ALPHABETICAL INDEX Names of authors are in capitals, subjects in lower case roman, and localities in italics; book reviews are placed at the end. ABDALLA, H.M., 821 341; of zoning and multiple growh of rutiles and ABDEL-RAHMAN,A.M., 487 biotite, 421 ACKLAND, G.J., 585 Ba, lamprophyllite, in peralkaline nephelinite lavas Advanced argillic alteration of a corundum-quartz from Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania, 179: -sanidine assemblage from the Bond range, Tasmania, in Lionato Tuff, Colli Albani Volcanic District, Australia, 325 Central Italy, petrogenetic implications of, 697; AGRELL, S.O., 265 substitution into the structure of mica; in relation Aheylite, re-examination of the turquoise group to magma chamber processes, 687 minerals, 93 BASAVALINGU,B., 373 Andalusite, associated with a corundum-quartz BATES, S.P., 669 assemblage in volcanic rocks from the Bond BELAKOVSKIY,D.I., 77 range, Tasmania, Australia, 325 BELL, A.M.T., 165 Andradite, formation from fluid movements in the BELOUSOVA, E.A., 355 Galway granite, Ireland, 381; incorporation of Belyankinite formed from metasomatic alteration of ferric iron in, 719 Ioparite, 34 l ANISIMOV, I.S., 837 Betafite, Khibina alkaline complex, Kola Peninsula, Antimony oxyminerals from Nordmark, Ldngban and Russia, replacement of loparite by, 341 Jakobsberg, Sweden, paragenses and composi- BETTERTON,J., 707 tional variations of, 395 BEVAN, D.J.M, 121 Apatite, in association with phosphoran olivines from BOLIVIA, formation of W-bearing rutile in the Kori Pine Canyon, Utah, USA, 265 Kollo mine, 421 Apatite-dolomite carbonatite from the Lesnaya Bond length, dependence of structure of olivines on, Varaka complex, mineral chemistry of, Kola 607 Peninsula, Russia, 769 Bond-valence structure of phosphate minerals, 141 Argon geochronology and mineralogy of orangeites Borate minerals in the gehlenite-spurrite skarns of from the Damodar Valley, eastern India, 313 Fuka, Okayama Prefecture, Japan, 521 ARLT, T., 801 Boron analogue of gehlenite, 703 AsHwoarn, J.R., 213 BOrrRILL, R.S., 325 AUSTRALIA, Broken Hill, marshite-miersite solid BRAY, H.J., 647 solution and iodargyrite from, 471; Tasmania, BRAZIL, a kyanite-staurolite ortho-amphibolite from Bond Range, a corundum-quartz assemblage in Chapada, Goihs State, Brazil, 501 altered volcanic rocks from, 325 Brewsterite, 533 AUSTRIA, north Tyrol composition of tetrahedrite- BRYXINA, N.A., 213 tennantite and 'schwazite' in the Schwaz silver BUCKLEY, A., l mines from, 801 BULAKH, A.G., 837 AzouG., F. 599 BULANOVA, G.P., 409 Burbankite in carbonatites from the Khibina Alkaline Back-scattered electron imagery, of apatite carbona- Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia, 225 tite from Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania, 759; in the BURNS, P.C., 461 correction of geometric errors associated with the BUSECK, P.R., 333 3-D reconstruction of geological materials, 783; Bushveld Complex, magma replenishment and the of manganostibite, 395; of minerals in metaso- significance of poikilitic textures in the Lower matosed carbonatites from the Khibina Alkaline Main Zone of, 435 Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia, 225; of nepheli- nite phases from Oldoinyo LengaL Tanzania, 179; Ca-Na phosphate, in peraikaline nephelinite lavas of symplectite textures of garnets from metamor- from Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania, 179 phosed Mg-rich granulite, 213; of textures of CANADA, British Columbia, Kelowna, origin and chrisstanleyite, 257; of zoned Th-rich loparite, significance of igneous layering in a dacite from ALPHABETICAL INDEX Layer Cake Mountain, 731; Quebec, geochem- Conichalcite, crystal structure and crystal chemistry istry of mantle-related intermediate rocks from of, 121 the Tibbit Hilt volcanic suite, 487 COOK, N.J., 197 Carbocernaite in carbonatites from the Khibina COOMBS, D.S., 533 Alkaline Massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia, 225 Copper deposits related to miersite and iodargyrite Carbonate in the structure of macphersonite, 451 crystallization, from Broken Hill, Australia, 471 Carbonatite, from the Khibina Alkaline Massif, Kola Copper oxysalt, the mineral-type of szenicsite, 461 Peninsula, Russia, metasomatism of, 225; zirke- Cordierite-orthoamphibole rocks from the Kokchetav lite in, from Sebl'yavr complex, Kola Peninsula, massif, Kazakhstan, 213 Russia, 837 Corundum associated with quartz in volcanic rocks Cathodoluminescence imagery of kimberlite zircons from the Bond range. Tasmania, Australia, 325 from southern Africa, 355; to distinguish phos- Craton, orangeites from the Damodar Valley, eastern phate minerals from low-birefringence olivine India formed in, 313 grains, 265 CRESSEY, G., 65 Cation distribution in natural Zn-aluminate spinels, CRIDI)LE, A.J., 257, 387 41 Crystal chemistry of natural Zn-alnminate spinels, 41 Cation sites in structural variations of