US 2011013621 OA1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2011/0136210 A1 Benjamin et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jun. 9, 2011 (54) USE OF METHYLSULFONYLMETHANE Publication Classification (MSM) TO MODULATE MICROBIAL ACTIVITY (51) Int. Cl. CI2N 7/06 (2006.01) (75) Inventors: Rodney L. Benjamin, Camas, WA CI2N I/38 (2006.01) (US); Jeffrey Varelman, Moyie (52) U.S. Cl. ......................................... 435/238; 435/244 Springs, ID (US); Anthony L. (57) ABSTRACT Keller, Ashland, OR (US) Disclosed herein are methods of use of methylsulfonyl (73) Assignee: Biogenic Innovations, LLC methane (MSM) to modulate microbial activity, such as to enhance or inhibit the activity of microorganisms. In one (21) Appl. No.: 13/029,001 example, MSM (such as about 0.5% to 5% MSM) is used to enhance fermentation efficiency. Such as to enhance fermen (22) Filed: Feb. 16, 2011 tation efficiency associated with the production of beer, cider, wine, a biofuel, dairy product or any combination thereof. Related U.S. Application Data Also disclosed are in vitro methods for enhancing the growth of one or more probiotic microorganisms and methods of (63) Continuation of application No. PCT/US2010/ enhancing growth of a microorganism in a diagnostic test 054845, filed on Oct. 29, 2010. sample. Methods of inhibiting microbial activity are also disclosed. In one particular example, a method of inhibiting (60) Provisional application No. 61/294,437, filed on Jan. microbial activity includes selecting a medium that is suscep 12, 2010, provisional application No. 61/259,098, tible to H1N1 influenza contamination; and contacting the filed on Nov. 6, 2009, provisional application No. medium with MSM at a concentration of about 10% to about 61/257,751, filed on Nov. 3, 2009, provisional appli 16% of weight by volume, thereby inhibiting H1N1 influenza cation No. 61/256,935, filed on Oct. 30, 2009. microbial activity. US 2011/O 13621.0 A1 Jun. 9, 2011 USE OF METHYLSULFONYLMETHANE MSM concentrations between about 0.04% to about 5% by (MSM) TO MODULATE MICROBIAL weight enhance microbial activity, including enhancing ACTIVITY microbial fermentation efficiency, microbial growth and/or culture efficiency. CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED 0006. As such, disclosed herein are methods of use of APPLICATIONS MSM to modulate microbial activity, such as to enhance or 0001. This is a continuation of international patent appli inhibit the activity of microorganisms. cation PCT/US2010/054845, filed Oct. 29, 2010, designating 0007. In some embodiments, a method of enhancing fer the United States, and claims priority to U.S. Provisional mentation efficiency of a microorganism is disclosed. For Applications No. 61/294,437 filed Jan. 12, 2010; No. 61/259, example, the method includes contacting medium containing 098 filed Nov. 6, 2009; No. 61/257,751 filed Nov. 3, 2009; and a microorganism capable of fermentation with MSM, No. 61/256,935, filed Oct. 30, 2009; each of which is hereby wherein the MSM is provided at a concentration of about incorporated by reference in its entirety. 0.5% to about 5% by weight of the medium or at a concen tration of about 0.5% to about 5% by weight of the moisture FIELD OF THE DISCLOSURE content of the medium, wherein the MSM increases the fer mentation efficiency of the microorganism as compared to the 0002 This disclosure relates to the field of methylsulfo fermentation efficiency in the absence of MSM. nylmethane (MSM), specifically to methods of use of MSM 0008. In some embodiments, in vitro methods for enhanc to modify biological activity, such as to enhance or inhibit ing the growth of one or more probiotic microorganisms are microbial activity including bacterial growth. disclosed. In some examples, the method comprises contact ing one or more probiotic microorganisms with a medium BACKGROUND capable of supporting growth of one or more probiotic micro 0003 Microorganisms (or microbes) are microscopic organisms; and providing MSM to the medium at about 0.4% organisms that include bacteria, fungi, archaea, protists, to about 5% by weight of the medium or by weight of a plants (e.g., green algae), Viruses, prions, parasites, and ani moisture content of the medium thereby enhancing growth of mals such as amoeba, plankton. Depending on the context, the one or more microorganisms in vitro as compared to microorganisms may be viewed as either harmful or benefi growth of the one or more microorganisms in vitro in the cial. In some cases, microorganisms may be harmful and lead absence of MSM. to illness and disease in plants, animals or humans. Moreover, 0009. Also provided are methods for enhancing growth of in addition to causing infections or diseases, undesired micro a microorganism in a diagnostic test sample. In some bial growth may also occur in consumer products, such as examples, the method comprises contacting the diagnostic food contamination. In other cases, microorganism growth is test sample comprising one or more microorganisms with a beneficial and is routinely exploited in biotechnology, mod