xsy ¼bafM;k½ fyfeVsM ¼Hkkjr ljdkj dk miØe& ,d egkjRu dEiuh½ GAIL (India) Limited (A Government of India Undertaking- A Maharatna Company) Ref. No: GAIL/AU18/C&P/74143/3300073344/VS 21.04.2018 CORRIGENDUM - 1 M/S. _________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ SUBJECT: CORRIGENDUM NO. 1 TO REQUEST FOR QUOTATION REF.: GAIL/AU18/C&P/74143/ 3300073344/VS (8000012960) DTD. 09.04.2018 FOR OPERATION OF WATER SUPPLY, STP, R.O. PLANT AND BORE WELLS AT GAIL VIHAR DIBIYAPUR. Dear Sir, With reference to above, we hereby authorize the following amendment to the above referred tender no. GAIL/AU18/C&P/74143/ 3300073344/VS (8000012960) DTD. 09.04.2018: SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT & SCOPE OF WORK (p/154-161) OF TENDER DOCUMENT WILL STAND REPLACED FROM ANNEXURE-A Since there is slight modification in language of Special Conditions of Contract & Scope of Work, the bid due date is not extended and will remain same as per tender. All other terms and condition of the tender will remain unchanged. The corrigendum and annexure-A is required to be uploaded along with the bid in e-tender portal. Thanking You, For GAIL (India) Ltd., (V SHRIVASTAVA) E-MAIL: [email protected] SO (C&P) Ph: 05683-282355, FAX: 05683-28244 ] पोट-दिबियापुर, जिला-औरैया (उ.प्र.), 206244. िरु भष 05683 - 282355 फै啍स: 011-26185941. वेि साइट www.gailonline.com Post- Dibiyapur, Dist.-Auraiya, (U.P) - 206244, Phone: 05683 - 282355, Fax: 011-26185941, Website: www.gailonline.com iathd`r dk;kZy; % 16] Hkhdk,th dkek Iysl] vkj- ds- iqje] ubZ fnYyh & 110 066] nwjHkk"k% 26182955] QSDl% 011&26185941 Registered Office: 16, Bhikaiji Cama Place, R K Puram, New Delhi - 110 066, Corporate Identification Number: L40200DL1984GOI018976 Phone: 26182955, Fax: 011-26185941 izkd`frd xSl & LoPN ÅtkZ] gfjr ÅtkZ | Natural Gas – Clean Energy, Green Energy xsy ¼bafM;k½ fyfeVsM ¼Hkkjr ljdkj dk miØe& ,d egkjRu dEiuh½ GAIL (India) Limited (A Government of India Undertaking- A Maharatna Company) ANNEXURE-A SCOPE OF WORK: The work involves routine operational works for water supply system including bore wells operation, STP operation and operation Of R.O Plant. The extent and nature of work has been given in Schedule of Rates (SOR) to be read in conjunction with SCC, Scope of work and SOR. Based on the past experience of GAIL, the operation of water supply pump, operation of STP pumps, providing water supply services to GAIL Vihar and operation of bore wells requires round the clock deployment of pump operators and helpers i.e. one number operator and one number helper in each shift for three shift per day. One operator for RO plant in general shift & one sweeper in general shift shall be the requirement of minimum / necessary man power for successful execution of the work. However the idea of man power given above is just tentative hence the contractor shall always ensure the smooth and uninterrupted services by deploying sufficient man power because the above mentioned man power is just indicative. Smooth operation of water supply pumps, RO Plant, STP operation cum sweeping work shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor. In order to execute above work according to SoR and scope of work, minimum 8 (Eight) PaP (Project affected people) apart from other required man power shall be deployed by the contractor. Engaging minimum 08 PAP is an essential condition of the contract which should be followed in line with past trend. The minimum wages of all the workers shall be disbursed as per Category/Area “C” of the notification issued by the office of the Dy. Chief Labour Commissioner, Kanpur, from time to time. Base of rates taken from the circular number: K-27(MW-RATES) 2017-B.IV dated 07/11/2017 issued by office of the deputy chief labour commissioner (Central), Shram Bhawan, ATI Campus, Udyog Nagar Kanpur. - 208022 The bidder has to quote the rate of item no. 1 of SOR in such a way so that payment of minimum wages (may be revised as per govt. notifications time to time during the contract), provident fund, Exgratia, Safety kit, premium of insurance policy, escalation of minimum wages (if any in future) and Contractor profit etc. is ensured easily for the engaged manpower. Remaining components of payment of workers according to labour law, will be dealt as per the provision given in the tender document elsewhere. In case the quoted rate of the bidder for item i.e. no. 1 is separately found to be less than the worked out for each shift on the basis of the applicable minimum wages as on the date of the technical bid opening including contribution of PF and Exgratia by the employer (including administrative charges) on prevailing rates, then the offer of the bidder shall be liable for rejection at the sole discretion of GAIL. Bidders are therefore, advised to quote the rates after going through all the prevalent provisions in this regard. In addition to above the scope of work for other services shall be as per the SOR. ] पोट-दिबियापुर, जिला-औरैया (उ.