Josef Köhler and Axel Homburg: Explosives — 2016/2/8 — page 395 — le-tex 395 Index a acétate-dinitrate de glycérine 151 A → 1-black blasting powder 34 acetone peroxide = tricycloacetone A → bridgewire detonator A (german. peroxide 258, 354 now obsolete) 40 acétylacétonate de ter 197 A → composition A 62 Acetyldinitroglycerin 151 AA = anti-aircraft A-IX-2 = acétylsalicylate de plomb 200 RDX/aluminum/wax 73/23/4 Acetylensilber; acétylure d’argent 290 abattage par chambre de mine = acide picramique 260 coyote blasting 63 acide picrique 260 Abbrand = combustion 60 acide styphnique 306 Abbrandgeschwindigkeit = burning acide trinitrobenzoique 361 rate 44 acquisition, handling and storing 139 abbrennen = to burn down 74 Acremite 1 Abel’s equation 19 Active Binder → Energetic Binder 119, Abel test 1, 181 154, 211, 263, 266 abkerben, abspalten → smooth ADR 2, 69 blasting 63 A.D.C. test = Adreer double cartridge Ablonite = french commercial (gap test) explosive ADN = Ammonium dinitramide 11, abschlagen einer Sprengladung → cut 332 off 66 adiabatic 1 Absperrzone = blast area 35 adobe charge = mud capping 2, 224 Abstand; Sicherheitsabstand = safety Aeroplex K = solid rocket propellant distance 139 based on KClO4 and resin Abstandsberechnung → scaled Aeroplex N = solid rocket propellant distance 283 based on NH4ClO4 and resin abstechen → dismantling 74 Aerozin = hydrazine/dimethyl- Abstichladung = jet tapper 199 hydrazine 50/50 2 Acardite → Akardite 7 A-E = single base powder accessoires pour le sautage = blasting AGARD 2 accessoires 35 Airbag 2, 149 acceptor 1 air blast 6 Accord Européen relatif au Transport airloader 6 International des Marcharndises Akardit I, II, III 7, 8, 163, 301, 332 Dangereuses par Route → A. D. R. Akremit → Acremite 1 2,70 Albanite = propellant based on → α-cellulose content 229 DINA 112 Explosives, 7. Edition, Rudolf Meyer, Josef Köhler, and Axel Homburg. ©2015WILEY-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA.Published2015byWILEY-VCHVerlagGmbH&Co.KGaA. Josef Köhler and Axel Homburg: Explosives — 2016/2/8 — page 396 — le-tex Index 396 Alex 8 Ammonsalpeter-Sprengstoffe = Alex 20 = → composition B plus ammonium nitrate based explosives 20% aluminum 13, 166, 205 alginates 8 amorçage = priming 273 aliphatic nitramines 67, 127, 136, 175 amorce à pont = birdge-wire all fire 8 detonator 40 allumage spontané = pre-ignition 271 amorce électrique à l’étincelle = spark allumer = to inflame 193 detonator 297 allumeur 185 amorces 16, 253, 294 Almatrity = russian trade name for AN = ammonium nitrate 13 chlorate and perchlorate explosives analyse thermique différentielle = Alumatol = AN/TNT/aluminum differential thermal analysis 96 77/20/3 ANC = ANFO (german) 16 aluminum oxide 337 ANE → Ammonium Nitrate Emulsion aluminum powder 9, 10, 221, 222 14 Amatex 9 ANF-58 = liquid fuel for rocket motors, Amatol 9 say octane (USA) = Amilol = diamylphthalate 92 ANFO ammonium nitrate fuel oil 13, aminoguanidinnitrate → tetracene 16, 166, 205 315 angle shot mortar test 274 = Ammodyte = powder from Anilite mixture of N2O4 and butane commercial explosive (USA) (french) Ammoksil (Ammokcil; Ammonxyl) = A: nitrocellulose powder russian name for the mixture Anlaufstrecke = detonation