PART XII-A & B CENSUS 1991 VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY SERIES-9 VILLAGE & TOWNWISE HIMACHAL/PRADESH PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK CHAMBA DISTRICT Director oj Census Operations, Himachal Pradesh CONTENTS Pages FOREWORD -vii PREFACE ix 1. Map of the District 2. Important Statistics xv-xvi 3. Analytical Note 1-22 (i) Introduction 3 (ii) Census Concepts and Definitions Urban area, rural area, village, census house, household, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, literates, work, main worker, marginal worker, non-worker, cultivator, agri­ cultural labourer, household industry, other workers, urban agglomeration 3-5 (iii) Brief History of the District. The People, Food Habits, Dress, Houses and Equipment, Language 5-9 (IV) History of the District Census Handbook and its Scope 9-10 (v) Scope of Village Directory and Town Directory Statements lQ (vi) Physical Aspects Boundaries, jurisdictional changes during the decade, physical features, c1imate, geology, hills, river system, Jakes 10-12 (vii) Major Characteristics of the District ForeSts, flora, fauna, birds, reptiles, fish, minerals and mining, electricity and power, energy, land and lands pattern, agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, industry, trade: coinmerce and banking, roads, transport 12-17 (viii) Social and Cultural Events Fairs and festivals, important events during the decade in the district 17-19 (ix) Places of HistoriCal, Archaeological and Religious Importance and Tourist Interest 19.;:_20 (x) Analysis 'of VilJage Directory Data 20-22 4. Analysis of the Data 23-38 Population (I) Decadal Variation in Population since 1901 25 (Ii) Sex Ratio since 1901 25 Table 1 (A)-Population and number of villages, 1991 25 Table 1 (B)-Population and number of towns, 1991 26 Table 2 -New towns/towns declassified, merged in 1991 census 26 Table 3 -Decadal change in distribution of population 27 Table 4 -Percentage distribution of villages by population ranges, 1991 27 Table 5 -Distribution of villages by density 28 Toole 6 (A)-Sex Ratio for rural population ofC.D. Blocks, 1991 28 Table 6 (B)-Sex Ratio for towns, 1991 28 Table 7 -Proportion of Scheduled Castes population to total population in the villages 28 Table 8 -Proportion of Scheduled Tribes population to total population in the villages 29 Table 9 -Percentage of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tnbes populationm towns, 1991 2~ iii Pages Table 10 (A)-Literacy rates for rural population of C.D. Blocks by sex. 1991 29 Table 10 (B) -Literacy rates for towns, 1991 29 Table 11(A) -Percentage of Main workers, Marginal workers and Non-workers for rural population ofC.D. Blocks. 1991 30 Table 11 (B) - Percentage of Main workers, Marginal workers and Non-workers for towns, 1991 30 Table 12 -Distribution of villages according to the availability of different amenities 31 Table 13 -Proportion of rural population served. by different amenities 32 Table 14 -Distribution of villages not having certain amenities, ananged. by distance rnnges from the places where these are available 32 Table 15 -Distribution of villages according to the distance from the nearest town and availability of different amenities 33 Table 16 -Distribution of villages according to population range and amenities available 33 Table 17 -Distribution of villages according to land use .. ~ 34 Table 18 -Per capita receipt and expenditure in towns 35 Table 19 -Schools per 10,000 population in towns 35 Table 20 -Number ofbeds in Medical institutions in towns 35 Table 21 -Proportion of slum population in towns 35 Table 22 -Most important commodity manufactured, imported. and exported,in towns 36 A brief analysis of the statement of the Town Directory 36-38 5. Part A-ViUage and Town Directory SECTION l-VILLAGE DIRECTORY 39-262 (A) (i) Map ofPangi C.D. Block List of villages ananged. in alpbabetical order of pangi C.D. Block 43-45 Note explaining the codes used in the village directory 46-47 Village Directory ofPangi C.D. Block 48-55 (ii) M3p of Tisa C2.D. Block List of villages ananged in alpbabetical order of Tisa C.D. Block 59-65 Village Directory of Tisa C.D. Block 66-83 (iii) Map of Saluni C.D. Block List of villages arranged. in alphabetical order of Saluni C.D. Block 87-95 Village Directory ofSaluni C.D. Block 96-115 (iv) Map of CbambaC.D. Block List of villages arranged in alphabetical order of Chamba C.D. BlOCk 119-121 Flyleaf 123 Village Directory of Chamba C.D. Block 124-131 (v) Map of Bhattiyat C.D. Block List of villages arranged in alphabetical order of Bhattiyat C.D. Block 135-143 flyLeaf 145 Village Directory of Bhattiyat C.D. Block 146-167 iv Pages (vi) Map of MehJa C.D. Block List of villages arranged in alphabetical order ofMehla C.D. Block 171-175 Village Directory ofMehla C.D. Block 176-187 (vii) Map of Brahmaur C.D. Block List of villages arranged in alpbabetical order ofBrabmaur C.D. Block 191-195 Village Directory of Brahmaur C.D. Block 196-211 (B) Appendix I -C.D. Block.wise al>st:qlct of