AUTOS FOR SALE (Cut.) AUTOMOBILIS SOU SAH AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE THE EVENING STAR , THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW! —By Fogoly and Shorten wugon; 0 - Washington, D. C. Special - Styleline 4-door;7. FORD 1949 eUtton —• _• PONTIAC '6S CtHlw: Hydra-Matic: FOHTIAC ’49 ”8” 2-dr.: r. and h.. A-19 CADILLAC ’sl “60” Fleet- CHEV. '49 de lux* good cond.; cash. OWN- f- 1 MONDAY, 30, I»SS wood; navy color, tire*; per- - equipped, orlg. miles: *425 like new. EM a-7312. —3l auto, trans.: 1-owner car. Bpeclal MAT w.-w. Jet black: low mlle- ’ —3O _ fect condition. OL. 2-8888 or AD. age: one owner; $495. ER. OL. 6-6460. PONTIAC '54 Catalina Hartop: malie at $396. Low as $95 dn.. cash or; 4-8281. —BO FORD '54 Btyl*llne Victoria; craam " and white, radio and heater and trade. McKEILPONTIAC. 7320 Wis. I SALS MANN OLDSMOBILE and areen finish, fully equipped. umsigutlV development* Hydra-Matic. power and ave. OL. 4-8000. In the Heart of: AUTOMOBILES FOR CADILLAC *sl De Ville coupe; fully' 6 No overhead Wires was Well.the finished and power eteerlni 8060 18th BPO., JP. 6-6186 ~ CCC guarantee. brakes, g cylinders: Bethesda. equipped; low mileage; best offer. ST- BIL. *1.895. COMPANV A *2.595. Landcruiser; STCDEBAKER '53 Commander; S e*U Apt. ' Air hardtop: r. and b., , THE BIG PITCH THE REAITV SOIO. C-ET LOAD OP THE STUDEBAKER *64 r. coupe, black; rsdw, HO. 2-0804. N-10. —3l CHEV. 'S3 Bel Capitol Cadillac-Olds Co. CLEAR. ‘ b., auto, tires, fog 5-passenger Powergllde. 2-tone green: low mile- m SELL THEIg HOUSES' ARCADE PONTIAC CO. and trans.. w.-w. tires, covers, overdrive; CADILLAC 1964 con?.; actually like car; \ 1222 22nd ST. N.W. ST. 3-2600 0 MADE TO UNBLEMISHED SKV LIMB* 1437 IRVING ST. N.W. AD. 4-8500 hghta. harmonizing 2-tone green w.-w. seat ivory, ; age; one owner *1.396. BOW- SUNDAY —3l good cond.: $1,300 or best offer. new. 1U has red leather and ! CLOSED interior; sold new for $3,300: price; ' top. fully power MAN STUDEBAKER. 7600 Os. ave. OL. 6-6513. black equip., lncl. —3O FORD Customllne “8" Fordor; PONTIAC 2-dr low miles, now. $1,796. BOWMAN STUDE- brake*, steering and continental , n.w. RA. 6-1123. 1953 vinyl leather ? VOTE IH THIS S /all POWER *Ho)i ITCOST US A) // \l_Ljd I ..-T-T7*~ 1955 : 7600 RA. ! STUDEBAKER *sl Champion 2-dr.: r. .. r. and h.. material. \I J never sold, new car warranty; BAKER. Ga. ave. n.w.. gas ••vsr; •Dare. $4,495. AKERB OLDS CAD- . CHRYSLER '6l New Yorker 4-door: blue llaht; 30-day , SKETCH OP OUR )>TELEPHOHE < -4~ ,<siL.T fl-J and h.. o d.. like new; torque :i 2-tone dark over TO i.mlmr Ml T I *1.929. FLOOD PONTIAC. 4221 Con- . 