The Best Full-Day 1 Tours COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL 005_676363-ch01.indd5_676363-ch01.indd 7 66/17/10/17/10 99:55:55 PMPM 005_676363-ch01.indd 8 5 _ 6 7 6 3 6 3 - c h 0 1 D . e i r n e d c E h l d - M Y e a r d i 8 h 8 a o n a The Best Full-Day Tours Es- Previous page:WalkingalongtheWesternWallshafts. The Bestin BBu DDamascusamascus MMawlawiyaawlawiya hiya u SSalahiyaala r Laqlaq 0 1/10 mi MMuslimuslim SSheikhheikh MosqueMosque L GGateate a 8 a EEl-Hamr iy q Church w l CCemeteryemetery LLu’luu’lu la - aw H l -MMawlawiya a EEl-l a h heik q 0 0.1 km MMosqueosque m SSheikh san MMOUNTOUSynagogueNT OOFF r HHasana EEl- SSheikhh a l- bz eik JJabza h RRihan LLion’sion’s GGateate OOLIVESLIVES E ihan Mosque l- SSuq Khanes-Zeit ((St.St. SStephen’stephen’s Gate)Gate) K u a q SShivtei Yisra’el n AAl-Wad h K l a -W i y h v e e a a t s s d e n NNotreotre DDameame sa i e o a 34 lor iyay Y CCHRISTIANHRISTIAN o r s ia D su i - VVia Dolorosa n s CChurchhurch & CCenterenter Z ansuria a M r m - i t e l a n QQUARTERUARTER EEl-M a u i ’ t e h T a l- l tz a -Ru EEl-Tuta NNewew HHatzahanim Er sul 5 sa One Day oloro GGateate EEthiopianthiopian VViaia DDolorosa FFrenchrench N e TTerraerra PPatriarchateatriarchate HHospitalospital w qa han AAl- GGoldenolden G SSanctaancta CChristian Quarter Rd. l-K EEl-Khanqa l a a - h iy q WWad Roa t t. 37 t-Ta DDomeome e cis S r EEt-Taqiya GGateate an i a S t. Fr s SSt. Francis St. d t t ooff tthehe RRockock i HHolyoly . a 6 ek d R R n C re te o GGreek SSepulcherepulcher a a a sa h Q rc d N ria u -Saraya t a EEs-Sarayas o PPatriarchatea Rd. v r a t e 1 r The WesternTTombomb oofWallf e a r R ldiy SSt-D geg MMuristanuristan ha d e EEl-Hakari l-KKhaldiya t t r EEl- TTHEHE 2 JJehoshaphatehoshaphat - . l o e D - Western Wall shafts MMamilla JJa BBazaarazaar H am a P e illa f - iimitrim f t a TombTomb ofof a GeorG TTEMPLEEMPLE S Ro P i k R a t t 3 o t r a r i SSt The TempleAbsalomAbsal oMountm ad ia PPoolool ooff r r i MMOUNTOUNT ch in 2 a HHezekiahezekiah Chaina 3 34 te Street ooff the AustrianTombT oHospicemb ofof R ar 1 d q El-Bazaraz BeneBene HHezirezir . t. SSuqu El- DDavaviidd St.S 5 Via Dolorosa SSt-Markt-M TombTomb ooff ark d JJewewish 9 a 6 ZacharaiahZacharaiah JJaffaaffa GGateate o JJEWISHEWISH Church of the Holy Sepulcher R Armenian Patriarchate Rd Armenian Patriarchate A CCemeemetery DDerec r r TTif e m e i QQUARTERUARTER f 37 r CitadelCitadel t Y e Lina’s e r r e m t i e c i a s n t a l h r h Yeri y r u a i a OpelOpel e ’ a f a a ’ 8 o e Y l l Q o i n r l ’ Damascus Gate L M h e a a s AArarat h adacha Rd. r P a h ParkPark H s i i d H i ssquau s a ch h hho a q t 9 u O c o r Ha w e r Jaffa Gate r r y c DDavidsonavidson u e i r mes im e e h e a a ArtsArts andand J JJewish Quarter Road a D e Y r D u R CCenterenter c t 10 d CraftsCrafts LaneLane h SStt The Haas Promenade a k Beir El a . v la G i t a DDungung t e 113 M a a 10 113 RasRas El-El-Amud - l l R ’ Baba e H GGateate E d d MosquMosque 66/17/10 9:55PM eh / s 1 s Ma 7 tei / a 1 B 0 m 9 o al : h 5 as 5 h H ale P ’ Ma M D e r e c E h l - M Y e a r i d h a o n a Es- B Damascus Mawlawiya hiya u Sala r Muslim Sheikh Mosque L Gate a a E iy q w l Cemetery Lu’lu la - aw H l -M a El a h Mosque Sheik q m san MOUNT OF r Ha E Sh a l- bz eik Ja h R Lion’s Gate OLIVES E ihan l- S (St. Stephen’s Gate) K u a q S n A h K l a -W i y h v e a a t s d e n Notre Dame sa i e o a lor iy Y CHRISTIAN o r s ia D su i - V n s Church & Center Z a a M r m - i t e l a n QUARTER E a u i ’ t e h T a l- l tz a -Ru E New H Er sul sa oloro Gate Ethiopian Via D French N e Terra Patriarchate Hospital w qa han A Golden G Sancta C l-K E l a a - h iy q W t t. t-Ta Dome e cis S r E Gate an i a S t. Fr s S d t t of the Rock i Holy . a ek d R R n C re te o G Sepulcher a a a sa h Q rc d N ria u -Saraya t a Es o Pa v