Al-Tibyan Fima Yahil Wa Yahrum Min AI-Haywän (A CRITICAL AND ANALYTICAL EDITION WITH ANNOTATIONS) of Ibn A1=Imäd a1=Agfahsi by MUHAMMAD IBRAHIM AL-ROBIE PART ONE This thesisis submittedto the University of Walesin fulfilment of the requirementof the degreeof Doctor of Philosophy 1996 APPENDIX3 : Specimen LayoutCor Declaration/Statementspa, e to belnduded in 11.ii berDeene Tbtses DECLARATION This work notbas previouslybocD accep ted in substance for any derreeand is Dot beine conc:urrcntly submiued in candidature forIll )'de ,rc,e•. Date•••••••••••••••••••• ••••.•.•••••••.••.•..•••••••.••.•.•••.•...•••..••••• STATEMENT 1 This thesis is the result of my own invcstiption.s, except where otherwiae stated. Other IOUrCe,I are acblowlcdecdby footnotesJivine explicit references. A biblio,raphy iaappcodcd • Siped............ ............. ..••.•.••••••.•.•.••.••••..•.••• (candidate) Date ••.••••••••••...•.••.......•...•....•..•...•............................ STATEMENT2 I hereby Jivecon.scot for my thesis, if accepted, to beavailable forpbotocopyine and for inter-library loan, and for the titleand summary to be made a ilable tooutside orranisations. Siruec:I••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• ..••.•••••••••...••••.••.••. (candidate) Date ••••••••••••••••••••.•..••••••••••.•••••••••••.•••.••.••••.•••.•..••..•. NB: Candidau.s on whose behalfa bar on accus hasbeen approved by the Unlwnlry (su Appendiz 2), should u.sethe followingwnion of Sla1emen1 2: I hereby Jive COD8C:Dlfor my thesis, if accepted, to beavailable for pbotocopyinrand for inter-library loans art.er explf')' or •bar OD aa:m apprond by the Uninrsity or Wales OD the special recommendation or the Constituent Colle,e. Siped ..................................................................... (candidate) Date ••.••.••••••••.•••.•..•....•.•.•..•••....•.....•.....................•.. DECLARATION I hereby declare that this thesis is the result of my independent investigation, except where I have indicated my indebtednessto the sources. Candidate n, (4/71. - i Supervisor I declare that the work submitted in this thesis has not been previously acceptedin substancefor any degree and is not being concurrently submitted in candidature for any degree at this or other university. andidate Supervisor RESEARCH OUTLINE AL-TIBYAN FIMA YAHILL WA YAHRUM MIN AL-HA YWAN by IBN AL-EM" AL-AQFAHSI PART ONE Dedication Acknowledgement Iv Abstract v Abbreviations vi " vii Method of Transliteration viii Table Contents of ix .x Introduction Chapter One A Study of the Book Chapter Two The Author's Personal Life Chapter Three The Author's Political, Cultural and Ssodal Life Chapter Four The Authorities mentioned in the Manuscript Appendix One Glossary of Words in the Manuscript Appendix Two Places mentioned in the Manuscript Bibliography PART TWO The Text of the Manuscript (in Arabic) with explanatory notes, editing and verification. ifi DEDICATION To my most respectful mother, my late Father and my late Aunt who have been a source of inspiration to me. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS All praises be to AUah the Almighty who in His grace granted me an opportunity to embark upon His help I My first this research -a task which could not have been accomplished without and foremost thanks are for Him. I am most grateful to my Supervisor Dr. Mawil Izzi Dien, who has carefully supervised my work by his invaluable suggestions and generous support. His readiness to guide me, as indeed he did, at all levels and at all times was extremely helpful during the crucial stages of my research work. His ideas were of great importance and had a great influence on what I have written. I am alsoindebted to : i) Dr. Abdullab Abd AI-Mobsin Al-Turki, Minister for Islamic Affairs. Kingdom of SaudiArabia. ii) Dr. Abduliab Ahmad AI-Zaid, Deputy Assistant.Ministry of Publication& Printing, Kingdom of SaudiArabia iii) Dr. SaudAbdullab Al-Ghedeyan,Director General,Presidency of World Islamic Affairs, Kingdom of SaudiArabia. for their kindness to sanction my transfer to London. This provided me with an unlimited source of quick references and on-the-spot consultations with my Supervisor in London. My gratitude to them is immense. I am also thankful to Dr. Suhaib Hassan for his help to read and correct part of the dissertation and giving me the benefit of his profound knowledge. My thanks are also due to Faiz Kadree, Abdullah Hamad a]"Hudlaq. Arshad All Siddiqui and Muhammad SaeedWilliams for their help in typing part of the thesis. I also would like to thank all the libraries which gave me access to their manuscripts and books. My thanks are also due to Mr. Abdullah al-Qubaisy for his help and to all others who kindly helped in a variety of ways to complete this research. Finally. I must express my utmost gratitude to my dear wife