornmunications l)epartnrent. \Vhatevcr the lush of tr.alTic, rvhatever thc ri'atcli. u'helever vou are, thc "Secrotar.-v" u-ill hclp you cope. It speeds communic:r,tions, :ind tlre clr<tr,r.siest tnossengcr can oltertrte it. I I (ffi I J lhermo-Jax for Better communications I I FFTEE Please send me your "Perfectly Dry" leaflet I T I I I Ship or Establishment................. T I I I t Post to : Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Company, 3M House, Wigmore St., London, W.l rI THE COMMUNICATOR 57 /+4 @j-W. A CANEEB ITI TELEGRAPITY TH E POST OFFICE CABLE AND WIRELESS SERVICES offer a career to men and women as TETEGRAPH OPERATORS in Central London. O Starting pay up to flz. l8s. according to age. O Regular increases to El4. ls. O Excellent prospects of advancenrent to Class I Operator (f892 p.a. max.) and to higher posts. O No previous experience if under 36. O Training with pay. O Good holidays. O Security as a permanent Civil Servant. O Free pension scheme. Write, coll or phone: Post Office Cable and Wireless Services (Q), Arundel House, 13 - 15 Arundel Street, WC2. TEM 1222, Ex 435. (nr. Temple Underground Stotion). THE COMMUNICATOR ,TIS RIGHT AND FITTING A shirt from Gieves-or better still, a// your shirts from Gieves-and c// most right and fittrng whatever your choice: in wools, nylons, poplins, silks, checked, striped, plain. The shirt we show is Sea Island cotton, collar attached, double cuff, in blue/grey, red/grey or green/grey. L3.9.6 May we send you a copy ffi GievesL I M I -f E Ct Tailors and Outfitters to the Royal Navy . *&* '!!' 27 OLD BOND STREET, LONDON, Wl. Telephone HYDe ffi 22 THE HARD, PORTSMOUTH. Telephone 2t35ti3 '";::.:f-,1:::" Plymoulh Dartmoulh Edinburgh ll'eymoulh Londondeny Cantberley Liverpool Bournemouth Bath Southampton Brockenhurst Gibraltar Malta Chatham Winchester PAf@are s peciar i sts-natu rar ry. How else could their transformers, chokes, and transductors acquire such a high reputation-universally ? Specialist plant is able to make the best use of time and money-automatically. Specialist technicians ensure that Parmeko equipment meets every specification at- PARMEKO of LEIGESTER Mokers of Transformers for the Electonic ond Electricol lndustry THE COMMUNICATOR The Mogazine of the Communicotions Bronch,Royol Novy ond the Royal Navol Amoteur Rodio Society SUMMER I96I VOL. 15. No. 2 CONTENIS page page Eottonrlr ... 60 FnoNr Pl,cr Cs.lLLeNcE 79 D.S.D. Rrpnes ro "Arl Moo. CoN." 60 SIcNn DrsrRrBUTIoN ovsn rnr Yrlns 81 Usrn RrqurnEMENTs AND Tnrnr-s SrcrtoN 6t Hoiur Frerr 83 Wr, rnxr oFF ouR HATS To 62 CounuNrcaron's Qurmrs 91 Sarv.rcr, 63 T,q.pr RrL,{v Pnocrounr ... 93 Clnnrrns 64 Rloln nNo run Blrrlr or rne Arr,{Nrrc 93 A Scoorrn rRrp INTo RoNte,-SparN... 67 TnrNcs atN':r wol rHEY usED To BE ... 9s F.rn Elsr ... 68 Tnn StcNnl Scnool Cnsst 97 R.N. Arur.rnun Rloro Socrnrv 72 SpenrtNc tN rnn R.A.F 99 MrorrrnnnNEaN ... 74 GorNc rne RouNos rN "Mencunv" ... 107 Ppnsowaurrns LEAVING rgn Srnvrcr 78 CovvuNrcnrroNs Gazsrrr 109 Coyer: Ships of the 108th Minesweeping Squadron in Msida Creek, Malta. Editor: Lieutenant Cornmander L. R. D. M-AcKINrosH, R.N Art Editor: Sub-Lieutenant N. G. Krue, n.N. Treasurer: Lieutenant D. W. CoccrsHALL, D.s.M., R.N. Editorial Stalf: Instructor Lt. Commander H. S. O'NeIll, B.sc., R.N. Lieutenant A. V. SarrEn, n.N. Secretary: Wren M. S. Br,lnvqN Business, Production and Advertisement Manager : Mn. Eocnn Srncounr, 2 Station Hiil, Farnham, Surrey. CONTRIBUTIONS All MSS., photographs and cartoons should be sent to the Editor at H.M.S. "Mercury", as below. These will be returned to the senders only if asked ior, and responsibility for them cannot be accepted by the Editor. CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE CHRISTMAS 1961 EDITION MUST BE IN THE EDITOR'S HANDS BY OCTOBER 31st. BULK ORDERS BY DECEMBER lst. Subscription Rates are as follows For the whole year 7/6 post free For each issue 2/8 post free BULK ORDERS from commands, ships or establishments,2l6 per copy, post free. The Magazine is pubiished at Easter, Summer and Christmas. Some back numbers are available and those more than 2 years old can be obtained for l/- post free. Cheques and/or postal orders should be made payable and sent to: The Editor, Tnr Corr.muNrcAToR, H.M.S. "MrncunY", East Meon, near Petersfield, Hampshirc. PUBLISHED