School NewspaperDISPATCH“The beacon of truth since 1974” ISSUE I, VOLUME 48 HUNTINGTON HIGH SCHOOL OAKWOOD AND MCKAY ROADS HUNTINGTON, NY 11743 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: 2018 OP-ED Freshman Year: The Best Type of Storm 2 The Dress Code: Safe or Discriminato- ry? 3 Proof That More Must Be Done for Survivors 4 Image from The Weekly Standard Justcie for Kavahaugh 5 PROOF THAT MORE The UN General Assembly: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, And What It MUST BE DONE FOR JUSTICE FOR Means for the United States 6 Sexual Harassment and Assualt Is Still SURVIVORS KAVANAUGH A Problem, Guys. 7-9 NATALIE MCANN CRAIG HAAS SCHOOL NEWS Interact Club Earns Their Way to “We The past month has been a Justice for Kavanaugh, you Day” Again! 9 rollercoaster of emotions for ev- read the title correct. Despite eryone in the United States, Demo- weeks of allegations, Mr. Brett Ka- crat or Republican, Male or Female, vanaugh was named the 114th Su- SEASONAL Black or White, Gay or Straight, preme Court Justice of The United Cisgender or Transgender, and ev- States. The History of Halloween 12 eryone in between any of those After months of Democrat- Attention: Enjoy Fall While You Still categories. I just wanted to begin ic officials attempting to block Can! 12-13 by saying, my heart is out to every Brett Kavanagh’s confirmation single survivor across every con- with claims that he didn’t rep- tinent. It hurts seeing the people resent the people or was too-far ENTERTAINMENT closest to me and those who I have right, information was released in never even met recount their tales early September which stated that Gaining The Light: A Destiny 2 Cam- of assault and abuse and it’s even Mr. Kavanaugh reportedly sexu- paign-Mode Review 13-14 harder for me to see those who ally assaulted a woman from high will continue to say silent. There is school at a party in the summer of SPORTS absolutely nothing wrong with not 1982. “Victim,” Christine Blasey telling anyone about your experi- Ford “accused Kavanaugh of pin- Fantasy Football Sleepers, Starters, ence, because it’s traumatic or you ning her to a bed, trying to take and Busts 14-15 aren’t ready, I really understand; off her clothes and covering her I am a survivor of lifelong abuse mouth when she tried to scream myself and it’s hard to tell even for help” (Time). Immediately af- POP CULTURE those closest to me about it. How- ter, two other women spoke out The Culture: Nicki vs. Cardi 15-16 ever, when you will not come out with claims that they were also sex- with your experience because you ually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh see abusers all over the media get- back in high school. ting away with what they’ve done Following the claims, both due to superiority of race, gender, Brett Kavanaugh and his family sexuality, class, or their position faced death threats from people of power, it’s beyond devastating. across the country while Chris- With that being said, I will leave the tine Blasey Ford was glorified as a national sexual assault hotline, na- brave and courageous woman for tional domestic abuse hotline, and speaking out against Kavanaugh. national suicide... CONTINUED ON On Thursday... CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 PAGE 5 The Dispatch 2 Fall 2018 Dispatch FRESHMAN YEAR: THE BEST TYPE OF STORM ERIN YE CO-EDITORS-IN-CHIEF KERRIE JOYCE See those children, barely completely whiplashed me in the HANNAH BAILIN above the height of 5 feet, sprint- face. I was lucky to have at least ing down the hallway with back- gotten my summer reading done packs larger than themselves and early, but I was still pounded in LAYOUT EDITOR pensive expressions of worry on the gut with more work than I’d HANNAH BAILIN their faces? Those are the fresh- ever singlehandedly witnessed in men. We can’t help ourselves be- one sitting. I had to learn to be cause we’re just so excited to be up self-reliant, to manage my time CONTRIBUTING STAFF at the high school, so completely better, to walk on my own with- CASSADY CASABONS, CHRISTIAN BELLISSIMO, terrified of the senior whom we out the extended hand of an COLETTE BARRON, CRAIG HAAS, DOMINICK accidentally collided with on our adult. Quizzes and tests, clubs STANLEY, ERIN YE, FINN MALONE, JAMES way from second to third period. and sports, getting to class on KRETSCHEMER, JULIA GILES, KIARA GELBMAN, We’re trying very hard not to look time without breaking my leg. It KEVIN O’DONNELL, LUCAS KELLY, LUKE like maniacal infants, we