who never ceased to give me her sympathetic encouragement and spared her time from the busy household chores to help me, in particular. with the reproductions of photographic material. My children also deserve my thanks for their patience and without whom none of it would have been worthwhile. V ABSTRACT this thesis, which is an analytical study and annotation of the book entitled Al-libyan Jima Yahill wa-Yahrum min al-Haywan by Ibn al-`Imad al-Aqfahsi, is divided into two parts. The first part contains a study of the book and its author, while the second part contains the Arabic edition of the book. They are divided into two volumes. The first volume consists of an introduction, four chapters and two appendices.The introduction of the thesis highlights the reasons for the selection of this particular research. indicating that this kind of researchhas not been undertaken before, as far as the researcherknows. Moreover, the importance of this researchfor Muslims is highlighted since it gives the relevant injunctions on various kinds of meat that they can eat. The research offers a summary of what some Muslim scholars have written on the science of zoology as they understand it. It also examines the masonsfor their writing on the subject and the main features of their treatises and studies. Following that, the researchertries to ascertainthe correctname of the book Al-Tibyan and the authenticityof its referenceto the author. It is ascertainedthat the actualname of the book is Al- TibyanPimaYahill wa-Yahrummin al-Haywan.Then the datefor the compositionof the book is discussed. The methodology of this edition follows. In the second chapter the researcherstudies the author, trying to ascertain his name, date of birth, upbringing, attributes and ethics. The views of other people on the author and his writings are also presented. The third chapter deals with the political, social, and intellectual ethos. The fourth chapter comprises a study of the biographies of people mentioned in the manuscript. Them are two appendices at the end of the thesis: the first is a glossary of ambiguous words used in the manuscript and the second is a verification of the placesmentioned in the manuscript and study. In order to facilitatethe readerfor cross referenceto the Arabic manuscript,the researcherhas indicatedthe relevantpage / line number,where necessary, (e. g. 000 / 00) in chaptersfour and appendiceonly. Finally the bibliographyand indexes conclude the thesis. V1 ABBREVIATIONS 1. Al- A Clam 2. Adb al-Katib 3. `Aja'ib al-Makhlugaat 4 Arabic English Lexicon 5. AI-Badru al-TaIi 6. Al-Bidayahwa al-Nihayah 7. Bughyt al-War 8. Compton'sInteractive Encyclopaedia 95 9. Dä'irarMa`arifa! -Bustni 10. AI-Ducaral-Kaminah 11. The Concise Encyclopaedia of Islam by Cyril Glasse 12. Al-Fihrist Li Ibn al-NaSm' 13. Grolier Multimedia Encyclopaedia 94 14. Hadiyyat al- `Arif: n 15. Hayt a!-Hayaw&i al-Kubra 16. Al-Hayawan 17. Husnal-Muhadarah 18 The Hutchinson Popular Encyclopaedia 19. Idah a!-Mauen 20. Inba' al-Ghumur bi Abn ' al- CUmur 21. Al 4Isäbah Tam fz al-Sahabah 22. Isläh al-Mantiq 23 Al'Isti gabf Ma`rifat al-'Ashab 24. Kashf al-Zunün 25. Al-Khira al-Magritiyyah 26. Kifayat al-Mutahgf fi al-Lughah 27. Lisän al- Arab 28. Microsoft Bookshelf95 29. MicrosoftEncarta 95 30. Masirfi al- `Usür al-Wasta Arabiyyah 31. A! -Mawsü "ah a! - al-Muyassarah 32. Muejamal-Buldan vii 33. Muýjam al-Hayawän M. H. "üdiyyah W. B. S. 34. Al-MuCjama! -Jughrafi I al-Bilad al-Sa 35. AI-Mu`jam al-Jughr7ai li al-Bilad al-Sav diyyah (Al-Mantigahal-Shargiyyah) M. J. B. S.M 36. Al-Muejamal-Jughrafi li Düal al-`Alam M. J. D. 37. Mudjam al-Mu'allIz M. M. 38. Murjam a1=Udaba M. U. 39. AI-Mu cjam al-Wash M. W. 40. Mukhtaral-Sihah M. S. 41. Al-Munjid M. N. Fir 42. Al-Misb; h al-Mu? M. S.M. 43. MawsFi'at al-Ghad `Alim al-Nayawnn M.`A. H. 44. Nayl al-Awtar N. A. 45. AI-Qamusal-Mulct Q.M. 46. Shadharata! -Dhahab S.D. 47. Siyar AClamal-Nubala' S.A. N. 48. Subhal-Acshä S.A. 49. Al-Suluk li MaCrifat Dwal al-Muluk S.M. D. M. 50. Tabagatal-Fugahä ' T. F. 51. AI-Tabagatal-Kubra T. K. T. S. K. 52. Tabagata! -Shaj4 ah al-Kubrä 53. Tabagatal-Shäfi `iyyah G al-Musannif T. S. M. H. 54. Tads rat a!-Hufs T. 55. Tafsir al-Kashshäf T. K. F. 56. Tafsirlbn Kathir T. KR. CA. 57. Taj al- `Arcs T. T. M. B. 58. Tarikha! -Mamlik al-Bahriyyah 59. Usdal-Ghäbah U. G. 60. Wafryyata/ Ä `ian W. A. viii METHOD OF TRANSLITERATION All transliteratedwords (except the names of people)are in italics. Conso nants: t. b z t e ü ý] C f h v q } k d J I dh ` m r n z " h v.. s J w W" sh L9 y 0. " ah d OIL (in constructstate " at) The article is written as al-even when used before sun letters and after vowels e.g. Abn al-Ski (not Abu Sh-Shis or Abu 7-Shi). However, wa-al-is written as wa-l. Vowels jig Short Doubled Diphthongs
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