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BinlezZom No Dany EUFEMMIA, A LAUNdNedSsccececeececesees ANNA LIA BAZZANI, mezzo-soprano MAN ON THE FIRST FLOOR peels oat GAUDENZI0, owner of Momus Cafe) OTL ORENM, BEBO ty hang UN BECERO a DURAND, a doorkeeper) ee CESARE MASINI SPERTI, tenor BARBEMUCHE, a man of Lettenrd..seeeeees BRUNO CIONT, bass Students, Work Ginks, Citizens, Shopkeepers, Stneet Vendors, Soldiers, Redtanuant Waiters, Boys, Ginks, etc. Time about 1830 - in Parks SAN REMO PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA AND CHORUS OF TEATRO COMMUNALE DI BOLOGNA Conducted by ALberto Zedda Chonus Conducted by Angelo Ascher THE CETRA OPERA SERIES AN EVEREST RECORDS PRODUCTION | WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG/ 10920 WILSHIRE BLVD., LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90024 S-462/3 SYNOPSIS The opera is founded on Henri Murger’s book “La Vie de Bohéme.” ACT I nd Marcel are sitting in the latter’s attic-studio in the Quartier ee ee Marcel is absorbed in his painting. The day is cold. They ACT IiIl have no money to buy coal. Marcel takes a chair to burn it, when Rudolph remembers that he has a manuscript which has been rejected by the pub- have elapsed, bringing joy and misery to Rudolph and Mimi. lishers and lights a fire with that instead. Colline enters, looking abject Ee ae Mimi Reon, but is consumed with jealousy. On a and miserable. He had gone out to pawn his books, but nobody wanted wintry day, Marcel is seen leaving a tavern near the Gates of Paris. He them. Their friend, Schaunard, however, had better luck. He comes bring- meets Mimi; she looks pale and haggard. She asks Marcel to help her and ing fuel and provisions. They all prepare their meal, when the landlord tells him of Rudolph’s love and jealousy, explaining that she must leave enters and demands the payment of his rent. The friends offer him a glass him. Rudolph now comes upon the scene and not seeing Mimi tells of of wine and turn him out amidst ee and co After their gay repast all the miseries of their lives; how he loves her and believes her to be dying rate and Rudolph remains alone writing. of consumption. Mimi’s cough betrays her and although she says ae ei ae is heard at the door and Mimi, a little seamstress, who lives on bye to Rudolph they find they cannot part and determine to await the the same floor, appears and asks Rudolph to give her a match to light her spring. Meanwhile Musetta and Marcel have a violent quarrel. candle. As she is about to go out, she falls in a faint. Rudolph gives her wine and restores her to consciousness. She tells him that she suffers from consumption. Rudolph is struck by her beauty and her delicate hands. She notices that she has lost her key and whilst they search for it ae ACT IV candles are extinguished. As they grope on the floor in the dark, ge finds the key and puts it in his pocket. Their hands meet and Rudolp Marcel and Rudolph are now living together in their attic-studio. Musetta tries to warm her hands and tells her all about his life. Mimi confides her and Mimi have left them. They are seemingly working, but their thoughts struggles to him and their conversation soon turns upon their love for each wander towards the women they love. Schaunard and Colline enter with other. rolls and a herring for their meal. They have a wild time and are dancing and singing when Musetta enters and tells them that Mimi is outside so weak and ill that she can go no further. They make up a bed on the couch for her and bring her in. She clings to Rudolph and ACT Il implores him not to leave her. Mimi reconciles Marcel and Musetta. Musetta tells her old ’s friends have repaired to their favorite Café. It is Christmas friends that Mimi is dying and gives them her earrings to sell, asking them eget ge ae is in festive spirits. All the shops are bright and dis- to get a doctor for Mimi. They all go out leaving Rudolph alone with playing their goods. Hawkers offer their goods for sale in the en Mimi. He holds her in his arms and recalls their love. Mimi is seized with a Rudolph and Mimi are seen entering a milliner’s where Rudolph . to fit of coughing and falls back in a faint. Musetta returns with medicine. Mimi regains her a new hat. Colline, Schaunard and Marcel take their seats in Lag fe) consciousness and