W.T. Bandy Project Files: Edgar Allan Poe Box 1 1. A-1 (miscellaneous Poe related documents) 2. Poe traduction Albert Allenet (1878) 3. Ambler, R.C. Reminiscences 4. Arthur Gordon Pym, Reviews, Anonymous. 5. Arthur, T.S. 6. Autography- Poe 7. B-2 (miscellaneous Poe related documents) 8. Checklist of Translations of Poe’s Work, 1959. Additional notes. 9. Bachinger, Katrina (Poe and Byron) 10. Baltimore, Poe Collections 11. Baltimore Sun 12. Barine, A. “Edgar Poe”, (1897) 13. Benton, Richard P. ESQ 14. Blemont, Emile 15. Bonnet, J.M. Dossier, Edgar Poe 16. Boston Notion 17. Boudreau, Gordon V. (ESQ) 18. Boston Miscellany 19. Bryant and Poe 20. Byers, John R., Jr. “Ligeia”. 21. C-3 (miscellaneous Poe related documents) 22. Calendar, Poe. 23. Cameron, Kenneth Walter, 1979. 24. Canudo, Ricciotto. “Un drame d’Edgar Poe.” 25. Casanove, Maurice de. Poe Portraits d’Hier (15 avril 1910) 26. Catalepsie- Poe 27. Catalogue. Vanderbilt. 1969 28. Catalogue. Paris. 1968 29. Champford, Poe, Baudelaire & Valery 30. Chivers, Thomas Holley 31. Cohen, B. and Cohen Lucian “Poe and Griswold…” Box 2 1. D-4 (miscellaneous Poe related documents) 2. DAI- Poe 3. Dameron, J. Lasley 4. Danchin, F.C. “Le Corbeau” 5. Davidson, J.W. 6. Poe/ Death 7. Dedmond, Francis B. 8. Dermée, Paul “Edgar Poe” 9. Descent into the Maelstrom 10. Didier, Eugene L. 11. Dillard, A.W. 12. Ditz, Southern Literary Messenger 13. Duane- “Facts in the Case of Mr. Duane” 14. Duane- Notes & Queries 15. Duane- Southern Literary Messenger 16. Duane- Uneda 17. Dumas, A. 18. E-5 (miscellaneous Poe related documents) 19. Eclectic Magazine (1850) 20. English, Thomas Dunn 21. Ensley, Helen. “Poe’s Rhymes”. 22. Epstein, D.M. 23. Epstein, Jean. “L’Age Nouveau”. 24. Evans, May G. “Poe in Amity Street” 25. F-6 (miscellaneous Poe related documents) 26. Fagin, Bryllion 27. Fairfield, Francis G. 28. Falk, Doris V. 29. Favorite Words of Poe 30. Finley, Ruth E. 31. Fisher, Ban F., IV 32. Fontainas, André 33. Forman, Michael 34. Forster, John 35. Foust, R.E. 36. Franklin, Benjamin and Duane 37. French, John C. 38. Poe’s Funeral, “Where Did They Bury Edgar Allan Poe?” News American. 10 April 1966 39. G-7 (miscellaneous Poe related documents) 40. Giaccardi, Ada 41. Gill, William F. 42. Godwin, William 43. Gold Bug (French) 44. Goldhurst, William. “Edgar Allan Poe and the East.” 45. Graham’s Magazine (1841-1842) 46. Grasset D’Orcet 47. Gravely, William. Ph.D. dissertation “Thomas Dunn.” English 48. Greenwood, Grace 49. Greet, Anne Hyde 50. Griswold, R.W. 51. Groves, B. Cowan. Death of Poe (Hypoglycemia) Box 3 1. H-8 (miscellaneous Poe related documents) 2. Hall of Fame/ Poe 3. Hannay, James 4. Harrison, Gabriel 5. Harrison, James A. (Poe Miscellany) 6. Harriss, R.P. 7. Hayne, Paul Hamilton “The Whittington Club” 8. Henninger, Francis J. (“Amontillado”) 9. Hewitt, Sandra 10. Hoffman, Daniel. Reviews 11. Hughes, William L. 12. Hussey, John P. (“Pym” Narrators) 13. Hutcherson, Dudley R. 14. Huxley, Aldous (Saturday Review of Literature) (1930) 15. Hynds, Alexander/ Poe 16. I-9 (miscellaneous Poe related documents) 17. Ingram Letters- Duke University 18. Ingram/ Poeana 19. J- 10 (miscellaneous Poe related documents) 20. Jugoslav Translations of Poe 21. Kai Yi 22. Kennedy, J. Gerald 23. K-11 (miscellaneous Poe related documents) 24. L-12 (miscellaneous Poe related documents) 25. Le Roy, Homage to Hampshire 1987 26. Le Roy, A.C.