Renaissance Learning, Inc. Todays Date: 3/4/2008 Customer No. 134580 Quiz Listing ForLansing Christian School Quiz# RL Pts IL Title Author 5976 8.9 17.0 UG 1984 Orwell, George 523 10.0 28.0 MG 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Unabridged) Verne, Jules 6651 3.3 1.0 MG 24-Hour Genie, The McGinnis, Lila 593 5.6 7.0 MG 25 Cent Miracle, The Nelson, Theresa 8851 6.1 9.0 UG A.B.C. Murders, The Christie, Agatha 11901 5.5 4.0 MG Abandoned on the Wild Frontier Jackson, Dave/Neta 6030 6.0 8.0 UG Abduction, The Newth, Mette 101 5.9 3.0 MG Abel's Island Steig, William 11577 4.7 7.0 MG Absolutely Normal Chaos Creech, Sharon 5252 4.2 6.0 UG Ace Hits the Big Time Murphy, Barbara 5253 5.6 2.0 UG Acorn People, The Jones, Ron 102 6.6 10.0 MG Across Five Aprils Hunt, Irene 6901 4.6 8.0 UG Across the Grain Ferris, Jean 18801 6.3 10.0 UG Across the Lines Reeder, Carolyn 17602 5.5 4.0 MG Across the Wide and Lonesome Prairie: The Oregon Trail Diary of Hattie Campbell Gregory, Kristiana 11701 4.8 8.0 UG Adam and Eve and Pinch-Me Johnston, Julie 16702 9.4 42.0 UG Adam Bede Eliot, George 1 6.5 9.0 MG Adam of the Road Gray, Elizabeth 64976 5.9 5.0 MG Adara Gormley, Beatrice 8601 7.7 2.0 UG Adventure of the Speckled Band, The Doyle, Arthur 501 6.6 18.0 MG Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The (Unabridged) Twain, Mark 52301 8.1 11.0 MG Adventures of Robin Hood, The (Unabridged) Green, Roger 502 8.1 12.0 MG Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The (Unabridged) Twain, Mark 8551 4.4 5.0 UG After the Bomb Miklowitz, Gloria 351 3.8 8.0 MG After the Dancing Days Rostkowski, Margaret 352 3.7 8.0 UG After the Rain Mazer, Norma 47402 4.3 5.0 MG After the Storm Brooke, Lauren 17801 4.9 5.0 UG After the War Matas, Carol 353 5.0 4.0 MG Afternoon of the Elves Lisle, Janet 10826 8.8 19.0 UG Age of Innocence, The Wharton, Edith 201 5.3 5.0 MG Agony of Alice, The Naylor, Phyllis 18802 4.8 14.0 UG Airframe Crichton, Michael 5051 3.3 5.0 MG Alan and Naomi Levoy, Myron 7101 6.1 16.0 UG Alas, Babylon Frank, Pat 108597 7.8 1.0 MG Alex Rider, The Gadgets Horowitz, Anthony 25966 5.6 5.0 UG Alexandra O'Dell, Scott 5052 4.9 6.0 UG Alice in Rapture, Sort Of Naylor, Phyllis 503 7.8 10.0 MG Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass Carroll, Lewis 11575 5.0 5.0 UG Alice In-Between Naylor, Phyllis 31159 5.3 2.0 MG Alida's Song Paulsen, Gary 19776 7.7 19.0 UG Alive Read, Piers 11596 5.4 12.0 UG All Around the Town Clark, Mary 726 6.8 26.0 UG All Creatures Great and Small Herriot, James 701 6.0 10.0 UG All Quiet on the Western Front Remarque, Erich 10827 6.8 36.0 UG All the King's Men Warren, Robert 16703 7.8 21.0 UG All the President's Men Bernstein/Woodward, 53782 4.5 5.0 MG All the Way Home Giff, Patricia 7102 6.7 23.0 UG All Things Bright and Beautiful Herriot, James 5254 5.7 10.0 UG All Together Now Bridgers, Sue 71141 5.4 10.0 MG Alley, The Estes, Eleanor 8602 5.7 0.5 UG Alligators, The Updike, John 2 4.9 5.0 MG All-of-a-Kind Family Taylor, Sydney 6902 4.4 11.0 UG Along the Tracks Bergman, Tamar 6903 3.8 6.0 UG Amazing Gracie Cannon, A.E. 14451 4.7 4.0 MG Amazon Papers, The Keller, Beverly 42323 5.7 