NEWS LETTER Vol. 14, No. 3 SECOND AIR DIVISION ASSOCIATION September 1976 Valley Forge 1976 700 Plus! When we first started planning for ness meeting. The facilities of the hotel The banquet on Saturday evening Reunion 1976, and had picked Valley were taxed to the extreme and there were proved to be the most Gala affair of all. Forge as the site, we expected a 'larger just not enough rooms to go around. Moving and humorous speeches were than usual' turn-out of members. As res- Friday was a tour into downtown Philly given by Judge Frederick v P Bryan (one of ervations continued to come in our projec- through the historical section followed in the original founders of the Trust), Alfred tion was that we would have 'around' 500 the Evening with a buffet on the circular Jenner (member of the Board of Gover- members and their families in attendance. driveway in front of the hotel. Entertain- nors of the Trust) and Tom Eaton (Chair- Checking in on Thursday promised to ment was provided by the Polish- man of the Board of Governors of the be an all day affair and it was. Checking in American string band of Mummers and it Trust). As MC we were again fortunate in on Friday promised to be spotty. It was was a site to behold. Their uniforms were having our own Jordan Uttal who owns not. It was another all day affair. We fig- the most colorful many of us had ever seen the quick quip and funny joke department. ured that on Saturday we and my only regret is that I cannot repro- could remove Following the Registration Desk. It just shows how duce them in color on the photo page. the banquet there was the wrong we be. Saturday was The Friday night affair was in doubt cutting of the beautiful, and huge, 2nd Air could another Division 'all day' affair siping up a flock of new right up to the final minute. It had rained cake which Evelyn Cohen had members and taking Reservations for the all morning, easing off at noon. The ques- made up, and after that dancing until the banquet that evening. tion was "should we set up outside as wee hours. planned or should we set up inside and All this came about as the result of a In these pages I can only give you a three minute appearance of our affair on eliminate the String Band which had al- bird's ready eye view of what took place, but I an evening TV news broadcast. The tele- been paid for?" At about 2 p.m., a hope I have said call to the weather bureau enough to convince you phone was jumping with calls from people resulted in the that Lake Geneva next July is a promise of a 50-50 chance of rain 'must'. who had served in the 2nd AD and never that Undoubtedly we can't (and didn't) please knew we existed. Others came rushing evening. Our beautiful, energetic and everybody, gambling Evelyn but with Evelyn Cohen at the over in their cars to join and sign up for Cohen with tongue-in- helm running these reunions check, hands folded in a prayerful manner we certainly whatever affairs they could. We had to cut improve each year. Try us next year. off attendance at the banquet when we hit and with eyes cast skyward made the de- 640 because that was all the banquet hall cision. "Outside" she said. She felt that It would be criminal neglect if I did not could hold. these members had come here to be enter- mention those wonderful ladies who tained and entertained they would be, worked the Registration desk during those Thursday evening was `Mini-Reunion' even if it resulted in entertainment under three days. Rhoda Bandler, night and it was Hathy Vey- an Italian buffet complete flood conditions! In spite of rain filled nar, Vickie Brooks, Bobby Griffin, Eve- with strolling violins. Our only regret was clouds scudding across the sky during the lyn Cohen, Lillian Cohen, Mae Wolf and that some Groups could not have their entire evening not a drop of rain fell. Eve- my own Hazel. If I have separate missed anybody room in which to eat, to tell lyn must have a 'hot line' to the man up- my apologies, but you all did a wonderful stones and to hold their own Group busi- stairs. job keeping things moving. 