Volume XX, Issue II, January 2019 ISSN 0973-5038 APCRIAPCRI JOURNAL Oĸ cial Journal of the AssociaƟ on for PrevenƟ on and Control of Rabies in India (Regd.) Volume XXI, Issue II, January 2020 Published by AssociaƟ on for PrevenƟ on and Control of Rabies in India (APCRI) Also available at: www.apcrijournal.com 1 APCRI Journal Offi ce Bearers of Associa on for Preven on and Control of Rabies in India Founder President & Mentor Dr. M. K. Sudarshan 9481778364/[email protected] President Dr. D. H. Ashwath Narayana 9341948189/[email protected] Vice President Vice President Dr. Durga Madhab Sathpathy Dr. SriKrishna Isloor 9861084175/drdurgams@rediff mail.com 9449992287/[email protected] Joint Secretary Secretary General Treasurer Dr. Krishna Kumar Dr. Sumit Poddar Dr. Ravish H. S. 9431102588/[email protected] 9830059468/[email protected] 9900562743/drravishhs@rediff mail.com Editor Dr. Kajal Krishna Banik 9331048886/[email protected] Zonal Representa ve (North) Zonal Representa ve (North) Dr. H. K. Gohil Dr. Omesh Kumar Bhar 99680977505/[email protected] 9418120302/bhar [email protected] Zonal Representa ve (East) Zonal Representa ve (East) Dr. Gautam Prasad Sarkhel Dr. Tapas Ranjan Behera 9433381169/[email protected] 937183787/[email protected] Zonal Representa ve (West) Zonal Representa ve (West) Dr. Govardhan Meena Dr. M. K. Jhala 9414042908/[email protected] 9824243564/[email protected] Zonal Representa ve (Central) Zonal Representa ve (Central) Dr. M. N. Siddique Dr. Lakhan L Ahirwar 9838071127/[email protected] 942444259/[email protected] Zonal Representa ve (South) Zonal Representa ve (South) Dr. Sunil Kumar K M Dr. Sheela P. Haveri 9740545615/[email protected] 8618629403/[email protected] Advisory Board Dr. S. Abdul Rahman, Dr. B. J. Mahendra, Dr. Jyothi B Du a, Dr. Jugal Kishore, Dr. Muralidhar Thambe, Dr. Chi aranjan Roy, Dr. Reeta S. Mani, Dr. Thinly Bhu a Editorial Board Dr. Reeta S. Mani, Dr. Shrikrishna Isloor, Dr. Jairaj Singh Hanspal, Dr. Durga Madhab Sathpathy, Dr. Baisakhi Maji, Dr. Sunit Mukhopadhayay, Dr. D.H. Ashwath Narayana, Dr. Sumit Poddar, Dr. Ravish H.S. 1 Volume XXI, Issue III, January 2020 ASSOCIATION FOR PREVENTION & CONTROL OF RABIES IN INDIA GENERAL INFORMATION THE JOURNAL The APCRI has become a prime and one of the most vibrant scientifi c organization in the fi eld of rabies elimination with strength of about 750 life members and 40 Founder Life Members. Now APCRI serves as a platform that brings together the best minds in the country comprising of medical professionals, veterinary doctors and others for Advocacy, Research & information dissemination about prevention & control of Rabies. APCRI led by an excellent team of rabies experts and dedicated people and is actively involved in conducting rabies related research, organizing conferences, Continuing Medical Education (CME) programmes, symposia, lectures, trainings, scientifi c publications, book release, etc. and has a pan India representation with global impact. APCRI has its own offi cial indexed and peer reviewed journal on prevention and control of rabies which is published biannually. It is indexed in Index Copernicus International vide ISSN 0973-5038. APCRI, with the technical and fi nancial assistance from World Health Organization (WHO) undertook the landmark national multi-centric rabies survey India during 2002-2004. In 2017, it conducted another Indian multi-centric rabies survey to assess programmatic experiences on rabies control with technical and operational support of WHO. INFORMATION OF AUTHORS There are no page charges for APCRI Journal submission. Please check http://www. apcrijournal. com/Instructions. aspx for details. All articles must be submitted online at http://www. apcrijournal. com/ArticleSubmission. aspx Or To the Editor Dr. Kajal Krishna Banik Email id- kajalbanik@gmail. com, Secretary General Dr. Sumit Poddar Email id- drsumitpoddar@gmail. com, President Dr. D. H. Ashwath Narayana Email Id- dhashwathnarayana@gmail. com, Treasurer Dr. Ravish H. S. Email Id- drravishhs@rediff mail. com POSTAL INFORMATION Transaction of the Association for Prevention and Control of Rabies in India (ISSN 0973-5038) is published two times in a year by APCRI. Annual subscription price is Rs. 300, in addition with postal charges. Dr. Kajal Krishna Banik Editorial Offi ce Editor, APCRI Journal Dr. Sumit Poddar Mob : 9331048886 Secretary General, APCRI Email : kajalbanik@gmail. com H. P. PODDAR MEMORIAL CLINIC & NURSING HOME 56H, Beliaghata Main Road, Kolkata- 700010 Phone No. - 033 2370 6644,2353 9586 Email – drsumitpoddar@gmail. com 2 APCRI Journal ASSOCIATION FOR PREVENTION & CONTROL OF RABIES IN INDIA CONTENTS PAGES • General Information 02 Editorial 04 Dr. Kajal Krishna Banik, Hony Editor, APCRI Special ArƟ cles • Rabies Prophylaxis: What is new in WHO, 2018 Recommendations & its implementation in India – A commentary 05 Dr. M. K. Sudarshan • Improving vaccination coverage of human as well as dogs – Two important steps towards elimination of rabies 09 Dr. Prasanna Deshpande, Dr. S. Sai Krishna, Dr. Devi Prasad Sahoo • Rabies in wildlife -a review in Indian context 13 S. K Mukhopadhyay, D. Borkotoky Original Research ArƟ cles • Out of pocket expenditure for availing rabies post exposure prophylaxis 18 Ramya MP, Ravish HS, Nitu Kumari, Jithin Surendran • A Prospective Study on Psychological Impact in Children After Dog Bite Injuries in Bengaluru Urban 27 Dr Kishore SG, Dr Deepak Murthy HJ, Dr Ranganath TS, Dr Anil Kumar, Mr Vishwanatha V Neela • Seasonal Trend Of Animal Bite Victims Attending Anti Rabies Clinic Of A Tertiary Care Hospital, Berhampur, Odisha. 