VOL 36 NO 2 FEBRUARY 2011 Legislative Update Journal Highlights Fisheries Calendar FisheriesAmerican Fisheries Society • www.fi sheries.org Job Center The State of Crayfi sh in the pacifi c Northwest The Aquarium Trade as an Invasion pathway in the pacifi c Northwest Fisheries • v o l 36 n o 2 • f e b r u a r y 2011 • w w w .f i s h e r i e s .o r g 53 Inland Fisheries Management in North America, Third Edition Edited by Wayne Hubert and Michael Quist 738 pages, index, hardcover List price: $104.00 AFS Member price: $73.00 Item Number: 550.60C Published October 2010 TO ORDER: Online: www.afsbooks.org American Fisheries Society c/o Books International P.O. Box 605 Herndon, VA 20172 Phone: 703-661-1570 Fax: 703-996-1010 This book describes the conceptual basis and current management practices for freshwa- ter fisheries of North America. This third edition is written by an array of new authors who bring novel and innovative perspectives. The book incorporates recent technological and social developments and uses pertinent literature to support the presented concepts and methods. Covered topics include the process of fisheries management, fishery assessments, habitat and community manipulations, and the common practices for managing stream, river, lake, and reservoir fisheries. Chapters on history, population dynamics, assessing fisheries, regulation of fisheries, use of hatchery fish, and the process and legal framework of fisheries manage- ment are included along with innovative chapters on scales of fisheries management, com- munication and conflict resolution, managing undesired and invading species, ecological integrity, emerging multispecies approaches, and use of social and economic information. The book is intended for use in fisheries management courses for undergraduate or gradu- ate students, as well as for practicing fisheries managers. 54 Fisheries • v o l 36 n o 2 • f e b r u a r y 2011 • w w w .f i s h e r i e s .o r g VOL 36 NO 2 FisheriesFEBRUARY 2011 AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY • WWW.FISHERIES.ORG EDITORIAL / SUBSCRIPTION / CIRCULATION OFFICES 5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite 110 • Bethesda, MD 20814-2199 301/897-8616 • fax 301/897-8096 • main@fi sheries.org The American Fisheries Society (AFS), founded in 1870, is the oldest and largest professional society representing fi sheries scientists. The AFS promotes scientifi c research and enlightened management of aquatic resources for optimum use and enjoyment by the public. It also encourages comprehensive education of fi sheries scientists and continuing on-the-job training. AFS OFFICERS FISHERIES STAFF EDITORS PRESIDENT DIRECTOR OF SCIENCE EDITORS Wayne A. Hubert PUBLICATIONS Madeleine Hall-Arber PRESIDENT ELECT Aaron Lerner Ken Ashley Doug Beard William L. Fisher MANAGING EDITOR Contents Sarah Gilbert Fox Ken Currens FIRST Steven Cooke VICE PRESIDENT ABSTRACT Deirdre M. Kimball John Boreman TRANSLATION Dennis Lassuy SECOND Pablo del Monte Luna Allen Rutherford VICE PRESIDENT Jack Williams Robert Hughes COLUMN: BOOK REVIEW PAST PRESIDENT EDITORS 56 PRESIDENT’S HOOK COLUMN: Donald C. Jackson Francis Juanes New Frontiers in Fisheries 86 DIRECTOR’S LINE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Ben Letcher Management and Ecology: Ghassan “Gus” N. Rassam Keith Nislow American Fisheries Society issues Communicating to Our Members Dues and fees for 2011 are: policy statement on Climate Change $80 in North America ($95 elsewhere) for regular members, and Associates $20 in North America ($30 elsewhere) for student members, Wayne Hubert Gus Rassam and $40 ($50) retired members. Fees include $19 for Fisheries subscription. Nonmember and library subscription rates are $157. JOURNAL HIGHLIGHTS: CALENDAR: Price per copy: $3.50 member; $6 nonmember. 58 TRANSACTIONS OF THE 87 FISHERIES EVENTS Fisheries (ISSN 0363-2415) is published monthly by the AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY American Fisheries Society; 5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite 110; Bethesda, MD 20814-2199 ©copyright 2011. Periodicals postage paid at Bethesda, Maryland, and at UPDATE: CALL FOR AWARD NOMINATIONS: an additional mailing offi ce. A copy of Fisheries Guide for Authors is available from the editor or the AFS website, 59 LEGISLATION AND POLICY 89 2011 AMERICAN FISHEREIS www.fi sheries.org. If requesting from the managing editor, Elden Hawkes, Jr. SOCIETY AWARDS please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your request. Republication or systematic or multiple reproduction of material in this publication is permitted only FEATURE: OBITUARIES: under consent or license from the American Fisheries Society. 