प्र.), 206244. िरु भष 05683 - 282355 फै啍स: 011-26185941. वेि साइट www.gailonline.com Post- Dibiyapur, Dist.-Auraiya, (U.P) - 206244, Phone: 05683 - 282355, Fax: 011-26185941, Website: www.gailonline.com iathd`r dk;kZy; % 16] Hkhdk,th dkek Iysl] vkj- ds- iqje] ubZ fnYyh & 110 066] nwjHkk"k% 26182955] QSDl% 011&26185941 Registered Office: 16, Bhikaiji Cama Place, R K Puram, New Delhi - 110 066, Corporate Identification Number: L40200DL1984GOI018976 Phone: 26182955, Fax: 011-26185941 izkd`frd xSl & LoPN ÅtkZ] gfjr ÅtkZ | Natural Gas – Clean Energy, Green Energy xsy ¼bafM;k½ fyfeVsM ¼Hkkjr ljdkj dk miØe& ,d egkjRu dEiuh½ GAIL (India) Limited (A Government of India Undertaking- A Maharatna Company) S P E C I A L C O N D I T I O N S OF C O N T R A C T 1.0 LOCATION AND SITE CONDITIONS: 2.1 GAIL Vihar Township is situated at a distance of 3 kms from Phaphund Railway Station, U.P. (India) on Howrah - Delhi main line. The work is required to be done inside GAIL Vihar Township. Depending upon exigencies of work and as per instruction EIC, the work may require to be executed out Side Township. The bidder is advised to see the site conditions and nature of job before quoting his rates. It shall be taken that bidder has been the site conditions and no claim on this account shall be entertained at a later date. Job shall be done in strict compliance with tender specifications. 3.0 CONSTRUCTION WATER AND POWER: WATER AND ELECTRICITY SHALL BE PROVIDED BY GAIL FREE OF COST. THE SAME SHALL BE PROVIDED AT ONE LOCATION FROM THE NEAREST AVAILABLE SOURCE IN THE VICINITY OF THE SITE OF WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE HIS OWN ARRANGEMENT FOR CONNECTION & FURTHER DISTRIBUTION ETC. AT HIS OWN COST. 4.0 TIME SCHEDULE: Total period of contract for this work will be for 24 months. The contract period for the work shall be reckoned from the date as mentioned in letter of award. The contract may be extended for further period of maximum 06 (Six) Months beyond 24 months on mutual acceptance basis. GAIL reserves the right to terminate the contract without assigning any reason during the currency of the contract period by giving 30 days notice to the contractor. 5.0 DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD: The tenderer shall guarantee all the work executed by him for a period of 03 months from the date of completion of work(s)/Part(s). If during this period any defect occur, the same shall be made good by the contractor at his own cost. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the forfeiture of security deposit. However, in case of critical items, if the guarantee period is beyond defect liability 6.0 AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CONTRACTOR: Authorized representative of the contractor shall be stationed at Dibiyapur and meet E-I-C twice in a week or more as per the requirement and shall always be available on mobile phone. If the authorized representative does not attend office as per above conditions and meet E-I-C then Rs. 500/- per incident will be deducted from the bill of the contractor, ] पोट-दिबियापुर, जिला-औरैया (उ.प्र.), 206244. िरु भष 05683 - 282355 फै啍स: 011-26185941. वेि साइट www.gailonline.com Post- Dibiyapur, Dist.-Auraiya, (U.P) - 206244, Phone: 05683 - 282355, Fax: 011-26185941, Website: www.gailonline.com iathd`r dk;kZy; % 16] Hkhdk,th dkek Iysl] vkj- ds- iqje] ubZ fnYyh & 110 066] nwjHkk"k% 26182955] QSDl% 011&26185941 Registered Office: 16, Bhikaiji Cama Place, R K Puram, New Delhi - 110 066, Corporate Identification Number: L40200DL1984GOI018976 Phone: 26182955, Fax: 011-26185941 izkd`frd xSl & LoPN ÅtkZ] gfjr ÅtkZ | Natural Gas – Clean Energy, Green Energy xsy ¼bafM;k½ fyfeVsM ¼Hkkjr ljdkj dk miØe& ,d egkjRu dEiuh½ GAIL (India) Limited (A Government of India Undertaking- A Maharatna Company) In case of any nuisance is made by authorized representative or by any worker deployed by the contractor then, they must be replaced within 2 working days. 7.0 TERMS OF PAYMENT: (A) PAYMENT OF RUNNING BILLS: (i) 100% payment shall be released on completion of item / work as certified in the R.A bills. (ii) Payment will be released by HoD Finance GAIL Dibiyapur after due certification by the E-I-C. (iii) Bill shall be submitted at Central Dak System of GAIL Dibiyapur. (iv) Payment shall be done through e-payment only hence bidders are required to provide their bank detail for mapping of their bank account into GAIL’s system for payment.
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