NEWSLETTER OF THE THEATRE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION VOLUME 2, NUMBER 4 SPRING 1975 NEW SERIES AMERICAN POPULAR HARVARD THEATRE TLA TO MEET WITH ALA ENTERTAINMENT CONFERENCE COLLECTION MOVING TO IN SAN FRANCISCO NEW QUARTERS The Theatre Library Association Theatre Collections in the Bay and the American Society for Theatre On 15 April 1975 the Harvard Area is the theme of this year's Research are formulating plans for a The atre C olleaion will suspend the TL A Summer meeting held in con- Conference on the History of American reading room, photographic and mail junction with the annual A L A Con- Popular Entertainment to be held in reference services for a number of ference in San Francisco on Thurs- the fall of 1977 at ~inwlnGnta for the months. : The staff will devote full day, July 3d. The day's activities Performing Arts in conjunction with time to the final stages of the mas- will begin at eleven am. with tours the annual ASTR meeting. The pro- sive reorganization and packing re- of San Francisco's War Memorid ject will center around long neglected quired to move the entire Theatre Opera House and the Paramount aspects of theatrical performance Collection to new quarters now under Theatre in Oakland. Tickets for both which are currently generating much construction. The actual shifting is tours are limited to 75 each and may interest among theatre students and expected to take place over the fall be purchased for one dollar each and winter months. Miss Jeanne T. scholars. Some indication of that in- from Hobart F. Berolzheimer, Free Newlin, ,Curator, expresses regret for terest is suggested by last year's Library of Philadelphia, Logan this temporary inconvenience to conference on popular entertainment Square, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania readers and researchers. at the University of Manchester, 19103. England and by recent issues of The afternoon program will consist Theatre Quarterly, Journal of Popular of a panel discussion in the Lurie Culture, The Drama Review and Edu- Roan of the San Francisco Public cational Theatre Journal devoted to Library chaired by Norman Philbrick the discussion of theatre as a popular art form. on he Philbrick Library with opening remarks by Kevin Starr, Librarian of The term "popular entertainment" NEW APPOINTMENTS the San Francisco Public Library. is difficult to define. Throughout Panelists scheduled to appear are history popular forms have appeared, Grenville Cuyler, Assistant Cura- merged, and disappeared, almost un- tor of the Theatre and Music Collec- Robert Sarlos on the University of California at Davis Theatre Collec- noticed by scholars and historians, tion of the Museum of the City of tion; Dunbar Ogden and/or Lesiie so that it has become difficult to New York, has accepted an offer to Clarke on Theatre Materials at the sort out individual forms and to head the drama and theatre activities University of California, Berkeley, trace the relationship of one to an- at Concord Academy in Concord, Samuel Stark on the Stark Index in other. But a basic definition is at Massachusetts this fall. The coed least possible. Traditional popular college preparatory school has just the Stanford University Theatre Col- entertainments consist simply of live completed and fully equipped a new lection; and Celeste Ashley on recent acquisitions in the Stmford amusements aimed at a broad, rela- 400-seat theatre. tively "unsophisticatedw audience. Ted Perry assumes his new posi- Theatre Collection. Unlike folk forms, to which they are tion as Director of the Department of Following the panel program and related, popular entertainments are Film at The Museum of Modern Art discussion period a representative created not by amateurs, but for profit July 1st. Mr. Perry, Professor and from the Am e r i c an Conservatory by professional showmen. Typical Chairman of the Department of Theatre (ACT) will inform members examples of traditional popular en- Cinema Studies, School of the Arts/ and guests of ACTS procluctians, tertainments from various periods Graduate School of Arts and Sciences plans and activities, and Steve in c 1 u d e the circus, cornmedia at New York Universify since 1971, Baffrey of KRON-'A7 will spak on dell'arte, vaudeville, pantomimes, the succeeds Willard Van Dyke. The new the current theatrical scene in SUI b u r 1e s qu e show, Grand Guignol, director is editor of TLA's Perform- Francisco. A champagne reception Continued on page 3) ing Arts Reaowcea just off the press. will conclude the day's events. GEORGE FREEDLEY MEMORIAL WORKS IN PROGRESS GRANDMOTHER TYLER'S BOOK AND THEATRE LIBRARY BYNNER, Witter (Author, Poet and ASSOCIATION AWARDS A memoir written by Mrs. Royall Playwright, 1881-1968) James Kraft, Tyler in Brattleboro, Vermont between Winner of the 1974 George Freed- Executive Editor, The Witter Bynner 1858 and 1863 and the last known ley Memorial Award is Robert