AN/trinitroxylene/aluminum development distance 88 82/12/6 Antenne → bus wire 46 Ammonal = powder form commercial antigrisouteux → permitted explosives explosive 254 ammoniinaya selitra = ammonium antilueur = muzzle flash damping nitrate (russian) additive (french) ammonium azide 10 antimony (in delay compositions) 73 ammonium chlorate 58 anwürgen = crimping 65 ammonium chloride 11, 247, 332 anzünden = to inflame 193 ammonium dichromate 11 Anzünder = squib 185, 300 Ammonium dinitramide 11, 332 Anzündhütchen = amorce 16, 253, ammonium nitrate 12, 13, 16, 35, 127, 294 163, 222, 246, 324, 332 Anzündkette = igniter train 186 Ammonium Nitrate Emulsion (ANE) 14 Anzündlitze = igniter cord 186 ammonium nitrate explosive 13, 16 Anzündlitzenverbinder = igniter cord ammonium oxalate 332 connectors 186 ammonium perchlorate 14, 62, 166, Anzündschraube = fuze head 149 246, 247, 332 Anzündverzug = functioning time ammonium picrate 16 148 Ammonpek = AN/tar 93/5 (russian) APC = ammonium perchlorate 14 Ammonpulver = ammonium nitrate APU 16 containing gun powder, now aquarium test 17, 304 obsolete (german) Arbeitsvermögen = strength 303 Ammonsalpeter = ammonium nitrate area ratio = propellant area ratio 12 (“Klemmung”) 274 Josef Köhler and Axel Homburg: Explosives — 2016/2/8 — page 397 — le-tex 397 Index Argol = crude potassium hydrogen Bachmann process (RDX-Synthesis) 69 tartrate = muzzle flash damping ballistic bomb 19 additive ballistic modfiers 140, 200, 206 argon flash 17 ballistic mortar 22, 36, 303 armor plate impact test 17, 273 Ballistite = double base powder with Armstrongblastingmethod18 high percentage of nitroglycerine aromatic nitramines 136 ball powder 25, 159 ARRADCOM (Picatinny Arsenal) 18 BAM = Bundesanstalt für Arsol = trimethylene trinitrosamine Materialprüfung (german) 25, 144, 67 163, 190 Artillerietreibmittel → gun powder BAM testing methods 144, 163, 190 158 banc d’essai = rocket test stand 279 as dimethylhydrazine 98 Baratols 25 ASTM = American Society for Testing barium chlorate 25 Materials barium nitrate 26, 163, 332 Astrolite 18 barium perchlorate 26 AT = anti-tank = armor piercing barium sulfate 163, 337 weapon Barlow bomb = mixture of liquid Athodyd = aerodynamic-thermo- oxygen with fuel dynamic = ramjet Baronal = mixture of barium nitrate Attrappen = mock explosives 222 with TNT and aluminum 50/35/15 Audibert tube 18, 255 barricade 26 Auflegerladung = mud cap 2, 42, 224 base bleed propellants 28 Aunt Jemima = 80% fine ground HMX base charge 28 (→ Octogen) and 20% plain, old bâtiment habite = inhabited building flour. It served for camouflage 139 storage of sabotage explosive in Bazooka 28 World War II. B-black blasting powder 28, 34 = Aurol concentrated hydrogen Bengal fire works → pyrotechnical peroxide (german) 19 compositions 277 → Ausbauchung lead block test 201 Benzit = trinitrobenzene (german) = aushärten curing 66 360 = ausschwitzen exudation 139 benzoyl peroxide 28 = Ausströmungsgeschwindigkeit jet Bergbau-Versuchsstrecke = german velocity 150 institution for testing and amittance average burning rate 19 of permissible explosives, azides 10, 19, 200, 290, 354 detonators and accessories 363 azoture d’ammonium 10 Bergmann–Junk-test 29, 181 azoture d’argent 