U. S. BATTLESHIPS ONI 54-R • RESTRICTED e The appearance of U, S, Battleships, since the outbreak of the war, has evolved into a predominantly one-stack design, Although simi­ lar in general outline, these one-stackers may be differentiated by their armament dispositions and hull lines. Of the two stack BB's, COLORADO alone is likely to undergo radical alteration of appearan.ce. SOUTH DAKOTA CLASS TENNESSEE e NEW MEXICO CLASS NEW YORK CLASS ''• '~ PENNSYLVANIA ARKANSAS e ~ e ONJ 54 R • .RESTRICTED Division of Naval InlelligeT:tce-Identification Ond Chaiacteristics Section U.S. BATTLESHIPS IOWA CLASS e NORTH CAROLINA CLASS COLORADO CLASS •oo S. DAK . ·' .(;_,: ... e ARK. N.Y. NEV. PENN. TENN. N.MEX. ,...- 0 '0. S. CRUISERS Supplement 4 · 8,'4,43 ONI 54 R RESTRICTED e CA-BALTIMORE CLASS (A- WICHITA CL- CLEVELAND CLASS CL-BROOKL YN- PHOENIX CLASSES e • ,J -,.. ·~ ...... CL-ATLANTA- OAKLAND CLASSES CL -ST LOUIS BALTIMORE e) CLEVELAND ATLANTA WICHITA BROOKLYN ST LOUIS e ONJ 54 R • RESTRICTED Division of Naval Intelligence- Identification and Characteristics Section· U. S. CRUISERS CA ~PORTLAND CLASS CA~NEW ORLEANS CLASS .... e CA~AUGUSTA CA~PENSACOLA CLASS " . CA ~NORTHAMPTON CLASS CL~OMAHA CLASS ~~--100 e PORTLAND AUGUSTA NORTH AMPTON NEW ORLEANS PENSACOLA OMAHA ...- U.S. CARRIERS Supplement 4 8 {4{43 ONJ 54 R • RESTRICTED cv CVE SARATOGA LONG ISLAND CHARGER e ENTERPRISE BOGUE-PRINCE WILLIAM CLASSES t­ ,,. "il' ";;._ RANGER CASABLANCA CLASS INDEPENDENCE CLASS SANGAMON CLASS e 100 e ONJ 54 R • R-=STRJCTED Division of Naval lntelligence--ldenlificahon and Choroctanshcs Section SUBMARINES BA LAO • I . D • .F"bYc ., TAMBOR SARGO SALMONcznt!M¥%i" 'hp;,f#L?ii,. =*">"'&C·· #]'\:fl% ~ ~ ~ j e PORPOISE · zA f"WMj? MACKEREL These photos and silhouettes are typical of the appearance changes completed in U. S. Submarines. '.. ... Once distinctive, these ships now greatly resemble most Axis types, which may be found illustrated in the ONI 220 series. NARWAHL e "' r , , DESTROYERS supple menl 4 . a 4 43 ONI 54 R • RESTRICTED e · FLETCHER LIVERMORE BENSON .PORTER MAHAN-DUNLAP FARRAGUT e SIMS BENHAM SOMERS •' . GRIDLEY FLUSH-DEC KERS e ONJ 54 R • RESTRICTED Division of Naval Intelligence- ldentihcolion and Characteristics Section U.S. MINOR COMBATANT TYPES e ~~----100. t .n-r-11. r r~wk 'bi 1 e>k!~·::s PCE- PATROL ESCORT- Al so AM SC- SUBMARINE CHASER PC- SUBMARINE CHASER- Also AM c·"'~~PG- COAST GUARD CUTTER- "B" Closs e PG- COAST GUARD CUTTER- "A" Closs CM- MINE LAYER u;;;:~ '"· •1%kFF.+ imiiiif7 .., es .. ~~ ~-· ~ OM- OMS- DESTROYER MINELAYER I SWEEPER e PG- CORVETIE AM- MINE SWEEPER U.S. NAVAL AUXILIARIES Supplement 4 · Bi4f43 ONI 54 R • RESTRICTED 100 e ., ;;; .; A, c<5lio~:JI&£tu u:;1 ~. .. PE •EA. G.L' BOA.T. ·... •.. k... ;S?tl -- --~MCikwL ~o.,ii'~,· · AM:M')i ' Get= ' .... ~:;] . ~~ ' ~ e • A VP- SEAPLANE TENDER AVO- SEAPLANE TENDER AGL- CG TENDER AT-OCEANGOING TUG A PD- DM-Div\S SIMILAR e ~ ONI 54 R • RESTRICTED U.S. CONVERTED MERCHANT AUXILIARIES ... _,-~ e Division of Novo! Intelligence- ldentification end Chmacteci•tic• Section WORLDAWAR 2 WORLDAWAR 1 r OILER \ ( '-------- -......_ ~ :de='T2-StA1 ~rLU :> H-DE CKERS la.&te.~ J.;.