's909 'oorauue/A err?tsnv urelsetA I9 xog od 'orlual ',{req3roX q.J?eseueJIIpll/A luelue8Eu€I I pu?'I pue uole^resuoJJo lualuue&( I D .xo, tou uoxlc ? lterBg ,ur, s? pell. eq plnoqspue lueuroer8B,{q ,Oaq8le) IC,{q/qtl^\ peroqtnear€ s.ureusercods o^U + Jeqlopuz snlplssnolurxozlg aql Jo uollurgpueprgo ftrlrqequ erllJo lueussesseeJ? pelq€ue s?q suollJalloJpleu a^rsuolxe ,4q paluerualddns suaurrceds;o raqunu eql ur es?ercur uu 'sjpe,{ luareJ uI Jo ts' 'euozrqJ u€eu?uelqns{llrurlsrp e 3ur-{J€I'(966iuoxro ? efed'V86I'1,,p e1I-d,) 'flzcruo:1 palooJ-llDsen (oauDKcA SupnlJur)sercads fueru emlcnJlsalrlozlqr uo ,(peruud paseq'serleuelo,trlqlr,r'sercedseuo,{luoBurugepur,rer,rpuorquqool,{e,,nuy'sercedssepezruSoce: 'slu?ue^ ',{1epr,r erer{ar€ qJrr{^i Jo l€Je^es e^pJupslp,(ueru Eupceyloc peydues,{u.,iruy uoqsnlcuoc 'ursrlluag 'exsl elqsuoseers su7$srq ol elqul?A?suerurcads ;o ,4lrcnedeql uo^r9 lEuorlrppgJo uopluSocareql ul llnserfzur qc:ueserrequn;1eq1 EurlseEEns (/86I) eu?lrEJc?L^lpu? (9861) e8roaC 'g 'oauo(c qloq qlr,ll.polelsurer ueeq eculs e^e\ Dlpawtau!3 pr:l-oto(lpuru8 r,{luo pezruSocar (696I) ,{B^luVpw (8L8I) ureqtuegq8noql peuuu ueeq ,{lsnol,rerd e,ruq sarceds aerql uuolor1prre €IlP.qsnYqlnos olpalcv$arsr?lpau.talrl ' PUEsrIEIsnYuelseii\Jolse.it\-qtnos eqlol clulepuearEueJ 'e:eqpazluEoce: salcads ue,rale qlr.t ell€rsnv ueqtnosol rurepuesnua8 s syJg'dr1so:;alp7 uo!|JnpoJluI 'snueE eqt ;o ,{Eolocapuu snl?ls uoq?Aresuocaql uo 's[et 'J1'doauotr ') ep€uraJ? saloN ExElII€ JoJpepr^oJd ere sduu uognqrnslp pu? suopensn go edflo1ca1 aql uo epuur or€ selou puz sslaJd oto(1puot? , JoJ petJeles sr ed,{1o1ca1y 'efl?'tlsnv 'llelJEg .] uelsai[ Jo lse^\-qlnoseql uo.g serrads,trau se paquJsepeJE U ? uoxrc i[ ) '.ld 'uoxrq '-ld 'J ououtDuSldD pue'uoxrq A\') ? lte:reg st.ttstllDdO iN') n t;Larl'eg eswqo 'uoxlq'lA)? '14 alj€g 14 o.n8ol.tou?'uoxrq A{ ) T Ue.ueg fttaqBntl ?'uoxrq i[) -I 'J',taq8re) .I '.&eq8re) T llar€g d Dpfdqq srtrr2t8 O'lleljeg U ? uoxro ld ) Duoauhotq plsot?apC ''Jg 'd pazluSooeraJe sarreds ue^ele plsopalpC snue8 ueq?Isnv uJaqlnosaql Jo 'ErIEJlsnV uolsl^er slql uI ( I00Z) 8tt- I I t :(€)g1ots7fu1'1 uralsei[ lsa/$-qlnosuro{ poquJsepserceds 'uoxr( '.I ,nau1q8ra q1r,,r (eeece\se1oelz))olsotcalag snua8 aql;o uorsr^arV i[') puE U lleupg lJEJlsqV cll!4snv uolsey'A9009 qued lso/A 'ueplEC 'uolsl^l( ',{ttroq]nv aruEtogpuv IJ?d s8u!) orualcs lueld q.|?d pu? suepivCrruulog .I ,uoxrq 11,{a1s8urypu€ reJJ€g essng BrrPrlsnYuralsaM lse^{-qlnosuo4 paqlrrsapse.rrads ^{au lq8Ja qtl^r (euerersulJaluJ)olsrycalDJ snlI.a8 aqlJo uols!^er V I tt (1002)8tt-ttt:(€)€ I ,rs,,{rN N,ryrstaVol. 13, No. 3 (2001) charactersused by earlierauthors. This paperdraws attention to five taxawhich are recognized as prioritytaxa for conservation,as well asone Gazetted Rare species, and a furthervariety which has a limiteddistribution, and provides information on theecology of the genus. Methods Descriptionswere made primarily from freshmatedal, supplemented with measurementsfrom herbariumspecimens to ensurethe full rangeof variationwas recorded. Illustrations were prepared from voucheredfresh material or herbariumspecimens. All taxahave been seen in thefield with the exceptionof C intermedia. Terminologywhere appropriate