Ninth Series, Vol. X No, 23 Thursday, Oct,4,1990 Asvina12, 1990/1912(Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Third Session (Ninth Lok Sabha) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price: Rs., 50,00 C ONTENTS [Ninth Series, Vol. X, Third Session -Second Part, 199011912 iSaka)] No. 23, Thursday, October 4 ,1990/Asvina 12,1912 (Saka) Co l u mn s Re. Adjournment Motion 3—7 Police atrocities in dealing with students’ agitation against Government’s decision on Mandal Commission Report and resort to self-immolation by students against the decision Papers Laid on the Table 8—9 Motion Under Rule 388— Adopted 10 Suspension of Rule 338 Shri Mufti Mohammad Sayeed 10 Constitution (Seventy-sixth Amendment) Bill (Amendment of Article 356) -Introduced 10—11 Shri Mufti Mohammad Sayeed 10-11 Motion to consider 11-23 Shri Mufti Mohammad Sayeed 11 Clauses 2 and 1 23—39 Motion to Pass 39-59 Shri Mufti Mohammad Sayeed 39, 4 5 -4 6 Shri A. K. Roy 39—40 Dr. Thambi Durai 40—42 Shrimati Bimal Kaur Khalsa 42—44 Shri Inder Jit 4 4 -4 5 Re. Killing of innocent persons and burning of houses at Handwara in Jammu & Kashmir on 1st October, 1990 61—65 Re. Attention and care given by the Indian High Commission in London to Late Cuef Justice of India Shri Sabyasachi Mukherjee during his iltaess 65—111 Re. Setting up of Development Boards for Vidarbha, Marath- wada and other regions in Maharashtra. H I—116 (0 1 ^ 1 18S/N1>/91 (ii) Co l u m n s Adjournment Motion 117—206 Police atrocities in dealing with students’ dotation against Government’s decision on Mandal Commission Report and resort to self-immolation by students against the decision Shri B. Shankaranand 117—133 Shri Samarendra Kundu 134-138 Shri Madan Lai Khurana 138-143 Shri Somnath Chatterjee 143—149 Shri Indiajit Gupta 149—160 Shri Kamal Nath 160—165 Shri Chitta Basu 165—169 Shri Kadambur M. R. Janardhanan 169—172 Shri Hari Kishore Singii 172—175 Shri Jag Pal Singh 179—182 Kumari Mayawati 182—186 Shri Uday Pratap Singh 186—188 Shri D. D. Khanoria 188—190 Shri Vishwanath Pratap Singh 190—205 Message fiom Rajya Sabha 207 Matters Under Rule 377 207—212 (i) Need to instruct State Governments to ensure minimum civic amenities in villages 207—208 Shri Mandhata Singh (ii) Need to supply more raw material to small scale units like Zenith Caibt.n, Maniyer Metals, etc. 208—209 Shrimati Vasundhara Raje (iii) Need tu take necessary steps for overall development of Sunderbans area in West Bengal 209—210 Shri Sanat Kumar Mandal (iv) Need to remove discontent among the Sikhs in Puiyab 210— S. Atinder Pal Singh (v) Need to provide more funds for SC/ST students living m hostels of educational institutions, particularly in Orissa 210—212 Shri K. Pradhani LOK SABHA DEBATES [English] LOK SABHA MR. SPEAKER: Let me take my scat first; please take your seat. PROF. SAIF-OJD-DIN SOZ: In Handwara 300 shops have been burnt to ashes, fifty houses and so many Thursday, October, 4 1990(Asvina 12, storehouses are gutted. According to 1912 iSaka) oiik'ial version 22 people were killed. [Translation] MR. SPEAKER: Please take your seat. [Enslish] The Lok Sabha met at four minutes PROF. SAIF-UD-DIN SOZ: They past Eleven o f the Clock have been killed by BSF mercilessly. 1 want to ?sk this Government whe- ther they will differentiate between in- [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] nocent people. [Translation] [TrmvAc^ion] MR. SPEAKER: All right. You MR. SPEAKER: Today you are please go to your seat. Mufti Sahib very happy. will see to it. So^ Sahib, please take your seat. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER : Soz Sahib. First. [English] I^ease take your seat. PROF. SAIF-UD-DIN SOZ: You [English] should allow roe. Kindly allow me to make a statement on what is h;ip* MR. SPEAKER: I am on my legs, pening in Handwara. They are killing Mr. Soz will you please go to your innocent people. 1 have a question teat? First take your seat. whether they will differentiate between innocent people. [Trmt^atkm] [Translation] PROF. SAIF-UD-DIN SOZ (Bara- MR. SPEAKER: Soz Sahib, mula): Please give me half a minute you oaly. please hear me. Please hear iriease go to your seat. 1 will ask my request I have also given Mufti Sahib to see to ii. notice of an adjoummeot motion, [English] what had happened in Handwara..... PROF. SAIF-UD-DIN SOZ: After (Interruptions) you pass the Punjab Bill, you should Re. Adlounment OCTOBER 4,1990 Motion allow me. Kashmir is burning; that regard to reservation policy from the is more important. following members:— 1. Shri B. Shankaranand MR. SPEAKER: Please take your seat. 2. Shri Harish Rawat (Imerrupiions) I give my consent to Shri B. Shan- karanand who has secured first place [Translation] in the ballot to move the motion in the following form :— MR. SPEAKER: I have already “The unprecedented situation re- said, whatever you are telling about sulting in a total collapse of ad- Administration, Mufti Sahib will see ministration, police atrocities on to it. students and youth, desperate acts of self-immolation by young [Engfe/i] girls and boys and loss of precious lives in the agitation against the PROF. SAIF-UD-DIN SOZ: I will resume my seat; but you should allow Government’s decision on the Mandal Commission Report.” me later. {Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Please take your Yes, Mr. Shankaranand. scat, 1 am not permitting you, Mano- [Translation] ranjan Babu. {Interruptions) SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA SHRl SONTOSH MOHAN DEV (South Delhi): An unprecedented (Tripura West): You are busy with situation was created in Delhi on 2nd Punjab; but the Chief Justice of India October by the people who had come was killed due to negligence on the here from outside. What type of part of Indian High Commission. We speeches they delivered here? They want a statement from the External also went on looting in Delhi. May Affairs Minister. I know the action being taken by the Government in this regard? MR. SPEAKER; Sontosh Babu, please take your seat. MR. SPEAKER: Khurana Sahib, you will speak when there will be a discussion on adjournment motion. So now please sit down. 11.06 hcs. [English] RE. ADJOURNMENT MOTION SHRI B. SHANKARANAND (Chikkodi): The form that I gave P(^ce atrocities in dealing witii stn> was this. dentil agitation agvinst Goveminenfs decMoB on Mandal Cbmmission Re- MR. SPEAKER: This meets the port and tesort to self-inimolBtimi by requirement of the situation. You students against the decision may please read this. SHRI B. SHANKARANAND: Let me say that the form that I gave to MR. SPEAKER: I have to inform the Secretariat was: the House that I have received two notices of adjournment motion regard- “The unprecedented situation re- ing police excesses on students in sulting in a total collapse of ad- various parts of the country and self- ministration, police atrocities on immolation by students against the students and ycwth, desperate acts decision of the Central Government in of self-immolation by young girls Re, Adjournment ASVINA 12, 1912 {SAKA) Motion and boys and loss of precious [English] lives, and arising out of the de- plorable haste, ineptitude and ob- SHRI B. SHANKARANAND: Wc stinacy of the Prime Minister in do not accept the Mandal Commission dealing with a sensitive issue report and all that. It is something affecting the socicty as a whole/’ else. (Interruptions) Sir. this is the form that I have MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Shankar- given. 1 do not think there is anything anand. you may nosv seek leave of the objectionable in this Motion. House. Tran&lpfion] (fntcrruptiom) MR. SPEAKER: I have told you SHRI B. SHANKARANAND: Mr. as to in what form it should be. You Speaker, Sir. I seek leave of the House have been a minister. Whatever you for moving the Adjournment Motion, regarding: have to say in your speech, you will say all that. “The unprecedented situation re- {Imermptiom) sulting m a total collapse of ad- ministration, police atrocities on students and youth, desperate acts MR. SPEAKER: 1 have removed ot self-immolation b} young girls only the allcgatory aspect. and boys and loss of precious lives and arising out of the de- [English] plorable haste, ineptitude and ob- This meets the requirement and 1 stinacy of the Prime Minister in think you will agree with me. deahng with a sensitive issue affecting the society as a whole”. (Interruptions) [Translation] SHRI A. CHARLES (Trivandrum): There is no translation. Sir. (Interrupt MR. SPEAKER: But you are read- tions) ing your own version of h. [English] [Tramlaiion] Is the leave opposed? MR. SPEAKER. It is being trans- lated. So please take >our seat. SHRI YAMUNA PRASAD SHAS- TRl (Rewa): I oppose the leave. [English] This is not in order, SHRI B. SHANKARANAND: I do [T roftsfation] not think there is anything objectiona- ble in this Motion. You give me permission. I am op- posing this leave.......(Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Shri Shankar- anand, you will agree that the way in MR. SPEAKER: Shastri ji, please which I have formulated it, meets the sit down. requirement. (Interruptions) [Tramlatiori] I English] MR. SPEAKER: There is no res- triction on your speaking here, you MR. SPEAKER: I have not allowed know it very well you to make a speech. (Imerruptions) (Interruptions) 7 Re. Adjournment Motion OCTOBER 4, 1990 Papers Laid 8 [Translation] 11.13 hn. MR. SPEAKER; 1 am asking the PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE house, whether anybody is opposing this leave? Stateowiit r«.
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