C. Foundation, Inc., 2816 0 Street, N.W., privately owned Royall Tyler item, Toll for his Blacking Up: the Min- Washington, D. C. 20007 was donated to the Vermont Histori- strel Show in Nineteenth-century JEWISH THEATRE (World History cal Society by William Royall Tyler America (Oxford University Press). with Emphasis on the Yiddish Stage ) in January 1974. The ceremony oc- Honorable mentipn goes to John F. Book. Professor Herbert Marshall, curred in Mr. Tyler's office at the Wharton for his Life Among the Play- Center for Soviet and East European wrights: Being Mostly the Sto Research, Southern Illinois Univer- Dumbarton Oaks Research Library The Playwrights Producing Comp"a: ny sity, Carbondale 62301 and Collection, located in Washing- ton, D. C. Inc. (Qu adr ang 1 e/The, New , York OAKES, James (Theatre Critic, Times Book Company). Established c1820-1878. Pen name: Acorn) Mr. Tyler, Director of Dumbarton in 1968 by the Theatre Library Asso- Thesis. Eric R. Marshall (UCLA) Oaks, was Assistant Secretary of ciation the George Freedley Award 5021 Oakdale Avenue, Woodland State for European Affairs, 1962- is made annually to that book on the Hills, California 91364 1965 and U. S. Ambassador to the live theatre which best demonstrates OSBORNE AND AFTER (Bibliog- Netherlands, 1965-1969. He is the outstaking scholarship, readability raphy of Works By and About and a great-great-grandson of Mary Palmer and contribution to knowledge during List of Production Data on Nineteen Tyler, who married Royall Tyler in the preceding year. Contemporary British Playwrights) 1794 and was widowed from him in ne Theatre Library Association Dr. Letitia Dace, Associate Profes- 1826. Mrs. Tyler wrote her memoir Award for the outstanding, book deal- sor of Speech, Drama and English, for her children and grandchildren. ing with recorded performance in- John Jay College of Criminal Justice, She delved into her own family his- cluding motion pictures and tele- The City University of New York, tory back to the mid-18th century vision was presented to Gerald S. 444 West 56 Street, New York, N.Y. and concluded with the War of 1812. Lesser for his Children and Tele- 10019 Ambassador Tyler donated this vision: Lessons from Sesame Street STREET MAGICIANS. Book. Ed- memoir to the Vermont Historical ward B. Claflin, 64 West 85 Street, (Random House). The TLA Award Society because it is the major de- New York, N. Y. 10024 was first given in 1974. pository for Royall Tyler manu- The presentation awards were VAUDEVILLE (Dramatic History) Book. Mari Lyn Henry, 115 West scripts. The Royall Tyler Collection made at a cocktzil reception May 2d was a gift to the Society from Miss at The Walter Hampden Memorial 71 Street, New York, N. Y. 10023 Helen Tyler Brown, great-grand- Library at The Players. Members and daughter of the playwright, poet and guests present included former award winner Louis Sheaffer; drama essayist. critics John Beaufort of The Christian A jurist as well as a literary fig- Science Monitor and Hobe Morrison ure, Royall Tyler is best remem- of Variety; Rosamond . Gilder and bered as the author of The Contrast author Robert Kimball. (1887), the first comedy to be written by a native American and profession - GALE INFORMATION ally staged in this country. Grand- mother Tyler's Book is the name GUIDE LIBRARY FOR THE ASKING given to Mrs. Tyler's manuscript PLUS POSTAGE Richard Stoddard has signed to because a volume bearing. that title --- compile a bibliography entitled Stage was edited by Frederick Tupper and In appreciation for the "valued Scenery, Machinery and Lighting; a Helen Tyler Brown and published in services of TL A" Dr. Joseph Mer- Guide to Information Sources as part 1925 by G. P. Putnam's Sons. That sand is making available to members of the "Gale Information Guide Li- volume revised the sequence of some of the Theatre Library Association brary" series published by Gale of Mrs. Tyler's reminiscences and for the asking his Index to Plays Research Company of Detroit. The omitted others. The original is now S with ug g e s tio n s for Teaching bibliography will include source ma- available for research in the library (Scarecrow Press, 1966). To receive terials on Medieval Europe, Renais- of the Vermont Historical Society. a complimentary copy write Dr. sance and Baroque, the 19th and Mersand at the Department ofTeacher 20th-centuries as well as general Preparation, York College of CUNY, histories and manuals of contem- CHAMBERLAIN BROWN 150-14- Jamaica Avenue, Jamaica, porary practice in staging and light- COLLECTION N. Y. 11432. Each request must be ing methods. Mr. Stoddard was for- accompanied by a self-addressed merly with the Department of Drama Offers are still open for the pur- @/ix 9% oak tag clasped envelope and Theatre at the University of chase of the "William Kranz Theatri- complete with eighteen cents (184) Georgia in Athens.
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