Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88996-4 - Dinosaurs: A Concise Natural History David E. Fastovsky and David B. Weishampel Index More information Index of subjects Page numbers in bold denote illustrations. Abelisaurids, killing technique 196 Cladogram 223, 224 Acetabulum 59 Derived characters 222 Aves 237 Dinosaur 222–224 Dinosauria 65–67 Flight 231 Acromial process 92, 100, 103 Archosauria 61, 64, 65, 69, 275, 276, 309–310, 312–313, Actinopterygii 54 315 Aetosaurs 311 Cladogram 223 Air sacs, see Pleurocoels Comparison with birds 224 Alexander, R. M., dynamic similarity 254 Derived characters 222 Allometry 256 Skull 65 Altricial offspring 149, 151, 152 Archosauromorpha 64, 310 Alvarez, Walter, Cretaceous–Tertiary asteroid impact Cladogram 65 323–324 Derived characters 65 Alvarezsauridae 242–244 Arctic, dinosaur assemblage 262 Cladogram 243 Arms, see Forelimbs American Museum of Natural History Asteroid impact, Cretaceous–Tertiary boundary 322–327, “Brontosaurus” display 179 329, 340, 341–344 Gobi Desert expedition 10, 293 Astragalus Ammonites 327, 330, 341 Archaeopteryx 218 Amnion 61, 62 Dinosauria 67 Amniota 68, 72 Atoms 29, 30 Analogs 36 ATP/ADP 251 Anamniotes 61–62 Auca Mahuevo (Patagonia), Sauropod nesting site 175, 176 Anapsida 62, 63 Aves 241–244 Andrews, Roy Chapman (1884–1960), American Museum Evolution 240–243 of Natural History Gobi Desert expedition 293 see also Birds Angiosperms Avetheropoda 206 Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction 331, 332 Cladogram 205 Mesozoic 282–284, 285 Derived characters 205 co-evolution with herbivores 150–151, 286, 287 Avialae 207, 223, 236–237 Ankylosauria 85, 95–102, 280 Cladogram 223, 237 Brain 101 Derived characters 222, 233 Defense 101 Derived characters 104 Bakker, Robert. T. 310, 316 Feeding 100–101 Angiosperm/dinosaur co-evolution 287 Global distribution 99 Dinosaur metabolism 305 Metabolism 251 Predator:prey biomass ratio 259–261 Skull 98 Balance, Theropoda 198 Ankylosauridae 99, 100 Barbs 227 Cladogram 103 Barbules 227 Antarctic, dinosaur assemblage 262, 274 Beaks, see Rhamphotheca Antorbital fenestra 64, 177 Bennettitaleans 284, 313 Archaeopteryx Benton, M. J., tetrapod diversity 278 Anatomy 218–219, 220–221 Bering land bridge, migration 282 Bird ancestor 217–219 Biomass ratio, predator:prey 259–261 M1485 - FASTOVSKY TXT1.indd 363 10/11/08 14:57:36 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88996-4 - Dinosaurs: A Concise Natural History David E. Fastovsky and David B. Weishampel Index More information 364 Index of subjects Biostratigraphy 23–24 Browsers Bipedalism 69–70 Low Birds 214 Ankylosaurs 95–100 Ceratopsia 121 Ceratopsia 124 Ornithopoda 136 Ornithopoda 138 Prosauropoda 163 Stegosauria 88–89 Speed 252 Tall Theropoda 188, 205 Prosauropoda 163–164, 286 Birds 214–217 Sauropoda 171–172 Brain 214 Buckland, William (1784–1856), Megalosaurus tooth 295 Carpometacarpus 214, 215 Burial, fossils 5 Comparison with dinosaurs 224 Defi nition 230 Calcium–sodium hydroxy apatite 5 Diagnostic characters 214 Camarasauromorphs 178 Comparison with Archaeopteryx 222 Cannibalism 200–201, 201 Comparison with Maniraptora 217, 222 Carbon atom 30 Early 236–244 Carbon-12 30 Cladogram 237 Carbon-14 