O C V ΓΡΑΦΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ Bringing the news ΤΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΥ to generations of ΑΠΟ ΤΟ 1915 The National Herald Greek Americans A WEEKLY GREEK AMERICAN PUBLICATION c v www.thenationalherald.com VOL. 11, ISSUE 545 March 22, 2008 $1.00 GREECE: 1.75 EURO Grand Nimetz Optimistic About Marshals FYROM Talks; Says Much Selected for Work is Still Needed NY Parade VIENNA (ANA) – U.N. special me- He said he tabled no new pro- diator on the Former Yugoslav Re- posal but analyzed the present situ- public of Macedonia's (FYROM) ation and what possibilities existed Sioufas, Philoptochos “name issue” Matthew Nimetz de- “if we want the problem solved in a clared himself more optimistic on reasonable timeframe.” and Metropoulos Will the outcome of negotiations be- Nimetz also announced that the tween Greece and FYROM after a two sides will be in New York next Lead April 6 Parade new round of talks here on Mon- week for a new meeting “if they day, March 17 adding however that consider that this matter can fur- many things have yet to be done. ther move, given the fact, also, that By Stavros Marmarinos Nimetz held two-hour talks with there is an ongoing intensified pro- Special to The National Herald the two countries' representatives, cedure. The two governments, af- Ambassador Adamantios Vassilakis ter analysing their positions they NEW YORK – The Federation of of Greece and Ambassador Nikola will consider if this procedure can Hellenic Societies of Greater New Dimitrov of FYROM, over the two continue.” York announced the Grand Mar- countries' 17-year dispute for the fi- He said that he had tabled on shals for this year’s upcoming nal name of the land-locked repub- February 19 a proposal which Greek Independence Day Parade in lic. “none of the sides accepted in its Manhattan. The President of the Nimetz said there were many entirety, but the constitutive ele- Hellenic Parliament Demetris Sio- good reasons for both countries ments of this proposal were exten- ufas, the Archdiocese of America’s and the region to have the problem sively discussed.” National Philoptochos Society, and solved, and warned of the dangers Asked on FYROM's internal po- top Greek American executive C. which a non-solution entailed. litical situation, Nimetz said that Dean Metropoulos were chosen to The UN mediator also ascer- the country's political state of af- head this year’s Greek Parade on tained that there was great desire fairs was not an issue of the negoti- Fifth Avenue, which will take place on the part of all sides to have the ations, while regarding initiatives on Sunday, April 6. issue solved, “therefore one should by U.S. on the “name issue,” he said This decision was arrived at by be optimistic that the leaderships of he had always encouraged friendly the Board of Directors of the FHS- both countries will realize the im- countries to be helpful, “that is why GNY last Thursday evening, and portance of a solution, as well as all help is considered positive.” announced at a meeting which fol- the great dangers if this is not He said he was in contact with lowed shortly afterwards and was solved.” the U.S., given its “real interest in open to the general public. Over “This makes me optimistic that having the problem solved,” and the past month, meetings have there are enough reasons for the welcomed its efforts as any other been taking place weekly at the Celebrating 1821 problem to be solved, even if the effort. FHSGNY headquarters, at the problem is very difficult,” Nimetz Stathakion Center in Astoria, in “The blessing of the flag of freedom at Aghia Lavra,” by Theodoros Vryzakis. See related articles on p. 5-7. said. Continued on page 11 preparation for the parade. Hellenic Parliament President Demetris Sioufas was elected to his position in September 2007, imme- WITH THIS ISSUE diately after the most recent Greek national elections. The National Diners in Changing Hands; Greek Ownership on the Wane Philoptochos will be represented at the Parade by its President Georgia By Joseph Berger typical diner touches include stain- not interested in the long workdays Konstantinos Moissiadis, a graphics Skeadas. The other Grand Marshal, New York Times less steel streamlining, faux Tiffany and hurried vacations his job en- designer for I.B.M., who started out Mr. Metropoulos, is Chairman and lamps and a display case that tails. Meanwhile, the immigration at 18 working at an uncle’s diner in CEO of dry and frozen food giant YORKTOWN HEIGHTS, N.Y. – shows off cheesecakes tall enough pipeline from Greece that peaked Norwalk, Conn., and likes the busi- Pinnacle Foods Group and was Nick Karkambasis arrived