![MYSORE GAZETTEER L\IIYSORE GAZETTEER](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
MYSORE GAZETTEER l\IIYSORE GAZETTEER C0:\1PILED FOR GOVERNMENT VOLUME· V GAZETTEER EDITED BY C. HAY A VADANA RAO, BA., B.L, Ftllow, Univ~nity o/ Mysore, Editor, Mywre Ec.onom/c Journal, Bangolore. NEW EDITION \ "lALORE: PRINTED A'\~ 'OVERNMENT PRESS . PREFACE This ''ulume, which forms Volume V of the Mysore Gazettu.t, i!l, as its nam~ indicates, devoted to Gazetteer proper o£ the ~tate. It contains accounts of each of the Eight Districts fuming it. Many Offirers and Departmental bends helped in providing tbe necessary material or in revisiug the dra!ts of the eeveral sections sPnt to them. Spcdal o.ckn<~wlt~dgments are due to the following :-The late Mr. B. Venkoba Rao, D..A., De.fJuty Commi~sioner, Dangalvre District; 1\fr. A. V. Rama· na~han, B.A., Deputy Commis!>ioner, Mysoro District; Mr • .A. K. Byed Taj Peeran, B. .A., Deputy Commissioner, Kolar District; :1\lr. K. V. .Anantarnman, B.A., Deputy Commis· ~ioner, Tumkur District; S. Yenkatarangam, B.A., Deputy Corumis~ioncr, Hassan District; Mr. B. T. Kesaviengnr, ll.A., Deputy Curr,missioner, Shimoga. Diiltrict; Mr. H. V. Rama· swami, 1\J.A., B.L., Deputy Commissioner, Kad~r District; Mr. D. Srinivasa Iyengar, B.A., Deputy Commissioner, Chi· ta!Jrug District; 1\Jr. P. II. Krishna. Rao, M.A., Personal Assistant to the Deputy Commissionf'r, :My:;oro District; ~ir. A. l\I. Stn, .M.Sc., :M.I.III.E., F.G.S., • Dcvuty Director, Department of Geology and 1\Jines; Dr. L. C. Coleman, M.A., rh.D., Director of Agriculture ; 1\fr. C. Seshuchar, 1\f.A., Meteorological Reporter to Government; 1\fr. John Bhore, A.M.I.C.E., Chief Engineer and Secretary to Government in the Public Works Department; Mr. P. G. D'Souza, Revenue Commissioner in Mysore; 1\Ir. K. Matthan, B.A., formerly Director of.Public Instruction in Mysore, and now Member of Council; Mr. A. Srinivasaraghavachar, B.A., B.IJ., Registrar, Chitf Court of Mysorc; C. Ranganatha Rao Saheb, B.A., B.L., Director of Industries und Commerce ; N. .Madhava Rao, B.A., Chief Secretary to Government; Mr. D. Sriuivasa P.au, D.A., Superiawndent,' Revenue Survey and Settlement i Mr. B. V. Ramaicngar, Chief Conservator of Foresta in MyMore; Dr. B. Mahomed Usman, L.M.S., Senior Surgeon uuQ. Sanitary Commissioner in Mysore; Mr. T. Govinda Rao, Commissioner, Baugalore City Municipality; Khan Bahadur Mahomed Abbas Khan, PresiU.P.nt, Bangalore City l\funicipality; Mr. C'. 8." KuHuswarui Iyengar, President, City Municipality and Y. G'R. 'V'Ol.. V, a 1\IYSORE BY DISTRICTS. GE~ERAL PLAN. PAGES l. Bua.&to:ax DrsTlliCT .... 1-242 2. Kou 'R DTIITJUCT 243- 378 3. TuMKUR DrFTR.Ie> 379- 559 4. liYSORE DISTIUC'I 560- 874 6. HASSAN DtSTJUCT -· 870-1068 6 KADT'IR DISTRTCT .... 1069-1202 7. SaaJoo.& DISTRICT 1203-1352 B. CHJTALDRl.iG DISTRICT •• 1353-1473 9. INDEX 1475-1496 TABLE OF CO~!E~""TS. BA..'\GA.LORE DISTRICT. SECTIO~ 1.-DESCRIPTIYE. Sxn•ATIOY, .-\REA AXD 11ot"XDA.lilts. rACR Situation 1 An· a 1 Boundaries 1 Pln'£I<.;AL ASPECT3. Ge'!leral Description of t'!:.e Colilltry •• 2 Hcight.:s of Principa.l MountJ.ins anll Hills 2 GEOLOGY. RCich 3 Dui!tling :li&.teria.ls Road ~Ictal •4 ~r.in.:s an•l ~l.inerals­ i. .