AT H.M.S. "MERCURY'' z 60 THE COMMUNICATOR EDITORIAL e.g. a guided missile ship can work witir ships fitted with guns, a new comnrunications s)stern Being new to the Editorial desk I hope I shall be is normally no good unless fitted in all ships of welcomed with a continuous bombardment of a force. is always room for more cartoons, material. There (c) Thirdly and as a result of (b) above, the ability photographs and special feature articles. drawings, to use a new communications system requires If you know that someone has talent or has been a long and expensive ship fitting programme interesting, get to involved in something on to him spread over quite a number of years. send a contribution. To try and get a balanced gist variety of items jn an issue I must have plenty of The of this is that something is indeed being effect won't be felt for some time yet. volume to pick fron-r. done but its This I know is the "jam tomortow" answer and you Do not wait till the deadline to send in material. want "jam today". A programme of interim im- the Editorial The next deadline is 3lst October but provements is therefore under consideration at in staff (who never close) will welcome entries present and will, we hope, be starting in the not too September. Finaily, double line spacing with an future. Unfortunately, the planned fitting great distant inch margin either side is a help. dates cannot be given in an Unclassified magazine Looking forward to hearing from you. like this. So much for the broad programme of new equip- n-rent. What about the simpler matters which make D.S.D. REPLIES TO so much difference to the Operator, such as the ..ALL layout of bays in a wireless office and the facilities MOD. CON." lor a tactical operator on the bridge or flag deck ? by CaptainW. J. Parker, O.B.E., D.S.C.' R.N. There is no doubt that, as a Branch, we have fallen behind the times in this respect, largely due to the In Searchlight in your Easter edition, "Ex Leading historical fact that the Trials Section of the old Tel." asks some very pertinent questions, and in Signal School grew into a large establishment of its particular "Is the W/T Branch a forgotten Branch" own, namely H.M.S. Mercury /1 or A.S.W.E. and "Are we thought of by Their Lordships, especi- Portsdown. Inevitably, as the years have gone past ally at Naval Estimates time". they have, in their growth, drawn further and further First, it is necessary to say that we fully under- away from purely communication matters, and in stand and sympathize with these questions, and if it particular the user aspects. This is no reflection on is any consolation, these sort of questions have been, A.S.W.E., who have been doing their o*'n job; the and will continue to be, considered within rather it has been an error on the part of our Branch, Admiralty. However, it must be appreciated that which we have not, until recently. fulll appreciated. the Board of Admiralty have sin-rilar cries from every Now we have, as you may knos. set up a User side; for example, as the speed of aircraft increases, Trials and Developn-rent Section in H.\1.S. Mercury the need for faster naval planes and better radars which, amongst other things. plans or vets layouts is raised. So too, with the advent of the nuclear of communication offices on beiralf of Signal submarine, for better and better A/S detection Division in the Admiraltl . tiom the &.tel point of pleas devices and weapons, not to mention similar view. guided for improved gunnery in the form of weapons. Again, because of the rime it takes to produce With a limited budget only so much can be done at drawings, get A's and A's approved and then taken a time and it should be appreciated that the Board on at refits, the dffects of shat this Section are doing good of Admiralty do the best possible for the of will only begin to be felt gradually. However, you the Navy as a whole, within this very large can rest assured that the) are already having a very restriction. significant effect. Having said so much I can already hear you saying To summarize then; first, the Communication "He is just going to tell us the same old story all Branch as a *hole is by no means a forgotten over again, no money for communications, so we Branch: secondll .
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