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Sutra of Remembering the Three Jewels 3 À .ß$-ýë-#<ß0-ý7Ü-0+ëÊ 2. The Three-Part Sutra: Confession Before the Thirty-Five Buddhas 9 Á ₫Ü-/;#<Ê 3. A General Confession 15  »Ó`7Ü-{:-ýë-:-#<ë:-/-7+è/<-ýÊ 4. Prayer to the King of the Shākyas 21 à +ý:-Q,-<-þ7Ü-#ë$-0-F0-M-<ë#<-v-0-/{æ+-ý-:-#<ë:-/-7+è/<-ý-¶¦$-#<:Ê 5. Prayers of the Five Founders and the Lamas of the Lineage 27 Åþ/<-0#ë,-Å#ë$-0-/+#-&è,-9Ü,-ýë-&è7Ü-f³9-7eë,-#<ë:-7+è/<Ê Supplication to Phuntsok Phodrang Refuge Protector Dagchen Dorjéchang 35 Åþ/<-Bè-/%ë-/{+-hÜ-9Ü,-ýë-&è7Ü-f³9-7eë,-#<ë:-7+è/<Ê A Supplication to the Lord of Lamas, Chogye Trichen 39 Ä #,<-/D,-d#-0&ë+Ê 6. An Abridged Puja of Homage and Offerings to the Sthaviras 45 Å I-/7Ü-v-0-:-#<ë:-7+è/<Ê 7. Prayer to the Root Lama 63 Å#ë$-<-Åþ/<-0#ë,-&è,-ýë-0&ë#-#Ü-5/<-/D,-#<ë:-7+è/<Ê Long Life Prayer for His Holiness The Dalai Lama 67 vi vi vii +!9-&# Table of Contents Wë,-uè$-Ê Preface iii ;Ü<-/Bë+Ê Words of Aspiration v +!9-&# Table of Contents vii Monlam Aspiration Prayer by HH Sakya Gongma Trichen Rinpoche ix Monlam Aspiration Prayer by HH Sakya Trizin Ratna Vajra Rinpoche xi ¿ +!ë,-0&ë#-Bè<-l,-bÜ-0+ëÊ 1. Sutra of Remembering the Three Jewels 3 À .ß$-ýë-#<ß0-ý7Ü-0+ëÊ 2. The Three-Part Sutra: Confession Before the Thirty-Five Buddhas 9 Á ₫Ü-/;#<Ê 3. A General Confession 15  »Ó`7Ü-{:-ýë-:-#<ë:-/-7+è/<-ýÊ 4. Prayer to the King of the Shākyas 21 à +ý:-Q,-<-þ7Ü-#ë$-0-F0-M-<ë#<-v-0-/{æ+-ý-:-#<ë:-/-7+è/<-ý-¶¦$-#<:Ê 5. Prayers of the Five Founders and the Lamas of the Lineage 27 Åþ/<-0#ë,-Å#ë$-0-/+#-&è,-9Ü,-ýë-&è7Ü-f³9-7eë,-#<ë:-7+è/<Ê Supplication to Phuntsok Phodrang Refuge Protector Dagchen Dorjéchang 35 Åþ/<-Bè-/%ë-/{+-hÜ-9Ü,-ýë-&è7Ü-f³9-7eë,-#<ë:-7+è/<Ê A Supplication to the Lord of Lamas, Chogye Trichen 39 Ä #,<-/D,-d#-0&ë+Ê 6. An Abridged Puja of Homage and Offerings to the Sthaviras 45 Å I-/7Ü-v-0-:-#<ë:-7+è/<Ê 7. Prayer to the Root Lama 63 Å#ë$-<-Åþ/<-0#ë,-&è,-ýë-0&ë#-#Ü-5/<-/D,-#<ë:-7+è/<Ê Long Life Prayer for His Holiness The Dalai Lama 67 vi vii vii Åþ/<-0#ë,-Å#ë$-0-hÜ-&è,-Eë-Bè-7&$-#Ü-5/<-/D,Ê Long Life Prayer for His Holiness the Sakya Trichen 73 Åþ/<-0#ë,-Å#ë$-0-hÜ-73Ý,-9 -/ -9Ü,-ýë-&è7Ü-5/<-/D,Ê Long Life Prayer for His Holiness* ‰ Sakya Trizin Ratna Vajra Rinpoche 77 Åþ/<-Bè-;9-&è,-tä-QÜ$-0",-&è,-9Ü,-ýë-&è7Ü-5/<-/D,Ê Long Life Prayer for His Eminence Luding Khenchen Rinpoche 81 Æ 7.