Programa de Doctorado en Estudios Internacionales en Paz, Conflictos y Desarrollo Escola de Doctorat de la Universitat Jaume I Integrating Love in Peace and International Studies Memoria presentada por Egidio Alcides de Bustamante Azevedo para optar al grado de doctor por la Universitat Jaume I Doctorando: Director: Egidio Alcides de Bustamante Azevedo Norbert Koppensteiner Castelló de la Plana, Febrero de 2021. Financiación recibida Esta tesis ha contado con una ayuda para estancias de investigación (doctorado internacional) ofrecida por la Escuela de Doctorado de la Universitat Jaume I en 2016. Dedication To my parents, Egidio and Marcia; to my sisters Mariana and Livia; to my nephew and niece Luca and Melina; and to my beloved partner Marc. Acknowledgements The funny thing about acknowledgements is that in it we generally try to single out special people. But, particularly in the case of this thesis, which tries to build bridges with alterity and even starts questioning the very possibility of separation and distance, I wonder if it makes sense to single people out. There truly are so many people, times and places I want to acknowledge that it might be impossible to do so appropriately. Still, I will try to name a few, knowing many others also rightfully deserve to appear here and may end up not doing so. I ask them their pardon for my limited memory. Well, here it goes: A thesis is never finished, it gets interrupted, and it has its own time - some people say. The writing of this thesis took an incredibly long time, and it took me a great amount of perseverance to finish it the way it deserves. However, my parents, my sisters and my partner always offered unconditional support throughout this process. Once again, Obrigado pai, mãe, Mari, Li y muchas gracias Marc, mi amor, por todo. Despite all their support… I still stumbled. Whenever this happened, some truly special people were there to help me: my supervisor Norbert Koppensteiner (extending it to his partner Josefina Echavarría); my dear colleague-friends Alberto Gomes, Jenny Murphy, Jenny Jang, Carlos, Kevin and Magda - with whom I had many research related chats and work experience together; and also, Vittorio, Amanda, Joana, Taís, Gabi, Juliana and the “Pucdevils” simply by hearing me and accompanying me as friends. I also cannot forget to thank the guidance of Teresa Cunha in Coimbra and my colleagues there; and also my colleagues Adela and Sofia at UJI’s Peace Master. Resumen Esta tesis doctoral busca profundizar la idea del amor y su relevancia en y para los estudios internacionales de paz, y las consecuencias de su integración en la docencia e investigación de Estudios de Paz y Conflictos, Relaciones Internacionales, Desarrollo y Derechos Humanos. Para tanto, utiliza una metodología trans-racional que abarca, además de una reflexión crítica sobre los estudios internacionales de paz, también aspectos intersubjetivos en la relación del investigador-docente con su tema de estudio y sus colegas/alumnado. La tesis empieza con una definición preliminar del amor y como el tema ha sido tratado en la investigación para la paz, para luego hacer un análisis de la producción teórica de las Relaciones Internacionales, del Desarrollo y de los Derechos Humanos, llegando tres aspectos claves del amor: apertura, consciencia y presencia. Finalmente, aborda la integración del amor en la investigación-docencia a partir de estos tres aspectos. Esta tesis termina señalando que la integración del amor en los estudios de paz evidencia la importancia de la dimensión humana en esta área de estudio, ampliando la epistemología de la paz y yendo más allá del mero acopio de conocimientos, de manera que acerque los estudios de paz a una experiencia de vida en lugar de una mera área de investigación. Abstract This doctoral thesis seeks to deepen the idea of love and its relevance in and for international studies in peace, and the consequences of its integration in the teaching and research of Peace and Conflict Studies, International Relations, Development and Human Rights. The research was carried out with a trans-rational methodology that includes, in addition to a critical reflection on international peace studies, also intersubjective aspects emerging from the relationship of the teacher-researcher with their subject of study and her colleagues / students. The thesis begins with a preliminary definition of love and how it has been addressed in peace research. It continues with an analysis of the theoretical production of International Relations, Development and Human Rights, culminating in three key aspects of love: openness, awareness and presence. Then it addresses the integration of love in research-teaching based on these three aspects. This thesis ends thus making the point