VOLUME: 9 WINTER 2008 Jean Gran-Aymerich reviewed the XXXVI Convegno di entalizzante di "tipo Greco" fra distribution of Etruscan objects at dif- Campania settentrionale, Latium Vetus ferent sites around the western Studi Etruschi ed Italici ed Etruria. Mediterranean, and gave particular Gli Etruschi e la Campania Enrico Benelli, Francesco Cifarelli, attention to objects that are used as Settentrionale Sandra Gatti, Materiali e tipi ceramici votives. These dedications were made Caserta, Santa Maria Capua arcaici tra Abruzzo, Campania setten- at the peak of Etruscan maritime com- Vetere, Capua, Teano trionale e Lazio meridionale interno: merce in the archaic period and add an 11-15 November 2007 tradizioni locali e circolazione di mod- important dimension to the activities of elli. traders at this time. L. Bouke van der The theme of the 36th Meeting of Mariassunta Cuozzo, Ceramiche di Meer analyzed the liber linteus Zagrab the Istituto di Studi Etruschi, the tipo protocornizio e italo-geometrico iensis and revealed the wealth of infor- Etruscans and northern Campania, was tra Campania ed Etruria. mation about Etruscan cosmology and interpreted as referring both to the Giovanni Colonna, Tra Volturno e deities that can be gleaned from this Etruscan presence in Campania, and the Garigliano: tradizioni etniche ed iden- important text. Among other things, he local situations in various areas. tità culturali. discussed the evidence for locating this Caserta, November 11: Stefania Quilici Gigli, Carta arche- Jean MacIntosh in 1970 (Photo Maria Bonghi Jovino, Capua pre- courtesy of Ingrid Edlund-Berry) calendar at Perugia. Gregory Warden ologica della Campania settentrionale: shared new evidence from fieldwork at romana e dintorni. Linaementi della dati delle ricerche in corso. Poggio Colla where the investigation of ricerca storico-archeologica. Cristina Chiaramonte Treré, Gli Unveiling Etruscan different phases of the temple on the Maria Luisa Nava, La protostoria Ausoni/Aurunci e le aristocrazie cen- Ritual acropolis has revealed a variety of ritu- nella Campania settentrionale: la situ- tro-italiche: identità etniche e differen- A conference in honor al and votive activity. azione attuale. ziazioni culturali tra VII e VI secolo Ingrid Edlund-Berry considered the Gianluca Tagliamonte,La Campania a.C. Alcuni spunti. of Jean MacIntosh Turfa manner in which temples came to be preromana nelle collezioni del Museo Fernando Gilotta, Trasmissione di by Margarita Gleba and Hilary dedicated in Etruria, and gave particular Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli: un modelli in età arcaica in Campania Becker attention to the question of whether the progetto di riordinamento. settentrionale: Cales e Capua. Etruscan temples themselves could Santa Maria Capua Vetere Fulvia Lo Schiavo, Elisabetta On November 17, 2007, the interna- have been votive offerings. Natalie November 12: Bocci, Lucia Pagnini, Gabriella tional symposium, "Unveiling Etruscan Stevens examined the significance of Bruno d'Agostino, Gli Etruschi e gli Poggesi, Rapporti fra l'Etruria setten- Ritual" was held at the University of the orientation of Etruscan temples and altri nella Campania settentrionale. trionale interna e il territorio di Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology altars; she looked for patterns among Vincenzo Bellelli, La ceramica ori- Continued on page 9 and Anthropology in Philadelphia in the deities worshipped at particular Cave may hold Secrets Domed ceiling of cave with designs order to honor the work of Jean temples and reassessed what we know formed by mosaics and seashells. MacIntosh Turfa. This symposium about the celestial division of the sky. to Legend of Ancient Drilled hole visible on right. offered an opportunity to explore less- Hilary Becker looked at the religious emphasized areas of Etruscan religion activity that occurred around the sanc- Rome and to probe at the workings of tuary, and looked for the economic and by Peter Kiefer Etruscan religious ritual at the individ- social significance of votive and sacrifi- ual and community levels. The event cial behavior. Reprinted from the New York Times was sponsored by the University Marshall Becker’s paper explored ROME, Nov. 20 -- Italian archaeolo- Museum, the Center for Ancient the process that occurred before burials gists have inched closer to unearthing Studies, the Department of the History and the rituals performed by the living the secrets behind one of Western civi- of Art at the University of Pennsylvania for the dead; he demonstrated the quan- lization's most enduring legends. The and the Philadelphia Society of the tity and quality of information that can Italian government on Tuesday released Archaeological Institute of America. be gleaned from osteological remains the first images of a deep cavern where Participants from the United States, the for our understanding of cremation bur- some archaeologists believe ancient Netherlands, France and Denmark con- ial ritual. Ann