290 Bernoulli’s equation 296 azoturedeplomb200 Berstscheibe = safety diaphragm 281 azotures 190, 200, 290, 354 Berthollet’s detonating silver 291 Besatz = stemming 302 b Beschußempfindlichkeit = bullet B → B-black powder 28, 34 impact sensitivity 42, 273, 279 B → composition B 62 bewohntes Gebäude = inhabited B → poudre B = nitrocellulose powder building 139 (french) 270 BF-125; -154 = polysulfide binder B → B-Stoff = german tarning name propellant (thiokol) for methanol BGO; BGY; BIC; BID; BIE; BIL; BIM; BIP; B4 = mixture 60–70% trinitroanisol BLB; BLC: various castable double and 30–40% aluminum (italy) base propellants (USA) Josef Köhler and Axel Homburg: Explosives — 2016/2/8 — page 398 — le-tex Index 398 Bichel bomb 30, 364 Böllerpulver → black powder 34 Bickford’s safety fuse 281 Bohrlochabstand = spacing 296 bilan d’oxygène = oxygen balance Bohrlochpfeife = bootleg 39 247 Bohrpatrone (german) = 100 g Bildungs-Energie-Enthalpie = forma- press-molded cylindrical charge of tion energy (enthalpy) 120, 332 TNT billet 30 Boloron = mixture of concentrated binder 30 nitric acid and dinitrochlorobenzene binary explosives → Astrolite, Hydan (Austria) 209 14, 182 bomb drop test 38 bipropellant 196 bombe Bichel 30 bis-cyclopentadienyl-Eisen = bombe Crawford 65 ferrocene 140 bombe pour essais balistiques 19 bis(2,2-Dinitro propyl)acetal, BDNPA Bonit = mixtures of RDX, TNT with and 31 without aluminum (swedish) bis(2,2-Dinitro propyl)acetal/formal, boom powder 38 BDNPA/F 31 booster 39, 92, 117 bishydroxylammonium5,5′-bis- booster sensitivity test 39 (tetrazolate-1N-oxide) 32 bootleg 39 bis(nitramino)triazinone 32 Boronite A, B, C = mixtures of AN, TNT BITA = aziridine curing agent 30 and boron bi-trinitroethylnitramine 30 Borotorpex = castable mixture of RDX, bi-trinitroethylurea 34 TNT and boron, e. g., 46/44/10 (USA) BKW = Becker Kistiakowsky Wilson boss 39 state equation bouclier contre l’érosion = flame shield black powder 28, 34, 121, 277 142 Blättchenpulver → gun powder 158 Boudouard equilibrium 328, 342 Blasgeräte = air loaders; also → boullies = slurries 293, 365 pneumatic placing 6, 263 bourrage = stemming 302 blast area 35 bourrage à l’eau = water stemming blast effect 6 365 blaster; shot firer 35, 290 bourroir 311 blasting accessories 35 boutefeu = blaster; shot firer 35, 290 blasting agent 13, 16, 35, 36, 42, 193, BP = russian abbreviation name for → 195, 260 shaped charges blasting galvanometer = circuit tester BPZ russian denomination for hollow 58 charges with incendiary effect bullet squib 42 branchement en parallèle = parallel blasting gelatin 22, 36, 144, 205 connection 248 blasting machines 36, 40 break 39 blasting mat 37 break test 256 blasting soluble nitrocotton 229 breech 40 blasting switch 38 Brenngeschwindigkeit = burning rate Bleiacetylsalicylat 200 44 Bleiethylhexanoat 206 Brennkammer = case; combustion Bleiazid 200 chamber 60 Bleiblockausbauchung = lead block Brennschluß = end of burning 119 test 201 Brennschlußgeschwindigkeit = Bleinitrat 206 endburning velocity 119 Blei-Trizinat 207 Brennstoff = fuel 146 BN = barium nitrate 26 bridgewire detonators 40, 92 Josef Köhler and Axel Homburg: Explosives
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