Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series Volume 8 | Number 1 Article 1 10-1966 Mites of Utah mammals Dorald M. Allred Department of Zoology and Entomology, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah D Elden Beck Department of Zoology and Entomology, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/byuscib Part of the Anatomy Commons, Botany Commons, Physiology Commons, and the Zoology Commons Recommended Citation Allred, Dorald M. and Beck, D Elden (1966) "Mites of Utah mammals," Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series: Vol. 8 : No. 1 , Article 1. Available at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/byuscib/vol8/iss1/1 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Western North American Naturalist Publications at BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Brigham Young University Science Bulletin, Biological Series by an authorized editor of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. IviUS. COT/.P. ZOOL. LIBRARY NOV 29 19b6 Brigham Young University UNIVERSITY Science Bulletin MITES OF UTAH MAMMALS by DORALD M. ALLRED AND D ELDEN BECK BIOLOGICAL SERIES — VOLUME VIII, NUMBER 1 OCTOBER, 1966 BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY SCIENCE BULLETIN BIOLOGICAL SERIES Editor: Dorald M. Allred, Department of Zoology and Entomology, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah Associate Editor: Earl M. Christensen, Department of Botany, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah Members of the Editorial Board: Beck, Bacteriology J. V. C. Lynn Haywahd, Zoology W. Derby Laws, Agronomy Howard C. Stutz, Botany Wn-MER W. Tanner, Zoology, Chairman of the Board Stanley Welsh, Botany Ex officio Members: RtTDGER H. Walker, Dean, College of Biological and Agricultural Sciences Ernest L. Olson, Chairman, University Publications The Brigham Yoimg University Science Bulletin, Biological Series, publishes acceptable papers, particularly large manuscripts, on all phases of biology. Separate numibers and back volumes can be purchased from University Publications, Brigham Yoimg University, Provo, Utah. All remittances should be made payable to Brigham Young University. Orders and materials for hbrary exchange should be directed to the Division of Gifts and Exchange, Brigham Young University Library, Provo, Utah. Brigham Young University Science Bulletin MITES OF UTAH MAMMALS by DORALD M. ALLRED AND D ELDEN BECK BIOLOGICAL SERIES — VOLUME VIM, NUMBER 1 October 1966 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 Topographical and Faunal Features 1 HISTORICAL REVIEW 3 MEDICAL AND ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE 3 ACCOUNTS OF THE SPECIES 4 Pachylaelaptidae 8 Gamasolaelaptidae 8 Neoparasitidae 8 Halarachnidae 9 Zurnptiella bakeri 9 Spinturnicidae 9 Parasphiturnix <:^lohosus 9 Spinturnix orri 9 Parasitidae 9 Macrochelidae 9 Macrocheles sp 9 Haemogamasidae 10 Brevisterna tiwntaiitis 10 Brevisterna utahensis 11 Eulaelaps stahularis 11 hchyropoda funnani 12 Ischi/ropoda armatus 12 Hiwmogtimasus uhiskctisK 13 Haemo<^(ima.sus pontiger 13 Haemogumtuius lipom/ssokles occidentalis- 14 Ilaeinoguiuuxu.'i nri\l>ul(n\)s 14 Hucmogamiisus hmgitarsus 15 Phytoseiidae 15 Klccnumia sp 16 Dermanyssidae 16 Myonyssus ntontuniis 17 Hirstionysiux staffonii .„ 18 Hirst ionysiu-t tursalis 18 Hirst ionysstis uffiiii.s 19 Hir.tlioiiyssus ptihistris 19 Hirstionijssus punctalus 20 Hirstionyssus iniaginatiis 21 Hirst ionyssiis riitiimiiic 21 tlirstionysstis utiilu-iisis 22 Hirstioni/ssus aiigustus 24 Hirstioiiysstis feniuralis .. 25 Hirstiouyssiis lotigichelac 25 Hirstiomjssus tlwtnotnys 26 Hirstionysstis torus 27 Hirsliduyssus iwotoniae 29 Hirstiouyssiis hisetnstts 29 Hirstiouyssiis isiil)cllinus 29 Hirstionysstis triticunthiis 30 Hirstionyssiis hitti 30 Hirstiouyssiis inconiptiis , 30 Hirstionysstis hiicoti 31 Hirstionysstis carnifcx 31 J Hirstionys.sus p,ivmijdi.s 31 Hirstiotiyssus ohsoletus 31 IchoTonijssiis robustipes 31 Dernmntjsnus sanguineus 32 Dermcmyssus hechl 32 Dcrnmmjssus gallinae 32 Steatonyssus antrozoi 32 Ornithonyssus aridus 33 OrnHhonyssus hacoti 33 Ornithonyssus sylviurum 33 Laelaptidae 33 Androlaehips leviculus 34 LaeUips kochi 35 Laelaps multispinosus 35 Laelaps incilus 36 Laelaps nuttalli 37 Euhruchylaelaps crowei 37 Euhrachijhelaps hollisteri 38 Euhmchiilaelaps circuhiris 38 Euhrachi/hiclaps dehilis 38 Hypoaspis luhrica t 39 Hypoaspis gurahensis 39 Haemolaelaps casalis 40 Haemolaelaps ghsgowi 40 Haemolaelaps geomys 41 Listrophoridae 41 Myocoptes sp 41 Listrophorus sp 41 Myobiidae 4- Myobia sp 42 Radfordia bachai 42 Radfordia lemina 42 RadfordUi sidiuligcr 42 Trombiculidae 4^ Bernia, new genus 4o Berniti marita 4J Odontacarus linsdalei 44 Odontacarus niicheneri 44 Odontamrus hirsutus 45 Leeuwenhuekia americana 45 Whartoniu pcrph'xti 4o Chutui setosa 45 Chatia ochotomi 45 Guhrlk'pia inncriciina 4d Trotnbicida californica 47 Tromhicula belkini 47 Trombicula hoplai 4o Troml>ictda niyotis 48 Tromhicula potusina 4o Trotnliicula pauamensis 4o Trombicula suhsignata 48 Trombicula liarperi 49 Trombicula jewetti 49 Trombicula sargenti 4 Tromhicula csocnsis - Tromhicula uniiciri "* Tronihiculd hanlosi 49 Tromhicula hakeri i 49 Trotnhiculii urcnitiAci __ 50 Trot)il>wula ttHinUtm nsis 50 Troniliiculu durcini 50 Trumhicuhi altrcdi 50 Chcldihrnla iTo.