#<-ý-7'0-+ý:-bÜ-02,-8$-+#-ý9-/Bë+-ýÊ 8. Litany of the Epithets of Mañjuśrī Preliminaries: Refuge and Praise 87 Main Text 89 Concluding Prayer 120 Aspiration Prayer by HH Sakya Gongma Trichen Rinpoche Ç 7.#<-ý-/6$-ýë-₫ë+-ý7Ü-^ë,-:0-bÜ-{:-ýëÊ 9. Aspiration of Samantabhadra 123 ÉÊ Êe$-/{æ+->-9Ü9-^ë,-:0-2ì#<-ý7Ü-+#è<Ê Ê{:-/Y,-₫Ü-eè7Ü-/Y,-ý- ¿¾ w-/-…ë,-0è7Ü-0+ë-:<-#<ß$<-ý7Ü-/Y,-ý-{<-ý7Ü-/+è,-2Ý# 10. The Moon Lamp Sutra - True words from teachings to spread the Dharma 137 9/-{<-,<Ê Ê8$<-ý7Ü-7'Ü#-Dè,-"0<-`Ü-<è0<-%,-´¥,Ê ÊJë#<-Q,-5Ü-/+è7Ü- ¿¿ /Iè-&è,-{:-/7Ü-/Y,-7/9-0-/Z¨<-ýÊ +ý:-:-₫ë+-b²9-%Ü# Ê%è<-ý-7+Ü-8$-e$>-9Ü7Ü-^ë,-:0-2ì#<-ý<-#ë-…Ü#-7ë#-7'Ü#- 11. Blazing Doctrine of Tsechen, the Conqueror 141 Dè,-5Ü-/+è7Ü-y+-,Ü7ß-8ë!-·¦-^ë,-:0-&è,-0ë-2ì#<-ý7Ü-+#è-I-/Wë-/7Ü-^ë,-2Ý#-%Ü#-+#ë<- ¿À 7+Ü9-0#ë,-ýë-&è-&±$-:-0&ë+-#)ë9-7/ß:-2±:-7aè9-/+èÊ 12. Torma Offering to the Protectors to Bring Bliss 143 5è<-/U¨:-0-03+-ý-/5Ü,-¸¥-b²9-%Ü# Ê ¿Á 7+ë+-#<ë:-7ië-:-/+è-þÜ+-0Ê 13. Dedication - Wishes and Prayers for the Joy and 149 Hereby in North America, through our congregating and making aspirations, Happiness of Wandering Beings May all the common and special teachings of Buddha flourish without boundaries; May all sentient beings in the countless worlds Happily enjoy the serene, blissful peace just like in the Golden Ages. Acknowledgements 157 Fulfilling the request for the North American Sakya Monlam, the great prayer festival for peace and prosperity, this verse of dedicating merit is written by His Holiness Sakya Trichen Dorjechang. May this be accomplished! viii viii ix Åþ/<-0#ë,-Å#ë$-0-hÜ-&è,-Eë-Bè-7&$-#Ü-5/<-/D,Ê Long Life Prayer for His Holiness the Sakya Trichen 73 Åþ/<-0#ë,-Å#ë$-0-hÜ-73Ý,-9 -/ -9Ü,-ýë-&è7Ü-5/<-/D,Ê Long Life Prayer for His Holiness* ‰ Sakya Trizin Ratna Vajra Rinpoche 77 Åþ/<-Bè-;9-&è,-tä-QÜ$-0",-&è,-9Ü,-ýë-&è7Ü-5/<-/D,Ê Long Life Prayer for His Eminence Luding Khenchen Rinpoche 81 Æ 7.