swear. A was all an adjustment that caught FARRELL, MELISA TORRES, NATALIE MCCANN, SHAYE O’BEIRNE lot of change takes place in the me off guard, yet I was still grate- first few weeks, so forgive us for ful that I was there. the mess we’re sure that we’ve Why? People dress the way ADVISORS made. they want to here. My classes were MS. AIMEE ANTORINO, MR. EDWARD FLOREA, AND Back in middle school, I saw slightly overwhelming at first, but MR. STEVEN KROLL nearly everybody in my grade on the support and kindness that a day-to-day basis. We all lived on came my way were even more as- the same floor, so rumors spread tounding. I love to learn and I love like wildfires, and 374 pairs of that I get the chance to pave my judgy eyes were open at all times. own path. There’s no need for a For the most part, I could name box to conform to when you just The Dispatch is Huntington High School’s official every person the same age as don’t fit. Courses like Science Re- student publication. Written for over 1500 students myself. We all dressed similarly, search have given me the chance attending HHS, The Dispatch is distributed to all stu- dents, staff and school community members at the probably out of fear that we’d re- to explore my own passions; I’ve school free of charge. ceive fake smiles and those whis- probably joined too many clubs at The Editorial Board is the newspaper’s decision-mak- pers that soon turned into roars this point but I’ll figure it out as ing body, organizing and directing its operation. The if we were any little bit differ- I go. I’ve met people who share Dispatch staff has adopted the following editorial pol- icy to express the rights, responsibilities and philoso- ent. Being 13 years old is truly my interests and people who ab- phy of the newspaper for the 2018-2019 school year. a time of self-loathing and inse- solutely don’t, but whom I’ve be- curity, which likely fueled all of friended anyway. Yes, I am 100% The Dispatch of Huntington High School is a public forum, with its student editorial board making all de- the closed-in anger that resulted drowning in everything that has cisions concerning its content. Unsigned editorials ex- in shrewdness toward our peers. entered my life, but at the same press the views of the majority of the editorial board. I heard someone say “I can’t wait time, I’m soaring above it all. Letters to the editor are welcomed and will be pub- for high school” at least once a I hope that in June 2022, lished as space allows. Letters are preferred signed, but may be published by request. The Editorial Board day, sighing and expressing the right as I graduate and prepare reserves the right to edit letters for grammar and clari- somewhat sadness we all felt in- to leave all that I’ve known, I’m ty, and all letters are subject to laws governing obscen- ity, libel, privacy, and disruption of the school process, side. reminded of the overly-excited as are all contents of the paper. Questions, comments, That’s why being a freshman freshman who walked into the and letters to the editor should be sent electronically to [email protected] or submitted to The Dispatch is so exhilarating: anything seems building for the first time with mailbox located in the main office. better than middle school. A light in her eyes and a trembling Opinions in letters are not necessarily those of the staff, school of 1600+ students means smile. As of right now, I’m an an- nor should any opinion expressed in a public forum be you can hide or lead if you want noying ninth grader who in every construed as the opinion of the administration, unless so attributed. to, and whoever you want to be is way has too much piled onto her exactly who you get to be. High plate, but I think it’s only fitting The Dispatch’s goal is to provide readers with inter- esting content in a wide variety of areas. Such areas school means growing up, finding that I do so. Next time you see include the news coverage of school and community your people, having the little bit one of us jetting through the halls events, as well as features on relevent topics. In addi- tion, The Dispatch will provide opinionated editorials of extra freedom in the fact that with giant anvils on our backs, on controversial topics, as well as provide previews our water bottles can sit on our do remember the time when you and reviews for upcoming school and professional sports seasons and other forms of entertainment. desks without being confiscated.
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