The staff of the Sower wish Christmas Pastoral of our American you a joyous Christmas and Bishops, p. 3. blessed New Year. O F F IIC IIA L P U B L IIC AT IIO N O F T H E U K R A IIN IIA N C AT H O L IIC E PA R C H Y O F S TA M F O R D ССіівваачч SSoowweerr VOL XXVII; No.. 12 STAMFORD,, CONNECTIICUT 06902 DECEMBER 25,, 2011 www..stamforddiio..org HHiss BBeeaattiittuuddee PPaattrriiaarrcchh SSvviiaattoossllaavv MMaakkeess HHiiss FFiirrsstt VViissiitt ttoo NNeeww YYoorrkk NNoovveemmbbeerr 1199--2200 His Beatitude Sviatoslav made a 2-day visit to New York, Nov. 19-20, 2011. During this visit he attended 3 major events. On Saturday, Nov. 19, His Beatitude took part in the annual commem- oration of the Holodomor Genecide 1932-33. This annual Panachyda took place at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. While at St. Patrick’s, His Beatitude spoke of the necessity of remembering, “Famine not only hurts the human body, but it also deeply harms the human soul. It causes in the human soul a fear which paralyzes the human will to stand up against the ideology which takes away freedom. And what is even worse, this fear is passed on from generation unto generation. Such wounds can be healed only by the means of memory. That is why it is important to remember these tragic events - not only to heal past wounds, but also to prevent the recurrence of similar events in the future. We must remember in order to heal, prevent and liberate! On Sunday, Nov. 20, His Beatitude celebrated the Divine Liturgy at St. George’s Ukrainian Catholic Church. Later in the day attended the he "Tribute to Ukrainian Catholic Church Leaders" at Fordham University. There, Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan of New York blessed the Coat-of-Arms of Patriarch Emeritus Lubomyr Cardinal Husar, alumnus of the University. Fordham University President Joseph McShane, SJ, confered an honorary degree, a doctorate of humane letters, upon the new prelate of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, Patriarch Sviatoslav. More photos on page 3 2 DECEMBER 25,, 2011 SOWER SOLEMNITY OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE BLESSED LLIIGGHHTT OONNEE CCAANNDDLLEE VIRGIN MARY Tony Rossi BENEDICT XVI - ANGELUS Radio host/producer for The Christophers December 8, 2010 RESOLUT RESOLUTIONSIONS Today our meeting for the prayer of the Angelus acquires a spe- WITH A HIGHER PURPOSE cial light in the context of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception WITH A HIGHER PURPOSE of Mary. In the Liturgy of this Feast the Gospel of the Annunciation (Lk As the calendar counts down ever faster to 2012, you may 1:26-38) is proclaimed. It contains, precisely, the dialogue between the Angel Gabriel and the be wondering what kind of New Year’s resolutions you should make. Blessed Virgin. “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you”, God’s messenger says, and in this way In his best-selling book “You Can Change the World,” The reveals Mary’s most profound identity, the “name” so to speak, with which God himself recognizes Christophers’ founder, Father James Keller, had some ideas you her: “full of grace”. This expression that is so familiar from childhood because we say it every time might want to consider. Though they weren’t specifically resolutions that we recite the “Hail Mary”, gives us the explanation of the mystery we are celebrating today. In (he called them “Reminders for a Christopher”), they’re ideal to think fact, from the moment when she was conceived by her parents, Mary was the object of unique about at this time of year because they’ll result in both a better you and favour on the part of God who, in his eternal plan, chose her in advance to be Mother of his Son a better world. made man and, consequently, preserved from original sin. Therefore the Angel addressed her with Father Keller’s first piece of advice was: “Depend more on this name which means implicitly, “always filled with God’s love”, with his grace. God, less on self. All of us should pray as if all depended on God and The mystery of the Immaculate Conception is a source of inner light, hope and comfort. should work as if everything depended on ourselves…The more we Amidst the trials of life and, especially, the contradictions that man experiences within and around realize our strength is rooted in God, the more we will acquire, and be himself. Mary, Mother of Christ, tells us that Grace is greater than sin, that God’s mercy is more inspired by, an exhilarating assurance that nothing can daunt us.” powerful than evil and it is able to transform it into good. Unfortunately, every