~.Lad cWL.L!!.w.l~~ ... CARGO LIBERTY TYPE "HOG ISLAND" TYPE '} e N-3 • EX- BALTIMORE MAIL " CITY" TYPE " PRESIDENT " TYPE "':·· C-3 P&C . , C4-SA2 C- 3 SA2 EX-UNITED FRUIT LINE e 100 ~--- ~ U.S. Naval Vessels-Type Designations e PRINCIPAL COMBATANT TYPES ARB - Battle Damage Repair Ship LCM - Mechanized Equipment Land- BARGES ARG - Internal Combustion Engine Re- ing Craft BB - Battleship pair Ship LCV - Vehicle Landing Craft YCD - Fueling Barge (B - Large Cruiser ARH - Hull Repair Ships LCS - Support Landing Craft YOG - Gasoline Barge YO - Fuel-oil Barge .. :v - Aircraft Carrier ARL - Landing Craft Repair Ship LCP - Personnel Landing Craft CVL - Aircraft Carrier (light) ARS - Salvage Vessel LVT - Tracked Landing Craft YOS - Oil Storage Barge CVE - Aircraft Carrier (escort) A V - Seaplane Tender LCR - Rubber Landing Craft YPK - Pontoon Storage Barge CA - Heavy Cruiser A VD - Destroyer Seaplane Tender YS - Stevedoring Barge CL - Light Cruiser A VP - Small Seaplane Tender YSR - Sludge Removal Barge DD - Destroyer AGP - Motor Torpedo Boat Tender BASE CRAFT YTT - Torpedo Testing Barge YW - Water Barge DE - Destroyer Escort Vessel AB - Crane Ship SS - Submarine CARGO AND FUEL SHIPS ABD - Advance Base Dock SM - Minelaying Submarine LIGHTERS AE - Ammunition Sh ips ABSO- Advance Base Sectional Dock AF - Provision Storeship AFD - Mobile Floating Dock Y A - Ash Lighter MINOR COMBATANT TYPES AK - Cargo Ship APL - Barracks Ship YC - Open Lighter YCK - Open Cargo Lighter AKA - Attack Cargo Ships· APe - Coastal Transport CM - M inelayer AKS - Stores Issue Ships ARDC- Concrete Repair Dock YCV - Aircraft Transport Lighter DM - Light Minelayer AO - Oiler ARD - Floating Drydock YF - Covered Lighter DMS - High-Speed Minesweeper AOG - Gasoline Tanker AT - Ocean-going Tug YFT - Torpedo Transport Lighter 'I AM - Minesweeper A TR - Rescue Tug YG - Garbage Lighter e ·~'~ YLA - Open Landing Lighter AN - Net-laying Ship TRANSPORTS AVR - Aircraft Rescue Vesse l PF - Frigate AMb - Harbor Minesweeper PE - Eagle Boat AP - Troop Transport MISCELLANEOUS PG - Gunboat APA - Attack Transport MISCELLANEOUS YCF - Car Floats ' PC - Submarine Chaser APD - High-Speed Transport YD - Floating Derrick f\ PCE - Patrol Craft Escort APH - Wounded Evacuation Transport AG - Miscellaneous Auxiliaries YDG - Degaussing V essel PCS - Submarine Chaser (136') APM - Mechanized Artillery Trans- AGS - Surveying Ship YDT - Diving Tender SC - Submarine Chaser (11 0 ') port IX - Unclassified YE - Ammunition Tender PT1 - Motor Torpedo Boat APR - Rescue Transport YFB - Ferry Boat Pr, PYc- Yacht APV - Aircraft Transport DISTRICT CRAFT YFD - Floating Drydock ! AGC - Operations and Command YHB - Houseboat ~ ~ Headquarters Ship NAVAL AUXILIARIES Y AG - Miscellaneous Di strict Aux il - YHT - Heating Scow iaries YM - Dredge TENDERS LANDING CRAFT YMS - Motor Minesweeper YPD - Floating Pile Driver ,, YMT - Motor Tug YR - Floating Workshop ~ AD - Destroyer Tender LCC - Control Landing Craft YN - Net Tender YRD(H)- Dry Dock Workshop- Hull AH - Hospital Ships LCI - Infantry Landing Craft YNg - Gate Tender YRD(M)- Dry Dock Workshop- Ma- AS - Submarine Tender LCT - Tank Landing Craft YP - District Patrol Vessel ch inery ASR - Submarine Rescue Vessel LSD - Dock Landing Ship YT --Harbor Tug YSD - Seaplane Wreck Derr ick -Repair Ship AR LST - Tank Landing Ship CMc -- Coastal Minesweeper YSP - ·Salvage Pontoon e e ONI 54-R • RESTRICTED • Supplement 4-8-4-43 ARKANSAS-DB 33 Division of Naval Intelligence-Identification and Characteristics Section Bow - 27' Ships in Class: Stern - 20' ARKANSAS-BB 33 Bridge - 59' WYOMING -AG 17 Stack Last unit of eight dreadnoughts completed Mast in 1912. Rebuilt 1925- 27, modernized in 1942. WYOMING (si lh ouette) , partially demilitarized, serves as a Gunnery Training Ship. Length o. a. -554' Observer's Note: -2- A - 2- 2 main battery disposition (Japan's ISE Class similar) - Low, widely spaced tripod masts (WYO­ MING retains original cage foremast) e -Catapult on No. 3 turret, flanked by ONI 54-R • RESTRICTED ENTERPRISE-tV 6 Supplement 4-8-4-43 Division of Naval Intelligence-Identification a nd Characteristics Section Designed as an enlarged, speedier RANGER, this ship was authorized under the N. R. A and completed in 1938. Resembles the new ESSEX design. Observer's Note: -Long, low island superstructure com­ Length o. a. -825 Height above w. I. bined with heavy stack. Deck -55' -Light tripod foremast with stick main­ Bridge -86' mast stepped abaft stack. Stack -103' - Full-length flight deck, broken freeboard. Mast -143' CHARCER-CVE 30 Division of Naval Intelligence--Identification and Characteristics Section The first conversions of this war, these ships were developments of the LANGLEY design (the " old covered wagon"). Identical with the CHARGER is the British ARCHER Class CVE. Observer's Note: - Freighter hull, enclosed to flight deck aft, open forward. - Trestle mast on LONG ISLAND tops box bridge on CHARGER. - Note CHARGER is the only CVE without a raised forecastle. Height above w. I. Bridge-69' Deck- 52' Mast- 88' LONG ISLAND-CVE 1 Length o. a.- 492' Height above w. I. Deck- 58' Mast- 69' A British sister ship to the LONG ISLAND, HMS ARCHER, 12-41 . A HMS BITER is similar to the CHARGER. All photographs of the LONG ISLAND, 12-19-42; of CHARGER, T 9-24-42. ONI 54-R • RESTRICTED BOGUE, PRINCE WILLIAM Classes-CVE 9 Supplement 4-8-4-43 Division of Naval Intelligence--Identification and Characteristics Section Converted from C- 3 cargo hulls, these ships represent an improved CHARGER type. Often called "Baby Carriers", or by the British (who have sister ships) "Woolworth Carriers". Although divided into two classes there are no apparent appearance variations. Length o. a. -494' Observer's Note: - Hull enclosed to flight deck. Height above w. I. - Standard CVE box bridge topped by Bridge - 73' trestle mast. Deck - 54' - Distinguished from other classes by pres­ ence of hull sponsons. Mast - 90' 6-24-42 T ONI 54-R • RESTRICTED SANG.AMON Class-CVE 26 Supplement 4-4-8-43 Division of Naval Intelligence-Identificat-ion and Characteristics Section The largest type of CYE, these ships are Height above w. I. converted oilers, an expediency also used Bridge - 59' by Japan. Due to their elongated appear­ Deck - 42' ance, they may easily be confused with CY's or CYL's. Mast - 84', 108' Observer's Note: - Hull enclosed to flight deck, with numer ous rectangular openings in freeboard. - Standard CVE box bridge and trestle mast. Length o. a .-553' "Y SANGAMON, 9-11-42. Note TBF's, SBD's on flight deck. ' A ONI 54-R • RESTRICTED PENSACOLA Class- CA 24, ZS Supplement 4-8-4-43 Division of Naval Inte ll igence- Identification a nd Characteristics Section Ships in Class: PENSACOLA -CA 24 Bo w - 29' SALT LAKE CITY-CA 25 Stern - 17' The first of our modern heavy cruisers, these Bridge - 56' ships were modified in the subsequent Stack NORTHAMPTON-PORTLAND de­ Mast signs.
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