(No Model.) F. W. WILCOX. 2. Sheets-Sheet 1. PAPER PAIL. No. 529,053. Patented Nov. 13, 1894, The NORRIS PETERS co, PHoTo-LTHO. washington.o, c. (No Model.) ; 2 Sheets-Sheet 2. F. W. WILCOX PAPER PAIL, No. 529,053. Patented Nov. 13, 1894. INVENT or (2.e4ede6Zee 4s 2%. % (24224.4. 626. Zity the NCRRIS PETERs co-proro-uTHo, washington, p. c. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. FREDERICK WEEKS WILCOX, OF CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. PAPER PAL. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 529,053, dated November 13, 1894. Application filed February 19, 1894. Serial No. 500,657. (No model.) To all, whom it may concern: contents and do not readily part from it when Be it known that I, FREDERICK WEEKs the pail is emptied; also, when the parts thus WILCOX, a citizen of the United States, resid folded in are of paper and are relied upon for ing at Chicago, in the county of Cook and braces or supports they are liable, when thus State of Illinois, have invented a new and folded in and in contact with the contents, to 55 useful Improvement in Paper Pails, of which be softened after a time by the fluid contents; the following is a specification. and their rigidity both as supports for the My invention relates to improvements in pail and for the bail is liable to be impaired. paper pails and is an improvement upon the The natural spring of the material of the lid O device heretofore patented by Letters Patent also has a tendency to cause the lid to rise, 6o of the United States, to Wilcox and Moshier, thus inviting the slopping out of fluid con for a paper pail, numbered 426,698, and dated tents of the pails heretofore made. In my con April 29, 1890, and the objects of my improve struction these objections are obviated and ment are, to produce from a single piece of a pail, constructed from a single blank, is pro paper or any foldable material, a pail whose duced having superior rigidity, and manifest 65 inner Walls are plain and unbroken by folds, advantages over former pails. The blank is creases or projections, and thus not liable to cut from a single piece of material, which, if catch or withhold a fluid or other contents on paper material is used, may be heavy manila, being emptied; also, to produce a pail hav paper of the shape shown in the blank A, in ing cross braces and front lid edge removed Fig, 1 of the drawings. 7o from direct contact with the fluid or other D, is the bottom of the pail. C, E, and K, contents of the pail; also, to provide a pail P, are opposite sides thereof, respectively. whose bail shall not tap or extend through The parts M, L; N, O, Q, R.; and I, J, at the the walls of the pail, and also to produce an corners are folded together forming ears or automatic locking device for a pail. I attain lobes marked W, X, Y, Z, respectively, as 75 25 these objects by cutting, folding and adjust shown in Fig. 3 which are bent outward to ing my material in the manner illustrated in form outside pockets a, a when the bail is at the accompanying drawings, in which tached. The ends of the lobes or ears over Figure 1 is a plan of the cut and scored lap each other and are perforated to serve as blank as it appears when ready for folding. ears for the attachment of the bail or handle 8o Fig. 2 shows the bail. Fig. 3 illustrates the of the pail. The bail, which may be made of blank partly folded. Fig. 4 is a perspective any suitable material, is preferably made from view of the pail as it appears when folded light wire and is of the shape shown in Fig. 2. with lid raised but ready to descend upon After the bail is inserted the ends are bent 35 and cover the pail. It also shows the bended backward upon themselves, thus forming 85 ends of the bail. Fig. 5 is another perspec rivets or fastenings for the two lobes which, tive view showing the lid descending into its being thus stayed, act as cross-braces support pocket or receptacle, outer cross braces, bail ing the walls of the pail. These cross-braces and locking device. Fig. 6 shows the attach when made of paper, being outside and free 40 ment of the bail to the outer cross braces of from contact with fluid contents of the pail, go the reverse side of the pail. are not liable to be softened by such contents Similarletters refer to similar parts through and will retain their rigidity under ordinary out the several views, circumstances, and Will thus maintain the The defects of prior paper pails are that shape of the pail. 45 the fluid contents are liable to slop out over The outside pocket a is formed to receive 95 the edge of the pail and also to leak through the depending lid-flange B which is tucked the perforation made in the walls of the pail into it instead of into the contents of the pail for the wire bail which it is desirable to use. as in former constructions and thus does not The material is folded inward and rough in soil the hands when opened and also being terior walls are produced which retain the free from contact with fluid contents, the lid roo 529,053 flange is not softened but remains suitably close the pail against their escape. It is also rigid to maintain the orifice which receives rounded at the ends and serves for a steering the fastening hereinafter described. To en gage which accurately steers the side flaps able the lid-flange G to be more readily en S, H, into their recesses in the corner of the 7 o 5 gaged by the thumb for removal from the pail. These side flaps S, H, are deep and pocket a, and to allow the eye to follow the rounded at the bottom and when brought locking movement of the end of the bail here down in position by the locking of the lid, in after described the lobes Y and X are their edges press into the corners of the pail trimmed down as shown in Fig. 5. This also and form a support. The rounding of the 75 prevents the opening side of the pail from be corners at the bottom allows them to enter ing mistaken for the other side. Perfora the corners of the pail when steered by the tions are made through the lobes or ears, as rounded ends of the anti-slop apron B. shown in Fig. 6 for the insertion of a bail, but What I claim, and desire to secure by Let these perforations are made through the lobes ters Patent of the United States, is or ears merely, and do not extend through 1. In a pail formed from a single piece of the walls of the pail. One of the ends of the foldable material, the combination with the bail turned backward as aforesaid is also pail of an integral outside pocket or recep given an inward turn near its extreme end tacle whose walls are formed from Said ma and substantially at right angles with the terial for the reception of a lid-flange, sub wall of the pail and this end of the bail is ad stantially as described and shown. justed at the front side of the pail. 2. In a paper pail having a chamber for A small orifice is made in the lid-flange G. contents and a lid to cover the chamber, the at a point which will, when the lid is closed combination of a lid having a depending flap down, engage with the inwardly inclined pro and an inward, upwardly-rising anti-slop go 25 Jjection of the bail. The tendency of this pro apron attached to the wall of the chamber jection which, as well as the lid-flange G, is and impinging against the lid, parallel with also received within the pocket a, is to spring the depending flap, and to act as a bulwark the lobes forming the pocket, off from the ad or protector to the depending flap. jacent side of the pail, and to spring the side 3. In a pail formed from a single piece of 95 of the pail inward. The bail lies at one side foldable material, the combination with the of the pail, as shown in Fig. 5, until the lid is pail having a hinged lid F, of the inward, adjusted, and the angles U of the projected upwardly-rising, anti-slop-apron B attached locking point V are rounded so that in tuck to the top of the wall opposite to the hinge of ing the lid-flange G into the pocket the edge the lid, as a bulwark to ward off the slopping OO 35 of the lid flange may readily pass the locking or rising contents from the lid, said apron point V if it strikes in its descent. When, being adapted to rise against the lid from be however, the lid is adjusted with the lid-flange neath and impinge against it when closed, G in place, and the bail is brought into po substantially as described and shown. sition, the projection or locking point V de 4. In a pail formed from a single piece of I ob scribes an arc of a circle until it reaches the foldable material, the combination with the orifice previously accurately placed in the pail of the hinged lid F, having the flap G lid-flange B at a point on the center line of and a pocket for the flap, and the anti-slop the pail.
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