DOCUMENT RESUME ED 382 114 HE 028 315 TITLE History of Higher Education Annual. Volume Twelve. INSTITUTION Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park. REPORT NO ISSN-0737-2698 PUB DATE 92 NOTE 130p.; For volume 10, see ED 347 870. For volumes 11-14, see HE 028 314-317. AVAILABLE FROMHistory of Higher Education Annual, Higher Education Program, Pennsylvania State University, 403 South Allen Street, Suite 115, University Park, PA 16801-5202 ($10 individuals, $12.50 institutions). PUB TYPE Collected Works Serials (022) JOURNAL CIT History of Higher Education Annu'al; v12 1992 EDRS PRICE MF01/PC06 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *College Role; Communism; *Educational Development; *Educational History; Foreign Countries; Governance; Government School Relationship; Higher Education; *North American History; Public Colleges; State Universities; United States History IDENTIFIERS Illinois; Soviet Education; Soviet History; University of California; USSR ABSTRACT This annual compilation offers six articles on the history of higher education. In the first article, "The Historical Matrix of American Higher Education," Roger L. Geiger provides an overview of the history of American higher education. Following it, E. D. Duryea, Jurgen Herbst, and W. Bruce Leslie comment on his hypothesis which identifies eight "generations" in higher education from 1637 to World War II. The next paper is by Geraldine Joncich Clifford and is titled "No Shade in the Golden State: School and University in Nineteenth-Century California." It analyzes the complex relationship between the University of California and its environment, including demographic, economic, and political forces. In "Conflict and Community in Soviet Institutes of Higher Education, .1921-1928," Peter Konecny examines the relationship between the communist party, state educational apparatus, and local leaders of higher education in Leningrad during the years of the New Economic Policy. Next, Jurgen Herbst in "Translatio Studii: The Transfer of Learning from the Old World to the New" looks at the history of higher education in North America, prior to the American Revolution. Carol Everly Floyd, in "Centralization and Decentralization of State Decision Making for Public Universities, Illinois 1960-1990," considers the forces that dictated the complex "balance of power" and "system of systems" approaches to the governance of public higher education in Illinois. The last article, "The Not-So-Old-Time College" by Roger L. Williams, is a review essay discussing two books--"Wesleyan University, 1831-1910" by David Potts and "Gentlemen and Scholars" by W. Bruce Leslie. (Individual papers contain references.) (DB) MNmm,r OM. A I IOC 3EST COPYAVAILABLE EDUCATION U S DEPARTMENT OFr InIcuovPM, THIS flute et F not 0,wi a to- PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCESINFORMATION MATERIAL HAS BEENGRANTED BY CENTER (ERIC) This document has beenreproduced as Iwo orchirumtion HISTORY OF HIGHER L received from the person or or it Minor changer, have been madeir EDUCATION ANNUAL improve reproeur bon quality Points of view or opinions stated Intnr. RESOURCES document do not neLessarilyrepresent TO THE EDUCATIONAL ottir ill OE 1-0 ()motion or polity INFORMATION CENTER(ERIC ") HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION ANNUAL 1992 VOLUME TWELVE II AN ANNUAL PUBLICATION UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY PENNSTATE EDITORIAL BOARD Joan N. Burstyn, Founding Editor, Syracuse University E.D. Duryea, Founding Editor, State University of New York at Buffalo Alan Karp, Founding Editor, Teachers College, Columbia University Joyce Antler, Brandeis University Arthur Engel, Virginia Commonwealth University Roger L. Geiger, The Pennsylvania State University Lynn D. Gordon, University of Rochester Peter D. Hall, Yale University Hugh Hawkins, Amherst College Jurgen Herbst, University of Wisconsin-Madison Konrad H. Jarausch, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill James McLachlan, Princeton, New Jersey W. Bruce Leslie, State University of New York, College at Brockport Walter P. Metzger, Columbia University Patricia A. Palmieri, Harvard University Harold J. Perkin, Northwestern University David B. Potts, Wesleyan University Douglas Sloan, Teachers College, Columbia University Harold S. Wechsler, Editor, University of Rochester Roger L. Williams, The Pennsylvania State University Foreign Correspondents Kenneth Charlton, King's College, University of London, United Kingdom Robin Harris, University of Toronto, Canada David R. Jones, University of Melbourne, Australia Rudiger vom Bruch, Universiteit Miinchen, Germany Editorial Assistants Danielle Crawford, Northwestern University Michael A. Nugent, The Pennsylvania State University On the cover: Fred Lewis Pattee, the nation's first Professor of American