33 Prof. Durga Madhab Satapathy, Dr. Nivedita Karmeee, Dr. P. Narmada Reddy, Dr. Debasish Pandit Case Report • Safety and immunogenicity of Rabies Human Monoclonal Antibody (Rabishield) in a category III rabid dog bite: A case report 40 Dr. Tapas Ranjan Behera, Dr. Swetaleena Ashe • Serum Sickness should not rule out Equine Rabies Immunoglobulin Administration - A Case Study 42 Dr. Santoshinee Rout, Dr. Tapas Ranjan Behera Special Report • Street Dog Survey 46 Dr. Shrikrishna Isloor • APCRICON 2020 Announcement 60 • Guidelines for applying for “Young Scientist Award” 61 • Instruction to Author 62 • Achievements & Awards 69 3 Volume XXI, Issue III, January 2020 EDITORIAL With the blessings and good wishes of the readers, doctors and researchers on Rabies in general and the members of the Associa on of Physicians for Preven on and Control of Rabies in India in par cular we are here with the new edi on of our pres gious journal. I would like to acknowledge the services of the editorial board members and the contribu ons of our dynamic Secretary General for his tremendous amount of help and coopera on to publish this issue of the journal. Since the new commi ee took over the charge of this journal, we are trying our best to reach out each and every corners of the country to collect, collate and encourage for ar cles on diff erent aspects of rabies control and its management. Unfortunately we are not receiving suffi cient number of papers from the respected teachers, researchers and scien sts. We appeal you all through this to submit your works for publica on. As you all know that it’s not easy in our country to go for hassle free rabies management of rabies, similarly it’sS not possible to manage the disease without proper knowledge and informa on among the prac oners at large. That’s why we have incorporated some important angles of rabies management through diff erent ar cles. You will be glad to know that we have included the current global scenario and the eff orts of the World Health Organisa on (WHO) in this issue along with the most neglected aspect of our health care, the psychological impact of animal bites par cularly in the children. We have included one ar cle to make people aware regarding the seasonality of animal bites in our country with a specifi c inten on to encourage our members to work further to document the epidemiological scenario, if any. We emphasize that a er the last Na onal level guidelines on Rabies provided in 2015 should be rewri en and a fresh and eff ec ve na onal guidelines be published by our na onal Government incorpora ng diff erent recommenda ons of the WHO and other agencies working in the fi eld of rabies control and management without further delay. Let us hope for the best to be able to achieve the goal of Rabies elimina on from our country by 2030. Dr. Kajal Krishna Banik MBBS, DPH, MAE Hony Editor Journal of the Associa on for Preven on and Control of Rabies in India (APCRI) 4 APCRI Journal SPECIAL ARTICLE Rabies prophylaxis: What is new in WHO, 2018 recommendations & its implementation in India - A commentary1 Dr. M. K. Sudarshan* MD (BHU), FAMS, HON, FFPH (UK) ABSTRACT The World Health Organiza on following expert reviews and consulta ons recently in 2018 released two documents i. e. Technical Report Series on rabies, no. 1012 and Posi on Paper on rabies vaccines in weekly epidemiological record, no. 16. In India, the last na onal guidelines on rabies prophylaxis were provided in 2015. Hence, following the WHO, 2018 guidelines in January, 2019, a Government of India expert group on rabies met in New Delhi, reviewed the recent WHO guidelines for adapta on and issuing revised na onal guidelines. In this context, a cri cal appraisal of the rabies prophylaxis in the current situa on is elaborated in this ar cle for the informa on of both private medical prac oner and service provider in government ins tu ons. Key words: Rabies prophylaxis, rabies vaccine, rabies immunoglobulin, rabies monoclonal an body. The World Health Organiza on was established in 1948 as a specialized agency of the United Na ons serving as the direc ng and coordina on authority for interna onal health ma ers and public health.
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