4.0 MG Ambushed in Jaguar Swamp Jackson, Dave/Neta 40129 4.0 7.0 MG Amelia's War Rinaldi, Ann 11545 6.3 9.0 UG American Dragons Yep, Laurence 17802 5.4 11.0 UG Amethyst Dreams Whitney, Phyllis 3 6.5 5.0 MG Amos Fortune, Free Man Yates, Elizabeth 5251 4.5 11.0 UG An Acceptable Time L'Engle, Madeleine 21626 3.6 10.0 UG An Acquaintance with Darkness Rinaldi, Ann 5977 8.5 65.0 UG An American Tragedy Dreiser, Theodore 7909 6.8 1.0 UG An Encounter (Creative Education) Joyce, James 5265 5.9 11.0 UG An Episode of Sparrows Godden, Rumer 12586 4.9 5.0 MG An Island Far from Home Donahue, John 7928 7.9 1.0 UG An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge (Creative Education) Bierce, Ambrose 24593 8.2 18.0 MG An Old-Fashioned Girl (Unabridged) Alcott, Louisa Quiz# RL Pts IL Title Author 53292 5.4 19.0 UG An Untamed Land Snelling, Lauraine 5053 4.5 5.0 MG Anastasia Again! Lowry, Lois 202 4.5 3.0 MG Anastasia Krupnik Lowry, Lois 44806 5.8 5.0 MG Anastasia: The Last Grand Duchess Meyer, Carolyn 354 4.5 4.0 MG Anastasia's Chosen Career Lowry, Lois 5054 6.1 9.0 MG And Condors Danced Snyder, Zilpha 4 4.8 8.0 MG And Now Miguel Krumgold, Joseph 5255 5.2 6.0 UG And One for All Nelson, Theresa 5928 7.2 2.0 MG And Then There Was One: The Mysteries of Extinction Facklam, Margery 8852 5.7 8.0 UG And Then There Were None Christie, Agatha 10828 7.8 62.0 UG Andersonville Kantor, MacKinlay 17803 6.6 11.0 UG Andromeda Strain, The Crichton, Michael 7146 4.0 3.0 MG Angela and the Broken Heart Robinson, Nancy 68070 5.2 15.0 MG Angel's Command: A Tale from the Castaways of the Flying Dutchman, The Jacques, Brian 15811 4.8 10.0 UG Angel's Gate Crew, Gary 10829 6.9 35.0 UG Angle of Repose Stegner, Wallace 727 7.3 5.0 UG Animal Farm Orwell, George 29998 3.3 4.0 MG Anna Is Still Here Vos, Ida 702 9.6 69.0 UG Anna Karenina Tolstoy, Leo 551 8.6 16.0 MG Anne of Avonlea (Unabridged) Montgomery, L.M. 203 7.3 17.0 MG Anne of Green Gables (Unabridged) Montgomery, L.M. 6652 6.0 16.0 MG Anne of Ingleside Montgomery, L.M. 5256 6.3 12.0 UG Anne of the Island (Unabridged) Montgomery, L.M. 6653 5.9 14.0 MG Anne of Windy Poplars Montgomery, L.M. 6654 6.1 13.0 MG Anne's House of Dreams Montgomery, L.M. 27651 5.3 12.0 UG Another Homecoming Oke/Bunn, 30835 6.2 8.0 MG Anson's Way Schmidt, Gary 355 5.8 7.0 MG Anthony Burns: The Defeat and Triumph of a Fugitive Slave Hamilton, Virginia 53818 7.0 21.0 UG Antrax Brooks, Terry 6031 4.6 5.0 UG Anything to Win Miklowitz, Gloria 30512 5.4 14.0 UG Apollyon LaHaye/Jenkins, 8853 6.1 9.0 UG Appointment with Death Christie, Agatha 21961 5.0 3.0 MG Apprentice, The Llorente, Pilar 15810 5.2 5.0 UG Apprenticeship of Lucas Whitaker, The DeFelice, Cynthia 14452 5.0 6.0 MG April and the Dragon Lady Namioka, Lensey 728 6.1 9.0 UG April Morning Fast, Howard 5257 4.9 6.0 UG Are You in the House Alone? Peck, Richard 5055 3.6 4.0 MG Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. Blume, Judy 20102 3.8 10.0 MG Arilla Sun Down Hamilton, Virginia 106408 5.3 12.0 MG Ark Angel Horowitz, Anthony 14988 5.4 8.0 MG Arkadians, The Alexander, Lloyd 7001 4.4 6.0 UG Arly Peck, Robert 68568 5.4 14.0 UG Armageddon LaHaye/Jenkins, 504 9.6 