Resettlement Plan July 2012 BAN: SASEC Road Project Joydevpur–Chandra–Tangail–Elenga Road Subproject Prepared by the Government of the People‟s Republic of Bangladesh, for the Asian Development Bank. ii CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 6 July 2012) Currency unit – Taka (Tk) Tk.1.00 = $0.012 $1.00 = Tk. 82 ABBREVIATIONS ADB Asian Development Bank APD Additional Project Director CCL Cash Compensation under Law CE Chief Engineer CMP Current Market Price CPRs Common Property Resources CRO Chief Resettlement Officer CRS Commercial Resettlement Site CSC Construction Supervision Consultant CSOs Civil Society Organizations CUL Compensation under Law DAM Department of Agriculture Marketing DC Deputy Commissioner DCP Disclosure Consultation and Participation DCRO Deputy Chief Resettlement Officer DDC Detailed Design Consultant DHs Displaced Households DPM Deputy Project Managers DPs Displaced Persons EA Executing Agency EC Entitlement Card EM External Monitor EP Entitled Person FGD Focused Group Discussion GOB Government of Bangladesh GRC Grievance Redress Committee HSC Higher Secondary Certificate IGS Income Generating Schemes INGO Implementing Non-Government Organization IOL Inventory of losses IR Involuntary Resettlement IVC Inventory Verification Committee JCTE Joydevpur–Chandra–Tangail–Elenga Road JMBP Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Project JSC Junior School Certificate JVS Joint Verification Survey JVT Joint Verification Team LA Land Acquisition LAO Land Acquisition Officer LAR Land Acquisition and Resettlement M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MOC Ministry of Communications NASP National AIDS and STD program iii NRS National Resettlement Specialist O&M Operation and Maintenance DHs Project Affected Households PCR Physical Cultural Resources PD Project Director PMO Project Management Office PMs Project Managers PMU Project Management Unit PPR Project Progress Report PRA Participatory Rapid Appraisal PSA Poverty and Social Assessment PVAC Property Valuation Advisory Committee PWD Public Works Department R&R Resettlement and Rehabilitation RAC Resettlement Advisory Committee RC Resettlement Consultants RDM Rural Development Movement (Polli Unnayon Andolon) RHD Roads and Highways Department RO Resettlement Officers ROW Right of Way RC Replacement cost RP Resettlement Plan SDE Sub-divisional engineer SEC Social and Environment Circle SMVR Slow moving vehicle road SPS Safeguard Policy Statement SSC Secondary School Certificate STIs Sexually Transmitted Infections TA Technical Assistance TOR Terms of Reference WEIGHTS AND MEASURES ha. - hectare km - kilometer km2 - square kilometer m - meter m2 - square meter NOTE In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. This resettlement plan is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, ADB does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. iv CONTENTS I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................ 1 A. Subproject Benefits and Impacts .................................................................... 1 B. Measures to Minimize Impact......................................................................... 1 II. SCOPE OF LAND ACQUISITION AND RESETTLEMENT ....................................... 3 A. Scope of Land Acquisition .............................................................................. 3 B. Loss of Non-Land Assets ............................................................................... 3 C. Vulnerability ................................................................................................... 7 D. Summary of Impacts ...................................................................................... 8 III. SOCIO-ECONOMIC INFORMATION AND PROFILE ............................................... 9 A. Project Affected Area ..................................................................................... 9 B. Profile of Affected Population ......................................................................... 9 C. Gender Issues ............................................................................................. 15 IV. INFORMATION DISCLOSURE, CONSULTATION AND PARTICIPATION ............ 19 A. Objectives .................................................................................................... 19 B. Identification of Stakeholders ....................................................................... 19 C. Participation of Stakeholders ....................................................................... 20 D. Feedback from Consultation ........................................................................ 20 E. Outcome of Consultation Process ................................................................ 20 F. Information disclosure measures ................................................................. 22 V. GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL MECHANISM ............................................................. 25 A. Background and Objectives ......................................................................... 25 B. Complaints and Grievance Mechanism ........................................................ 25 C. Scope and Jurisdiction of GRC .................................................................... 26 D. Filing Grievance Cases and Documentation ................................................ 26 E. Approval of GRCs and Entitlements of GRC Members ................................ 28 F. Grievance Redress Monitoring ..................................................................... 28 VI. LEGAL AND POLICY FRAMEWORK ..................................................................... 29 A. Legal Framework ......................................................................................... 29 B. Resettlement Policy Commitments for the Project ........................................ 36 C. Property Valuation and Compensation ......................................................... 36 VII. ENTITLEMENTS, ASSISTANCE AND BENEFITS ................................................. 39 VIII. RELOCATION OF HOUSING AND SETTLEMENTS .............................................. 48 A. Relocation of Displaced Families ................................................................. 48 B. Options for Relocation ................................................................................. 48 IX. INCOME RESTORATION AND REHABILITATION ................................................ 49 A. General ........................................................................................................ 49 B. Livelihood Impact and Risks ........................................................................ 49 C. Rehabilitation Measures ............................................................................... 49 D. Gender Considerations ................................................................................ 50 v X. BUDGET AND FINANCIAL PLAN .......................................................................... 51 A. Introduction .................................................................................................. 51 B. Unit Costs of Land and Assets ..................................................................... 53 C. Provisions of Resettlement and Rehabilitation Assistance ........................... 54 D. Approval of the Resettlement Budget ........................................................... 54 E. Management of Resettlement Fund ............................................................. 55 XII. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT ........................................................................ 56 A. Introduction .................................................................................................. 56 B. Institutional Arrangement ............................................................................. 56 XIII. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE ............................................................................ 64 XIV. MONITORING AND EVALUATION ........................................................................ 67 A. Introduction .................................................................................................. 67 B. Objectives of M&E ....................................................................................... 67 C. Stages of M&E ............................................................................................. 67 D. M&E Indicators ............................................................................................ 68 E. Methodology and Approach ......................................................................... 70 F. Institutional Arrangements for M&E .............................................................. 71 G. Reporting Requirements .............................................................................. 71 List of Annexes Annexure I Project Map Annexure II Estimated Budget for Land Acquisition and Resettlement Annexure III Socioeconomic Survey Questionnaire vi EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. Introduction: The Joydevpur–Chandra–Tangail–Elenga (JCTE) Road is one of the subprojects under the Bangladesh SASEC Road Project (the Project) which will be funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The Project will assist the
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