in New to cast a shadow. between the 1950s and 1970 has ness. But Mr. Karkambasis, who is named Man of the Year in 2006 by York City from Sparta, Greece, on Like other diner owners, Mr. dried up as Greece has prospered. also a director of a New York pur- the Hellenic American Chamber of Dec. 22, 1968, when he was 16 Karkambasis has worked 16 hours Mr. Karkambasis’ current staff of 23 chasing co-op of 437 diners, esti- Commerce. years old. By Dec. 24 he was work- a day, six days a week, not just mak- hails mostly from South America. mates that the proportion of Greek- FHSGNY Vice President ing as a dishwasher at his uncle’s ing sure the food is tasty but also All that is not to mention what owned diners in the New York, New Demetrius Kalamaras told the Delta Diner in Massapequa on Long acting like something of a convivial Peter Makrias, publisher-editor of a Jersey and Connecticut region has meeting attendants that Greek na- Island. Rick in a cafe far from Casablanca, magazine for the Greek-American declined in 10 years to 70 percent tional issues would be at the fore- He moved up by taking a tradi- making the guests feel at home food industry, says are the two most from 90 percent. front of this year’s parade. He also tional path of Greek immigrants — with his patter. insidious forces wiping such diners “To tell you the truth, the par- spoke about the importance of dishwasher, busboy, short-order But Mr. Karkambasis, like many off the map — the banks and chain ents don’t want their children to go broadcasting this major Greek cook, waiter — until he mastered others in the business, foresees the drugstores that are buying up those into the business,” Mr. Karkambasis American event live on the Fox tele- the full menu of diner routines and end of a chapter in American enviable roadside locations and the said. “It’s a lot of hours, and most of vision network, noting that the ex- squirreled away enough money to restaurant history — the ownership competition from franchise restau- us don’t want our children going tensive TV coverage will also pro- buy his own in 1988. In 1995 he of a large share of diners by Greek rants. through what we went through vide a forum to inform the public graduated to the Yorktown Coach immigrants. The son and daughter Mr. Karkambasis, who at 56 is growing up.” about Greek national issues. Mr. Diner, a plain-spoken brick stand- he put through college have be- thinking about retirement, is lucki- Kalamaras called on the crowd to alone in a shopping mall here. Its come Wall Street traders and are er than most. He has a son-in-law, Continued on page 4 support the various events that are being held by the Federation of Hellenic Societies in conjunction with the parade, because any funds that are left over after the parade expenses will help finance the FHS- Justice Minister Selected as Grand Marshal in Boston Lowell Parish GNY’s other programs. Parade Chairman John Catsi- By Theodore Kalmoukos vealed by the Greek publication of Hellenic-American societies of New bration will continue in the Boston Celebrates matides stated his pleasure over Special to The National Herald the National Herald, on Wednes- England in cooperation with the Common featuring traditional the increased turnout at the day, March 12 from which the orga- Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Greek Dances, food and music. BOSTON – The Justice Minister of nizing committee of the Federation Boston and the Consul General of On Friday, April 4 at 3 p.m. the Centennial Continued on page 5 Greece Sotiris Hatzidakis will be of the Hellenic Societies of New Greece in Boston, is scheduled to annual celebration of the State the Grand Marshal in this year’s an- England was informed. Consul take place on Sunday, April 6 at 1 House will take place. This year the nual parade in Boston for the General of Greece in Boston, Con- p.m. The parade’s starting point celebration will take place in the of- Anniversary March 25 celebrations of the Inde- stantine Orphanides officially veri- will the Boston Public Library on ficial chamber of Congress at the pendence of Greece from the Turks. fied the Herald’s information from Boylston Street in Copley Square Massachusetts State House as has Mr. Hatzidakis, a prominent mem- Athens. Mr. Hatzidakis attended and will end at the intersection of been the case since the Michael of Its Church Woman Left ber of the Greek government will last year’s parade and festivities of Charles Street. The viewing stand Dukakis era as governor of the be accompanied by four members the 25th of March. will once again be across from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
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