u #>y- THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC 15 CTS. A COPY APRIL 28 $3.00 THE YEAR 1933 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Vho^ JOffice 4-5661 X-ray Expert Eye Glasses Projierly Fittsd |Residence 3-4041 Service at Moderate Prices DR. E. S. LUCAS J.BURKEJnc. Dentist Optometrist and Manufacturing Opticians 702 J. M. S. Building South Bend, Opposite Oliver Hotel Indiana Established 1900 228 S. Michigan St. OflBce Phone 3-3309 Res. Phone 5-1343 DR. B. A. KAMM DR. J. M. SINGLER Ear, Nose and Throat DR. E. A. PROBST Suite 526 Sherland Building Jefferson and Michigan D entists Hours (3jf^V'" to 5 p. m-. South Bend, Indiana Phone 3-1254 405 Associates Building Office Phone 3-2574 Corrective Shoes Dr. E. J. Cain Dr. H. H. Rogers Residence Phone 4-6354 DR. O. J. GRUNDY ROGERS Registered Podiatrist—Foot Ailments Eyesight Specialists 432-S4 Associates Bldg. South Bend,'lnd. Phone 4-8251 213 S. MichiganI Street (10 to 11;3 0 a. m. Hoars (2 to 4 p. m. FRANK J. POWERS, M. D. DR. H. BOYD-SNEE University Physician Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office at Hours: 716 J. M. S. Building South Bend, Indiana University Infirmary 12:30 p. m. to 4 p. m. SPACE BESERVED SPACE RESERVED A Seventy-five Cent Value for 39 Cents Start the season right with the new 1933 Cei-ti- of the hardest to cut. It is the kind of a ball fied Golf Ball. You will find it the equal of any the professional enjoys using because it is lively 75c ball on the market for distance, putting and true—and the average golfer because it accuracy and durability—and it costs you only stands up under punishment. Use Certified Golf 39c a saving of nearly 50 per cent. Balls this year. Buy them at your nearby Wal­ green Drug Store. Get a carton of three and The new Certified Ball—U.S.G.A. official size prove to your own satisfaction that although and weight—^is made to the highest standards you can pay more you can't buy a better all of quality. Created expressly for the Walgreen around golf ball. Company. Tests prove that it is one of the most perfectly balanced balls on the market and one One ball 39c 3 for 1.10 12 for 4.25 Peau - Doux Golf Balls Golden Crown Golf Balls These jjood Golf balls stand up well under For those who like an extra long driving ball, hard play. As good as any 50c golf ball. A we suggest the Golden Crown—the longest and real value at finest golf ball made 3 for 50 cents; 12 for $2.00 19c 3 for $1.30; 12 for $5.50 ONE HUNDRED-STURDY GOLF TEES-19c A PACKAGE WALGREEN'S DRUG STORE ^^c''Z:^ Two The Scholastic April 7, 1933 Three THE SCHOLASTIC is pub­ Entered as second-daas lished weekly at the Univere- matter at Notre Dame, In­ ity oi Notre Dame. Manu­ The Notre Dame Scholastic diana. Acceptance ior mail­ scripts may be addressed to ing at special rate of postage. THE SCHOLASTIC. Publi­ Disce Quasi Semper Victunis Vive Quasi Cras Moritunis Section 1103, October S. 1917, cations Office, Main Building. authorized June 25, 1918. FOUNDED 1865 EDMUND A. STBPHAN Editor-in-Chief JAMES S. KEAKNS Managing Editor Associate Editors Desk Editors Features Stag F. GRANGER WEIL WALTER JOHNSON PATRICK CORCORAN JOHN CONLEY JOHN D. PORTERFIELD...Ffatur^s Editor ROY SCHOLZ ROBERT DILLON T nmq MRTTRV vmvAwn T n-RwrpM LLOYD TESKE LESLIE RADDATZ LOUIb HKUBY EDWARD J. O BRIEN iTrrx^x.,, \,T>v,x^ • DepaHment Editors WILLIAM KENNEDY BRYAN DEGNAN AVILLIAM DRBUX fr.T/-.Tn^ -nmn-nc ^, -r.. TIGHE WOODS The Week PAUL DOYLE LOUIS GIRAGI Ar««,. Staff ^^^^« f™^r^ Theatre Mfc GEORGE LEYES JAMES FITZPATRICK News Staff ROGER McGOVERN Coaege Parade MITCHELL TACKLEY News Editor RICHARD PREZEBEL Staff Artist Business Staff JAMES BYKNE Assistant News Editor T^TTXT -O orrrvcrrrz-r TJV /^ j ._* >^ - „ • . <!;„„,*. «?»-.» JOHN F. STOECKLEY Oraduate Manager THOMAS PROOTOR.. .Assistant News Editor Sports Staff EDWARD MANSFIELD RICHARD TOBIN FRED MACBETH ALBERT L. MCGUFF J. ALBERT SMITH Advertising Manager JOSEPH BUCCI ROBERT ERVIN JAMES F. McKEON NICHOLAS CONNOR RAYMOND J. NABER.. .Circulation Manager FRANK ICELLY MICHAEL WIBDL JOHN CARBINE HOWARD WALDRON HARRY McGOWAN JOSEPH SIMON JAMES A. HART JOHN WALKER EDWARD VAN HUISSELING JOHN F. SWEENEY VOLUME LXVI. APRIL 28, 1933 No. 24 Golf team beats Loyola IbVz-^Yz in opener 22 SUMMARIES Interhall golf season to open Sunday 23 NEWS Splinters from the Press Bo.x 24 Notre Dame Debating Team Ends Season 5 Introducing Fran Murphy 25 Definite Plans For Breen Speech Medal Contest are An­ nounced 5 COMING EVENTS Burly Athletes Practice Skits, Dance Routines and FRIDAY, April 28.—SCHOLASTIC staff meeting, editorial Lines As "High Jinks" Nears Presentation. 