B63C:B7;/B35C723B=5/G:=<2=< 4@33 7<A723¬ 8=6<0/@@=E;/< B636=CA3=4 6=;=A3FC/: 1C:BC@3 9G:73F@3D73E32 >/B@719:7::3G A13<3¬ FF:¸AA3D3<B6 07@B62/G /:/< B63@3:/C<16 =4B@/A6>/:/13 63/D3< 1/@@ 7<B3@</B7=</: @7A3=4B63B==B64/7@G EEE=Cb;/51=C9 7AAC33:3D3<% =C :=@3; bZ]`S[ WORDS BY LOREM DELOREM | PHOTOGRAPH BY MAET IPSUM =CbT`]\b PAGE 14 WINTER HUDSON’S LETTER WONDERLAND community who would prefer it if we were all straight acting or didn’t conform to stereotypes. However, as Alan points out, he’s simply being himself… and isn’t that what gay liberation is all about? The freedom to be one’s self? Alan’s camp, loud and brash on screen and Britain has a long tradition stage, but is also charming, when it comes to camp intelligent and warm. As PAGE 26 comedy, from the likes of role models go, I don’t think FILM Frankie Howard, Kenneth that’s so bad. Williams and Larry Grayson, Also in this issue, we chat CONTENTS through the likes of to John Barrowman, go Julian Clary, Paul O’Grady mad over the new Kylie and Graham Norton to album, highlight the PAGE 04 PAGE 24 newcomers such as this House Of Homosexual LETTERS THEATRE month’s cover star, Alan Carr. Culture, luxuriate in some Send your Lord Of The Rings Alan is fi rst and foremost of London’s best boutique correspondence to reviewed, plus news a comedian, and resists hotels, and bring you all [email protected] about Kiki & Herb and the notion that he should the latest scene tips and Wicked be held up as any sort of news. Enjoy, and keep the PAGE 06 role model for the gay feedback coming. MY LONDON community. Perhaps he’s Queer Nation’s Patrick PAGE 61 sensitive to those in our [email protected] Lilley OUTREACH Community groups, PAGE 08 gay wrestling and SHOPPING listings EDITORIAL//ADVERTISING The new LG Viewty and the latest book from PAGE 64 Managing Editor Publisher Nigel Slater OUTNEWS David Hudson Sarah Garrett//Linda Riley Gay stories from [email protected] ISDN: 1473-6039 PAGE 11 home and abroad +44 (0)20 7258 0036 Head of Business Development DIARY Contributing Editor Linda Riley November’s cultural PAGE 68 Adrian Gillan [email protected] highlights in and PROPERTY [email protected] Group Advertising Manager around London Living in Soho, tips Design Concept Rob Harkavy PAGE 14 for landlords, and Splicer Design [email protected] PAGE 12 ALAN CARR London’s latest www.splicerdesign.com +44 (0)20 7258 1936 NOVEMBER shared-ownership Design Sales Executive HIGHLIGHT schemes Clare Willis Dean Houlahan The Soho Revue [email protected] [email protected] Bar’s fi rst birthday PAGE 86 Sub Editor +44 (0)20 7258 1997 and London’s winter MOTORING Kathryn Fox Sales//Offi ce Manager skating rinks PAGE 26 PAGE 35 The new Alfa Romeo Contributors Margaret Tapping FILM OUT THERE Spider and Ducati Simon Blake, Gabriele [email protected] PAGE 14 The Darjeeling Limited, Upcoming scene Superbike Giambrone, Adrian Foster, +44 (0)20 7258 1991 ALAN CARR The