War in the Balkans This page intentionally left blank War in the Balkans AN ENCYCLOPEDIC HISTORY FROM THE FALL OF THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE TO THE BREAKUP OF YUGOSLAVIA Richard C. Hall, Editor Copyright © 2014 by ABC-CLIO, LLC All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data War in the Balkans : an encyclopedic history from the fall of the Ottoman Empire to the breakup of Yugoslavia / Richard C. Hall, editor. pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978–1–61069–030–0 (hard copy : alk. paper) — ISBN 978–1–61069–031–7 (ebook) 1. Balkan Peninsula—History, Military—20th century—Encyclopedias. I. Hall, Richard C. (Richard Cooper), 1950– editor. DR45.W37 2014 949.600403—dc23 2014014296 ISBN: 978–1–61069–030–0 EISBN: 978–1–61069–031–7 1817161514 12345 This book is also available on the World Wide Web as an eBook. Visit www.abc-clio.com for details. ABC-CLIO, LLC 130 Cremona Drive, P.O. Box 1911 Santa Barbara, California 93116-1911 This book is printed on acid-free paper Manufactured in the United States of America As ever for Audrey This page intentionally left blank Contents List of Maps, xiii Balkan Entente, 1934, 20 Preface, xv Balkan League, 20 Introduction, xvii Balkan Pact, 1954, 21 Balkan War, First, 1912–1913, 22 REFERENCE ENTRIES Balkan War, Second, 1913, 26 Abdulhamid II (1842–1918), 1 Balkan Wars, 1912–1913, Causes, 28 Adrianople, Siege of, 1912–1913, 2 Balkan Wars, 1912–1913, Consequences, 31 Adrianople, Treaty of, 1829, 3 Balkan Wars, 1912–1913, Naval Albania, Italian Occupation of, 1939, 3 Campaigns, 32 Albania in the Balkan Wars, 5 Balli Kombetar, 33 Albania in World War I, 7 Berlin, Treaty of, 1878, 34 Albania in World War II, 8 Bessarabia, 35 Albanian Uprisings, 1910–1911, 10 Bihac´,36 Alexander I, King of Yugoslavia Black Hand, 36 (1888–1934), 11 Black Sea Campaign, 1941–1944, 37 Alexander Obrenovic´, King of Serbia (1876–1903), 12 Boris III, Czar of Bulgaria (1894–1943), 39 Alexander of Battenberg, Prince of Bulgaria Bosnia, Austrian Occupation, 1878, 40 (1857–1893), 13 Bosnian Crisis, 1908–1909, 41 Ali Pasha (1750?–1822), 14 Bosnian Forces, 43 Antonescu, Ion (1882–1946), 15 Bosnian Revolt, 1876, 44 Austria-Hungary in the Balkans during Bosnian War, 1992–1995, 45 World War I, 16 Brioni Agreement, 47 Averescu, Alexandru (1859–1938), 18 vii viii Contents Bucharest, Treaty of, 1913, 47 Dayton Peace Accords, 1995, 91 Bucharest, Treaty of, 1918, 48 Dimitriev, Radko (1859–1918), 92 Bukovina, 49 Dimitrijevic´, Dragutin (1876–1917), 93 Bulgaria in the Balkan Wars, 50 Djilas, Milova´n (1911–1995), 94 Bulgaria in World War I, 53 Dobro Pole, Battle of, 1918, 95 Bulgaria in World War II, 57 Dobrudja, 96 Bulgarian “Fatherland War,” 1944–1945, 58 Dodecanese Campaign, 1944, 97 Bulgarian Horrors, 1876, 59 Doiran, Battles of, 1915–1918, 98 Bulgarian-Serb War, 1885, 60 EAM/ELAS, 100 Carol I, King of Romania (1839–1914), 62 EDES, 101 Carol II, King of Romania (1893–1953), 63 Enver Pasha (1882–1922), 102 Ceausescu, Nicolae (1918–1989), 64 Epirus, 104 Cer Mountain, Battle of, 1914, 66 Ferdinand I, Czar of Bulgaria (1861–1948), 106 Cˇ etniks, 67 Fiume/Rijeka, 1919–1924, 106 Chataldzha, Battle of, 1912, 68 Gallipoli, 1915, 108 Cherniaev, M. G. (1824–1898), 70 Germany in the Balkans