'(wntorrtllo^ut '7) 'r2J un|odasorsK1olpatalsue.q r{lluanbesqns (, I6I ) orruC qcq/!\ Dronp^ut DlsDwotlJ 're^e/$oH su sarJadssqt paqursop,(p€erls puq (ZS8I) ^ouru€zJnJ .{lrsre,rruneuJnoqlel I Jo rolecueq3 ueql 'f:reg puorupeupeJnouoq taqllda aq1 pue arnuo(ttoq wn\odasorsr(7fq pagrd,$su,n snua8aql'seqo1x,(pcea:;lsourl€er0olecuareJaruI'(tg6lu.,{org)IedesEvrueew'wnlE.das-urte1 'srs(1 eql pueEurseele;:o 8u$asoo[ 8uru?eul - 1aa:9 aqlruor; snue8 sql perueu(69gl) Jellenr{ 'saqolel?uuoc 'snon8Duoc q1y,r sJeqlu? elp?sJa^-uou pu€ sapoumEls propled-uou alulnqns 'sl€lad Eul^Eq qll-apcs pocnpe.rqcnur Eur,req :o snopladeEureq ,{q pezualcureqc dno:8 e ( 17g 1 ,{eg) eueplodors?TeqIJ]eqlols8uolequnladasorst?'((6661)'1l,1,re(egpue(9661)dnorC,{ueEol,(qd uredsolSuyaql'(866I) Trta uosra^lvfq pauoddns'14661)ralseqruel l ? ppnl nsaas)e€ere^I€tr 1 pepuedxe,tpuer8eq u[ pepnlcur,lnousr,{pure; srqt lnq 'osec?Inclelsur paceldueaq ,(Iluuoplppl 'selcads .11entr seq11 elg Jo snuet uBIIBIsnVuelse^\-qlnos JJulepue ue sr { d wryodasols(1 uol|'npoqul 'snuaE eq1:o;proce: peqsrtqnd lsrg eq sttunJonnp^u! ? JoJ0I = u JoJequnu euosoruoJrlr V 'pnq ejnleuroql esolcua,{1e1e1duroc o1pec€ds {llEnbe slcHqx.(pcrda :swpLr ^\oJEu prr? peolq EunsuJetlEJo seqol xFIm :(eseqeql t€ pesnJfl$J?3s saqoD goqs ,fia,reqnl x,(pc :eeapladorseleqgt q enbgn seqd:oruoduui(sae:q1 ,(q pagoddnsflEuoqs 'snua8 cpe1,{qdouoruesrwn1odasolstT :r"ql sepcpur slsp JscrEoloqdroru uo pesuqrue:Eopulc y "Jold erEupal?lcec .g.J se uoppSocerarrnber flqeqord 1zq (o,nr1flFoug W.IVJ) suptll[ wnxlnuoro ? pue(euo .S .S) .7 ,qlroljd t{.IvJ) suDnt1,(.'g'J untonoqD 7 serceds.,rreu o.,rr1 pu8 arool l (elootrAl arupuDx?tl "r$ueg .7 palElsuraroql unso8nJ 7 prrBorruq ('nJnL) unplcryoaar sarcadspeldaccu ,{l1ueunc o,r1esgduroc eseq; sercedse^g peUluopl'Bl[ur1snv uelse^{-qlnos ol cruapuesnua8 e ,.1entrq.g .(1002) .(eEepledorsu.I wryodasolsKT1o uorsr^arclruouox€t V t6S-IrS :(€)91o1s1tu1tr :oeac?^I?lI) ,llddeqJ .supIIIA\ wryodasors&Tsnue?uurJe.DsnvualselAarDJouont^eJJltuouoxslV.V.f?.d.C pB4sqY 'spuulpeN 'srleJlsnv ,,(uplog ,069 sllsJlsnv uotsol\ u$lso^,\ Jo {llsre^lun eqJ Jo luou ?dec 'y pddeq3 1puu sup lt6 d'C (auapladogsel : ruere^lel1tr)unlDdasmst I snua8uBllBrlsnv uJafsoaleql Jouolsl oJclruouoxel v (roo?)t69-tt9:(€)€r,rr[,Ar 572 Nuttsia Yol. 13, No, 3 (2001) Thomasiainvolucrata was described correctly as six-merous by Turczaninov(1852), however, the usuallyhexamerous feature of Lysiosepalumwas notconsistently recognized in followingtreatments. Mueller's(1859) generic description stated that L barryanumwas five-merous,rarely having six stamensand sepals,and Bentham (1863) elroneously described L rugosumas five-merous. Type specimensandothercollections ofthese original species ofly siosepalumarc,however,all six-merous. Confusionwas still apparentwhen Moore (1921) described a third new speciesThomasir hexandra Moore,the epithet referring to thesix-merous flowers. When he later examined Lysiosepalumheldat BM andAustralian herbaria (unnamed), he foundthem to behexamerous and subsequently transferred the taxon to trysiosepalum (Moore in Sargent1923). This species,although currently not recognized (Hnatiuk1990), having previously been reduced to synonymyof L. involunotum(Blackall & Grieve 1956),is reinstatedhere as a distinctspecies. Of thetwo additionalspecies described in thisrevision, oneis 6-merousand the other is 4- or 5-merous. "Flora As therehas beenno comprehensiveteatment of Lysiosepalumsince Australiensis" (Bentham1863), this paperpresents aformal revisionofthe genus as part ofarevision ofLasiopetaleae "Flora in preparationfor of Australia"Volume 7. In addition,a lack of publishedinformation on anatomy,cytology and phylogeny of thegenus is redressed. Methods This revisionis basedprimarily upon morphologicalevidence obtained from examinationof