1 Second Air Division Association PRESIDENTS VICE PRESIDENTS Eighth Air Force MESSAGE MESSAGE OFFICERS President EARL L. ZIMMERMAN 8922 Haverstiek Rd., Indianapolis, Ind. 46240 As I succeed Griff To those of you who Vice President J. D. LONG, JR. in the Presidency of came to Valley 102 Kemp Rd., Greensboro, N.C. 27410 Vice President the 2nd Air Division 1 Forge and were de- Membership EVELYN COHEN Association I am legates at our busi- 404 Atrium Apts., 2555 Welsh Rd. doubly honored in ness meeting of the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19114 30th reunion, I wish Vice President that this should Newsletter WILLIAM G. ROBERTIE occur during our Na- to first express my P.O. Drawer B, Ipswich, Mass. 01938 tion's Bicentennial appreciation of the Treasurer DEAN E. MOYER year. honor paid me in my 549 East Main St., Evans City, Pa. 16033 election as Vice-President. Myron Keil- Secretary MRS. MILTON VEYNAR Our membership now stands at 2900 4915 Bristow Drive, man, also of the 392nd, may have been Annandale, Va. 22003 plus, and a few new Group Vice Presi- more right than he knew when he kept ask- dents have been elected who promise to ing after the election "Who is J.D. raise this total Long?" It surprise American Representative, Board of Governors; substantially. I would like was certainly a when I Memorial Trust JORDAN UTTAL to see a membership of 4000 when we was approached concerning my willing- 7824 Meadow Park Drive, Apt. 101 meet at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin next ness to be nominated and I felt I had done Dallas, Texas 75230 year. One way to accomplish this is for little to merit being thus singled out. every member to enroll his Wife as an As- This Association is, as you all know, un- sociate member. Sons and daughters are ique. Under the conception, organization GROUP VICE PRESIDENTS also important as they will be the ones and long-time guidance of Evelyn Cohen, Headquarters WARREN L BURMAN Bill Robertie, Jordan 34225 Pettibone Ave., Solon, Ohio 44139 who will keep the Association alive and Uttal, Dean Moyer, BG CHARLES J. WARM vibrant after all of us are gone. They will Ray Strong, my own Group VP Joe Whit- 5709 Walkerton Dr., Cincinnati, Ohio 45238 also benefit by taker and others of the Group VPs, the 93rd BG becoming friends with our R. J. RHOADES English cousins thus promoting reunions have been more successful, 3053 31st Ave., Columbus, Neb. 68601 interna- memorable and moving each year. 361st FG JOHN H. HOFFMAN tional good will and understanding. This is Beyond and above this our living Memo- 365 N.E. 28th Terr., Boca Raton, Fla. 33432 exactly what our Memorial Room is doing 389th BG EARL L. ZIMMERMAN rial is, to me, a singularly worthwhile un- today. Let us not forget 8922 Haverstick Rd., Indianapolis, Ind. 46240 our Fighter dertalcing, and continual association with 392nd BG CO.L ROBERT E. VICKERS, JR. (Ret.) Groups and when your group VPs look for our English friends, in particular Mr. Tom 4209 San Pedro N.E. No. 316, members give a helping hand to our Little Eaton and Family, especially rewarding, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109 Friends. 445th BG DAVID G. PATTERSON Therefore, with the history of the 28 Squire Ct., Alamo, California 94507 Our new Executive Vice President is Asssociation in mind, and remembering 446th CLARENCE H. HOOKS J.D. Long our endowment goals to insure the life in 7619 Clearwater Road, Hixson, Tennessee 37343 and if you need any information 448th BG JOSEPH T. MICHALCZYK or advice do not hesitate to write to either perpetuity of our Memorial, I am pleased 241 West St., Ludow, Mass. 01056 him or myself. Do write to your Group to be given the chance to accept the chal- 458th BG CLINTON E. WALLACE Vice President and ask lenge — to continue our growth and sur- Box 508, Brutus, Michigan 49716 him how you can help. Don't let him do all the work. If each pass our $50,000 foundation goal. 466th BG J. M. DANIELS To this end! am extending an invitation 1306W. Woodard, Denison, Texas 75020 current member obtained one new to all members to write whenever they 467th BG RAYMOND A. BETCHER member, or Associate, we could double 366 Reitman Cl., Rochester, Mich. 48053 may feel I can possibly be of help. In par- 489th BG our membership overnight. So do consider COL. CHARLES H. FREUDENTHAL (Ret.) enrolling ticular, I invite the Group Vice Presidents 8421 Berea Dr., Vienna, Va. 22180 your wife as a starter. to call on me if I can share some of the 491st BG THEODORE PARKER 297 Proctor Ave., Revere, Mass. 02151 Once again, I invite all of you to get in load presently borne by Earl, Evelyn, Bill, 492nd BG SEBASTIAN H. CORRIERE touch with me. Your ideas, suggestions Jordan and Dean. 4939 No. 89th St., Milwaukee, Wis. 3995 and your continued support will greatly I am certainly looking forward very enhance the job I have in serving you. much to the administration of our new President, Earl Zimmerman, and will do GROUP CHAIRMAN my best to help him continue our tradition 453rd BG DONALD J.
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