\ <besto9 4: ii. Clay 4 iii. Kankar 5 iv. Gr~tlJ,ite 5 v. flarnets 5 vi. ~onazite 5 BOTA.'OY. Foreat:- •• t:i-8 (a) \'~getn.tion 5' (~) Arborit:u!ture : i. Plantation~> 8 ii . .A venues 8 iii. Topes 9 iv. Ornan.ental tree! 9 v. nedgr::s .. !) vi PAGI: (c) Crops: i. Dry Crops ·w ii. Wet Crops 10 ill. Their principsl varieties 11 iv. Garden Produce 11 (d) Horticulture 12 (i) Wild AnimaLt­ Birds Fi!!h (iil Domestic Animll.ls­ Horses 15 Bullocb 15 Cow" 16 Sheep.and Goats 16 Poultry 11 CLDU.TX AND RA.lsi'ALL. Climate l7 Temperature 17 Rain!!ill 21 Rainfall at Bangalore 2-1 TllB PEoru. Distribution­ !. Number 24 2. lknsity 25 3. Inter~nsal variationa ... 25 4. By Religion 26 Towui and Village~r-- 1. Town.s 26 2. Villages 27 Stock and. Dwellings- 1. .Agricultural St<JCk 27 2. Dwellings 29 l<'estival.s- 1. Jatra.s 29 2. Fairs 32 Vital Statistics and Diseii.Ses 83 CAsTEs AND OccUPATIONS. Castes .. '33. Occupations 33 CHRISTIAN MISSIONS. The Roman Catholic Mission •• 34 The Wesleyan Mission 35 The London 1\!ission 36 SECTION II.-HISTORY AND ARCH.&':OLOGY. A.-HISTORY. Legendary Period 36 Gangas 37 Palla vas 38 Riishtrakiita11 38 Cholas 38 Hoysalas 39 Yli.davas 40 Vijayanagar •. 40 lvati-Nii.d Prabhus 41 Jagadeva Raya 45 Bijapur Invasion .. 46 Mysore Rajas .49 B.-ARCH&OLOGY. SECTION Ill-ECONOMIC. GENERAL AORICULTURAL CONDITIONS. Prevailing SoiL! and Crops • • • , 52 PAGE Chief Agricultural Statistic11 and Principal Crops. Cultivable Area and Area Cropped 52 Number and Extent of Holdings 53 Holders according to revenue paid M AGRICULTURAL LOANS. Kinds of loans granted, etc., between the years 1920-21 · and 1924·25 55 !RRIGATION. Major and Minor Tanb, et~.. 55 Major and Minor Tanks restored 56 Government Tllnks according to revenue li6 Tanks with revenue of and over Rs. 6,000 57 FoRESTS. MINli:s AND QuA.aB.IEs. INDUSTRIES. Arts and lffanujactures. Important Mills and other concerns 61 Rural Industries 61 Arts- Toys and .1\lusicu.l Instrument!!. 61 Brass and Copper .Works 61 Weaving Industry •• 61 0)4 " 61 CoMMERCE AND TIU.DE. Exports and Imports ..62-63 Marts .. .. 64 MEANS OF COMMUNICATION. Railways 64 Roads 64 Dak BungaloVfs,. Musafirk4anas, etc., 6G F.un:NEs. PAGE SECTION IV'.-ADMINISTRATIVE. DIVlSIO:-<S. Taluk.s and Sub-Divisions • • 66 JUDICIAL. Civil Justice 67 Criminal J u~tice- ('ity ~fagistrate, Bangalore 67 Sperial I Grade Magistrate, Bangalore 63 Special II Grade Magistrate, Bangalore 68 Special II Grade Magistrate, Closepet 68 Ten Bt:nchcs of Magistrates 6S Village Courts 69 LAND RJ::VENUE. Demand, Collection and Balance of Land Revenue in the District for Five Years from 1920-21 to 1924-25. 69 lliSCELLANEO'CS REVENUE. Demand, C.ollection and Balance of :Miscellaneous Revenue in the District for S(!ven Years from 1918-19 to 1~24.-25 69 LocAL ..&.ND Mt.TNicil'..U. Bo..&.JU>s. Local and Municipal Boards­ i. Village P1mchayets 70 ii. Tu.luk Boards 70 iii. District Boards 70 Receipts and Expenditure n Municipalities 71 POLICE AND JAILS. Police 72 Jailll 73 PAOB' EDUCATIO~. Numher of Schools and Scholar!! 14 Inspecting Officers 74 MEDICAL. VACCI.NATlO:"oi. SECTION V.