follows McCusker ( 1999).Bractmeasurements aretaken from t}te four innermostbracts. Leaf laminameasurements were made only from branchletleaves as stem leavescan be considerablylarger and vary with stemage. Themain characters used to separatespecies were: presence or absenceof a distinctunderground rhizome;presence of stilt roots;vigour of basalsprouting; angle of matureleaves; leaf lamina shape andindumentum; bract shucture and shape; perianth texture and coloration; anther shape, size and colour;staminal filament length. All specimensheld atBM, CANB,KPBG, PERTH, and UWA atJuly1999 havebeen examined as well as substantialcollections on loanfrom L andMEL. All specimenscollected by J.C.Anway, previouslycited as being held at UWA (Anway 1969),are now at PERTHand have been examined. Furthercollections were made from June to December1999. A completelist ofspecimensexamined is heldat KPBG. Mapswere created using ArcView 3.0 using a combination oflocality data sourced from examined herbariumvouchers, (Western Australian Herbarium 1999, MEL database)and field collections.All specimensexamined with accuratelocality data have been included in the distdbutionmaps. Noteson thegenus Ecology Calectqsia speciesoccupy a variety of habitats,occasionally in seasonallyswampy areas,usually low heathon sandover latedte or graniteor in low woodland on sand. C. browneana,C' hispida and C- narragara are sympatricin kwongan vegetationnear Badgingarta. C. cyaneais restrictedto near- coastalheath on sandover lateritein the Albany region. C. gracilis andC. obrasaare sympatric in low kwongan near Cape Riche with C. gracilis flowering later than C. obtusa. C. grandiflora (lype vatiant) andC. narragara aresympatric in severallocations on theS wan Coastalplain, C. grandiflorafloweing considerablylater than C. narragara. C. intermedia occursin woodland andheath in eastemVictoria and westernSouth Australia. C keigheryi occvs inkwongan in the FitzgeraldRiver National Park ontlle southcoastofWestem Australia. C.palustris is restrictedto seasonallywet areasor swamplands in the Jurien-Coorowregiorr- C.pignqttiu?c isrestrictedto yellow sandlensesinthecental wheatbelt. 'sluala aJguee.rleq pecnpoJd sl peoseJnsuo ol lueua8eu€urarg InJJJ€J 'osntqo 'C 'slllcDr8 'J 'oauotJ 'J Sqrlnber srepeeselutgqo gu am ouo!1tDu8ldJ pw s.utsryDd? 'DuDau!$olq'C 't?eJrp 'uox€l elplPeulturou rapunpue pua:dsepr^l aJ? exll JrI Jo repuEureJarll qcee ropunpatsrl eJ? seuoSelecuope,r:esuoc (t66I ) NCnI pu?hl'M lJ?d l?uorlsNro^rd pleje8zltdarl uI suop?coleeJql uro4 ,(po umoul sr3&a13ra1 ? uI?IdtPlssoJ uE.rs aw uo uopnqlnslpPetru{l fte^ B sEq(tuEuu^ edft) otoifrpuotS'3 seNeseJeplstno Jncco suolpFdod lsouJ pu? eJg ol e^rlrsuesaI? 'suogepdodr'ra; uror; u.trourlare .{eql se uop?^Josuoc JoJ seroods ftpopd supenuSo Jeram sutsnpd ') ptmDsnjqo 'J'oauD(J 'C 'ouDauorq'J'e]J.serltJoBuru:nqluenbar;;o11nse:use.(1a111tsolx'6661 u1s1ueld 69 ue4 sselol S66I ur peJpunqpre^as uro{ sJequrnuur peurlcap,{puecgruErs suq,(trpcol ed,{1eql 1euopelndod reqloue pu? 