City Clerk File No. Ord. 19-001 Agenda No.^ 3.B J st Reading Agenda No., ____ T-n. 2nd Reading & Final Passage COUNCIL AS A WHOLE offered and moved adoption of the following ordinance: C\JY ORDINANCE 19-001 TITLE: ORDINANCE SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER 122 (PUBLIC ASSEMBLIES) OF THE JERSEY CITY MUNICIPAL CODE IMPLEMENTING SPECIFIC PERMIT REQUIREMENTS FOR SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS. WHEREAS, the City of Jersey City (the "City") has designated seven (7) Special Improvement Districts ("SIDs") throughout the City; and WHEREAS, SIDs host many public events each year that requu-e pemiits issued pursuant to Chapter 122 of the City Code; and WHEREAS, an applicant seeking a permit pursuant to Chapter 122 is currently required to secure a refundable $1,000.00 bond for each permit application; and WHEREAS, thousands of dollars offhe SIDs' budget are tied up in refundable bonds causing a hardship for the SIDs and discouraging future events; and WHEREAS, the SID-hosted events are commumty-building and it is in the best interest of the City to ensure that these events contmue. THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF JERSEY CITY DOES ORDAIN: 1. The following supplements to Chapter 122 (Public Assemblies) of the Jersey City Code are hereby adopted. Chapter 122 - PUBLIC ASSEMBLIES § 122-1.-Definitions. As used in this Chapter, the followmg terms shall have the meanings indicated; SPECIAL MPROVEMENT DISTRICT shall mean the Management Corporation for a Special Improvement District designated by Chapter 69 of this Title § 122-4. - Application for pennits; insurance requirements; fees; temporary structures; bond requirements. E. Bonds. [The a] Applicants shall provide a cash bond in the sum of $1,000.00 conditioned upon holding the City harmless from any and all liabilities or causes of action which might arise by virtue of the granting of a permit to the applicant and conditioned further that no damage shall be done to the streets, sewers, trees or adjoining property and that no dirt, paper, litter or other debris shall be permitted to remain upon the streets or upon any private property by such applicant. Such cash bond shall be returned to the applicant upon certification by the license issuing authority that all conditions of this Chapter have been complied with. This subsection- shall notjipply to Special Improvement District applicants. 19-001 Continuation of City Ordinance -,pa9®. ORDINANCE SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER 122 (PUBLIC ASSEMBLIES) OF THE JERSEY CrTY MUNICIPAL CODE IMPLEMENTING SPECIFIC PERMIT REQUIREMENTS FOR SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS. F^ . Suecial Improvement Districts. S.Recial ImRrovement Districts shalLagree to_^old the_CitY harmless fi-om any and all liabilities or causes of action which might arise by virtue of the grantmg^gfa permit to the applicant and conditioned further that no damage shall be done to the streets, sewers, trees or adioimne urouertv and that no_d_irt, paBerJitter or_oAer debris shall be permitted to remain upon the streets or upon any -private property by the Special Improvement District. 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances mconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. 3. This ordinance shall be part of the Jersey City Code as though codified and fully set forth therein. The City Clerk shall have this ordmaace codified and incorporated in the official copies of the Jersey City Code. 4. This ordinance shall take effect at the time and in the manner provided by law. 5. The City Clerk and the Corporation Counsel are hereby authorized and directed to change any chapter numbers, article numbers, and section numbers in the event that the codification of this ordinance reveals a conflict between those numbers and the existing code, in order to avoid confusion and possible repeals of existing provisions. NOTE: All new material to be inserted is underscored and material to be repealed is in [brackets]. APPROVED ASJ^LEG APPROVED;_ ^J- :%g APPROVED:, ^ CorporaHon Counsel Business Admfnistrator Certification Required D Not Required G ORDINANCE FACT SHEET This summary sheet is to be attached to the front of any resolution that Is submitted for Council consideration. Incomplete or vague fact sheets will be returned with the resolution. Full Title ofOrdinance/Resolution ORDmANCE SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER 122 (PUBLIC ASSEMBLIES) OF THE JERSEY CITY MUNICIPAL CODE IMPLEMENTING SPECIFIC PERMIT REQUIREMENTS FOR SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS Initiator Department/Division Administration Name/Title Brian PIatt Business Administrator Phone/email 201-547-4S13 [email protected] Note: Initiator must be available by phone during agenda meeting (Wednesday prior to council meeting @ 4:00 p.m.) Resolution Purpose The purpose of this resolution is to revise the public event permitting requirements for Special Improvement District applicants. I certify that all the facts presented herein are accurate. Signature of Department Director Date ORDINANCE NO, TITLE: 3.B JAN 9 2019 4.A Ordinance supplementing Chapter 122 (Public Assemblies) of the Jersey City Municipal Code implementing specific permit requirements for Special Improvement Districts. RECORD OF COUNCfL VOTE ON INTRODUCTION JAN 0 9 2019 9-0 COUNCILPERSON AYE NAY N,V, COUNCILPERSON AYE NAV N.V. COUNCILPERSON AYE' NAY N.V, ~7~ RiDLEY YUN RiVERA ~7~-E^. _z- PRINZ-AREY SOLOMON ~z_ WATTERMAN 7 "7" ~~7" BOGGIANO ~r ROBINSON LAVARRO, PRES, RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE TO CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING JAN 2 b 2019 Councilperson ^/f-t^^/^O .moved, seconded byCouncilperson -/3t!6.