3434 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 2, 1977 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO JOSEPH L. BALZANO­ you did with me, and to give them your sup­ Miami and Paris for 1 year is given EXEMPLARY PUBLIC SERVANT port !or without it they cannot function added urgency. If the petition is approved effectively. To be realistic, we must recognize that expeditiously, air service between these there are difficult days ahead and the officers cities could begin as early as May 1 of HON. MARIO BIAGGI of the association will need you 1! they are to this year. Therefore, if the renegotiation OF NEW YORK overcome the obstacles they will be facing. stalls further, National can continue its IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES An honest appraisal tells us that police service to Europe. unions and, indeed, all unions of public em­ Wednesday, February 2, 1977 Further, it would seem logical that the ployees will have rough going in the future. extension of this air service would cer­ Mr. BlAGG!. Mr. Speaker, it is my Our association must strengthen its ties with tainly provide a good bargaining tool to personal honor to pay tribute to a good brother unions, both statewide and citywide, to hold to the gains we have won in the past. U.S. officials in trying to secure an agree­ friend and outstanding public servant, That will be no mean task when we consider ment with British officials. If Britain is Joseph L. Balzano, who is retiring after the fiscal straits that our city finds itself in. aware of the fact that Paris is available more than 12 years as president of the Your new president, Jack Jordan, is an able as an attractive alternative, it may re­ New York City Housing Patrolman's and politically wise gentleman. He and his lent on its protectionist efforts to divide Benevolent Association. team will be pursuing the priority programs its air market. Joe leaves behind a legacy of service important to all of us-the drive to rehire all National has proven its ability to pro­ and dedication which will endure for of our laid-off officers and protecting the bill passed three ago known as the Precinct Bill. vide outstanding service to its air custo­ years to come. Joe's association with the They will fight to secure a good contract for mers. The European route has proven a. housing police department encompasses the membership because they know how hard boon to Florida's tomist economy. A sec­ more than two decades, more than half the job is and how much effort and dedica­ ond gateway to Europe would certainly of these years spent serving as president tion our men put into their tasks. be in the best interests of all involved­ and vice president of their Patrolmen's As I look back over the years, my adminis­ National and its employees, Florida and Benevolent Association. He exhibited tration met successes and disappointments its economy, and the U.S. Government strong but compassionate leadership, alike, but, fortunately, I think that our suc­ and its balance of payments. selflessly working to project and protect cesses outnumbered the areas in which we met disappointments. As a representative of the State of the rights of his fellow housing police­ It is my wish and prayer that the future Florida, I heartily endorse National's pe­ men. He owes much of his success to the will show an increase in our success ratio, and tition. I urge the CAB to give it the af­ personal touch he brought to the presi­ I know the new officers wm be battling to­ firmative and expeditious attention it de­ dency and his ability to keep his mem­ wards that end. serves. bers informed on all matters important My entire professional life has been in the to them. field of law enforcement and with our union As a 23-year veteran of the New York that I cherish so dearly. All of us mellow as the years pass, but my love for my fellow FEDERAL SHIP FINANCING City Police Department I have developed officers holds as much passion now and burns PROGRAM many close friendships with others in law with as much vigor now as it did in the days enforcement. None of mine are any closer when I was a much younger man. than that I have with Joe Balzano. He You, my brother officers, have made a bet­ HON. PHILIP E. RUPPE displays the same qualities of dedication, ter person of me. I hope I have contributed in OF MICHIGAN loyalty, and compassion to his friends some measure to improving your lives as the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and this attributes to the enduring qual­ head of your union. I thank you again for ity of his friendships. permitting me to have served you. I wish you Wednesday, February 2, 1977 well in the years ahead and a happy holiday The housing police as well as the city season, coupled with good health for you Mr. RUPPE. Mr. Speaker, on January of New York are losing a fine leader in and your families. 19, 1977, the former Secretary of Com­ Joe Balzano. He will be missed by the This is my so-long !or now, but it w1ll merce, Elliot L. Richardson, announced members of the housing police. Yet his never be goodbye. that the Maritime Administration of the lovely wife Mickey and children Louis Department of Commerce had agreed to Joseph, Jr., and Donna, will have a golden guarantee the financing for the con­ opportunity to spend more time with struction of seven liquefied natural gas­ Joe. so our loss is their gain. NATIONAL AIRLINES NEEDS EXPE­ LNG-vessels by and for the General At this time I would like to insert into DITIOUS ACTION OF THE CAB Dynamics Corp. These guarantees, total­ the REcoRD the text of Joe Balzano's ing $730 million, pursuant to title XI of farewell statement to the members of HON. L. A. (SKIP) BAFALIS the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, repre­ the Housing Patrolman's Benevolent As­ sent the largest single guarantee not only OF FLORIDA in the history of the Federal ship financ­ sociation contained in the November­ 1N THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES December addition of On the Beat maga- ing program but any Federal guarantee zine: Wednesday, February 2, 1977 program dwarfing the Federal loan guar­ THE PRESIDENT'S REPORT Mr. BAFALIS. Mr. Speaker, serious antee extended to Lockheed Aircraft by (By Joseph L. Balzano) snags have developed in the United almost a half billion dollars. For more than two decades I have had the states-British renegotiations of the exist­ I understand the LNG vessels are being honor and privilege of being associated with ing international agreement authorizing built in General Dynamics' Quincy, one of the finest police groups in the nation. and regulating U.S.-U.K. air services. Mass., shipyard, wlll sail under the U.S. I have been a member of the Housing Police flag, and will be manned by U.S. seamen.· Department for twenty-two years. For more These difficulties have serious implica­ than twelve years I have served as president tions to the American airlines which cur­ They wlll be chartered by General Dy­ of the ~ousing Patrolmen's Benevolent Asso­ rently serve London. If these agreements namics to Energy Transportation Corp., ciation, and for more than two years before are not resolved shortly, air service be­ a U.S.-:tlag operator, which in turn will that as vice president. tween the United States and Britain charter them to a subsidiary of Burmah This is my final message to my brothers as could be disrupted. Oil Co., Ltd., a British corporation, to head of the union. I thank you for the oppor­ The airline most affected by these prob­ transport LNG from Indonesia to Japan. tunity you gave me to serve you. It has been lems is National Airlines. The Miami­ While I do not question either the legal­ a period of my life that I shall never forget and one which I shall always appreciate. London route granted National 7 years ity or the propriety of the transaction ago is that airlines sole European route. under existing maritime law, I have I step down now !rom the presidency confi­ If dent that your leadership rests in a splendid negotiations do stall, National stands grave reservations on the broad policy team. Over the years they have worked closely to lose a great deal. Last year National issue of whether the U.S. Government with me and I know them "up close," not as carried over a quarter of a million pas­ should guarantee the :financing of ves­ casual acquaintances. sengers on its London-Miami route. sels ultimately chartered to a foreign I! I would ask one thing of our wonderful In view of these facts, the petition Na­ corporation to carry LNG between two membership, it would be to urge that you tional has filed with the Civil Aeronau­ foreign countries. My reservations are continue to work with the new leadership as tics Board to provide service between essentially twofold. February 2, 1977 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 3435 First, admittedly there are certain ary 26, 1977 edition of the Christian It is not enough to declare that Roger benefits to be derived by the U.S. mari­ Science Monitor as an editorial: Simmons was my friends, or that he was time community, but why should the U.S. THE LEVI LEGACY beloved by the citizens of his hometown. Government risk the sums of money Edward Levi set a refreshing tone as At­ His compassion and his generosity knew involved in this transaction, that is, the torney General when he offered no political no bounds.
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