vegetative,and fresh and rehydrated flowering material from collections,including type specimens' from thefollowing national and intemational herbaria; AD, BM, BRI, CANB, CBG,DNA, K, MEL, NSW,P, PERTH,W. All definedtaxa have been examined in thefield. Seed-coatmorphology was examined on seeds from the authors' fieldcollections, orthose ofKings ParkBotanic Garden (KPBG). Examination ofpollen exotesta ofl,lsio sepaluminvolucratun(KPBG 196/86,identity verified from seedlings)was facilitatedby an EnvironmentalScanning Electron Microscope(Danilatsos 1993). Seedlingswere grown of L. hexandrum(C.F. Wilkins 737), L. involucratum(KPBG 196/86) and L rugosum(C.F,WilkinsT32). Seeds were pre-treated by being coveredwith boiling water and soaked ovemight. Seeds were germinated in petridishes on filter paper noistenedwith 17oPrevicur fungicide and those with emergentradicles were transferred to potsof pottingmix in a glasshouse. Anatomyand cytology.Anatomical comparisonof fresh plant material was facilitated by fixing in glutaraldehyde,embedding in GMA resin,sectioning by microtomeand staining with ToluidineBlue pH 4.4 (Feder& O'Brien 1968).To observechromosome number, fresh anthers were fixed in 3:1 absoluteethanol: glacial acetic acid for 24 hours,rinsed in 707oethanol and stainedin alcoholic hyrlrochloric acid carmine for two days. Anthers were squashedin 45Vo glac\al acetic acid and chromosomesfrommeiotic pollen mother cells were micrographed using aZeiss Axiophotmicroscope and6 ASA Imagelinkfilm. Cladisticanalysis. A dataset offive identifiedspecies of I-ysiosepalum, two o\tgrouptaxa and 25 morphologicalcharacters was establishedin MacClade 3.05 (Maddison &Maddison 1992). Thomqsia angustifuliaSteud. and Guichenotia angustifolia (Turcz.) Druce were chosen as outgroup taxa as a cladisticanalysis of all speciesof Lasiopetaleae(unpublished data) shows Lysiosepalum to be monophyleticand Guichenotia and, Thonasia to be closelyrelated with similarstipules, and anthers dehiscencingby apicalpores. The outgroup species chosen retain the plesiomorphic features ofthese '(0 .97 1'0 t) lq8leueql erorr = I :g-l = O:elncol rad sap,ro go requnp '0 .tZ (0 I 11uorsry o699 < esBqpesnJ Suol = I :uolsnJ% 0S> ?suqpesnJ Uoqs = 0 :srsq elDgqJo esBg '(0 I'0 I ) lueserd= I :luesqe= 0 :srrEq,&E^o enryg eZ '(0'l '0 .ZZ 1)rutu I ueqlerour = Z :uru I upqlssel = I :luesqE= 0 :aqnlpurursls .IZ (0 I'0 1)uItII S'ffi 0 = I :ruurE'0-0 = 0 :qlpl.alueu?lld '0 (0'0 I)pe^ooJ8flSuoJls=Zie^ooJ8^\olleqs=l:pesru,(lel?lduoc=0:seqolreqtueJouorsnl;oeer8aq.67 .6I (0 0'o I) eseqreqlu? ot erodurorJ lllds pueerod = l :,(tuoeJod = 0 :ecuersrqepreqluv .(0.0,0.1) tuesqe= t:luaseld=0:slBFd Sl . 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'olqrsr^ Eurumurol sruueprde aq1 qtrrrr paddey:a,ro ,{18uons 'f1erete1 ,pet€J?das eJ?srruq orl uoq^iesuap Euqcnollsnf aresJ.pq eql uaq^\,{lrsuep unrpatu lle^{ ,elplnpun eJEsJlpq eql uoq^\peJa$pJs se pougepsl ,(llsuepruq oJeq^\tl Jelc?reqc lo ,(^u^rEureq sE paugeperu sur8reru pedsuc ereq,r 9 :elceruqcroy ldacxe ,{roteuuldxe-;1as e.ru suoqrugep JalceruqC '(Z elqeJ)peluesord sl xlneura?p SutFseraq; .cqdrour,(1odse papoc se,n uox?l aql ,uox€l .peJepJoun e ulll/r\ luasajd ss,!\apls Jalc?l?q3euo ueql sJoluelar&\,\ ual eJe^\Jepur€rxaj arD alrq.{\ 'parapJo s?pelea.! ara,[ odeqsJo ezlsul suorsse:Eo:dpcl8o1 peluese:der qrq,,rr srelcenqc elElsrlFI '(I I elq?I) pepnpu eJe^\sJatJsJeqr etzlsplnur a,rqelrpnb pu? a^n€Uu€nbqloq puu ,fteurg c:eue8 , .V.t tumlodasols(1snue8 uelpllsnv ruEso { oql Jo uorsnel r(louoxsl V tddeqJ pu? sup{lr^{ .C.J 574 Nu)tria Vol. 13, No. 3 (2001) Table 2. Datamatdx for a cladisticanaly sis of Lysiosepalumand two outgroupsp ecies in Guichenotia '?'. andThomasiq.Missing data are coded as I 11111 11112 22222 Taxon 12345 67890
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