turning to Rudolph tells him of her love. Musetta falls upon her knees Café, where a table has been prepared for them. Rudolph intro Hee in prayer and Mimi passes away in Rudolph’s the arms. Mimi to his friends. Musetta, Marcel’s flame, with whom he has quarre i now enters with Alcindoro. Marcel is deeply moved when he sees her. Musetta notices this and sends Alcindoro on an errand. Whilst he is Pah she makes peace with Marcel. The friends find that they have not su ies money to pay for their supper, so they carry off Musetta and leave their bills to be paid by Alcindoro. LA BOHEME UN BECERO E scaldasi, ATTO PRIMO E casca dalle nuvole! O chi annunzia Ne la lanterna il suo corso di musica? ; GAUDENZIO IL 24 DICEMBRE 1837 A SERA. - REVEILLON Ne la lanterna? La sala al primo piano del Caffé-Momus (Corre alla finestra del fondo: Vapre, poi apre lo sportellino Sala da bigliardo a destra visibile del fanale a meta. Entrata per la scala dell’insegna e ne tira fuori un cartone che egli a chiocciola nell’angolo legge a della stanza a destra. & sera: scena voce alta, mostrandolo al pubblico: « Corso di musica vivamente illuminata. vocale e istrumentale pei due sessi, gratis, primo piano »). Allalzarsi della tela, Schaunard, (a Schaunard, che ride, irritatissimo) in piedi, colle braccia conserte ascolta paziente i lagni del caffettiere Gaudenzio. Questa passa i limiti! GAUDENZIO (irritato, animandosi sempre pit) Signor Schaunard! No, signor mio, cosi non pud durare: (al Becero che ride anch’esso) I vostri amici Rodolfo e Marcello Via di qua; via di qua. Confiscano il tric trac, perché il cervello UN BECERO (andando Col gioco, dicon, deve riposare. alla scaletta) I, a chi lo chieda, rendon, con sicura Eh, vado!... sii — Che maniere! Oh, 1a 1a! Faccia, la beffa: — II tric trac é in lettura! (scende due gradint) Anche il signor Marcello ha trasportato Ma l’annunzio... Qui, nel caffé Momus, pennelli e tela; Ed a (accennando a risalire) posar modelle vi ha chiamato: GAUDENZIO (minacciandolo) Scandalo grave per la clientela! E voi... Va via! (It Becero scompare.) SCHAUNARD (interrompendolo) SCHAUNARD Piano! Mi par che solleviate Un Calma, Gaudenzio! fatto personale. GAUDENZIO (va al tavolo a sinistra e siede con dignita) Soffoco! Ebben: parlate. SCHAUNARBD GAUDENZIO (pit irritato) Via: vediamo s’é possibile Qui, voi, signor Schaunard, un di accoglieste Conservare il gran vanto all’esercizio Gente a cantar non so qual sinfonia; Di focolare letterario-artistico: E pel fracasso indegno che faceste Marcello qui a dipingere Corser le guardie come all’osteria. Pid il nudo non verra: lo prometto. NB. - Le GAUDENZIO indicazioni di destra e sinistra s’intendono dal lato delio spettatore. Dio benedetto! SCHAUNARD (sospirando) SCHAUNARD Né concezioni I costumi la musica armoniche Ingentilisce... Vi suonerd, figlie del genio mio. GAUDENZIO (rincalzando) GAUDENZIO E questo non é ancora niente! Lodato Iddio! Non contenti di spendere SCHAUNARQ In bibite ogni di pi parcamente... Il tric trac ai clienti lo si lascia... SCHAUNARD (interrompendolo) GAUDENZIO (allegro) Ah, dunque, pare al banco che noi siam troppo Meno mal! [parchi? Bene; il rimedio é semplice: che ci apra un conto... SCHAUNARD (interrompendolo) {e marchi. Per un’ora... GAUDENZIO (fingendo di non udire e con rabbia) GAUDENZIO (tremando) Dicendo che cicoria sempre da me beveste Ogni? Portaste qui una macchina ed il caffé faceste! SCHAUNARD UN BECERO (dal fondo della scaletta a chiocciola) Domenica. E su il padron? (Gaudenzio fa un gesto di sconforto) GAUDENZIO La macchina é€ soppressa: tutti ritorneremo A bere la Che c’é? cicoria, né ce ne lagneremo. E, poiché voi la sobria saggezza disprezzate, UN BECERO (appare sulla scaletta e saluta) Tali spese, vedrete, abbiam preventivate Scusa domando Che, qui dentro, stasera, voi, camerieri A la brigata. & e banco qua il corso di musica Muterete colore, per Dio, di punto in bianco! Vocale e istrumental? GAUDENZIO (stupito, grattandosi GAUDENZIO (stupito) la testa) Qui? Voi? Che vai cianciando? UN BECERO SCHAUNARD O bella! Il corso! Si, con le nostre donne ad una convivale GAUDENZIO (impazientito) Agape, sederemo la notte di Natale. Ma che corso! (cercando nelle tunghe falde deli’abito e tirando fuori dei GAUDENZIO (a parte) libri, mentre parla.
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