-GAZETTEER. Agara, also Agram .• .. 76 Aiganda pura 77 Aisamipalya 78 _<\.lsur (Ull:!oor) see Halasur 78 Anekal 78 Aradesahalli 85 Arkavati ~5 Avati 86 Baichapura 88 Bairnn dorga 88 Banahalli 89 Bangalore 89 . City 93 Buildings in the City 100 The Lal-Bagh 101 The Pettah and Fort in 1794 103 Taking of Bangalore in 1791 104 The European Cemeteries 107 .Baaavangudi Temple 108 Bangalore City Municipality 108 Population 111 Density •• 111 Improvements effected 112 Description of the City .. 112 The extensions 112 City's climatic and Horticultural feature& 113 Water Supply 114 Meters 115 xi PAGE Electric Power : Street lighting llo Rates for Electric Lighting 116 l\f ete r hire 116 Rates for Power for Industrial purposes 116 ~Iedical Institutions 117 Education 118 Xotable places of Interest 120 Municipal Finances 122 (C"i,·il and l\lilitary Station), Bangalore 124 Bannergb.a tt.a 143 BasaYapatna 14-4 Begur 144 Belaguma 145 Bellandur 145, Binnamangala 146 Channapatna or Ch~nnapatna 147 Chikka Tabgali 152 , Clo,;ep~t 153 Da~anpura 151 Dasarahalli 154 DP-vanballi, 1M Dod-Ballapur 161 DouJur 168 Dum!Jlasanura 169 Gangavara 169 Gavipur 169 Halasur 170 Haragadde 170 Hasigala 171 Heggunda 171 Hessarghatta 172 Hinniginal 172 Honganur 173 Ho~altalli 173 Hos1:ute 173 Huliadurg 180 Hulibl 182 Huskur 183 PAOli Jalige 184: Jig ani 184 Jodi!Iauganahalli 184 Kalya .18! . Kambal11 186 Kankanhalli 186 Koramangala 189 Kotigenhalli 190 Kempasaga.ra 100 Kengeri· lr.l Khaji-Hosa.halli 1!.12 Kodige TirU1I1.8.lnpura 192 Kodi1alli H'2 Konda.rhalli 193 Kudalur 194 Kundani 19! Kul'peraly 19! Magadi 193 .Makli 202 :Malurpatna 202 1\fankunda 203 l\fanuc 203 Mangondahalli 20i :Mayo.sandra 20·1 · :.Mika.raj.ma-betta 204: Nagamo.Iigala 205 Nagasandra 205 Nanda.gudi 205 Nellimangala · 206 Nellurpatna 210 Niduvanda. 210 Nijagal · ' 210 Nijgal Hill 210 Pennar (st!e PinakiniJ 212 Pinakini 212 Ramagiri 212 Sankigatta 214 Sarjapnr ... 215 Sa.tanur 217 xiii PA.GE Sausmond 217 Sa \'o.ncl urga 218 Sh'aganga 223 Siv11giri 232 Solur 232 Sugganhalli 232 Sulibele 233 Tirumalc 233 Tl"ltagere 23-1 Tpmngondal 235 Utbradurg 235 Vndigenhn.ili 237·. Vo.gata. 238 Van:J.kanho.lli 239 Varar:ayakanhalli 239 Vasanta pru 239 Whitefield 240 Yelabanka 242 :riv KOLAR DISTRICT. SECTION I.-DESCRIPTIVE. Srru.&TION, Aau AND Botr!I"DA.IUES. Situation Are& Boundariee PRYStOAL ASPECTS. GEOLOGY. Rocks 24~ · Dykes 2!6 Laterite 246 Mines and Minerals­ Gold and Silver 246 Corundum 2-17 Graphit~ 2!7 Kaolin· 24:7. ManganiferoUll Limestone 247 Soils . 247 BOTANY• • Vegetation 248 Arboriculture 248 Crops 248 FAUNA. Wild Animals 2!9 Birds 249 Fish 249 Domestic Animals 249 PAGE. CI.nl:ATE AND RAINFALL. Climate 200 Temperature 250 Rainfall 251 Rainfall at Kolar 254 Tim PEOPLE. Population 254 Density ·' 254 By Religion 255 Inter-Censal Variations 255 Towns and Villages­ Towns 256 Villages 256 Stock and Dwellings- Stock · · 257 Dwellings 257 Festivals, etc., .. 257 Vital Statistics and Diseases 258 CASTES AND OccuPATION. Castes 258 Occupation 259 CHRISTIAN MISSIONS. TLe Roman Catholic 1\fusion 259 The Wesleyan Mission ••.
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