6 board, 6:30 p. m.; News, sports, and feature staffs, Michael Leding Is Class of '33 Valedictorian 7 7:00 p. m.; Editorial offices, Ave Maria Building; or­ "Richelieu" Players Now Busy : 9 chestra rehearsal 6:45 p. m.. Music Hall. "Subpoenaed Ladies" Present Themselves To The Court At Lawyer's Ball Tonight 12 SATURDAY, April 29.—Track, Drake Relays at Des 1052 Notre Dame Men -Favor Thirty-Hour Working Moines, Iowa; Baseball, Purdue at Lafayette; Golf, Pur­ Week, As Result of Commerce Forum Survey 13 due at Lafayette; Tennis, Michigan State at East Lan­ Dean McCarthy Touring East; Interviews Prospective sing; Movie, 6:45 and 8:15 p. m., Washington Hall.- Students —- IT SUNDAY, April 30.—Masses, Sacred Heart Church, 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, and 9:00; Benediction for upperclassmen, FEATURES 7:00, for freshmen and students in Jlorrissey and St. Fisherman "Lefty" Douville Is Presented in "Man Edward's Halls, 7:30, Sacred Heart Church; Interhall About" This Week.. 8 Golf Season Opens; Interhall Baseball games. Church Collections, Badin's Lawn and Smith College MONDAY, May 1.—Preliminaries of Breen Medal Ora­ Share Honors In "Voice of The Campus" 9 torical Contest, Auditorium of Engineering Building, News of The Week ...-. 10 4:00 and 7:00 p. m.; Wrangler Meeting, 6:30 p. m.; A New Menace To International Comfort, Espionage, Is Law Building; Primaries of sophomore elections, gymna­ Discussed by Louis Hruby. '. 14 sium, 12:30 p. m.; Last day for submitting graduation Father Badin: His Fiftieth Anniversary, by George theses and Prize Essays; Orchestra Rehearsal, 6:45 Leyes .-— 15 p. m. Music Hall. Johnson Discusses The Business Cycle 16 TUESDAY, May 2.—Preliminaries of Breen Medal Ora­ Inmate Sings The Glory of Alumni By The Links 17 torical Contest, Auditorium of Engineering Building, SPORTS 4:00 and 7:00 p. m.; Baseball, Michigan State at East Lansing; Primaries of junior elections,- gymnasium, Baseball team loses first three games 20 • 12:30 p. m. Varsity comes back to turn tables on Alumni after drop­ ping first tilt of two-game series 20 WEDNESDAY, May 3.—Finals of Breen Medal Oratorical Several strong teams appear in opening of Interhall Contest, Auditorium of Engineering Building, 8:00 baseball season 21 p. m.; primaries of senior elections, gymnasium, 12:30 Nicholson takes relay teams, sprinters and high jumpers p. m. to Drake Relays 21 THURSDAY, May 4.—Monogram "High Jinks," Washing­ Tennis team beats Valpo 9-0 in first match 22 ton Hall, 8:15 p. m. Four The Scholastic By Tighe Woods oN E bad thing about returning from a vaca­ not being done to give agricultural students a tion four days late is the lack of interest shown little experimental work; it is to beautify your in the retelling of perfectly good escapades. The home. Even if you live in a tenement when you late arrival gets no further than, "That night are away from school, at least pretend that you after we left the Chicago Club dance . ," when know a garden can be something besides a plot of somebody bluntly cuts him short with the brief ground for raising radishes. but relentless statement that the gang heard all about that night three days ago, and the next night, and the next afternoon too. /~\ LOYAL Notre Dame rooter who knew little about football but a great deal about college men once said, "The Notre Dame student body is just T like hundreds of others I've seen, with one excep­ X HE interhall massacre is on again. This tion: they fight like the very devil when their time it is in playground baseball. Last Sunday team is behind." The Notre Dame baseball team afternoon every hall had a team of some sort out is in a slump but there is no more activity in the to win for dear Old Hall. The majority of the stands than at a Meadowbrook polo match, where games were close, and while a few nearly ended it is the "sporting" thing to stifle one's emotions. in riots, everybody had a good time. There are a Wliether on the gridiron or on the diamond, it's few suggestions which might be made though. still a Notre Dame team, and it is running be­ Playground ball is played all over the country, hind. Don't be so critical until you have at least but each section seems to have a few of its o^vn seen them play. rules. Sunday several contradictory regulations caused the umpires to beg for mercy. The ath­ letic department should post a set of official inter­ hall rules. A=.N YON E who does not think the student body is art conscious should drop into the library some time this week-end and see the Monogram Club art poster exhibit.
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