day we experience Another one of Father Keller’s central beliefs was: “Aim to evil, which is manifested in many ways including relationships and events, but whose root is in the serve, not to be served.” He goes on to quote American drama critic human heart, a wounded, sick heart that is incapable of healing itself. Sacred Scripture reveals to and author John Mason Brown, whose statement about living a self- us that the origin of all evil is disobedience to God’s will and that death has the upper hand because less life resonated with him. Brown wrote, “No one, I am convinced, human freedom has yielded to the temptation of the Evil One. But God does not fail in his plan of love and life: through a long and patient process of rec- can be happy who lives only for himself. The joy of living comes onciliation he prepared the new and eternal Covenant, sealed in the Blood of his Son, who in order from immersion in something that we know to be bigger, better, more to offer himself in expiation was “born of woman” (Gal 4:4). This woman, the Virgin Mary, bene- enduring and worthier than we are. People, ideas, causes—these offer fited in advance from the redeeming death of her Son and was preserved from the contagion of sin the one possible escape not merely from selfishness but from the from the moment of her conception. Therefore, with her Immaculate Heart, she tells us: entrust hungers of solitude and the sorrows of aimlessness.” yourselves to Jesus, he saves you. Since the concept of lighting a candle rather than cursing the darkness was always at the forefront of Father Keller’s thoughts, he also suggested looking for the best in others even when it’s easier to Connecticut Ukrainian Day Festival Committee see the worst. He wrote, “There’s a bit of nobility in the worst of human beings because all are made in God’s image and that image Distributes Funds can never be completely lost. Never write anybody off! There’s always hope! Even the man who has decided to have nothing what- ever to do with God isn’t frozen in that state of mind. Deep in the very roots of his being, and just because he is created in the Divine Image, there is an ever-present tug toward God. It is the privilege of Christophers to help him become aware of this tremendous tug. For this very reason…Christophers can honestly say to anyone, ‘There is a lot of good in you!’” Finally—and this may be the hardest resolution of all— Father Keller said, “Don’t flee suffering; use it.” A perfect illustration of this principle comes from The Christophers’ new “Three Minutes a Day” book which provides stories and reflections for each day of the year. One of them is about U.S. Army Sgt. J.D. Williams, who stepped on an improvised explosive device (IED) in the Kandahar Province of southern Afghanistan. According to Sgt. Williams, the blast launched him 20 feet in the air and left a six-foot crater in the ground. At a hospital in Germany, the young soldier found out that he would need to have his right arm and both legs amputated. After his surgeries, Sgt. Williams was sent to an Army medical center in Texas to recover. Throughout his recovery, Sgt. Williams expressed thanks that he stepped on the IED himself instead of one of his fellow sol- diers. He believes he is a lucky man and has said, “I really think God has a purpose for me on this planet. I will find it, whatever it is.” Whatever resolutions you choose for the coming year, all of us at The Christophers wish you the blessing of a happy and healthy 2012. For a free copy of the Christopher News Note, LIVING THE GOLDEN RULE, write: The Christophers, 5 Hanover Square, New York, NY 10004; or e-mail: [email protected]. On Sunday afternoon, November 26, a luncheon was held in St. Basil Seminary in appreciation of all those who organized and helped in this year's Connecticut Ukrainian Day Festival, held on ССіівваачч SSoowweerr September 11 on the seminary grounds. Bishop Paul took the opportunity to thank the volunteers OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE from each of the parishes in Connecticut who helped to make this 44th annual Festival a success. EPARCHY OF STAMFORD During the appreciation luncheon the Connecticut Ukrainian Day Festival Committee Co-Chairmen, Most Reverend Paul P. Chomnycky, OSBM, D.D., Publisher Lou Czubatyj and Donald Horbaty, had the pleasant task of distributing the proceeds of this year's Sr. Natalya Stoczanyn, SSMI, Editor-in-Chief. The Sower (ISSN 08966184) is published monthly at Festival ($13,500) to the grateful recipients, among whom were St.
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