August 2008 Iron Game History Size Matters: Reflections on Muscle, Drugs, and Sport Jan Todd The University of Texas at Austin Editors Note: Each year at the annual meeting of The North American Society for Sport Histmy (NASSH) a member is asked to deliver a special honor address-NASSHs equivalent ofthe keynote speech given at other con­ ferences. For the 2008 conference, Jan Todd was asked to be the deliver the Seward Staley Honor Lecture, and the article which follows is the text of her speech. When she delivered this lecture to several hundred international scholars in Lake Placid, New York, on 24 May 2008, Jan illustrated the talk with a PowerPoint presentation con­ taining 87 slides. Space doesn't permit us to use all of the images she showed the audience, but we are including more pictures than normal since the argument she is maldng is based on visual evidence and interpretation. Although this lecture was prepared for presentation to NASSH, we hope IGH subscribers will be interested in her discussion of the connection between baseball star Barry Bonds and a misunderstanding of bodybuilding history. In the closing pages of Game of Shadows, the from a senes of 2006 book on Barry Bonds and the BALCO scandal, the computations book's authors, Mark Fainaru-Wada and Lance involving the sub­ Williams, include an appendix containing additional evi­ ject's lean muscle dence they believe proves Ban-y Bonds was an anabolic mass, which ts drug user. "The belief that changes in Bonds' body determined from reflect steroid use," height, weight and they write, "is sup­ percentage of body pmted by the research fat. "I Fainaru-Wada of Harvard University and Williams go on psychiatrist Harrison to explain that Pope, an expert on the according to Pope's mental-health effects article, the higher of steroid abuse." the Fat Free Mass Pope and his col­ Index, the more leagues, they explain, likely that person is published an article in to be using anabolic The Clinical Journal drugs. An average, of Sports Medicine in non-obese college 1995 that contained "a student would score mathematical formula about 20 on the for use in determining FFMI, they explain. whether a person used Game of Shadows was written by San Francisco Chronicle reporters steroids." The formu­ Steve Reeves' body, as it looked in 1947 the year he won the Mark Fainaru-Wada and Lance la, called the Fat Free Mr. America Contest, should be considered as an example of Williams after several years of Mass Index (FFMI), the upper limit of muscularity possible without using investigative reporting. "predicts steroid use steroids, according to Dr. Harrison Pope and his colleagues. 3 Iron Game History Volume 10 Number 3 The former Mr. America Steve unknowingly-in the latter part Reeves, cited in the article by of his career.s What upset me Pope and his colleagues as the was the blind faith that Fainaru­ "most famous muscle man of I Wada and Williams and a large the pre-steroid era," and, to number of joumalists and other quote Pope directly, "as an individuals are placing in Pope's example of the upper limit of formula and the data and muscularity that we believe can assumptions on which the for­ be attained without drugs"­ mula itself is based.6 was a 25 .7 according to Pope.z It's normal, of course, to So confident is Pope of his for­ embrace new tools that appear to mula that he wrote in 2000, make life simpler. Wouldn't it "Any male scoring 26 or higher be nice, as Pope and his col­ who is not visibly somewhat fat, leagues suggest, if the formula and claims that he has achieved could actually be used to screen this physical condition without for steroid abuse, especially in the use of drugs . is almost the athletic and forensic situa­ certainly lying. " [Italics in orig­ tions in which individuals so inalp often attempt to deny such When Fainaru-Wada As a minor league player in the early days of his behavior?? Pope's formula and Williams read this strong career, Barry Bonds weighed about 185 pounds at sounds like it could be a cheap, statement from one of Harvard's a height of 6'2". relatively non-invasive way to best and brightest, it's not sur- test, doesn't it? Coaches could prising that they felt comfortable using Pope's fmmula simply order body composition tests for their athletes to shore up their contention that Barry Bonds was a drug and they'd know almost immediately if they had any user. After all, Greg Anderson, Bonds' personal trainer potential dmg users on the team. Just weigh and meas­ had self-servingly boasted that ure the kids, plug their scores he'd helped Bonds achieve a into the automatic calculator body fat