Jefferson Stereoptics & SADDY STEREOVIEW CONSIGNMENT AUCTIONS ($6.75) John Saddy 787 Barclay Road London Ontario N6K 3H5 CANADA Tel: (519) 641-4431 Fax: (519) 641-0695 Website: https://www.saddyauctions.com E-mail: [email protected] AUCTION #19-1 Phone, mail, fax, and on-line auction with scanned images. CLOSING DATES: 9:00 p.m. Eastern Thursday, June 27, 2019 Lots 1 to 444 (Part 1) & Friday, June 28, 2019 Lots 415 to 866 (Part 2) In the event of a computer crash or other calamity, this auction will close one week later. (We will absorb Paypal charges.) The amount will be automatically added to the invoice. We thank you in advance for your understanding. Your business is very much appreciated. BIDDING RULES AND TERMS OF SALE "s.c.mts." = square corner mounts (earlier) "r.c.mts." = rounded corner mounts (later) Please note ‘NEW BIDDING INCREMENTS’ There is a 9% Buyer's Premium which will be automatically TABLE OF CONTENTS added to the invoice. (We will absorb Paypal charges.) Your ADVERTISING 108, 692 business is very much appreciated. AFRICA 351 - 357, 382, 755 1. All lots sold to the highest bidder. AFRICAN - AMERICANS (BLACK PEOPLE) 173, 313, 314, 374, 375, 382, 449, 450, 546, 618, 621, 680, 695, 774 - 778, 805 2. Please note ‘New Bidding Increments’ as follows: AIR TRAVEL 110, 118, 208, 355, 792, 793, 810 ALASKA & KLONDIKE (inc Canada) 747, 790, 791, 810 0 to $99.------------------- $5. ALCOHOL / LIQUOR 587 $100. to $499. ---------- $10. AIR TRAVEL 110, 118, 208 AMBROTYPE (SCOTLAND) 800 $500. to $999.----------- $20. AMBROTYPE IN MASCHER CASE 228 $1,000. to $1,999. ----- $50. ANIMALS INC PETS & ZOOS* 141, 208*, 307*, 313 - 315, 330*, 333, 514*, & $2,000. and up ------ $100. 542*, 545*, 631, 683*, 693*, 695* ASTRONOMY 213 3. Maximum Bids accepted, winning bidder pays no more than one AUSTRIA & GERMANY 90 - 103, 764, 767 increment above 2nd highest bid. Ties go to earliest bidder. Bidding AUTOCHROME (STEREO) 757, 801 starts at the price listed. There are no hidden minimums or reserves. AUTOS & OTHER VEHICLES 8, 104, 486, 781 BANKS & MONEY 80, 81, 422, 423, 703, 823 4. Buyer pays insurance, registration, and shipping. BICYCLES 313, 383, 546, 631, 695 5. All bids are in American Funds plus 9% Buyer's Premium. BLACK AMERICANS & RELATED 173, 313, 314, 374, 375, 382, 449, 450, 546, 618, 621, 680, 695, 774 - 778, 805 6. Bids welcome via phone, fax, postal mail, e-mail, or here on-line. BOATS & SHIPS & MARINE 15, 24, 44, 47, 49, 50, 74, 77, 83, 107 - 109, 111 - Direct on-line bidders must pre-register. Please do so as early as 115, 119 - 122, 158, 173, 176, 179 - 185, 198, 207, 213, 306, 342, 354, 359, possible. (Now would be a good time.) You will be assigned a 385, 386, 389, 400, 415, 417, 418, 439, 465, 467 - 472, 507 - 510, 512, 523, password and bidder's number. (I will be checking my E-mail hourly 538, 547, 558, 562, 585, 588 - 590, 682, 691, 695 - 697, 701, 704, 752, 784, or less, if possible, so the wait for a password and bidder number 814, 817 shouldn't be too long.) You can then bid on-line in real-time, BOXED & UN-BOXED SETS & MINI-SETS & BOOKS 218, 298 - 302, 307, somewhat similar to ebay. Last day, late evening bidders via 315, 390, 615 - 623, 626, 631, 632, 