DOtUkENT RESUME ED 144915 SO 010 401 AUTHOR 1 Partnow, Patricia H.; And Others TITLE TheTlingit Indiani of.SoutheasternAlaska: Social Studies Unit for Elementary Grades.. Teacher's Manual [And] Kiksad Dog Salmon,Legend (And], Halibut Fishing [And] How Raven-Stole the Light: A Radio Play. [And] Raven, The Old Woman. of 'the Tides,"and the Sea Urchins: A Puppet ',Pla4lAnd] Raven and the Fog Woman CAndl7The-l-dgendary-Adventures-ol-Rav,en Tlingit Uncle and His Nephews [And) Three Brothers [And]'Lingit Aanee.... 16 INSTITUTION Alaska Native Edudation Board,Inc.Ittchorage..; 0 Alaska State Museum, Juneau. Alaska Multimedia education ftogram.A PUB DATE 75 , P NOTE 329p.; For ,related documents, see ED 127250-257, SO .010 400 , ° \EDMPRICE. MF-$0.83 HC-$16.7.3 Plus 14stage.' DESCRIPTORS. *American Indians ;, Cultural Context;, *Cultural Education; Cultural Traits; Curriculum Guides; Elementary Education; Environmental Influences; Ethnic Groups,; *Ethnic Studies; Folk Culture; *Human _Geography; Instructional Materials; Learning Activities; Legends; Leisure Time; life Style; Primary Sources; Resource Materials; *Social Strudture;OSodi:1 Studies Units; reaching Guide; IDENTIFIERS *Alaska; *TlingitS ABSTRACT Part of a series designed to introduce the culture of the Alaskan Indians to elementary school students, the unit contains 41 materials related to seasonal Tlingit activities and a gUide for elementary classroom teachers 'to implement the student mateiials.,The guide describes the format or the unit, suggests activities, lists "retource matbrials, and..explains the anthropological background of the unit,. -Sections one through five: (1) discuss hold the lingits deal with the environment of southeastern Alaska; (2) describd a summer/fall fish camp, introduCe 91an structure, and explore Tlingit attitudes toward .animals;(3) examine home and village life in winter, and introduce students to Tlingit folk tales;(4) deal with relationships with other villages; and (5) summarize springtime fishing and planting.activities. Each section indicates objectives, materials, resburges, activities, and kackgrould information. Learning activities include educational games, ,drawing. and' writing exercises, ,moddl making, analyzing folk tales, and recreating Tlingit menus. The 12-student materials include documents on fishing and canoe making, kradio'play and puppet show which describe supernatural.powers attributed to ravens, five tales of Tlingit life and beliefs .and descriptive brdchurespil Tlingit home and community! environment.'-cs. 1Author/DB) Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublishedmaterials not available from .trier acur4ta. LRIC. nifikes effort to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of iiiarginalreproducibility are often encounteged and this atfects the quality of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes availablevia the ERIC Dozumeht Reproduction Service (LDRS). EDRS is not responsible for the quality of the original (I-Jaiment. Reproductions suppliedby EDRS are the, best that ciii ue made from .the original. 4 U S OEPAR TMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE -' NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS CAEEN REPRO. OUCEO EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN' AT iN,O it POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS srArto 00 NOT NECESS4RILY REPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EOUCAT ION POSITION OR POLICY "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTEDBY Y977--/ -121-r Teacher's Nautial for .1 TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES. INFORMATION (ENTER 01, 'a o THE ERIC SYSTEM (ERIC) AND " CONTRACTORS THE!-TLINGIT INDIANS OF SOUTUEASTERMALA8KA ,Social, Studies Unit for lementaiy Grades. t 4 Writien'by: .Patricia U. Partnow O 4 and the Staff of the 0 Alaska Bilingudl Education Center Alaska, Native.Education Bord 7 4510 International Airport Road Auchorage,-Alaska 99502 -1 0 st, 0 0 -1 A 0 r O . o. THE TLINGri INDIANS OF SOUTHEASTERN ALASKA Social Studies Unit for' Elemeutaiy 6rad6s ..c 0 ae 6-75-100 V 4' A NOTE ON HOW TO IJSE THIS MANUAL: ; - We hope that the manual is arranged'so that it will be handy and easy to and invite your comments _and suggestAns. It is importanethat you 'read.through the whole manual before you begin the ,unit, if possible, and if not, at least be well prepared'for each day's lesson. Thereare some topics which. may be diffiCult for your students' to handle, and which will requkre some expert V .0 gUidance onyour_part. " -Also, please ,donq go out and buy all the book,;3 on he various Resource Lists which accompany each . .Unit. Some of them may not be applicable to the , direction your class is taking. And some of the . films, which wehavenot been able'to preview, may o not be exactly what YourW§nt either. You will have to do some experimentig, and be selective of the' `items you have the time and desire to pursue. 