\.\i 50 EuschocHjjl^axtUi laccrtci 52 Euschi)cnij,a.stui Itofjiiuiiwc 52 Euschoenfj^dstiii jurmani 52 Euschocn'^iistui utulicnsi.s- 52 Euschocni^aslid soricimis 52 EuscltiH-nj^ii.stUi <iii'i^oiuni,is 53 Euschoenij^uiliii coiilircinii.'. 53 Eu-sclwciigastki ci/noini/icolii 53 Euschoengafititi lanei 53 Euschoeiigustiu ilecipieiis 53 Eusclioeiigustiii luteodema 54 Euschoengustia pomcmiitzi 54 Eu.schoen'iu.'itiu fasolUi 54 Euachoenguxtia rotunda 54 Eu.schocngdstui rddfordi 54 EuschoengdstUi ohesu 55 Eusclioenguitia lanccoldtd 55 Euschocngdstiu criccticota 55 Euschoengustia sciuricoki 55 Tetranvchidiie 56 Cheyletidae 56 DISCUSSION 65 REFERENCES : 66 LIST OF TABLES Page 1. Number of mamin.ils cxamiiK-d ami fouiul iiifi-sted with ectoparasite.s in Utah 1 2. Mite-liost relationships in Utah 56 3. Host-mite relationships in Utah 61 LIST OF TAXONOMIC KEYS Page Families of female anil male mites .md lar\al tromhieulids fonnd on mammals in Utah 5 Genera of Spintuniieidae 9 Genera of female Haemogamasidae 10 Genera of male Haemogamasidae 10 Species of female Brcvistcnw 10 Species of female Ischyropoda 11 Species of male hchtjropoda 12 Species of female Hacmogamdsus 12 Species of male Uucinogdma.sus 13 Females of the genus Klccrtidtiid 15 Genera of female Dcrmanyssidae 'o Species of female Hirstionyssus - 17 Species of female Dermanyssiis 31 Species of female Ornithonyssus 32 Species of male OniitJtonysstis 32 Genera of female Laelaptidae 34 Genera of male Laelaptidae 34 Species of female Laehips 35 Species of female Eubrachylaelaps 37 Species of female Hypoaspis 39 Species of female H(lemohielaps 39 Genera of Listrophoridae 41 Genera of Myobiidae 42 Species of female Radfordia 42 Genera of larval Trombiculidae 43 Species of larval Odontacarus 44 Species of larval Chatki 45 Species of larval TrnmhicuUi 46 Species of larval Euschnengastia 51 MITES OF UTAH MAMMALS by Dorald M. Allred and D Elden Beck' INTRODUCTION In 1949 a systematic survey was initiated by pencil drawings of the chiggers. We are grate- the junior author to determine the ecological ful to the manv students and faculty of the relationships of parasitic arthropods associated Department of Zoology and Entomology and with reptiles, birds, and mammals in Utah. others who collected mites over the past 16 Emphasis was given to the rcxlents rather than years. the larger mammals, birds, reptiles, and nests Topographical and Fau.nal Feaitires which were collected less frecjuentlv. Approxi- mately 9,000 small mammals were examined for Utah encompasses the western part of the ectoparasites between April, 1949, and August, Upper Colorado River Basin and the eastern 1965 (Table 1). Financial support was obtained part of the Great Basin (Fig. 615). The diversi- from the National Institutes of Health (Grants fied topographv varies in elevation from 2,760 E-102, E-1273, AI-01273, and AI-01273-08) and ft to 13,498 ft, and tlie biotic features vary from from Brigham Young University primarily to desert shrub to alpine areas. Consequently tliere study fleas and ticks, but lice and mites also is a great diversity of habitats and fauna within were collected. The records of the mites taken the state. For further descriptions of the biotic during the sixteen-year period constitute the and faunal areas of these basins, refer to the basis of this report. excellent discussions by Durrant (1952), Beck Financial support specifically for analysis (1955), and Hayward, Beck, and Tanner (1958). and publication of the data on mites was re- ceived from the National Institutes of Health TABLE 1. NUMHEHS OF MAMMAI..S EXAMINED AND FOUND IN BETWEEN 1949 (Grants GM 12321-01 and GM 12321-02). Re- INFESTED WITH ECTOPARASITES UTAH AND 1965 ( BRIGHAM VOUNC UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF lease time was allowed the senior author by ZOOLtXJY AND ENTOMOLOGY, PROJECT 10). Brigham Young University as a Faculty Re- search Fellow (1965-66) to pursue work on this No. infested with; project. Other financial support and facilities furnished bv Brigham Young L^niversity in past years contributed considerably toward our ob- Group and species' jectives. We appreciate the kindness of Dr. Russell W. Strandtmann, Texas Technological SHREWS College; Dr. Frank J. Radovsky, George Wil- liams Hooper Foundation;
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