642, 655, 659, 706 - 712, 754, 771, 774, telephone or fax, earlier registration would be appreciated, as I 809, 837 - 839 BRIDGES (many, please use Search Feature) would otherwise have to register you during the heat of the bidding. BRIDGES, COVERED 98, 155, 164, 169(?), 170, 571, 572, 579, 691, 693 (One time registration only). CALIFORNIA 1 - 50, 56 - 70, 708, 822 - 832, 847, 848 7. Canadian residents must pay applicable taxes. CALIFORNIA DISASTERS inc 1868, 1906 & OTHER QUAKES 1 - 9, 13, 823, 826 8. Unlike ebay, sniping is not part of the equation in this auction. I will CALIFORNIA MINING 56 - 70 be closing lots with a very liberal waiting period. Beginning at the CAMERA WATERHOUSE STOPS 668 closing time, after 6 minutes with no bids or enquiries, all lots are CANADA 71 - 89, 123 - 142, 154, 186 - 194, 694, 700, 707, 724 - 735, 750, 816 shut down together. This can happen as early as 10:30 p.m. but - 819 sometimes much later. IF the auction is still alive at midnight, the 6- CANADA, QUEBEC 71 - 89, 819 minute rule becomes a 3-minute rule. CANADA, ONTARIO 123 - 142, 154, 694, 700, 707, 725 - 735, 819 CANALS 74, 113, 181, 193, 301,433, 439, 505, 584, 638, 691, 750, 751, 779 9. Please call if you have any questions about the above. CARIBBEAN & LATIN AMERICA 3, 384 - 397, 710, 748, 750, 751, 753 10. Payment welcome via Personal Cheque drawn on an American- CASTLES & PALACES (many, please use Search Feature) addressed bank, Visa, Mastercard, International Money Orders and CAVES 331, 367, 368, 384, 389, 411 - 413, 440, 551, 636, 784 CEYLON & INDIA 404 - 413, 745, 753 Paypal (address: [email protected] or CHINA 326 - 328, 334 - 338, 815, 845 [email protected]). Prompt payment is appreciated. CHINESE - AMERICAN / CHINA 13, 61, 328, 826 1 CIRCUS 542 MASSACHUSETTS (OAK BLUFFS, MARTHA’S VINEYARD) 195 - 202, 705 CONSTRUCTION 88, 89, 95, 97, 119, 120, 193, 301, 419, 439, 480, 493, 556, MIDDLE EAST 299, 428 - 444, 706, 746 573, 588, 590, 645, 683, 684, 751, 767 MILITARY MISC 15, 108, 111, 124, 216, 330, 331, 333, 384, 770 - 773 CRYSTAL PALACE 528 - 530, 637 1861-65 CIVIL WAR 176 - 185, 414(?), 794 - 796, 843, 844 DAGUERREOTYPES (STEREO) 225 - 227 1870 -1871 FRANCO - PRUSSIA WAR & PARIS COMMUNE 482 - 485, 758, DANCE 326, 342, 777 769, 770 DARE-DEVILS 695, 701, 864 1898 - 1899 SPANISH AMERICAN WAR 465 - 472, 770, 772, 773, 814 DIABERLIES - DEVIL TISSUES 312 1899 - 1902 BOER WAR SOUTH AFRICA 351 - 357, 748, 770, 771, 773, 813 DISASTERS 1 - 9, 13, 86, 108, 160, 209, 210, 216, 302, 306, 339, 385, 387, 1900 BOXER REBELLION, CHINA 326, 335, 336, 815, 845 388, 390, 392, 397, 414, 416, 417, 424, 542 - 544, 548, 577, 589, 644, 695, RUSSIA - JAPAN WAR (CHINA) 772, 773, 813, 814 697, 701, 703, 705, 751, 753, 823, 826 1914-18 WORLD WAR ONE 298, 773, 814, 821 DOLLS & TOYS 313 - 315, 322, 503, 697 DRAWINGS, STEREO 594 - 597, 749 MINING 54 - 70, 131, 192, 306, 332, 352, 358 - 362, 364, 365, 368, 515, 554, EASTERN EUROPE & RUSSIA 451 - 459, 764, 765, 820, 837 644, 678, 784, 787 - 791, 810 EDUCATION 76, 139, 140, 213, 383, 401, 646, 842 MINNESOTA & WISCONSIN 681, 692, 702, 752 ELEPHANTS 405, 408, 410, 683, 745 MISC (GENERAL) 736 - 755, 802 - 821, 840 - 845 END LOTS 393, 445, 452, 559, 575, 610, 