12.0 MG Around the World in Eighty Days Verne, Jules 6640 9.5 29.0 UG Arrowsmith Lewis, Sinclair 204 4.2 3.0 MG Arthur, for the Very First Time MacLachlan, Patricia 16704 5.4 9.0 UG As I Lay Dying Faulkner, William 49930 5.3 12.0 UG As You Wish Gunn, Robin 18569 5.3 8.0 UG Ash Road Southall, Ivan 29695 5.5 15.0 UG Assassins LaHaye/Jenkins, 42325 5.9 5.0 MG Assassins in the Cathedral Jackson, Dave/Neta 54930 5.6 23.0 UG At Home in Mitford Karon, Jan 6655 4.6 3.0 MG Attaboy, Sam! Lowry, Lois 10351 5.6 5.0 MG Attack in the Rye Grass Jackson, Dave/Neta 41280 6.7 6.0 MG Austere Academy, The Snicket, Lemony 7103 7.5 32.0 UG Autobiography of Malcolm X, The Malcolm/Haley, 729 4.6 13.0 UG Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, The Gaines, Ernest 11702 4.9 5.0 UG Autumn of the Royal Tar Stone, Bruce 5930 5.4 7.0 MG Away Is a Strange Place to Be Hoover, H.M. 5 4.3 2.0 MG B" Is for Betsy Haywood, Carolyn 16705 7.8 22.0 UG Babbitt Lewis, Sinclair 36037 4.3 4.0 MG Babe & Me : A Baseball Card Adventure Gutman, Dan 205 5.6 3.0 MG Babe, the Gallant Pig King-Smith, Dick 7002 3.7 5.0 UG Babyface Mazer, Norma 206 5.3 6.0 MG Baby-sitting Is a Dangerous Job Roberts, Willo 41281 6.4 4.0 MG Bad Beginning, The Snicket, Lemony 14989 5.8 7.0 MG Ballad of Lucy Whipple, The Cushman, Karen 456 5.7 9.0 MG Ballet Shoes Streatfeild, Noel 6 4.9 6.0 MG Bambi: A Life in the Woods Salten, Felix 11703 6.0 11.0 UG Band of Angels, A Thompson, Julian 10352 5.6 4.0 MG Bandit of Ashley Downs, The Jackson, Dave 207 5.1 11.0 MG Banner in the Sky Ullman, James 116582 4.5 4.0 MG Barfing in the Backseat - How I Survived my Family Road Trip Winkler, Henry 10894 3.9 2.0 MG Barn, The Avi, 10401 7.6 19.0 UG Baron's Apprenticeship, The MacDonald, George 16706 6.8 16.0 UG Barrio Boy Galarza, Ernesto 5931 5.1 4.0 MG Baseball in April and Other Stories Soto, Gary Quiz# RL Pts IL Title Author 5056 4.8 6.0 MG Basement Baseball Club, The Kelly, Jeffrey 5057 5.0 6.0 MG Bearstone Hobbs, Will 6604 4.1 3.0 MG Beat the Turtle Drum Greene, Constance 552 4.0 5.0 MG Beauty Wallace, Bill 7003 6.2 11.0 UG Beauty: A Retelling of the Story of Beauty and the Beast McKinley, Robin 39557 3.9 3.0 MG Because of Winn-Dixie DiCamillo, Kate 7901 7.2 1.0 UG Bee-Man of Orn (Creative Education) Stockton, Frank 356 5.7 5.0 MG Beetles, Lightly Toasted Naylor, Phyllis 553 5.3 9.0 MG Beggar Queen, The Alexander, Lloyd 5258 6.6 7.0 UG Begonia for Miss Applebaum, A Zindel, Paul 6303 5.7 3.0 MG Behind Rebel Lines Reit, Seymour 554 4.9 9.0 MG Behind the Attic Wall Cassedy, Sylvia 13799 4.9 6.0 MG Behind the Lines Holland, Isabelle 6904 5.9 6.0 UG Being of Two Minds Service, Pamela 8552 4.7 6.0 UG Bel-Air Bambi and the Mall Rats Peck, Richard 10830 5.9 13.0 UG Bell for Adano, A Hersey, John 8651 7.2 11.0 UG Bell Jar, The Plath, Sylvia 15791 4.4 5.0 UG Belle Prater's Boy White, Ruth 54093 4.8 6.0 MG Belle Teal Martin, Ann 10755 5.7 14.0 MG Bellmaker, The Jacques, Brian 8652 6.0 15.0 UG Beloved Morrison, Toni 208 6.9 3.0 MG Ben and Me Lawson, Robert 12776 10.4 5.0 UG Beowulf Anonymous/Raffel, 10402 6.1 7.0 UG Berlin Encounter Bunn, T.
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