_____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 2, June 2016__________ 661 LONGHORNED BEETLES OF BELGRAD FOREST IN ISTANBUL PROVINCE WITH NEW RECORDS TO EUROPE, EUROPEAN TURKEY, MARMARA REGION OF TURKEY AND ISTANBUL PROVINCE (COLEOPTERA: CERAMBYCIDAE) Mohammed Muntaz Ibrahim Albayati*, Hüseyin Özdikmen** and Hamit Ayberk*** * Department of Forestry, Kirkuk University, IRAQ. ** Gazi University, Science Faculty, Department of Biology, 06500 Ankara, TURKEY. E- mail: [email protected] *** Istanbul University, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Forest Entomology and Protection 34473 Istanbul, TURKEY. [Albayati, M. M. İ., Özdikmen, H. & Ayberk, H. 2016. Longhorned beetles of Belgrad forest in Istanbul province with new records to Europe, European Turkey, Marmara region of Turkey and İstanbul province (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Munis Entomology & Zoology, 11 (2): 661-677] ABSTRACT: In the present work, fauna of longhorned beetles of Belgrad forest in İstanbul province was researched. As a result of the study, 46 species of 5 subfamilies were identified and determined. While 20 of them are known from Belgrad forest, 26 of them are newly recorded to the fauna of Belgrad forest. In addition 1 taxon for Europe, 4 taxa for Marmara region of Turkey, 10 taxa for European Turkey (=Thracian Peninsula) and 16 taxa for İstanbul province are new records according to the available literatures. Furthermore, 6 taxa are recorded for the first time from European Turkey with exact locality. Also tribal name Dolocerini nov. is proposed for Brachypteromini Sama, 2008. Accordingly, the faunal list of longhorned beetles in Belgrad forest of İstanbul is also given in appendix 1. KEY WORDS: Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, new records, Belgrad forest, İstanbul, Turkey This study was carried out between the years of 2011 and 2012 in Belgrad Forest of İstanbul. Belgrad Forest is a mixed deciduous forest lying 15 kilometers North-West of Istanbul province, Turkey. Geographically, the forest is located at the easternmost point of the Thracian Peninsula. Forest terrain is divided between Sarıyer and Eyüp districts of İstanbul province (Fig. 1). With a region around 5,500 hectares of forest it houses many plant, bird and animal species. The most common tree in the forest is sessile oak (Quercus petraea). Belgrad Forest is under protection. Only Acatay (1943) has directly been subjected longhorned beetles’ fauna of Belgrad forest until now. He reported 30 species of 3 subfamilies from Belgrad forest. Furthermore, important contributions to the knowledge of fauna of Belgrad forest were provided by the works of Schimitschek (1944) and Öymen (1987). Also a few species were recorded by the works of Bodemeyer (1906), Villiers (1959) and Önalp (1988, 1989) to the fauna of Belgrad forest. Consequently a total of 47 species of 5 subfamilies were known from Belgrad forest. MATERIAL AND METHOD The available specimens of longhorned beetles were collected by the first author from various parts of Belgrad forest