60 THE STATE OF CRAYFISH IN THE Postmaster: Send address changes to Fisheries, American 92 TWO IDAHO CHAPTER AFS Fisheries Society; 5410 Grosvenor Lane, Suite 110; Bethesda, PACIFIC NORTH WEST MD 20814-2199. A summary of native and alien crayfi sh MEMBERS DIE IN HELICOPTER CRASH distributions and ecology in the Pacifi c Fisheries is printed on 10% post-consumer recycled paper with soy-based printing inks. Northwest, with review of crayfi sh- PUBLICATIONS: relevant fi shing regulations and laws across 95 BOOK REVIEW this region Eric R. Larson and Julian D. Olden ANNOUNCEMENTS: FEATURE: 96 AFS 2011 SEATTLE: Advertising Index 74 THE AQUARIUM TRADE AS AN SUSTAINABLE IN SEATTLE INVASION PATHWAY IN THE PACIFIC Advanced Telemetry Systems . 103 NORTHWEST NEWS: Understanding and quantifying the risk 98 UNITS American Public University . 88 of invasion from freshwater fi sh and plant species in the aquarium trade. Floy Tag . 94 Angela L. Strecker, Phillip M. Campbell, and ANNOUNCEMENTS: Julian D. Olden 102 JOB CENTER Halltech Aquatic Research, Inc. 88 Hydroacoustic Technology, Inc. 104 Johns Hopkins University Press . 59 O.S. Systems, Inc. 99 Sonotronics . 92 Cover: The Pacifi c Northwest region of the United States and Canada are home to a number of native (blue glow) and non-native (red glow) crayfi sh species. Tell advertisers you found them through Credit: The collage of crayfi sh images are courtesy of E. Larson, J. Ludlam, J. Olden, N. Usio, Fisheries! T. Woolf, and the public domain. Fisheries • v o l 36 n o 2 • f e b r u a r y 2011 • w w w .f i s h e r i e s .o r g 55 COLUMN: PRESIDENT’S HOOK Wayne Hubert AFS President Hubert may be contacted at: [email protected]. New Frontiers in Fisheries Management and Ecology: Communicating to Our Members and Associates Last night I awoke suddenly, phone, a planner, a calculator, many times a day when I am focus- startled, and with my heart pound- Internet access, a web browser, ing on the business of the Society. ing. From my bedside, a deep, access to Facebook, a media It is an amazing resource. vibrato voice had spoken to me, player, an e-book reader, a camera, The AFS website is a door to “Droid.” A green light was flash- a GPS, an English-Spanish diction- information about our profes- ing next to my bed. It took less ary, and access to thousands of sion and society, and a means than a second for the adrena- “apps” specific to my interests and of communication. The home lin rush to occur and the “fight needs. Plus, the device is wireless page tells of the mission of AFS; or flight” response to kick in. I and extremely portable. has news and messages that are reached for the nightstand, not for We still communicate by means immediately pertinent; provides a weapon, but for that brand new of mail, printed newspapers and links to Division, Section, and Smart Phone. At that moment, books, radio, television, and Chapter websites; enables access I realized that this device was a telephone, but electronic commu- to a listing of upcoming meet- whole lot smarter than I was. The nication technologies are growing ings, with special attention to the previous day, my wife and I had at an unbelievable rate and are next annual AFS meeting; and discarded our cell phones and got- dominating how we interact with enables users to obtain informa- ten into the contemporary world each other. Think about it. Phone tion about our primary science of communications, each with a calls are nice and add a personal products —our journals. The Smart Phone. My new Smart Phone touch, but they take time, are home page also has really cool was telling me that I had just been interruptive, and the intended animated tabs to topic areas, with texted, emailed, or somebody had receiver may not choose to answer. names such as: About Us, Policy/ communicated to me via Facebook. A text message is a lot more effi- Media, Publications, Membership, How do I stop that? There is a cient, and you can insert a photo. Job Board, International, Awards, learning curve associated with A quick posting on a social website Certification, Education, and these devices! reaches a wide array of “friends,” Hutton. Behind the tabs is a My Smart Phone is a hybrid and allows them to respond to you wealth of information, immediately personally or to the group. Almost telephone and PDA. A few decades available. For example, there is a ago when I was a college student, all of our business is done by email blog with current information and a PDA was forbidden in dorms or or via the Internet. And we search commentary on issues pertinent classroom buildings, but at that for and find most of our informa- to fisheries professionals under time it meant a “public display of tion needs via the Internet. About Us. If you are interested in affection.” Today, we know a PDA The American Fisheries Society how AFS business is done —such to be a “personal digital assis- (AFS) is striving to keep up in this as the development of a resolu- tant.” It seems like every teenager rapidly-evolving world of electronic tion or amendment to the con- and young adult, as well as many communications, and our foremost stitution —this can be found in within my cohort, have these tool in doing so is the AFS website the Procedures Manual under the devices on their bodies or within (www.fisheries.org).
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