during World Cold War in the Balkans, 70 War I, 111 Constantine I, King of Greece Germany in the Balkans during World (1868–1923), 73 War II, 113 Constantinople, Treaty of, 1913, 75 Greco-Italian War, 1940–1941, 116 Contested Zone (Macedonia), 1912, 75 Greco-Ottoman War, 1897, 118 Corfu Channel Incident, 1946, 76 Greco-Turkish War, 1919–1922, 119 Corfu Declaration, 1917, 77 Greece, Invasion of, 1941, 120 Corfu Incident, 1923, 78 Greece in the Balkan Wars, 122 Cretan Crisis, 1896, 79 Greece in World War I, 123 Crete, Battle of, 1941, 80 Greece in World War II, 125 Crimean War, Balkan Operations, 82 Greek Civil War, 129 Croat Forces, 1991–1995, 83 Greek Military Coup, 1909, 132 Croat War, 1991–1995, 84 Greek War of Independence, Cypriot Civil War, 1963, 87 1821–1832, 133 Cyprus War, 1974, 88 Contents ix Greens (Montenegro), 134 Macedonian Front, 1915–1918, 176 Handschar SS Division, 135 Macedonian War, 2001, 178 Herzegovina Revolt, 1875, 136 Mahmud II, Ottoman Sultan (1785–1839), 180 The Holocaust in the Balkans, 137 Mahmud Muhtar Pasha (1866–1935), 182 Horseshoe, Operation, 1998, 141 Ma˘ra˘s¸es¸ti, Battle of, 1917, 184 Hoxha, Enver (1908–1985), 142 Mehmet Ali (1769–1849), 185 Ilinden Uprising, 1903, 144 Metaxas, Ioannis (1871–1941), 186 Iron Guard, 145 Michael I, King of Romania (1921–), 187 Italy in the Balkans during World War I, 146 Mihailov, Ivan (1896–1990), 187 Italy in the Balkans during World War II, Mihajlovic´, Dragoljub “Drazˇa” (1893– 148 1946), 188 Izetbegovic´, Alija (1925–2003), 150 Military League (Bulgaria), 189 Janina, Siege of, 1912–1913, 153 Milosˇevic´, Slobodan (1941–2006), 190 JNA (Yugoslav People’s Army), 154 Mladic´, Ratko (1943–), 192 Kalimantsi, Battle of, 1913, 157 Montenegro in Balkan Events, 1876–1878, 193 Karadzˇic´, Radovan (1945–), 157 Montenegro in the Balkan Wars, 194 Karageorge (George Petrovic´; 1768–1818), 158 Montenegro in World War I, 195 Kemal, Mustafa (1881–1938), 160 National Schism (Greece), 1916–1917, 197 Kosovo, Battle of, 1915, 162 NATO in the Balkans, 198 Kosovo Liberation Army, 163 Navarino, Battle of, 1827, 199 Kosovo War, 1998–1999, 164 Nedic´, Milan (1877–1946), 201 Kumanovo, Battle of, 1912, 166 Neuilly, Treaty of, 1920, 203 Lake Prespa, Battle of, 1917, 168 Nikola I, King of Montenegro Lausanne, Treaty of, 1923, 169 (1841–1921), 204 Levski, Vasil (1837–1873), 170 North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 205 Little Entente, 171 Novi Pazar, Sanjak of, 207 London, Treaty of, 1913, 172 Obrenovic´, Milan (1854–1901), 209 Lyule Burgas–Buni Hisar, Obrenovic´, Milosˇ (1780–1860), 210 Battle of, 1912, 173 Odessa, Siege of, 1941, 210 Macedonia, 174 x Contents Ottoman Counterinsurgency Operations in San Stefano, Treaty of, 1878, 264 the Balkans and Crete, 212 Sarajevo, Siege of, 1992–1995, 265 Ottoman Empire, 214 Sarajevo Assassination, 1914, 266 Ottoman Empire in the Balkan Wars, 215 Sarkoy and Baloyir, Battles of, 1913, 267 Ottoman Empire in World War I, 220 Savov, Mihail (1857–1928), 268 Papandreou, George (1888–1968), 223 Scutari, Siege of, 1912–1913, 269 Partisans, Albania, 224 Selim III (1761–1808), 270 Partisans, Bulgaria, 225 Serbia, Invasions of, 1914, 271 Partisans, Yugoslavia, 226 Serbia, Invasions of, 1915, 272 Pavelic´, Ante (1889–1959), 227 Serbia and the