in İstanbul province by using net, pheromone traps and light traps in 2011 and 2012. For determination of new 662 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 2, June 2016__________ records was used Acatay (1943), Schimitschek (1944), Öymen (1987) and Özdikmen (2008, 2010) chiefly. RESULTS With the present work, fauna of longhorned beetles of Belgrad forest in İstanbul province was studied. As a result of the study, 46 species of 5 subfamilies were identified and determined. These taxa are presented as follows: Family CERAMBYCIDAE Latreille, 1802 Subfamily PRIONINAE Latreille, 1802 Tribe PRIONINI Latreille, 1802 Prionus coriarius (Linnaeus, 1758) (Fig. 2) Cerambyx coriarius Linnaeus, 1758: 389 Material examined: Arboretum of Atatürk, 41°09'29.33"N 28°58'56.57"E, 110 m, 04.VII.2011, 1 ♀; Kurtkemeri woodyard, 41°11'34.18"N 28°55'82"E, 57 m, 15.VII.2011, on the ground, 1 ♂; Bahçeköy forest nursery, 40°10'33.28"N 28°59'18.91"E, 152 m, 18.VII.2011, with net, 1 ♂. Remarks: It is newly recorded from İstanbul procince. Subfamily LEPTURINAE Latreille, 1802 Tribe RHAGIINI Kirby, 1837 Cortodera flavimana flavimana (Waltl, 1838) (Fig. 3) Leptura villosa var. flavimana Waltl, 1838: 471 Material examined: Arboretum of Atatürk, 41°08'31.57"N 28°59'4.78"E, 153 m, 01.V.2011, with net on flowers, 2 ♂♂; Kurtkemeri woodyard, 41°12'34.36"N 28°56'8.29"E, 57 m, 03.VI.2011, on log, 1 ♀; Ayvat Bendi, 41°10'37.28"N 28°59'24.43"E, 145 m, 18.VI.2011, with net on flowers, 3 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀; Bahçeköy forest nursery, 41°10’47.21"N 28°59'17.29"E, 143 m, 17.VII.2011, with light trap, 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀. Tribe LEPTURINI Latreille, 1802 Alosterna tabacicolor tabacicolor (DeGeer, 1775) (Fig. 4) Leptura tabacicolor DeGeer, 1775: 139 Material examined: Arboretum of Atatürk, 41°10’35.92"N 28°59'7.10"E, 156 m, 06.VI.2011, with net on flowers, 2 ♀♀. Remarks: It is newly recorded from İstanbul procince. Anoplodera sexguttata (Fabricius, 1775) (Fig. 5) Leptura sexguttata Fabricius, 1775: 198 Material examined: Büyük Bent, 41°11’04.36"N 28°57’47.54"E, 123 m, 02.VI.2011, with net on flowers, 2 ♂♂; Arboretum of Atatürk, 41°10’35.92"N 28°59'7.10"E, 148 m, 21.VI.2011, with net on flowers, 1 ♂. Remarks: It is newly recorded from İstanbul procince and thereby from European Turkey. Stictoleptura (Aredolpona) rubra rubra (Linnaeus, 1758) (Fig. 6) Leptura rubra Linnaeus, 1758: 397 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 2, June 2016__________ 663 Material examined: Kirazlı Bent, 41°09’41.15"N 28°57'41.36"E, 147 m, 06.VI.2011, with net on flowers, 1 ♂; Arboretum of Atatürk, 41°10’28.40"N 28°59'’5.05"E, 167 m, 19.VI.2011, with net on flowers, 1 ♂. Stictoleptura (s.str.) cordigera cordigera (Fuessly, 1775) (Fig. 7) Leptura cordigera Fuessly, 1775: 14 Material examined: Arboretum of Atatürk, 41°10’33.46"N 28°58'58.82"E, 155 m, 01.V.2011, with net on flowers, 1 ♂, 1 ♀; Kurtkemeri woodyard, 41°11’37.86"N 28°55'9.99"E, 57 m, 18.VI.2011, on woods, 1 ♂; Neşet Suyu, 41°11’17.85"N 28°58'7.92"E, 132 m, 