612 - 614, 780, 806, 811, 813, 816, MONITOR SHIPS 108, 179, 180, 184, 207, 471, 780 845, 866 MONO-RAIL (VERY EARLY) 427 ESSON, JAMES (by) 132, 140, 142, 186 - 194, 693, 700, 721 - 735, 752 MONO (SEPARATE MORE-DETAILED TABLE OF CONTENTS FAR DOWN EUROPE MISC 756 -767 BELOW) 20, 129, 230 - 297, 657 - 671, 833 - 836 MUSEUMS 217, 547, 591 - 593 EXPEDITIONS 366, 783 MUSIC 135, 343, 344, 466, 578, 587, 755, 773, 774, 776 BLACK HILLS (CUSTER) 673 - 676 NEW HAMPSHIRE 109, 145, 155 - 175, 559 - 581 EXPOS & FAIRS, MISC 141, 360, 637, 802 NEW JERSEY 303 - 306, 322 1873 VIENNA 678 NEW YORK CITY & STATE 652, 682 - 685, 690 - 692, 704, 721, 864 1876 PHILADELPHIA 680, 681 NYC circa NINETEEN 80s 686 - 689 1886 - 88 MINNESOTA ICE CARNIVAL 681 NEVADA STATE 54, 55 1893 CHICAGO 554 - 548, 678, 802 OCCUPATIONAL 212, 310, 374, 402, 415, 418, 425, 480, 504, 519, 544, 546, 1895 ATLANTA 380 - 383 570, 573, 574, 642, 693, 699, 701, 702, 753, 819 1900 PARIS 648, 802 OPIUM SMOKERS 334, 623 1901 BUFFALO 445 - 450, 678, 680 OREGON & WASHINGTON STATE 708, 823 1904 ST LOUIS 105, 677, 679, 752, 803 ORIENT inc ASIA, SOUTH PACIFIC, AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND 161, 326 1907 JAMESTOWN 677 - 350, 707, 711, 845 1931 PARIS 678 PATRIOTIC 110, 471, 574, 588 1933 CHICAGO 678 PENNSYLVANIA 414 - 427, 642 - 647, 691, 693, 698, 701, 722, 723, 752 FAMOUS 35, 217, 301, 352, 356, 379, 446, 465, 467, 468, 473, 516, 653 - PHOTO RELATED 4, 25, 129, 168, 174, 322, 323, 342, 361, 373, 404, 443, 655, 677, 699, 734(?), 747, 753, 776, 779, 784, 804, 812 444, 450, 513, 567, 580, 581, 622, 623, 728, 734, 747, 780, 820, 831 FARMING 310, 333, 708, 774, 775, 819 POSTCARDS (STEREO) (Europe) 460 - 464 FENTON, ROGER (by) 591 - 593, 639 PRISON 699 FERRIER PAPER VIEWS (circa 1855) 759, 761 RED CROSS 352, 355 FIRE DEPT 164, 209, 210, 216, 495, 589 REEVE, LOVELL 496 - 504, 591 - 593 FISHING 315, 325, 524, 572 RELIGIOUS 71, 75, 84, 200, 379, 442, 450, 655, 753 FRANCE 482 - 504, 648 - 651, 758, 764, 766, 767, 769, 841, 842, 865 RISQUE, NUDE, (even PORNO) & CLOTHED PRETTY LADIES 218 - 227, FRATERNAL, MASONIC ETC 321, 547, 643, 701 349, 350, 385, 450, 656 - 666, 711, 797, 798 FUNERAL RELATED 23, 406, 407, 466, 472, 516, 747, 795, 812 ‘RIDES’ inc CARROUSELS* 12, 383, 419, 558, 648* - 652*, 678, 679, 752, GAMBLING 486 784, 802 GAMES & SPORTS inc YACHT RACING, CROQUET, BOWLING, SKIING, RUSSELL, AJ (by) 783 BOAT RACE, CHESS & MORE 46, 107, 155, 208, 311, 323, 486, 539 - 541, SALT PRINTS 219, 222, 309, 458, 459, 529, 530, 799 566, 587, 626, 653, 701, 781 SCANDINAVIA 505 - 510 GENRE 307 - 325, 615 - 631, 697, 771 SHAKER (NH & NY) 713 - 716 GERMANY & AUSTRIA SLAVE CHILDREN (REAL) 753 GLASS; FULL-SIZE 758, 765 SMALLER FORMATS 661, 662, 797 GLASS; SMALLER FORMATS 656 - 658, 757 SOULE, JOHN (by) 14, 169, 214, 216, 217, 564, 565, 567, 589, 697, 822, 830 GREAT BRITAIN 511 - 537, 635 - 641, 712, 767, 800, 841 SPAIN & PORTUGAL 547 - 553, 757, 764, 841 GREAT EASTERN / LEVIATHAN SHIP 119 - 122 SPORTS & GAMES inc YACHT RACING, CROQUET, BOWLING, SKIING, GREECE 300 BOAT RACE, CHESS, FOOTBALL & MORE 46, 107, 155, 208, 311, 323, GRUESOME 177, 178, 469, 751, 772, 796, 815 486, 539 -
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