#<-ý-7'0-+ý:-bÜ-02,-8$-+#-ý9-/Bë+-ýÊ 8. Litany of the Epithets of Mañjuśrī Preliminaries: Refuge and Praise 87 Main Text 89 Concluding Prayer 120 Aspiration Prayer by HH Sakya Gongma Trichen Rinpoche Ç 7.#<-ý-/6$-ýë-₫ë+-ý7Ü-^ë,-:0-bÜ-{:-ýëÊ 9. Aspiration of Samantabhadra 123 ÉÊ Êe$-/{æ+->-9Ü9-^ë,-:0-2ì#<-ý7Ü-+#è<Ê Ê{:-/Y,-₫Ü-eè7Ü-/Y,-ý- ¿¾ w-/-…ë,-0è7Ü-0+ë-:<-#<ß$<-ý7Ü-/Y,-ý-{<-ý7Ü-/+è,-2Ý# 10. The Moon Lamp Sutra - True words from teachings to spread the Dharma 137 9/-{<-,<Ê Ê8$<-ý7Ü-7'Ü#-Dè,-"0<-`Ü-<è0<-%,-´¥,Ê ÊJë#<-Q,-5Ü-/+è7Ü- ¿¿ /Iè-&è,-{:-/7Ü-/Y,-7/9-0-/Z¨<-ýÊ +ý:-:-₫ë+-b²9-%Ü# Ê%è<-ý-7+Ü-8$-e$>-9Ü7Ü-^ë,-:0-2ì#<-ý<-#ë-…Ü#-7ë#-7'Ü#- 11. Blazing Doctrine of Tsechen, the Conqueror 141 Dè,-5Ü-/+è7Ü-y+-,Ü7ß-8ë!-·¦-^ë,-:0-&è,-0ë-2ì#<-ý7Ü-+#è-I-/Wë-/7Ü-^ë,-2Ý#-%Ü#-+#ë<- ¿À 7+Ü9-0#ë,-ýë-&è-&±$-:-0&ë+-#)ë9-7/ß:-2±:-7aè9-/+èÊ 12. Torma Offering to the Protectors to Bring Bliss 143 5è<-/U¨:-0-03+-ý-/5Ü,-¸¥-b²9-%Ü# Ê ¿Á 7+ë+-#<ë:-7ië-:-/+è-þÜ+-0Ê 13. Dedication - Wishes and Prayers for the Joy and 149 Hereby in North America, through our congregating and making aspirations, Happiness of Wandering Beings May all the common and special teachings of Buddha flourish without boundaries; May all sentient beings in the countless worlds Happily enjoy the serene, blissful peace just like in the Golden Ages. Acknowledgements 157 Fulfilling the request for the North American Sakya Monlam, the great prayer festival for peace and prosperity, this verse of dedicating merit is written by His Holiness Sakya Trichen Dorjechang. May this be accomplished! viii ix ix x x Aspiration Prayer by HH Sakya Trizin Ratna Vajra Rinpoche ÉÊ Ê/6$-₫ë+-^ë,-:0-/)ë,-ý7Ü-F0-+!9-+#è<Ê Ê*ß/-/Y,-9Ü,-&è,- dë#<-0*9-a/-b²9-)èÊ Ê7'Ü#-Dè,-"0<-`Ü-7ië-/-0-:ß<-ýÊ Ê.,-+$-/+è- /7Ü-+ý:-:-₫ë+-ý9-;ë# Ê%è<-ý-7+Ü-8$-e$->-9Ü7Ü-+ý:-<-þ7Ü-^ë,-:0- 2ì#<-ý7Ü-{æ,-:<-`Ü<-9è-/U¨:-P9-I-e$-&±/-·¦-/Wë-/7Ü-^ë,-2Ý#-<-þ- hÜ-73Ý,-ý<- À¾¿Å dÜ-w- à 2é<- Æ (Ü,-‚9-/7ëÊ Ê Through this pure virtue of recollecting the Bhadracarī Aspiration, May the precious jewel of the teachings of Śākyamuni pervade all the directions; May all the transmigratory beings in the universes, without exception, Freely enjoy the graceful glory of well-being and happiness.
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