'elrs euo 18Surtrarns 1ue1d euo ,{IIo qlr,{\ paJe8uupue,{flutlluJ '('sut 'C s1selceds srq; nppu.to ? se(866I) 7r ta uaoJg) ?JoldeJ?U pejElceq sl ?ao!trpu8!d uollBArasuoJ 'suogducsep '3 sercadsl€npr^rpul repun pel1c ere sueurlcads :e\a.lj.o| lo?uDKr3 sel o.to[1puo.t8 'lDauDh 'c Jo lrrplre^ ueqlBar{.irreqt roJ 9€ = uz sprosar(t86I) /..l;eq?iLel 2 s2 llef DrDSottDu pvz Dlpawaau!'O'olfrpuot82lo1uermt'1s?ocqlnoseql'sfltr2.r83:ogg1=ugsprocer(696I)feauv ,€olot,(J 'rll€dur,(s uauo eJ?pu€ uollnqFtslp J?llrlls ? e^?q ow8aln^ 'J pw uoLfipuor8 ') '(886I seuof) ulellsnv uretseiAur sdno.r8plqcJo reqto fwu roJ polDl$sod,(1ep1,n ueeq seq qcg,ar'ficyuJurI?Jog;o esecu a1ec1pu1.{uru (666I alJeqeH) xedz urun1oc,no11e,{lq8uqe qlr,trsEuumru pale8epu,rpu€ ueeqsluacseplJl ue q1m qlueped,peduqs-re1s, reln8er u seqqclq,,r\ (eEecEprqJJO) ' 'd enw (lpuq) rroBayD^D.tiluqalLJoeso\tot0lo$puDt3tJo sre,{olJJoacuslquaseJ esolJ 'ro1eu111ode qcns lce.TllE ol Jelcauou e^Eqpue urnsso4 dauo11 e golqEra,n aq goddnsot qanouoAuoJts lou er€stuBldDlso]..a1,,J 'po^Jesqo uoeqpeq(snptsot sadrsJDJ)\tnssod ,{euoH eW Fq uon?uqlodlErll(9661)d:opueplol6uopeseq(L66D'1/',tau1'l'orguluodarsnoauouaueslareq;'serod ror u?eql ss lq8leq eumse\t'$Su6q0rolli.puat p gosuourrceds,{reJ ? ,{Iuo r l,!\'sror{luBeqtSupeerxe sa1f1speq peur.rmxesueurlcads lsorx Ja^e^{oq'saJod reqlu? eql qll^{ Ia^el eq o1se qcnssr q13ua1 'pepullod-glos el&sleql sopls osl8 ,{e,truy ,{llErurousr rlsrr:ap31eq1Eu1pn1cuoc'sreaou pouedoun u1 sunr8 ue11odSupeuJuue8 spJoJeJ puu slseqlw ol :or:d peqs ,(pueruddese,n ua11odlsq punoJ (696I),ft,r\uv'olsotxaloJolecuplqtlJesarlelrg:ednsereeqqclq.r;oselcedseruos'(l86Iuourfs) 's:ad (eeeJeu?los)unuops ur s? ( uuroc ,{req8ra;19) peleuyllod-zznqere sercads otsDtrapC f,8o1ogquopruryod '(eeeceJne.1)selceds aqt(ssn3 ,{q pesplsered,{pouruoc eru salcedsplsot?apJ '(r861ua^urJ) Ipunq1os roJ pees eql Suruotrsodpue tursredsrp roJ soJrlop fcue,(onq se e,ruqeq flrepurrs soc,{pc 1ua1s1s:edeq1 a:eq.tr (eeecey(V{) xytqo7 o1rupurs sr ,{EaleqssHI pelJnqsl paeseql qJrqa le qldep 'eqnl eqlSurtEln8ar aqtol 006le trsseqol qtueued aqtr acueqrnlsrpJo {slr eqtasru4uru,(puenbesqns puees€e e^q?ler WI,t puuseql elu4euedot aq$ aql s^\olleqcq.tr spre,ndnEurcug s4uq g;ps qtrm xedu lue8unds suqaqnl qlueged eq1 's1ue1dSurpunor:ns lsuJu8u palrsodap peNasqo ueeq e^uq sre^\og ualp;go serlpuunba8rel purn ,{q pelnqlrlsrpsr qcq,r 'qlueuedeql urqr,n paurylorer? spees eql 'uoxlo ttt selcads^\eu tqSo q]I* otso|caln) snue8 eqt Jo uolsl^ar V A\) pue neJleg -I d 414 XallJi,avol. 13, No. 3 (2001) Wills (1993,pers. comm.) studied the effectsof dieback(Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands) on Dasypogonaceaesens. /ar. in theStirling Ranges and found that cqlectasiL plants wele restricted in theirgrowth, but not killed, whileDasypogon bromelifolius R. Br. waskilled. While no voucher specimenswere collected, this study probably refels to C. I randiflora(sortth coast variant), the most common taxon in the Stirling Range. Further study should be made to determinethe effects of P. cinnamomior stilt-rootedspecies. All stilGrootedspecies are thought to bekilled by fire. Hundredsof seedlingshave been observed of C. gracilis(G.Keighery pers. comm.) and C. pignattiana (Brown et al l998) followingfire, while all adultplantshadbeen killed. Ittakes(2)3-5 or more years for thesespecies to flower and presumably
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