44, r- . a 4 I. STABLE OF CONTtNTS .44444 t Introduction 1 PART-I: Linc,ft0Aanee, The_ Place of the Tlingits 'Dealing with the natural ,env.ironment c'f,'SoutheaSteu -Alaska -- - 7 e PART II Summer -Fall Fish Cam 4, Describing fish camp and fishing activities, introducing clan structure, dea1ing with traditional st / Tlingit attitudes to*ard animals 18 -4 PART Life in a Tlingjt Winter Hduse Describing the permanent Winter house, life in the village, and,Lntroducing 4 the Raven stories 44 4 ' PART 1V: Relationships Outside the Village Dealing with potlatchea and relatives from other villages .. ! . , 83° , PART V: Sprinp. Again. Dealing with springtime economic activitie§ 10.6 II 6 0 o. {La tst cf. TABLE OF, CONTENTS (continue -Appendix A-,- - -- 129 .Appendix 'B -$ - 133 ; Selected Annotated Bibliogr4hy .5 on'Tlin.git Culture t 136 17. t ti 9 O r. 3 4' A A LIST' Or MATERIALS Teachers Manual - 1 per set Part I: Lingir Aane- 1 per student . Part II: Fish Camp Poster7 1 per set Map bk-Lingt AanSe- 1 per set Raven and the Fog.Woman-1 per student Kiksadi Dog Salmon -Legend.--J...pell.s-tudent____ The Tlingit Way:.. How to Makea Canoe - 1, per student The Tlingit Way: How to Treat-Salmon- c it per student , Part III: In a Tlingit Wintel. House'- 1 per stient ?mo....Claa.,6,tur6es,...m.1.7pkw.ottlien , The Tlingit Uncle anc,His Nephews- 1 per stud4nt Three Brothers 1 per student How Raven Stole the Light,- 1per-student. How Raven Became Black and Gave,Water to 'the World-, 1.per student . " Raven and the Old Woman o-f the Tides 1 per studen° Halibut Fishing 1 per student t , , 4 4 Part IV: No special,materials provided Part V: Spring'Calendar -1 per set 4 4 O !INTRODfJ6TION- TO "`THE TLINGITS 0 OF SOUTHEASTERN ALASKAN CURRICULUM PLAN 4 4 . The Tlingits of Southeastern Alaska is one in a series of curriculum plans on thgrative cultures ,of Alaska developed by the Alaska Native Education Board at the Alaska iiilingual Education Genc,ter, . Anchorage. °Thp.kitten materials -are aimed at a e 4Tourth, fiph, or six grade level, but the program should be adaptabl. o any elementary or' junior high school grade. , ° . , I The Tlingits,of Southeastern Alaska fotio*s a- . C es format comon to all the Native Studies-plans in the .- . , Alaska Native Education Board series: it'is divided' . into Parts, each of which deals with the subsistence activities and life-ways approVriate to-the season. .in which it is taught, Thus, the Parts begin with fall activities and continue throughout the school. , year to'spring, and summer activities. 'goulneed not, however.; use this unit throughout the entireschool year. It can be shortened, as you wish, or can be studied, dropp'ed for a time, and picked up again as the activities descriled become applicable to the _ o . 44 rt f ' . .. ". et .season and_to our area.) , ' . , 6 . ., . 'This Teacher's Maiival has beenpreparqd to' e%. ,} /.. v asssti you in using the materials desixned for, I . ... -student vie. The basic- formatof this manual is as follows: At' the beginning of- each.adarti background ,.. , information on.cultural practices apprOpri,gte to , - that,section is given. Then the visuals and .. childien'sbooklets are rdprbduced, and suggeStion 1 .._, , % . ' 4 4 - for using.thse materials- are listed: The. M.anual also cdntains listsof additional resource materials ... t . , , - you can abtain from other sources which may be of . , value to your class in studying-,the topic. This resource list is not exhaustive; it is composed of r- material we have come across after a search (:) « as - material centers in the area' We ill wele..orQe titles of additional materials you haye found helpful, and will ad&them to the lists as the 'Handal is reprinted. The Teacher's Manual, with its suggested activities,is meant to be a general guide for you. Please feel free to tail the activities and mays of dealing with the information to your a4d your- - students' interests. You need not use Al the a . materials, nor should youexxcludeclude others which are not mentioned but which you-might find helpful. ' 1. .6*. ... 0. There arpmany .aspects, of Tlingit. life wHich_havd . .... N . a not'been touched upon in these materials, and, you at+, . might want e4and.your,study to theM. No matter how you .1.1se the unit,: hoWevet, the. 1 $ . informatiah we haveincludedshould providerou--: . ly, -1, with 'the -general information abotit the? people and . I their culture which will a.11Owyou to build upon. .- a A or deepen your .own Class's,sttldy. ._ ti_note about-the anthropological interm9tion . ,- .. contained -in thecurriculumpight behelpful. he ' . life ways depicted in theunits aresupposedtobe t . represefitative of pre-contact'Tlinkit life; that is, life as it was at' least two hundredyears ago. .:Our- methodsof obtaining information on this, period were,therefore.,;,inclitect. The :reports of the -firstEuropeans. to come into contact with th- Tlingits were ofteLi biased.,at worst and extremely ( sketchy at best. Greatest Ilas therefore been put on more recent works ,(particularly .4 " Frederic,i PeLazuna's Under lqotint Saint.Elias;:4( Krause "s The Tlingit Indians; Qberg'sSocial , Economy of_the Tlingit Indians; and others,.
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