20, 21, 30 Mesozoic 236–240 Carcasses Feathers 214, 215 Decomposition 4–5, 5 Skeleton 215, 216 Scavenging 200 Stance 214, 215 Carnivores 188, 200–201 Tarsometatarsus 215, 216 Cannibalism 200–201, 201 Vision 214 Scavenging 202 Bivalves, Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction 330, 340 Carpals 56, 59 Blood pressure, Sauropoda 169 Semi-lunate 206, 207, 220 Bone Carpometacarpus, birds 214, 224, 239, 240, 242 Fossilization 5, 6, 7 Cellular respiration 251 Growth rate 255–258 Cenozoic 24 Haversian 255–257, 258, 259 Birds 241 Oxygen isotopes 265, 266 Cephalochordates 52, 53 Pneumatic 225 Cerapoda 80, 82, 110 Birds 214, 215 Cladogram 110, 117 Sauropoda 171 Ceratopsia 82, 118–130, 280, 281 Theropoda 188 Brain 128 Bonebeds Cladogram 128 Ceratopsia 128 Derived characters 129–130 Ornithopoda 147–148 Diversity 274–275 Prosauropoda 165 Evolution 128–130 Theropoda 201, 203 Feeding 119–120, 123 Brain Global distribution 120, 129, 131 Ankylosauria 101 Locomotion 123 Birds 214 Skull 121, 122, 127 Ceratopsia 128 Social behavior 125, 128, 129 Estimating size and shape 91 Ceratopsidae Intelligence 255 Cladogram 130 Ornithopoda 143 Derived characters 129–130 Pachycephalosauria 114 Characters 38–39 Sauropoda 168 Derived 40–41 Stegosauria 91 Diagnostic 39 Theropoda 198–199 Primitive 40–41 Breathing, unidirectional, Sauropoda 170–171 Cheeks Brown, Barnum (1873–1963) 304, 306 Ceratopsia 119 M1485 - FASTOVSKY TXT1.indd 364 10/11/08 14:57:36 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88996-4 - Dinosaurs: A Concise Natural History David E. Fastovsky and David B. Weishampel Index More information Index of subjects 365 Ornithischia 79 Pachycephalosauria 117, 118 Ornithopoda 141 Prosauropoda 176 Pachycephalosauria 114 Saurischia 156, 158, 159 Stegosauria 89 Sauropoda 177 Chelonia 61, 63 Sauropodomorpha 162 Chemistry, basics 29–30 Stegosauria 103, 104 Chewing Tetanurae 229 Ankylosauria 100 Tetrapoda 61 Ceratopsia 119, 123 Theropoda 189, 205 Euornithopoda 142 Thyreophora 86 Hadrosauridae 151 Classifi cation, biological 62 Late Cretaceous 286 Clavicle 59 Mammals 77–78 Claws Ornithischia 78–79, 81 Theropoda 192–193 Ornithopoda 82, 141–143 Deinonychus 193 Stegosauria 89–91 Cleveland–Lloyd bonebeds (USA) 204 Chicxulub impact crater (Mexico) 324–327, 326, 327 Climate, see Paleoclimate Chondrichthyes 54 Co-evolution, plants and herbivores 150–151, 164, 286, Chordata 287 Cladogram 54 Coelophysoidea 205 Derived characters 52–53, 54 Coelurosauria 206, 223, 225, 310 Chronostratigraphy 20–21 Feathers 225, 226, 227 Clades 40 Global distribution 188 Cladistic analysis 308–310 Cold-bloodedness, see Ectothermy Cladograms 39–45, 310 Collagen, Tyrannosaurus 230, 241 Alvarezsauridae 243 Collecting 9–15 Ankylosauridae 103 Common ancestor 34, 35, 40 Archaeopteryx 223 Molecular evolution techniques 241 Archosauria 223 Condensations 224 Archosauromorpha 65 Cones, see Osteoderms Avetheropoda 206 Confuciusornithidae 233 Avialae 223, 237 Conifers 283, 284, 286, 313 Birds, Mesozoic 237 Continental drift 24, 26, 27 Cerapoda 117, 118 Cope, Edward Drinker (1840–1897), rivalry with Othniel Ceratopsia 128 Charles Marsh 298–299 Ceratopsidae 130 Coprolites 7 Chordata 54 Late Cretaceous 286 Dinosauria 156 