Literature, and students in the library of Old Main, The Pennsylvania State University, c. 1900. Courtesy of The Pennsylvania State University Archives. di HISTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION ANNUAL 1992 CONTENTS Introduction to Volume Twelve Harold S. Wechsler 5 ARTICLES The Historical Matrix of Roger L. Geiger 7 American Higher Education Responses: "The Historical Matrix E. D. Duryea 29 of American Higher Education" Jurgen Herbst 30 W. Bruce Leslie 31 No Shade in the Golden State: School and Geraldine Jonvich Clifford 35 University in Nineteenth-Century California Conflict and Community in Soviet Peter Konecny 68 Institutes of Higher Education, 1921-1928 Translatio Studii: The Transfer of Learning Jurgen Herbst 85 from the Old World to the New Centralization and Decentralization of Carol Ever ly Floyd 101 State Decision Making for Public Universities Illinois 1960-1990 REVIEW ESSAY The Not-So-Old-Time College Roger L. Williams 119 ABOUT THE CONTRIBUTORS 129 19923 History of Higher Education Annual (ISSN 0737-2698) is published yearly in coopera- tion with The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16801-5202. Subscriptions Individual subscriptions to the Annual are $12.00 in the United States and Canada, and $17.00 to Latin Amefica and overseas. Institutional subscriptions are $15.00 in the United States and Canada, and $17.00 to Latin America and overseas. All orders must be prepaid in U.S. funds, payable to The Pennsylvania State University. Send orders to History of HigherEducation Annual, Higher Education Program, The Pennsylvania State University, 403 South Allen Street, Suite 115, University Park, PA 16801-5202. Telephone: (814) 863-0854. Back issues are available from 1986 to individuals for $10.00 in the United States and Canada, and $15.00 overseas and in Latin America. Back issues are available to institutions for $12.50 in the United States and Canada and $15.00 overseas. Manuscripts The History of Higher Education Annual welcomes manuscript contributions for consideration in future volumes. Manuscripts should be submitted in triplicate, typed double-spaced (including quotations, footnotes, and references) on 8 1/2 x 1 I paper, with ample margins. Authors should follow the Chicago Manual of Style 13th edition. The author's name, affiliation, and telephone number should appear on a separate cover page to insure anonymity in the reviewing process. Manuscripts should be submitted to: Dr. Roger Geiger, Editor, History of Higher Education Annual, The Pennsylvania State University, 403 South Allen Street, Suite 115, University Park, PA 16801-5202. © 1992, History of Higher Education Annual 41992 INTRODUCTION TO VOLUME TWELVE HAROLD S. WECHSLER University of Rochester THIS VOLUME MARKS A MAJOR TURNING POINT in the history of this journal. Beginning with the next issue, Roger Geiger and Roger Williams, both of The Pennsyl- vania State University, become theAnnual's editors. Alan Karp and I relinquish our duties grateful to our editorial board for unwavering support, to our colleagues who submitted their work for publication consideration and who responded thoughtfully to our requests for evaluation of submitted articles, and to a loyal readership that followed the peripatetic Annual on its sojourns around western New York and the Midwest. The Annual, has justified the faith of its board, authors, and readership by adhering scrupulously to criteria of excellence in publishing significant articles. Roger Geiger and Roger Williams will further strengthen the journal by providing a more permanent home and by bringing their wisdom and erudition to the editorship. The current issue uses the occasion of this transition to present a forum on the state of our field. Incoming editor Roger Geiger has contributed an overview of the history of American higher education, and three members of the editorial board comment on his generational hypothesis. This issue also includes another synthetic statement Jurgen Herbst's essay on the history of higher education in North America, prior to the American Revolution. Two articles in this year's Annual discuss the relationship of the states to the development of American higher education. Geraldine Clifford analyzes the complex relationship between the University of California and its environment, including demographic, economic, and political forces. Carol Floyd looks at the forces that dictated the complex "balance of power" and "system of systems" approaches to the governance of public higher education in Illinois. Center and periphery is also the theme of Peter Konecny's essay. Based on documents in recently opened communist party archives in Leningrad, the article carefully examines the relationships between the communist party, state educational apparatus, and local leaders of
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