reading of 6.2 percent now readily available at: in 2002, when the home tun www.bodybuilding.com, and king weighed 228 pounds. you'd know who your drug These numbers, factored into users are.s the formula, gave Bonds a read­ While this may sound ing of 28 on the FFMI, a read­ promising to some, it seems ing Fainam-Wada and Williams wrong-headed and potentially argue is "well-over the level of dangerous to me. And, when I a 'presumptive diagnosis' of began looking into the FFMI steroid use."4 and how Pope had derived the When I encountered formula, I was struck by the role these claims in Game of Shad­ that histmy-or should I say ows, I was at ftrst surprised and "bad histmy"-had played in its then increasingly concerned creation. Pope's lack of under­ about what I was reading. It standing of the history of physi­ wasn't that I believed Barry cal culture and spqrt training Bonds to be innocent of steroid has caused him to base the use. On the contrary, the FFMI on historical assumptions weight of evidence suggests In 2002, Bonds weighed 228 pounds and, as can be that are simply incorrect. I will that Bonds probably did use seen in this photo, had added considerable muscle show today why Pope's asser­ anabolic agents-knowingly or to all parts of his physique. tion that Steve Reeves' body 4 August 2008 Iron Game History to some that steroids may be their only path to the body The Fat Free Mass Index for Males they desire.l2 Just remember how Androstendione sales (FFMI) skyrocketed after Mark McGwire admitted he was using it back in 1998. People didn't turn away.I3 FFMI=LBM + 6.1 x (1.8-H) Please don't misunderstand my intent here. I'm not suggesting that there are no limits to the amount of H2 muscle an individual can build without steroids. I'm not LBM= Lean Body Mass in Kilos hying to argue that professional bodybuilding is a clean H = Height in Meters sport, or that thousands of athletes in a variety of spmts aren't using dmgs-and aren't bigger and stronger represents the pinnacle of non-dmg-using muscular because of those mugs. My concern is with Pope's sug­ development is wrong, and I will further show why gestion that we should be profiling people as potential Pope's predictions about the kind and amount of muscle dmg users because of an arbitrmy number he mistaken- one can build without steroids are based on an incorrect understanding of the histmy of resistance training. I raise these issues because- as the existence of the Fat Free Mass Index becomes more widely known through the publicity surrounding Game of Shadows, and the soaring sales of Pope's popular book called The Adonis Complex-! fear we will begin to see the "false naming" of individuals as steroid users who have never touched an anabolic dmg.9 In the wrong hands- in the wrong circum­ stances-what the New York Times has dubbed "The BuffEquation" could be used as a new fonn of profiling that will tamish the reputations of some athletes and recreational How to Identify, Treat, and Prevent weight trainers who are Body Obsession in Men and Boys legitimately dmg-free.1o My other fear is ·· Ten years after THE BEAUTY MYTH we finally understand that the existence of such a the relationship betwee n society 's expectation of boys and men and how they think abou t their bodies." Psychiatrist Harrison Pope, formula may fuel the -WILLI AM POLLACK, PH .D .. lead author of The Adonis desire of some young men oulhof of REAL BOYS: RESCUING OUR SONS FROM THE MYTHS OF BOYHOOD Complex, teaches at Harvard and women to begin using University Medical School, HARRISON G . POPE. Jr., M . D . and specializes in research on steroids. Why should any­ men's perceptions of their one pay attention to the KATHARINE A . PHILLIPS , M.D . body image and appearance. old coaching homily about ROBERTO OLIVARDIA. Ph . D. seeing how far you can take your body without dmgs, when Pope and his col­ Published in 2000, The Adonis Complex argues that a grow­ leagues write, "on the basis of our research, we believe ing number of men suffer from "body dysmorphic disor­ that it is impossible to be extremely muscular and lean der," a psychiatric condition that causes them to be so dis­ without chemical assistance." II Such a bald statement in satisfied with their physical appearance that they begin a book that's been reviewed and discussed in nearly having mental problems. Many of them, according to the eve1y major newspaper in America-and that's men­ book's authors, become obsessive about weight training tioned on thousands ofwebsites-can't help but suggest and begin using anabolic steroids and other drugs.
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