122. —3O $595 ILLAC CO.. Fairllngton shopping i r and h.. drive; beautiful i! written warranty; *1.295. /( LIMES WILL > * orclicut li-wuui "STUDEBAKER *6O de luxe sedan: re-; Low as $196 dn.. cash of center. Alex.. Va. OV. 3-0350. cond. throughout: $1,095. BOWMAN DEVELOPMENT VOU THIS I j_-Wrj«T WO - tondltioned throughout; motor.) trade. Top allowance for your ear. ave. n.w. ?. MANN OLDSMOBILE NO HANGING *V. BE UNDER- Jl CIEAR,UNBt.EMiSHEO I 'ji— PONTIAC '63 Chiettan de luxe 2- new i McNEIL 7320 WU. CADILLAC *53 convertible; fully STUDEBAKER. 7600 Os. —3O 1" f -Urt+H door sedan: 8 and h.. dark w.-w. tires: 1 owner. NO. 7-4449., PONTIAC. Heart ot Bo* equipped, ' RA 6-1122 13th BT., BIL. BPO.. cyl„ r. —3O OL 4-8000. In the immaculate. KM. 2-7312. 8060 JP. 6-6186 blue special. : —3l CHRYSLER '6O New Yorker: lmmac. FORD '53 Tudor aedan; light blue, clean: ( STUDEBAKER ’4l 4-dr : good eondl-, thesda CADILLAC *49 2-dr. "62”: Hydra., , 2-tone blue, power brake*, r. and h.>- radio and heater; low mileage; *l,- tion: $75. AD. 4-2817. —3O SUNBEAM, new 1955 convertible r and h., wonderful condition; Big powerful sedan at low price; ARCADE PONTIAC CO. *STUDEBAKER ’53 Champion Regal; I! also *55 Austin Cambridge. HUlman. $1,150. JA. 2-9419. —5 *795. MR. PAYNE, eve*.. 80. 6- 2-door sedan: heater and 0.d.: clean.; , Austin Healey ”100.” Morris Minor. days. 3460 14th St. N.W. 5863: KI. 9-6800. —3O ; ARCADE PONTIAC CO. AD. Ext. 9 one-owner car; attr. red finish:; M G-. Sunbeam. Mercedes-Ben*. CADILLAC 1952 Berle* 62 sedan; 2- 1 CHRYSLER 1951 New Yorker de luxe 3460 14th 8t N.W. 4-8500. priced $1.195. BOWMAN Kaiser. Willys: 2 and 4-drt., tone fin., r„ h., Hydra-Matic. also e to sell: I con- power : Newport; beautiful car. fully equip.:: AD. 4-8500. Ext. 9 STUDEBAKER. 7600 Oa. ave nw i vertlbles. station wagons: startlnc steering, tinted glass and ! financing. MERSON *54 Btar de luxe convertible RA 6-1122. —3O at $1,445. Highest offered. w.-w. tires. $2,175. AKERS OLDS *1.095THOMPSON,Bank Chryaler-Plymoutb -^ *P*W*AC8 cjl.: power steering, g trade-insINC. Fairllngton shop- 1 A Hydra, w.-w. STUDEBAKERS ’SO Champions.! I MANHATTAN AUTO. flit. CADILLAC CO.. 4721 lane. tires; selacm used, like mi.: 2-door and 4-door 1914). 7th at R sts. ping Dealers. Hampden Be- : new: low coupes. sedans:! ! n w._ Nortß center. Alex.. Va. OV. 3-0350. thesda, 7227 light green with dark green top: for $445; fully eauip 7-2700; King and Wls. ave. OL. sale $295 to BOW- i j Branch sales. 1810 CADILLAC 55 Coupe DeVille. withi 2-2615. by pvt. owner; $2,400. Call JU. MAN 7600 Ga. ! Alex.. Va.. King 8-5525. trimmings. STUDEBAKER. ave 1 all the Immediate de- CHRYSLER '49 Windsor 2-dr.; r.. Victoria 5-3743. -3i n.w. RA. 6-1122. - -30 j WILLYS’47 Jeep station wagon: con- livery. PENNY MOTORS. 1620 R. L h.: good buy for mechanic or body- PONTIAC *52 de luxe ”8” Catalina: i ’53 Comman *er Regal model, LA. 6-2200. needs work. Very and h., Hyara.: black STUDEBAKER -1 cition exceptional for this ave. n.e.. man: body reas. : r spotless 4-dr.: r and h.. auto, trans., under i Paint and interior gc xl. equipped *SO conv.; fully equip. One JU. —3O $285 finish: 20.000 miles. Special at miles. $1,395. BOW- 80. CADILLAC 9-3143. • Bring in !