educational, medical and other amenities 212-217 Appendix II -Land utilization data in respect of noll-municipal towns (Census Towns) 218 Appendix ill . -C.D. Blockwise list of villages where no amenity other than the drinking ",ater is available 219-220 Appendix N C. D. Blockwise list of villages according to 'proportion of , Scheduled CaStes and Scheduled Tribes to population by ranges 221-262 SECTION n-roWN D,:RECTORY 16~278 Fades used in Town Directory 265 Statement II -smr and Growth History 266-267 Statethent II -Ph~ical ~andlocationofTowns, 1989 269 'f Statement ill -Municipal FWance 270-271 Statement IV -Civic aDd ~ amenities, 1989 272-273 Stafement v -Medical, EduCational, Recreational and Cultural facilities, 1989 274-275 Statement VI -Trade, Cqmmerce, Industry and Banking, 1989 276-277 Appendix V --Towns showing their out growths with population 278 Part B-Primary Census Abstract 279-503 Introduction to Primary Census Abstract 281 (a) (i) District 282-287 (ii) Fly leaf 289 (iii) ViQagewise Primary Census 'Abstract 290-457 (IV) Appendix to Primary Census AbstIact 458 (b) Townwise Primary Census Abstract (within Town, wardwise PCA) 459-479 (e) Appendix VI Total Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population -Urban Blockwise 480-481 (d) Annexure-Statement showing boundaries of utban census charges' at)d enumeration block 482-483 (e) Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 487 (i) Primary Census AbstIact for Scheduled Castes 490-495 (ii) Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tn'bes 498-503 v FORWORD Publication of the District Census Handbooks (DCHs) was :rowever, the fonnat of PC A has been restructured Slightly initiated after the 1951 Census and is contim1ing since then mdustrial classification of main workers has been given as with some innovations/modifications after each decennial against four-fold industrial classificalion presented in the Census. This is the most valuable district level publication 1981 Census. In addition to this, the sexwise population in brought out by the Census Organisation on behalf of each the 0-6 age group has also been included in PCA for the State GovtlUnion Termocy administration. It inter -alia first -time-with a view to enabling data users to Compute provides datal information on -some- -6"f- the-bttsic - more realistic literacy rate as all children below 7 years of demograpbic and socio-economic characteristics and on the age have been treated as illiterate at the time of the 1991 availability of certain important civic amenities/facilities in Census. It is expected that the above mentioned modi­ each village and- town of the respective district. This ,fications will help the planners in chalk:ing out more publication has thus proved to be of immense utility to tile f!iI'ective developmental programmes. planners. administrators. acadeJDicians and researchers. \ One of the most important innovations in the 1991 The scoPe \of the DCR was initially confined to. Census is the Commtmity Development Block-level presentation .of data in the village Directory and PCA certain important cepsus tables on population, ecoJlomic instead of the traditional TahsilffaluklPS level pre­ and socio-cultmal ~ as also the Primary ~s Abstract (PCA) t( each village and town (ward-wise) of the sentation. It is expected that the presentation of Village data at will district. The DClis ~lished after the 1961 Census Directory and PCA C.D. Block level help the contained a descriptive account of the district, admini­ planners in formulation of micro-level developmental strative statistics, census tables and 'Village and Town plans, as the C.D. Block is the lowest administrative unit for developmental planning. Directories including peA After the 1971 Census, two parts of the District Census.Handbooks (Part-A comprising In order to facilitate the task of administrators Village and Town Da;'ories an<\ Part B comprising and researchers intending to use Village and Town P~A) w released in all the States and pl~ers Villag~ Union Territories. The . Part (9 of the District Census DirectorylPCA data. either from the magnetic Handbooks comprising admfnistmti"e statistics and district tapes/floppies or from the published records, both the computer and manual codes for each village have been census tables., which was al~ to \)e brought out, could not provided for the 1991 Census alongwith the corresponding be published in many StateslUTs due to considerable ae'lay codesofl981. in compilation of relevant mater_a}.' In 1981, SOme'tlew features along with the restmcturing of the formats of Village flnd Town Directocy were introduced in the DeHs. This publication is a joint venture of the State These were published in two paru for,each district after the Government and the Census Organisation. The data have 1981 census. While Part_AI comprjsed Village and 1;own been collected and compiled under the direction of Directories, the PCA of villages and towns (ward-wise) Shri H.
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