- Correspondence 27. Le Roy, A.C.-Bibliography 28. Le Roy, A.C.-Reviews 29. Le Roy, A.C. Magazine Writings Box 4 1. M-14 (miscellaneous Poe related documents) 2. Mabbott, T.O. 3. Mallarmé. “Tombeau d’Edgar Poe” 4. Manet: Portrait of Poe. Ingram Collection 5. Mathews, Cornelius 6. Maupin, Socrates 7. Mayo, Robert 8. Poe. Memorandum Book. 9. Meunier, Isabelle. Trad. De Poe. Democratie Pacifique 10. Miller, J.C. 11. Miller, Karl 12. Mirror. New York 13. Moldenhauer, Joseph J. 14. Monti, Guilio. Emporium, 1897, vol.5 15. Unlabeled File (documents pertaining to the death of Edgar Allan Poe) 16. Morgan, Appleton. 17. N-15 (miscellaneous Poe related documents) 18. N.Y. Daily Tribune 19. NY Times 20. New Yorker 21. North, Emma 22. North, William 23. North- O’Brien The Diamond Lens Controversy 24. North, Wm. Slave of the Lamp. Excerpts. 1855. 25. O-16 (miscellaneous Poe related documents) 26. O’Brien, Fritz-James and Poe 27. Ortensi, Ulisse 28. P-17 (miscellaneous Poe related documents) 29. Parodies “The Raven” 30. Pascal: Le Corbeau d’Edgar Poe 31. Pascal: La Fable d’Ulalume 32. Peck, Herb 33. Phillips, Mary E. Box 5 1. Poe. Bandy Miscellaneous Notes etc. 2. Powell, Thomas (1809-1887) 3. Poe Miscellaneous 4. Poe- “Pinakidia” 5. Poe/ Pourri 6. Print Collector’s Quarterly, I, no.1 (February 1911) 7. Procter, Bryan Waller 8. Q-18 (miscellaneous Poe related documents) 9. Poe. Lettres. Revue Blanche 1895, 1897 10. R-19 (miscellaneous Poe related documents) 11. Raven Facsimile 12. RG 152. United Givers Fund 13. Poe- Reviews of Books on him 14. Richard, Claude 15. Richmond Whig 16. Riding, Laura 17. Riewald, J.G. 18. Rollinat, Maurice 19. Rover 20. (Poe in) Russia 21. Russian article on Poe & trans. Delo 1874 22. Poe in Russian- Translations Box 6 1. Russian trans. Of Poe’s Eldorado. Vestnik Inosrannoi Literatury 1889 2. Russian trans. Poe. Trud. 1889 & 1893 3. Russian trans. Poe. Ruskoe Bogatstvo 1881 4. Russian trans, of Poe Russkeja Mysl 1896 5. Russian trans. Of Poe. Biblioteka Dlia Chetenia 1856 6. Russian trans. Of Poe. Novoe Vremia 1880 7. Russian translation- Tales of Poe. Otechestvennye Zapiski 1853 & 1870 8. Russian trans. Of Poe’s Hans Pfaall Razvledienia 1885 9. S-20 (miscellaneous Poe related documents) 10. Poe/ Sateve Post 11. Saturday Museum 12. Saturday Review of Literature 13. Savage, John 14. Poe Scrapbook 15. Sherley, Douglass 16. Smith Eliza S 17. Smiles. Samuel 18. Snodgrass 19. Southern Field and Fireside 1860’s 20. Southern Literary Messenger. Duane Copy 21. SLM- First Number, Aug 1834 22. SLM-Supplements 1836 Box 7 1. Spencer Edward 2. Stern PH 3. Stoddard, R.H. 4. “Swimming Feat” 5. Symons, Julian 6. T-21 (miscellaneous Poe related documents) 7. Poe & Tennyson 8. Poe-Thesis Lists 9. Thompson, John R. Across the Atlantic (1856) 10. Thompson, John R. 11. Thomas, Dwight 12. Poe: traductions en français XX siècle 