°w 11.000 actual ¦ overdrive and heater. $335. of the sharpest in town. On sale: DE SOTO 'SO Custom 4-dr. sedan; the cash for the best bar- Si.IJOS. as $295 dn . cash or MAN STUDEBAKER. Ga ave ! ; 5-9064 —SO $1,495. R. L original gray blue. w.-w. tires, r. gain in town. Top al’owance for your . PENNY MOTORS 1620 car. n.w RA. 6-1122. —3O model; LA h.. automac transmission, ' McNEII PONTIAC, 7320 « WILLYS spor* 35 Tnlles to ave. n.e.. 6-2200. and OL Wis. ave. STUDEBAKERS *sl Champions and i i low-hung, spotless original custom upholstery. BILL 4-8000, in the Heart of Be- Commanders. Star coupe. 1 gal.; speedy, hairpin. CADILLAC *47 convertible; oeaut. In finest condition: cash i. ROSS thrsda C-dor! , turner. Value. $2,535; r., h.. <*<*• blue; radio, and Hydra- *695 or 7400 GA. AVI.N.W. and 4-door sedans. 10 to chr o*c!i heater *lO dn. *3B per mo. WOLFF MO- rm PONTIAC *55 V-8 4-dr.: fuhy equip.; from, : SI,OOO A-l cond. or $705 aa U. Matlc. white-wall tires, extra clean Wls finish; avail, with auto trans.. o d 7-4649. throughout. $645 TORS. 1991 ave. n.w. EM. «;tone new-car title and guar. radios and climatizer*: $495 to ,( Call U. or best offer. JE. 3-0142 Open today to 5. FORD 1348 $599: $1 Low $295 $62 I 2-2670. —3O 10 —3O !i Immaculate; station-wagon:sells, 995. as dn.. per $645. BOWUAN STUDEBAKER f’SED CAR LOT—An old established DE SOTO 'sl 4-dr. sedan, orlg. 3 like new. oP w,JjU2X ancc for y°ur ©f *54 and FLOOD 4221 w°iT«.Tv 7320 car. 7600 Ga. ave. n.w.. RA. 6-112 CI D. C. dealer must sell account CADILLAC ”60” special sedan. paint, r. h.. --owner. *7OO I PONTIAC. Connecticut. McNEIL PONTIAC. Wis. ave.. j well lighted: complete with styling. fully very good cond OV. 8-0373. —3O WO. 6-8400. in the Heart —3O health: display Fleetwood black. J of Be- STUDEBAKERSj *52 Champs. Com-, office and equipment. Can equipped. Including air conditioning. DE SOTO '6l hardtop: "2-TONE ? FORD 1954 Customllne Tudor: blue, manders and Landcruisers: low mi., from 60 to 75 carr Sacrifice for $4,895. CCC guarantee. GLEAMINO BLACK ENAMELOVER white top. miles, And PONTIACS *52: complete selection; sale. CREAM. • 11.000 r. b. all 4-doors and quick Call JU. 5-7384. 30* _ PLYMOUTH ORIG FIN- garaged: condition; dtplo- fully guar.: thoroughly recond.: one owners. 2-door. I Luxuriously tnterio: excellent priced $895. Star coupe models. 9 cars to choose ; Capitol Cadillac-Olds. Co. ISH.” UDho.it : mat leaving country; 5i,390. Call from Low as $l5O dn.. avail, with au’o 1222 22nd BT. N.W., ST. 3-2600 with mellow-toned radio and large WO 6-8976. —2 cash or trade. Top allowance for from: 0.d.. trans.. sls DOWN CLOSED BUNDAY. —3l heater. Yours at the reduced price J your car. McNEIL PONTIAC. 7320 t.s., r.
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