olivines, 607; Crystal settling, model for igneous layering in the distribution in natural Zn-aluminate spinels, 41 Nunarssuit syenite, south Greenland, 9 Cerussite, similarity of structure to that of macpher- Crystal structure of, duftite and conichalcite, 121; sonite, 451 feldspar, 639; szenicsite from Janiera mine, Chabazite, 533 Atacama, Chile, 461; wairakite, leucite and CHAKHMOURADtAN,A.R., 341,769 pollucite, 165 Chapada, Goids State, India, mineralogy and CUNDARJ, A., 273 characterization of fluorine-rich clinohumite from Ambasamudram marbles, 509 Dachiardite, 533 CIIARNLEY, N.R., 265 Dacite from Kelowna, British Columbia. Canada, Chemical and optical data, of new mineral, tsugarite, origin and significance of igneous layering in, 731 from thc Yunosawa minc, Aomori Prefecture, DARKE, K.E., 421 Japan, 793 DAWEI, MENG, 55 CHILE, Atacama, crystal structure of szenicsite from DAWSON, J.B., 179 Jardinera mine, 461; Punta Nihue, zussmanite in DE VILLIERS,J.P.R., 333 ferruginous metasediments from, 869 DEB, M., 197 CHINA, study of Ca-RE fluorocarbonate minerals Dehydration melting in the phlogopite-sillimanite- from, 55 quartz system, experimental study of, 373 CHINNER, G.A., 265 Dehydration of montmorillonite, kinetics of, 647 Chrisstanleyite, new mineral, in gold-bearing carbo- Delhayelite, in peralkaline nephelinite lavas from nate veins, 257 Ol.doinyo Lengai, Tanzania, 179 CIIPdSTY, A.G., 77 DELLA GIUSTA, A., 41 CHROSCH, J., 639 DEN BROK, B., 527 CLAESON, D.T., 743 Density functional theory, use in study of molecular CLARK, S.J., 585 processes on oxide surfaces, 669 CLARK, S.M., 647 Diamond from the Yakutian kimberlites, nucleation Clay mineral, Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics environment of 409 simulations of interaction of aqueous pore fluids Diamond stability field, generation of orangeites with, and dehydration of, 657 from the Damodar Valley, eastern India in, 313 Clinohumite from Chapada, Goids State, India, DIAMOND, L.W., 801 mineralogy and characterization of, 509 Diaspore associated with a corundum-quartz assem- Clinoptilolite, 533 blage in volcanic rocks from the Bond range, Coeruleolactite, re-examination of the turquoise Tasmania, Australia, 325 group minerals, 93 Differentiation in a layered dacite from Layer Cake Columbite in rare metal granitoids, Eastern Desert, Mountain, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, Egypt, chemistry of, 821 731 Combeite, in peralkaline nephelinite lavas from Diffusion-controlled reactions in contact metamor- Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania, 179 phosed granulites from the Kokchetav massif, Computer simulation of point defects in diopsidc, Kazakhstan, 213 599 Diopside, point defects of, 599 884 ALPHABETICAL INDEX DOUXING, LI, 55 Pb-Zn deposit, Sardinia, 367 Duftite-13, crystal structure and crystal chemistry of, Epidote, formed as a result of fluid movements in the 121 Galway granite, 381 DUPAS, C., 617 EPMA of, columbite-tantalite minerals in rare metal DURHAM, W.B., 617 granitoids from the Eastern Desert, Egypt, 821; jeanbandyite and natanite from Cornwall United EALES, H.V., 435 Kingdom 707; nephelinite phases from Oldoinyo EDS, in determining compositions of minerals, in Lengai, Tanzania, 179; REE in minerals, 1; apatite-dolomite carbonatite from the Lesnaya turquoise group minerals, 93 Varaka complex, Kola Peninsula, Russia, 769; -- Erionite, 533 in the Rymmen gabbro from southern Sweden, Eveite, maganese valency and colour of, 113 743; in identifcation of Sb oxyminerals, 395; in Exsolution of MnO in periclase in crystals from study of dehydration in montmorillonite, 647 Ldngban, Sweden,, 333 EDX analysis of Al-free gyrolite from the Dean Quarry, Lizard, Cornwall 271 Fahlore from the Schwaz silver mines, north Tyrol EGYPT, Eastern Desert, chemistry of columbite- Austria, 801 tantalite minerals in rare metal granitoids, 821 Faujasite, 533 Electron back-scattered imagery of manganosite Feldspar, local fluctuations in frameworks of, 639 from Ldmgban, Sweden,, 333 Ferrierite, 533 Electron diffraction pattern of futile, 421 Fibre growth in wet salt aggregates in a temperature Electron microprobe analysis of, borate minerals in gradient field, 527 the gehlenite-spurrite skams from Fuka, Okayama Filipstadite from Nordmark, Sweden, paragensis and Prefecture, Japan, 521; chrisstanleyite, 257; compositional variation of, 395 fahlores from the Grosskogel and Kleinkogel First-principles quantum techniques, use of in a study mines, Brixlegg, Austria, 801; fluorine-rich of molecular processes on oxide surfaces, 669 clinohumite from Ambasamudram marbles, Fluorine as a control of biotite stability, 373 Chapada, Goids State, India, 509; jeanbandyite Fluorine-rich clinohumite from Ambasamudram and natanite from Cornwall, United Kingdom, marbles, Chapada, Goi6s State, India, mineralogy 707; inclusions in diamonds,
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