13. Tuttleton, James W. 14. U-22 (miscellaneous Poe related documents)-empty 15. V-23 (miscellaneous Poe related documents) 16. Verne J. Edgar Poe 17. Poe: “Von Jung” 18. W-24 (miscellaneous Poe related documents) 19. Washington College Hospital- Poe 20. Watson, Catherine 21. Wells, D.E. 22. White, T.W. on Poe 23. Whitty, J.H. “Israfel” 24. Willis, N.P. 25. Wolfe, Theodore F. 26. XYZ- 25 (miscellaneous Poe related documents) Box 8| Various Works of Burton R. Pollin 1. Poe’s “Shadow” as a Source of His “The Masque of the Red Death” (Fall 1968) 2. Politics and History in Poe’s “Mellonta Tauta”: Two Allusions Explained (Fall 1971) 3. The Epicurean and “The City in the Sea” (Spring 1981) 4. Poe’s Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym and the Contemporary Reviewers (Spring 1974) 5. Poe, Freeman Hunt, and Four Unrecorded Reviews of Poe’s Works (Summer 1974) 6. Poe’s Use of the Name De Vere in “Lenore” (March 1975) 7. Undine in the Works of Poe (Winter 1975) 8. The Narrative of Benjamin Morrell: Out of “The Bucket” and Into Poe’s Pym (Autumn 1976) 9. Another Source of “The Bells” by Poe: A Broadway Journal Essay (Fall 1974) 10. Poe’s Use of Material From Bernardin de Saint-Pierre’s Etudes (Summer 1971) 11. Victor Hugo and Poe. Review de Littérature Comparée. 1968. 12. Notre Dame de Paris In Two of Poe’s Tales. Revue Des Langues Vivantes Tijdschrift Voor Levende Talen. 1968. 13. Poe as Probable Author of “Harper’s Ferry” (May 1968) 14. Poe’s “Sonnet—To Zante”: Sources and Associations (Winter 1968) 15. Poe’s The Conqueror Worm. The Explicator. Spring 1982 16. Poe as Edward S.T Grey (Summer 1973) 17. Dean Swift in the Works of Poe (July 1973) 18. Poe and Henry James: A Changing Relationship (1973) 19. Michael Allen: Poe and the British Magazine Tradition (December 1970) 20. Poe and Daniel Defoe: A Significant Relationship. A Poe Miscellany, Topic: 30, A Journal of the Liberal Arts. Fall 1976. 21. Poe’s “Mystification”: It’s Source in Fay’s Norman Leslie (Spring 1972) 22. The Temperance Movement and Its Friends Look at Poe (1972) 23. Poe’s Imaginary Voyages: The Three Longest Narratives. Genius of the Bizarre and Fantastic (June 1981) 24. Poe and Godwin (Nov-Dec 1965) 25. Light on “Shadow” and Other Pieces by Poe; Or, More of Thomas Moore (1972) 26. Names Used for Humor in Poe’s Fiction (1973) 27. Poe’s Illustration for “The Island of the Fay”: A Hoax Detected (1972) 28. Poe’s “Eldorado” Viewed as a Song of the West (Fall 1972) 29. An 1839 Review of Poe’s Tales in Willis’ The Corsair (Dec 1972) 30. Poe’s “Murders in the Rue Morgue”: The Ingenious Web Unraveled (May 1978) 31. More Music To Poe (Oct 1973) 32. Poe’s Narrative of Arthur Cordon Pym and The Contemporary Reviewers (Spring 1974) 33. Contemporary Reviews of Eureka: A Checklist (Spring 1975) 34. Passing Portraits (Spring & Fall 1975) 35. Shakespeare in the Works of Edgar Allan Poe (1985) 36. Poe and the Boston Notion (Sept 1970) 37. “Delightful Sights”: A Possible Whitman Article in Poe’s Broadway Journal (Sept 1969) 38. Poe’s “Some Words With A Mummy” Reconsidered (Fall 1970) 39.
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