that integrating love in peace studies evidences the importance of the human dimension in this area of study, enlarging the epistemology of peace and going beyond the mere gathering of knowledge, in a way that makes peace studies closer to a life experience rather than a research area. List of Abbreviations CEDAW – Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women CICA – Central America Indigenous Council ECOSOC – Economic and Social Council GDP – Gross Domestic Product HR – Human Rights IR – International Relations IS – International Studies LTG – Limits to Growth MDGs – Millennium Development Goals NVC – Non-Violent Communication SAPs – Structural Adjustment Policies TCI – Theme-Centered Interaction UDHR – Universal Declaration of Human Rights UN – United Nations UNDP – United Nations Development Program UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization WGIP – Working Group on Indigenous Populations List of Figures Figure 1: Weil’s Non-Fragmentary Vision Figure 2: The four-factor model of Theme Centered Interaction Table of Contents: GENERAL INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 1 1- PREFACE TO THE INTRODUCTION: ................................................................................. 1 2- AUTHOR’S PERSPECTIVE: ............................................................................................. 2 3- THESIS TOPIC: .............................................................................................................. 4 4- RESEARCH QUESTION: ................................................................................................. 7 5- METHODOLOGY: .......................................................................................................... 8 6- RESEARCH DESIGN AND STRUCTURE OF THE THESIS: ................................................. 13 PART I: LOVE AND LOVE IN PEACE STUDIES .................................................... 15 INTRODUCTION TO PART I- LOVE AND LOVE IN PEACE STUDIES: .................................... 15 CHAPTER 1- A WORKING DEFINITION ON LOVE: ............................................ 17 1- BACKDROP: ................................................................................................................ 17 2- THE HEART, FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS, AND LOVE: ..................................................... 20 3- LOVE IN WESTERN CULTURE: .................................................................................... 23 3.1- Greek Love: .......................................................................................................... 23 3.2- Love in Christianity: ............................................................................................ 25 3.3- The Troubadours, Courtly Love and Romanticism: ............................................ 27 3.4- Love in Modernity, Romanticism and Capitalism: .............................................. 29 3.5- Love as Intimacy and Sexuality, and Queer Love: .............................................. 33 4- ERICH FROMM: WHAT IS LOVE? WHAT LOVE IS NOT? ............................................... 35 4.1: Different expressions of loving: ........................................................................... 38 4.2: Love as Art: .......................................................................................................... 40 5- THICH NHAT HANH’S TRUE LOVE: ............................................................................. 43 6- ABRAHAM MASLOW: EXPLORING HUMAN POTENTIAL FOR LOVE: ............................. 45 7- CARL ROGERS: THE SHAPE LOVE TAKES IN PRACTICE: ............................................... 48 8- MARTIN BUBER’S PHILOSOPHY OF ENCOUNTER AND DIALOGUE: ................................ 52 9- FREIRE, HOOKS, AND ANZALDÚA: POLITICS INFORMED BY LOVE: ............................... 54 10- VATTIMO’S WEAK THOUGHT AS FREIRE’S DIALOGICAL APPROACH: ........................ 60 11- AN ETHICS OF LOVE IN LEVINAS AND THICH-NHAT-HANH: ..................................... 63 12- EXPRESSING LOVE THROUGH ROSENBERG’S NON-VIOLENT COMMUNICATION: ....... 65 13- CONCLUSIONS: ......................................................................................................... 67 CHAPTER 2- LOVE IN PEACE STUDIES: ................................................................ 71 1- INTRODUCTION: ......................................................................................................... 71 2- JOHAN GALTUNG: BLUEPRINTS FOR (LOVE IN) PEACE STUDIES: ................................. 72 3- KENNETH BOULDING: ................................................................................................ 75 4- ELISE BOULDING:
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