(yC4-w^ todoseP.ti. COUNOLPERSON AYE NAY N,V, XUNCiLPERSON AYE NAY N,V. ;OUNC!LPERSON AYE NAY N.V. ~7~ ~7~ RIDLEY ~ZL r'UN WERA "7" ~7~ PRINZ-AREY SOLOMON T- A/ATTERMAN ~7~ 7~ BOGGIANO ^OB!NSON /?^> s^<j r_ -AVARRO,PRES. ^ Indicates Vote N.V-Not Voting (Abstain) SPEAKERS: RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE ON AMENDMENTS, IF ANY •Councilperson jnoved to amend* Ordinance, seconded by Counciiperson. .& adopted, COUNCILPERSON AYE NAY N.V- ;OUNC!LPERSQN AYE NAY N,V, ;OUNCILPERSON AYE NAY N.V. RIDLEY ('UN -I ^VERA PRINZ-AREY SOLOMON /VATTERMAN BOGGIANO WBINSON -AVARRO, PRES, RECORD OF FINAL COUNCIL VOTE JAN 2 ke) 13SL {t-o COUNCILPERSON AYE NAY N.V. COUNCILPERSON AYE NAY N.V. COUNCILPERSON AYE NAY N,V, ~7~ RIDLEY ~7~ YUN ~T RIVERA ~7~ ~7~ ~/~ PRINZ-AREY SOLOMON WATTERMAN ~7~ ~7~ "7" BOGGiANO ROBINSON LAVARRO,PRES. ^ Indicates Vote NV,"Not Voting (Abstain) Adopted on first reading of the Councii of Jersey City, N.J.on, Adopted on second and final reading after hearing on. JAN 2 h 2019 This is to certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by APPROVED: the Municipal Council at its meeting on J^ ^ k 2019 y^^-^ -7Rol4n^o R. Lavarro, Jr., Council President y. City Clerk Date_ JMltL2m _. *Amendment(s): APPROVED:- Stev^n"M2"8OT\ M. Fulop, Date Date to Mayor_ Ord. 19-002 City Clerk Fife No.. Agenda No, 3.C 1st Reading Agenda No._T'.u. 2nd Reading & Final Passage COUNCIL AS A WHOLE offered and moved adoption of the following ordinance: CITY ORDINANCE 19-002 .. AN ORDINANCE SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER 332CVEHICLES AND TRAFFIC) " ARTICLE ffl(PARKING, STANDING AND STOPPING) OF THE JERSEY CITY CODE AMENDmG SECTION 332-24 (PARKING PROHIBITED CERTAIN HOURS) DESIGNATING THE WEST SIDE OF GRAND STREET FROM GOLDEN STREET TO PRIOR STREET AS NO PARKING 7:00 A.M. TO 9:00 A.M. AND 3:00 P.M. TO 5:00 P.M., SCHOOL DAYS THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF JERSEY CITY DOES ORDAIN: 1. Chapter 332 (Vehicles and Traffic) Article III (Parking, Standing and Stopping) of the Jersey City Code is hereby supplemented as follows: Section 332-24 PARKING PROmBITED CERTAIN HOURS No person shall park a vehicle between the hours specified upon any of the streets or parts thereof listed beiow. Days Name of Street Side of Week Hours Limits Grand St North All days 7:00 am to 9;00 am Westervelt St to Arlington Av 4:00pmto6;00pm South All days 7:00 am to 9:00 am Arlington Av to Ivy Pl 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm North School 7:00 am to 9:00 am 25 feet west of Colden St to the projection of the Days 3;OODmto5;OODm northwest comer ofWoodward.St Projection of the southwest Comer of Woodward St to 105 feet east of Prior St South M-F 7:00 am to 9:00 am Between River St (private roadway)and Tidewater St (private roadway) 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. 3. This ordinance shall be a part of the Jersey City Code as though codified and fully set forth therein. The City Clerk shall have this ordinance codified and incorporated in the official copies of the Jersey City Code. 4. This ordinance shall take effect at the time and in the manner provided by law. 5. The City Clerk and the Corporation Counsel be and they are hereby authorized and directed to change any chapter numbers, article numbers and section numbers in the event that the codification of this ordinance reveals that there is a conflict between those numbers and the existing code, in order to avoid confusion and possible accidental repealers of existing provisions. NOTE: All the new material to be inserted is underscored. AV:pcl APPROVED: ^/.^^_ (12.11.18) Director of Traffic & Transportation APPROVED ^S TO LEfiAL FORM APPROVED:_ Lte<- -^1_/cipal engineer APPROVED;. Corporaiton Counsel Business Administrator Certification Required E_l Not Required D ORDINANCE FACT SHEET- NON-CONTRACTUAL This summary sheet is to be attached to the front of any ordinance that is submitted for Council consideration. Incomplete or vague fact sheets will be rehmied with the resolution. Full Title of Ordinance AN ORDINANCE SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER 332(VEfflCLES AND TRAFFIC) ARTICLE mCPAKEONG, STAKDING AND STOPPING) OF THE JERSEY CITY CODE AMENDING SECTION 332-24 (PARKING PROHmrTED CERTAIN HOURS) DESIGNATING THE WEST SIDE OF GRAND STREET FROM GOLDEN STREET TO PRIOR STREET AS NO PARKING 7:00 A.M.
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