Nines and Death highlights for Douglas Mayo, Richard Tonks, The rising comic star At A Funeral November, plus PAGE 88 Michael Turnbull, Steve talks to us about life on coverage of Heaven, TRAVEL Watson, Jo Webber, Emma Square Peg Media Ltd. the road and looking PAGE 28 Bootylicious, Salvation, Our favourite Willis 27 Harewood Avenue for love FOOD Wild Fruit, XXL, Yalla boutique hotels in Photographers London NW1 6LE The new lunch menu and Trash Palace London Chris Jepson, Dick Goose, Phone +44 (0)20 7258 1777 PAGE 18 at Gilgamesh Eoin Whelan Fax +44 (0)20 7258 1787 MUSIC PAGE 90 New releases from PAGE 30 HOROSCOPES Kylie, Freemasons, Seal HOUSE OF HOMO The content of this publication, either in whole or in part may not be reproduced, stored in a data retrieval system or trasmitted in any form or by any means, and Unklejam Inside The House Of PAGE 93 electronic or otherwise, without prior permission from the publishers. Opinions Homosexual Culture HEALTH expressed in Out In The City are not neccessarily those of the publishers. © Square Peg Media Ltd 2000 - 2007. PAGE 22 Smart Lipo at the Square Peg Media Ltd t/a Out In The City magazine will not take any JOHN BARROWMAN PAGE 32 Courthouse Clinic, responsibility for any loss/claim resulting from a transaction with one of our The Torchwood star COLUMNIST PAGE 36 plus the pros and advertisers/ Media Partners. talks to us about his Steve Watson makes TRASH PALACE cons of revealing your debut album his fi rst visit to a sauna HIV positive status ! =C :3BB3@A bT`]\b PSS\Q`SObSRb]]TTS` OaOTSOZbS`\ObWdSb] OZZbV]aSeV]Pcg ON FIRE WZZSUOZ]`PZOQY[O`YSb dS`aW]\a]TbVSR`cUa ;]ab]TbVS^S]^ZS 7Y\]eeV]VOdS THE SEX AND THE CITY ^c`QVOaSRDWOU`OVOdS MOVIE R]\Sa]bV`]cUVWZZSUOZ Enough of torturing us with [SO\aBVWaaS`dWQS sneaked photos from the Wab]PSO^^ZOcRSR set… we want the movie 6]eSdS`R]bVSg now! One of 2008’s most BLACKLISTED `SOZZgbVW\YbVOb eagerly awaited fi lms. Bga]\T`][C\YZSXO[ QVO`UW\U"#WaU]W\U PHOTO © FAMOUS I=cb7\BVS³WaacSK b]S\Q]c`OUS[O\g [OYSaOPWURSOZ]T TOP OF THE POST ^S]^ZSb]UWdSc^bVSW` DAVID JORDAN bVSPO\R\]bUSbbW\U WZZSUOZac^^Zg-BVSg He heralds from North bVSaO[Sa]`b]T^`Saa STAR LETTER aOgbVOb[]\SgT`][ London, and his debut Oa]bVS`\SePO\Ra bVSaQVS[SeWZZPS`S album, Set The Mood, PSQOcaS]TbVSQ]Z]c` FIRST CLASS W\dSabSRW\b]<6AQO`S has been produced by ]TbVSPO\R¸aaYW\ Every so often I have to travel to London from Southampton >S`VO^abVSgaV]cZR legendary producer Trevor 1]cZRWb^]aaWPZgPS for business meetings. At the end of the day, I always ZSOdSbVSU]dS`\[S\b Horn. A new, genuine Brit- PSQOcaSbVSgR]\¸b enjoy swinging by Soho to have a drink with mates and b]W\dSabW\<6AQO`S soul talent. OQbcOZZgVOdSbVS pick up magazines before catching the train home. There is O\RZ]eS`bVSW`]\ZW\S bc\Sa]`bOZS\bbVOb always a better selection of free magazines in London than ^`WQW\UOQQ]`RW\UZg RADIOHEAD bVSgbVW\YbVSgR]- where I live and reading them makes me