Blair Brownlee and Romans honoured Romulus and sidered ritual activities through a vari- Richard De Puma examined a specific Remus, the legendary founders of ety of different interdisciplinary meth- case of an Etruscan tomb group from Rome. ods, and investigated subjects such as Vulci and demonstrated the importance The cavern, now buried 50 feet the giving of dedications, the building of knowing the history of a collection under the ruins of Emperor Augustus' of temples, temple orientations, the cos- for any subsesquent interpretation. The palace on the Palatine Hill, is about 23 tumes appropriate for special occasions paper of Larissa Bonfante explored feet high and 21 feet in diameter and the nature of the gods. Continued on page 12 Continued on page 5 LETTERS TO THE EDITORS Dear Editors, institutions that have regularly offered of the Etruscans,editedbyde Dear Editors: papers and panels on Etruscan sub- Grummond and Simon (2006). (Ed.) I'm an amateur with an interest in I would like to support Etruscan and jects, and we welcome signs of an Dear Larissa, classical archaeology and I enjoy your Italic studies in my community. I'll be increased interest in Etruscan studies. I recently received the back issues newsletter even though I don't under- sure to send off a check of $25 to get The U.S. Section will collaborate in the of the Etruscan News as was promised. stand all the details in the articles! (I'm paper copies, and I will be happy to do organization of a conference to be held Thank you, again, so much! This com- waiting in suspense for a final determi- what I can to distribute, solicit articles, in New York in the fall of 2009, for pletes our collection. We will be main- nation to be made as to the date of ori- organize, etc. Of course, I will be very which planning is now under way. taining a full subscription of the paper gin of Lupa!) interested to get to know Lisa (Ed.) starting in Jan. '08. Having visited Epidaurus and Pieraccini, and perhaps we can brain- Dear Editors: Thanks again. Sincerely, experienced its amazing acoustics I storm ways to promote Etruscan and Mark Santangelo read with interest the article by Philip Italic studies on the West Coast. Thank you for the latest Etruscan Onassis Library Ball in the Summer 2007 issue. One On Samnites and Pythagoreanism: News! This issue is the best so far, very The Metropolitan Museum of Art sentence puzzled me, however. He I'm writing an article now that discuss- speaks of Epidaurus as having "the comprehensive, with intriguing articles. Dear Editors, es the Samnite strategos Gaius Pontius Congratulations too for the excellent classic semicircular shape of a Greek Corriere della Sera "Cerveteri, La who, Cicero claims, visited Archytas format of the online version: the quality amphitheatre". Does he not mean the necropoli del miraculo," announced and Plato in Taras and listened to the is very good, both viewed on the com- classic shape of a Greek theatre? It's my today some big finds at Cerveteri, a former speak about the ethics of moder- puter screen and printed out, since it fits understanding that an amphitheatre has piazza and two new tombs. The archae- ation. This comes to be significant perfectly the A4 size of normal printers. the shape of two theaters joined at their ologist is Vittoria Carulli. I tried to pick since other historians, roughly contem- I have already given a copy to Vincenzo open sides. the article off their website, but it does poraneous with (Livy) and reliant upon Bellelli, and I have told colleagues Sincerely, not come up. The find was in the area of (Appian) the writings of Cicero, attrib- about the Internet site. I congratulate Cynthia S. Thompson the Tomba delle Cinque Sedie. uteanethicsofsophrosune to Pontius. you again, and thank you for the atten- Hanover, NH [email protected] Also, the mytho-historical Okkelos tion with which you carry out this proj- With best wishes, Lukanos was a Pythagorean, and we ect, so useful to colleagues everywhere. We are very grateful to our sharp-eyed have several fragments preserved of his Frederick E. Brenk, S.J. reader and apologize for this error, Pontifical Biblical Institute On Law and On the Nature of the My best wishes, which escaped our notice. (Ed) Universe (though all appear to be late Adriana Emiliozzi 4th c. B.C.E. forgeries). They are ISCIMA, Rome ETRUSCAN NEWS interesting for their value in connecting Dear Editors, Editorial Board, Issue #9, December 2007 political thought, natural physics, and personal ethics in a uniquely (i.e. not Thank you for including the beauti- Greek-Ionian) Pythagorean way. But President of the U.S. Larissa Bonfante [email protected] ful photograph of the catafalque. all of this is in an article in which I pro- Section of the Istituto Classics Department (Because I teach in Ypsilanti, I can't pose to investigate whether or not there di Studi Etruschi ed New York University avoid mention of the small statue of the were Magoi in Italy.
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