01.VII.2011, with net on flowers, 1 ♂; Bahçeköy forest nursery, 41°11’3.33"N 28°59'18.99"E, 122 m, 14.VII.2011, with net on flowers, 1 ♂. Stictoleptura (s.str.) fulva (DeGeer, 1775) (Fig. 8) Leptura fulva DeGeer, 1775: 137 Material examined: Deer breeding station, 41°12’15.33"N 28°56'50.75"E, 61 m, 22.V.2011, with net on flowers, 2 ♀♀; Arboretum of Atatürk, 41°10’25.89"N 28°58'58.86"E, 151 m, 09.VI.2011, with net on flowers, 1 ♂, 1 ♀; Kurtkemeri woodyard, 41°11’46.90"N 28°55'3.32"E, 55 m, 14.VII.2011, on woods, 1 ♂. Stictoleptura (s.str.) pallens (Brullé, 1832) (Fig. 9) Leptura pallens Brullé, 1832: 264 Material examined: Bahçeköy forest nursery, 41°10’54.28"N 28°59'19.71"E, 127 m, 23.V.2011, with net on flowers, 2 ♀♀, 28.V.2011, with net on flowers, 2 ♀♀; Kurtkemeri woodyard, 41°11’29.36"N 28°55'5.78"E, 55 m, 06.VI.2011, on log, 1 ♀; Arboretum of Atatürk, 41°10’30.43"N 28°59'9.20"E, 158 m, 22.VI.2011, with net on flowers, 1 ♀. Remarks: It is newly recorded from İstanbul procince. Stictoleptura (s.str.) scutellata scutellata (Fabricius, 1781) (Fig. 10) Leptura scutellata Fabricius, 1781: 247 Material examined: Bahçeköy forest nursery, 41°11’1.10"N 28°58’57.98"E, 126 m, 09.VI.2011, with net on flowers, 1 ♀; Arboretum of Atatürk, 41°10’44.44"N 28°58’32.91"E, 168 m, 01.V.2011, with net on bushes, 1 ♀. Stictoleptura (s.str.) tonsa (K. et J. Daniel, 1891) (Fig. 11) Leptura tonsa K. Daniel & J. Daniel, 1891: 31 Material examined: Bahçeköy forest nursery, 41°11’26.72"N 28°57’33.82"E, 128 m, 06.VI.2011, with net on flowers, 1 ♂, 1 ♀; Arboretum of Atatürk, 41°10’6.09"N 28°58’14.70"E, 154 m, 03.VII.2011, with net on flowers, 1 ♀. Remarks: It is newly recorded from İstanbul procince and thereby from European Turkey. Judolia erratica (Dalman, 1817) (Fig. 12) Leptura erratica Dalman, 1817: 490 Material examined: Arboretum of Atatürk, 41°12’25.04"N 28°57’41.92"E, 147 m, 09.V.2011, with net on flowers, 1 ♀, 1 ♂; Kurtkemeri woodyard, 41°11’39.44"N 28°55’6.42"E, 53 m, 18.06.2011, on ground, 1 ♂, 1 ♀. Leptura aurulenta Fabricius, 1793 (Fig. 13) 664 _____________Mun. Ent. Zool. Vol. 11, No. 2, June 2016__________ Leptura aurulenta Fabricius, 1793: 348 Material examined: Deer breeding station, 41°12’8.48"N 28°56’47.06"E, 64 m, 18.VI.2011, with net on flowers, 1 ♂; Arboretum of Atatürk, 41°12’25.14"N 28°57’41.72"E, 161 m, 28.VI.2011, with net on flowers, 1 ♂. Remarks: It is newly recorded from European Turkey with exact locality. Strangalia attenuata (Linnaeus, 1758) (Fig. 14) Leptura attenuata Linnaeus, 1758: 398 Material examined: Kirazlı Bent, 41°10’10.84"N 28°57’45.07"E, 139 m, 05.VI.2011, with net on flowers, 1 ♂, 1 ♀; Kurtkemeri woodyard, 41°11’43.49"N 28°54’52.09"E, 55 m, 28.VI.2011, on ground, 1 ♂. Rutpela maculata manca (Schaufuss, 1863) (Fig. 15) Strangalia armata var. manca Schaufuss, 1863: 121 Material examined: Büyük Bent, 41°10’50.19"N 28°57’6.22"E, 112 m, 05.VI.2011, with net on bush, 1 ♀; Arboretum of Atatürk, 41°11’54.55"N 28°57’6.09"E, 157 m, 28.VI.2011, with net on flowers, 1 ♂, 1 ♀.
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