feel in touch with John, WC2 No longer tied to a record /\ROaT]`abO\RW\U what the boys are up to in the big smoke. label, Radiohead have c^b]V][]^V]PWO Having just entered my 30s, clubbing, clothing and bodies allowed fans to buy their V]eQ][S\]\S]T are no longer enough to keep my attention span for very new album for whatever bVS[O`SOQbcOZZg long so I was thrilled to fi nd your magazine included more price they want from their ^`S^O`SRb]Q][S interesting (and well written) articles, a sensible layout, offi cial website. Fellow ]cb-Ac`SZgabOgW\UW\ a cool property section and the great Outhouse (with superstars take note! bVSQZ]aSb[SO\abVS fabulous websites my credit card would rather you hadn’t V][]^V]PSaVOdS featured). Really great to have Out In The City available e]\- online for downloading too so that when I don’t make it WHAT’S HOT AND WHAT’S NOT Derrick, Arnos Grove to London I can still get hold of a HIGH REGARD THIS MONTH’S RISE AND FALL copy and plan my weekend. 7XcabeO\bSRb]aOg Matt, Southampton eSZZR]\Sb]=cb7\ BVS1WbgT]``c\\W\UO BRITNEY SPEARS TSObc`S]\@SUO`RbVS She lost custody of her WIN! :50BRWaOPWZWbgU`]c^ kids, was involved in a GIRLS WILL BE GIRLS DVD 0SW\UUOgWaRWTTWQcZb hit and run, and her new AND EROTICA TICKETS S\]cUVeWbV]cbOZa] album’s been leaked on the The writer of December’s Star Letter VOdW\Ub]]dS`Q][S internet… can things get will win a copy of new DVD Girls Will Be Girls, a hilarious ^`SXcRWQSWU\]`O\QS any worse? drag romp starring Coco Peru and Varla Jean Merman, ]`TSO`]\bVSUOg which is being released on 26 November. For more details, aQS\SPSQOcaS]Tg]c` PHOTO © AXEL HOTEL check www.tlareleasing.co.uk. They will also win two RWaOPWZWbg9SS^c^bVS GORDON BROWN tickets to the huge Erotica show, taking place at the Grand U]]Re]`Y The will-he-won’t-he HIP HOTELS Hall in Olympia from 23-25 November. The world’s largest Martine election fi asco ended up /a[g]\ZgSf^S`WS\QS lifestyle show for adults, check www.erotica-uk.com for denting the new PM’s ]TUOgV]bSZaQ]\aWabSR more details. Please be sure to include your full name and BACK AGAIN credibility and gave ]TacPabO\RO`RO\R postal address with your letter if you want to be in with a 6W7Y\]ebVObg]c opposition parties plenty of U`]bbg00¸a7eOa chance of winning. Q]dS`SRbVSQZ]ac`S ammunition. dS`gW\bS`SabSRb] ]T>]aWbWdS<ObW]\ `SORg]c`TSObc`S]\ [OUOhW\S7Xcab bVSPSabUOgT`WS\RZg ³WaacSK]\ZgUOdS QVSS`ZSORS`Q]OQV bV]cUVbbVObg]c` EARLY DECORATIONS V]bSZaW\bVSe]`ZR g]cO\W\bS`dWSe]\ [OgVOdSVO[^S`SR `SORS`ae]cZRZWYS Maybe it’s just us, but I=cb7\BVS³WaacS bVSQ]\RWbW]\bVOb VWaORdO\QS[S\bW\ b]Y\]ebVObbVS it seems wrong to put KEVObO^Wbg[]`S g]cOaYSRVW[OP]cb bVS\]b]`W]caZga\]PPg [OUOhW\SVOaPSS\ decorations up before ]TbVS[O`S\¸bW\bVWa VWaO`bQ]ZZSQbW]\O\R O`bae]`ZR P]cUVbPgAcUO` we’ve even put the clocks Q]c\b`g7ZWdSW\V]^S QVO`WbOPZSe]`Ya Greg, SW11 ;SRWOO\RVOaPSS\ back.
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