Tyrannosaurus rex 196 Endothermy 264 Coracoids 56, 59, 216, 239 Eumaniraptora 208 Coronoid process 78, 119, 120, 124, 140–141 Eurypoda 103, 104 Crests In evolution 40–45 Hadrosauridae 143–146 Genasauria 138 Theropoda 203 Gnathostomata 58 Cretaceous Hadrosauridae 151 Dinosaur distribution 274 Humans 41, 42, 44 Dinosaur diversity 275, 279–281 Iguanodontia 150 Early 24, 27, 279 Mammalia 41, 42, 44 Climate 28–29 Marginocephalia 110 Late 27 Neoceratopsia 128, 129 Climate 279–280, 322 Nodosauridae 105 Diversity 280 Ornithischia 80 Geology 322 Ornithopoda 138, 149 Sea level 322 M1485 - FASTOVSKY TXT1.indd 365 10/11/08 14:57:36 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88996-4 - Dinosaurs: A Concise Natural History David E. Fastovsky and David B. Weishampel Index More information 366 Index of subjects Cretaceous (cont.) Dollo, Louis Antoine Marie Joseph (1857–1931), Late (cont.) Iguanodon skeletons 299, 301 Volcanism 322 Domes 110, 116, 117 Mid, climate 29 Head-butting 115 Plant diversity 283, 284, 285 Dromaeosauridae 208, 228 Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction 314, 322–343 Agility 198 Asteroid impact 323–327, 327, 337–343 Dynamic similarity 254 Bird radiation 240 Oceans 327, 330–332 Ectothermy 250, 252–253, 256, 266, 303 Recovery 339–340 Encephalization quotient 255 Terrestrial record 332–333 Eggs Crocodilians 62, 64, 279 Ceratopsia 123 Crurotarsi 64, 65 Prosauropoda 165 Cycadophytes 283, 285, 313 Theropoda 204 Cynodonts 311, 313 Electrons 29–30 Elements 29–30 Darwin, Charles Robert (1809–1882), On the Origin of Enantiornithes 237, 238 Species (1859) 46–48 Encephalization quotient (EQ) 255, 256 Dating 20–24 Endemism 278–279, 282, 287 Relative 22, 23 Endocasts 255 Decomposition 4–5, 5 Endosymbionts 173 Defense Endothermy 226, 230, 250–253, 256, 264, 266, 304, 305, Ankylosauria 101 313 Ceratopsia 124, 127 Anatomy 250–252, 255 Deinonychosaurs 207, 228, 281 Encephalization quotient 255 Balance 198, 199 Predator:prey biomass ratio 259–262 Dental battery Stance 250–251 Ceratopsia 120, 124 Work of Robert Owen 295 Hadrosauridae 142, 143, 151 Entrada Formation (Middle Jurassic, USA), Theropod Diapsida 62, 63–64 trackway 191 Diastema 140, 141 Epeiric seas, see Epicontinental seas Dicynodonts 311, 313 Epicontinental seas 24 Dinosaur, terminology 4 effect on climate 28 Dinosauria 64 Epochs 24 Chewing 78–79 Eras 24 Cladogram 156 Estivation, Heterodontosauridae 139 Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction 334–336, 337 Eumaniraptora 206, 207–208 Hypotheses 336–342 Cladogram 208 Derived characters 65–67 Derived characters 208, 223 Origins 67–71 Feathers 228 Rise and fall 311–313 Origin of fl ight 231 Stance 66, 67, 68, 69–70, 309 Euornithopoda 137, 149 Dinosauromorpha 69 Altricial young 151 Diplodocoidea 177, 178, 182 Feeding 138, 141, 142 Display 127, 203 Global distribution 136 Specimens 15, 16 Eurypoda 86 Distribution 262, 274 Ankylosauria 95–102, 102–104 Diversity 274, 278 Cladogram 103, 104 Ecological, dinosaurs 334 Derived characters 102 Estimation 274 Evolution 102 Minimal divergence time (MDT) 280–281 Stegosauria 87–95, 102 DNA hybridization 241 Eusaurapoda 176, 178 M1485 - FASTOVSKY
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