Balkan Wars, 274 Pleven, Siege of, 1877, 228 Serbia in World War I, 277 Ploest¸i, Bombing of, 1943–1944, 229 Serbian Retreat, 1915, 280 Princip, Gavrilo (1894–1918), 231 Serbian War of Independence, Putnik, Radomir (1847–1917), 232 1804–1817, 281 Radomir Rebellion, 1918, 236 Serbo-Ottoman War, 1876, 283 Romania, Invasion of, 1916, 237 Se`vres, Treaty of, 1920, 284 Romania, Invasion of, 1944, 238 Shipka Pass, Battles of, 1877–1878, 286 Romania in the Balkan Wars, 240 Skanderbeg SS Division, 287 Romania in World War I, 242 Slivnitsa, Battle of, 1885, 288 Romania in World War II, 245 Slovene War, 1991, 289 Romanian Campaign in Hungary, 1919, 248 Smyrna, Destruction of, 1922, 291 Romanian Campaign in Hungary, Srebrenica Massacre, 1995, 292 1944–1945, 249 Stalingrad, Battle of, 1942–1943, 293 Romanian Coup, August 1944, 250 Stamboliski, Aleksandu˘r (1879–1923), 297 Romanian Peasant Uprising, 251 Stepanovic´, Stepa (1856–1929), 298 Russo-Ottoman War, 1806–1812, 252 Storm, Operation, 1995, 299 Russo-Ottoman War, 1828–1829, 254 Su¨leyman Hu¨snu¨ Pasha (1838–1892), 300 Russo-Ottoman War, 1877–1878, 256 Tepelene, Ali Pasha (1744–1822), 303 Saint-Germain, Treaty of, 1919, 259 Tito, Josip Broz (1892–1980), 305 Sakarya River, Battle of, 1921, 261 Transnistrian War, 307 Salonika, 262 Trianon, Treaty of, 1920, 308 Contents xi Trieste Dispute, 310 Yugoslavia, 337 Truman Doctrine, 311 Yugoslavia, Axis Occupation Forces in World War II, 340 Tsolakoglou, Georgios (1886–1948), 313 Yugoslavia, Collaborationist Forces in Tudjman, Franjo (1922–1999), 314 World War II, 342 UNPROFOR, 316 Yugoslavia, Invasion of, 1941, 345 Ustasˇa, 317 Yugoslavia in World War II, 347 Vance-Owen Plan, 1993, 319 Yugoslav Military Coup, 351 Vaphiadis, Markos (1906–1992), 320 Yugoslav Overflight Incidents, 1946, 353 Venize´los, Eleuthe´rios (1864–1936), 321 Yugoslav-Soviet Split, 353 Vienna Award, Second, 322 Yugoslav Wars, 1991–1995, 355 Vladimirescu, Tudor (1780–1821), 324 Yugoslav Wars, 1991–1995, Causes, 358 VMRO, 325 Yugoslav Wars, 1991–1995, Vukovar, Siege of, 1991, 327 Consequences, 360 Warsaw Pact, 328 Zhekov, Nikola (1864–1949), 364 World War II Peace Settlement in the Zog, King of the Albanians Balkans, 331 (1895–1961), 365 Young Turks, 334 Ypsilantis, Alexander (1792–1828), 336 Chronology, 367 Bibliography, 371 Editor and Contributors, 375 Topical Index, 379 Categorical Index, 387 General Index, 393 About the Editor, 411 This page intentionally left blank List of Maps Contemporary Balkans, xxi Bosnia and Herzegovina, xxii Croatia, xxiii Serbia, xxiv The Balkans, 1878–1913, 29 Bosnian Genocide, 1992–1995, 46 Dardanelles/Gallipoli Campaign, 1915, 109 Ottoman Empire, 1877, 217 Balkan Front, 1914–1918, 278 Yugoslavia, 1945, 348 xiii This page intentionally left blank Preface Southeastern Europe, also known as the Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, and Turkey. Balkan Peninsula, has a distinct geography. Other areas that at the time were in political It is bordered on the west, south, and east arrangements with Balkan partners, such as by significant bodies of water, the Adriatic Croatia and Slovenia, are dealt with only in Sea, the Aegean Sea, and the Black Sea, the context of those arrangements.
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