r a t e r Tomb of e a r R ldiy S g Muristan ha d e E l-K t t r E THE Jehoshaphat - . l o e D - M J Bazaar H am a P e illa f - im f t a Tomb of a G TEMPLE S P i k R a t t o t r a r i S Absalom ad ia Pool of r r i MOUNT ch in a Hezekiah Cha te Street of the Tomb of R ar d q El-Baz Bene Hezir . Su David St St-M Tomb of ark d Jewish a Zacharaiah Jaffa Gate o JEWISH R A Cemetery D r r T e m e i QUARTER f r Citadel t Y e e r r e m t i e c i a s n t a l h r h y r u a i a Opel e ’ a f a a ’ o e Y l l Q o i n r l ’ L M h e a a s A h a r P a h Park H s i i d H i s s a ch h h a q u t O c o r Ha w e r r r y c Davidson u e i r mes im e e h e a a Arts and J J a D e Y r 005_676363-ch01.indd 9 D u R Center c t 5 d Crafts Lane h St a k Beir El a . _ v la G i t a Dung t 6 e M a a Ras El-Amud - 7 l l R ’ e H Gate E 6 d d Mosque 3 6 3 h - se c as h M tei 0 Ba 1 . i n m d lo d a sh a H h 9 ’ale 1 Wall,” sinceJewsheremournthe has alsobeencalledthe“Wailing HaMa’aravi Known inHebrewas D walled city. ary outlookprovidingthemostcomprehensivepanoramaof New cities—beforeendingupattheHaasPromenade,station- form fromwhichtoviewandgainperspectiveofboththeOld Bus 99(seep15)isrecommendedasatravelingobservationplat- part oftheTempleMountreveredbyallthreereligions.CityTour and Muslims.WestartwiththeWesternWall,whichisanintegral lem isjustlyfamousasapilgrimagedestinationforJews,Christians, Men prayingattheWesternWall. a M water, nomatterwhattheseason. the tour.Takeahatanddrinking when youwanttobeattheendof fewer daylighthoursbeforesunset, two people.Inwintertime,thereare almost ascheappublictransitfor expensive thanrentingacarand between stopsonthistour—less Cabs arethewaytogoget Travel Tip ★★★ ay 1focusesalmostexclusivelyontheOldCity, contains mostofthehistoricandsacredsitesforwhichJerusa- The WesternWall. (orsimplytheKotel),it START: DungGate. HaKotel City wascontrolledbyJordan,Jews Mount. After1948,whentheOld wall thatstillsupportstheTemple nant ofthemonumentalretaining est ofJewishsites,asizablerem- loss oftheirTemple.Thisistheholi- hat orheadcovering;simpleones lected monthly.Menmustweara XVI [1927–]deliveredone)arecol- “messages toGod”(PopeBenedict crack betweenthestones;these tate, orstuffasmallnoteinto approach theWalltopray,medi- of allreligiousfaithsarewelcometo all religionsatholysites.Visitors to permitfreeaccessworshipfor since 1967,Israelipolicyhasbeen were deniedaccesstothissite; which One Day One The Best in in Best The 9 66/17/10 9:55PM / 1 7 / 1 0 9 : 5 5 P M 10 Full-Day Tours The Best The Al Aqsa Mosque at the Temple Mount. are available at no cost from a box seniors. Sun–Thurs 8am–dusk, Fri & beside the entrance to the prayer eve of festivals 7am–noon; closed area. Women should be modestly Sat & most Jewish holidays. Tours dressed. The right-hand section of can be arranged by making an the Wall Plaza is for women, who appointment with the Western Wall are not allowed in the men’s section Generations Center (y *5958, (as per Orthodox Jewish tradition); http://english.thekotel.org). however, a man and woman (or family) can pray together at the Wall on their respective sides of the bar- Travel Tip rier. Smoking is disrespectful in the The 4-digit phone number, pre- prayer area; no photography is per- ceded by a *, is a dialing shortcut mitted on the Sabbath and most that many companies provide for Jewish holidays. @ 1 hr. Free the convenience of their customers. admission. 2 ★★ Western Wall shafts. 3 ★★ The Temple Mount. The Wall is actually much deeper Israel has turned over control of the and longer than the part we can Temple Mount and its mosques to readily see today; for an idea of the the Muslim Religious Authority (the original, enter the doorway located Waqf), except for maintaining secu- between the men’s restrooms and rity.
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