medium capable of Supporting growth of the one or more ern diagnostic technologies, in chemical processes (e.g., fer microorganisms; providing MSM to the medium at a concen mentation), in food and beverage preparation, in environmen tration of about 0.4% to about 5% by weight of the medium or tal and industrial applications, and in maintaining and/or by weight of a moisture content of the medium, thereby promoting human health. enhancing the growth of the one or more microorganisms in the diagnostic test sample as compared to growth of the one or SUMMARY more microorganisms in the absence of MSM. 0004 Disclosed herein are methods of modulating micro 0010 Further disclosed are methods of inhibiting micro organism activity with MSM. MSM is an organosulfur com bial activity. In some examples, the method comprises select pound with the formula (CH)SO. In particular, disclosed ing a medium that is susceptible to H1N1 influenza contami herein is the surprising capability of MSM to enhance or nation; and contacting the medium with MSM at a inhibit microorganism activity, Such as microorganism concentration of about 10% to about 16% of weight by Vol growth or Survival, depending upon the concentration of ume, thereby inhibiting H1N1 influenza microbial activity. MSM provided to the microorganism (e.g., in the medium in 0011. The foregoing and other features of the disclosure which the organism is grown). MSM at a concentration of will become more apparent from the following detailed about 0.5% to about 5% by weight of medium or by weight of description of a several embodiments. moisture content of the medium enhances microbial activity whereas MSM at a concentration of about 6% to about 17% DETAILED DESCRIPTION by weight of medium or by weight of moisture content of the I. Overview of Several Embodiments medium inhibits microbial activity. 0005 Disclosed herein is the surprising discovery that 0012 Disclosed herein is the surprising discovery that MSM can both inhibit and enhance microbial activity, MSM can both inhibit and enhance microbial activity, depending upon the concentration of MSM. For example, depending upon the concentration of MSM. For example, MSM concentrations between about 6 and about 17 percent MSM concentrations between about 6 and about 17 percent by weight of medium (or of moisture content of medium by weight of medium (or of moisture content of medium inhibit microbial activity by reducing or otherwise impacting inhibit microbial activity by reducing or otherwise impacting the growth, Survival rate (e.g., by causing or expediting cell the growth, Survival rate (e.g., by causing or expediting cell deterioration or death, Such as programmed cell death), deterioration or death, Such as programmed cell death), metabolism, reproduction (e.g., gene expression, protein metabolism, reproduction (e.g., gene expression, protein expression, signal transduction, transcription, translation, expression, signal transduction, transcription, translation, protein folding, etc.), proliferation, vitality, robustness, protein folding, etc.), proliferation, vitality, robustness, action, and/or function of the microorganism. In contrast, action, and/or function of the microorganism. In contrast, US 2011/O 13621.0 A1 Jun. 9, 2011 MSM concentrations between about 0.04% to about 5% by 0021. In some examples, the one or more probiotic micro weight enhance microbial activity, including enhancing organisms comprises Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacil microbial fermentation efficiency, microbial growth and/or lus delbrueckii, Bacillus coagulans, Lactobacillus rhamno culture efficiency. sus, Bifidobacteruim bifidum or any combination thereof. 0013. As such, disclosed herein are methods of use of 0022. In some examples, the medium comprises a probi MSM to modulate microbial activity, such as to enhance or otic-containing product, Such as milk, yogurt, rice yogurt, inhibit the activity of microorganisms. frozen yogurt, chocolate, cheese, beer, wine, Vinegar, 0014. In some embodiments, a method of enhancing fer Sauerkraut or any combination thereof. mentation efficiency of a microorganism is disclosed. For 0023. Also disclosed are methods for enhancing growth of example, the method includes contacting medium containing a microorganism in a diagnostic test sample. In some a microorganism capable of fermentation with MSM, examples, the method comprises contacting the diagnostic wherein the MSM is provided at a concentration of about test sample comprising one or more microorganisms with a 0.5% to about 5% by weight of the medium or at a concen medium capable of Supporting growth of the one or more tration of about 0.5% to about 5% by weight of the moisture microorganisms; providing MSM to the medium at a concen content of the medium, wherein the MSM increases the fer tration of about 0.4% to about 5% by weight of the medium or mentation efficiency of the microorganism as compared to the by weight of a moisture content of the medium, thereby fermentation efficiency in the absence of MSM.
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